League of Legends of Battle System

v1 Chapter 658: Hunter is poisonous

The playback was over, and after watching it, Jerry was relieved.

That ’s right, the two skills of Panther Female hit all of them, and the damage never fell, even if there were two flashes, Rambo would die.

"Imagine now, how big is the shadow area in Rambo's heart?"

"It is estimated that I have the heart to die. I can be caught by the soldiers. How can this be played?"

"I've seen the q punishment of a blind monk, but the leopard woman's q punishment is the first time I've seen it."

"The leopard girl in hunter is really slippery, terrific!"

"Nonsense, the hero of Hunter is not great? I have never seen him make a mistake, this is the best place."

"If I had half the hunter's operation, how good would it be?"

The leopard girl took the blood. Although the audience learned the pictures at the time from the playback, some people still couldn't help cheering and feeling, while staring intently at the big screen, for fear of missing every next wonderful picture.

Here Zhang Huan, after taking down the blood, controlled the leopard girl to evacuate from the triangular grass and enter the river.

However, when he saw that Rambo's eye in the river channel was about to disappear, he had a plan in his mind.

The controlling leopard woman walked forward without stagnation, giving the ssg owner the illusion that she was rushing to the blue buff wild area.

But at the moment when the jewelry eye inserted by Rambo disappeared, he turned back into the grass of the upper road, then stuck the vision of the soldiers on the road, passed the road, and entered the grass in the middle of the road.

"Captain, do you still want a wave?" Seeing Zhang Huanbao's position, Liang Cong's eyes shone slightly and couldn't help asking.

"Well, Rambo transmitted immediately. He didn't flash. It shouldn't be hard to kill him again." Zhang Huan grinned, licked his lips, Liang Cong turned to see his expression, and his heart was cold, and he sympathized with Rambo.

"Well, there's an idea for this leopard girl's move!" Daviney gave a strange sound.

Brandon resolutely said: "Now after Rambo is resurrected, he is using the teleport to catch up to the line. He has no teleport. If the hunter's leopard girl can mark him in the grass, he is basically dead."

"Replaying old skills? I think it's a waste of time. Where would someone Lambout ..." Jerry was here, and he didn't say what he said, but when he couldn't think about it halfway, his thinking stopped. Instead, his eyes turned to one side, not looking at the big screen, his lips were slightly drawn.

In fact, both Daviney and Brandon are now watching the situation closely and no one pays attention to his expression.

Summoner Canyon, on the battlefield, saw that the teleportation tower had just arrived. After the line was launched, Rambo, who had replaced two soldiers, was again shot by the leopard girl in the grass with a q skill.

"Oh, nice! The hunter leopard girl's q skill angle is extremely tricky. She actually hit Rambo through the gap of the soldiers, which is awesome." Davidine exclaimed, just staring intently at the screen as an outsider. He naturally knows how hard it is to hit hunter's q skills.

Brandon was also amazed, "I was just joking, I didn't expect that hunter actually used q skills to hit Rambo, and within 20 seconds, ushered in the second death, Rambo will report to the police!"

Indeed, the ssg's last player is now black and hit by the leopard girl. Although he controlled the Rambo and evacuated quickly, the **** Kenan flashed forward and hit him for a while, letting his Rambo was dizzy and unable to move.

The script is different, but the history is surprisingly similar. After controlling the Rambo to escape from the tower and entering the tower, he saw the q skill spear turned by the leopard woman, like a commanding arrow, and shot at him crazy. .

It's inevitable, the ssg's top player is pale and stabbing!

After being severely attacked by q skills, Rambo accepted the death frankly, and fell to the ground!


Ssg's top player now feels awkward and wants to swear at his mother, and he takes a hard shot at the computer desk. His mood is extremely bad. If this is not the world stage, he will hit the keyboard.

"What happened to you and died again? How long has this been?"

Originally held Ritz against Kiran, thinking that he could be abused casually, but the stop on the opposite side is obviously not a simple player. Although the technology is not as good as himself, others know how to tolerate and don't play positive. Ways to show.

Feeling guilty, and now seeing Rambo twice in a short time, his tone immediately became unfriendly.

"I didn't expect that Leopard Girl would squat me twice, I thought she had just gone." Dead is dead, ssg's order is not sophistry, although it is greatly unhappy, but also admitted frankly.

"You're a wretched person, I'll help you!" A

"Forget it, you still don't come to help me. The hunter is poisonous. If he can't be squatted by him, I will completely collapse!" Ssg's order quickly refused.

Think about this too, saying something like, "It's up to you!"

Taking down the second head of Rambo, Zhang Huan's leopard girl successfully rose to the fourth level. In the cheers of the audience, he chose to retreat smartly.

Kainan played Rambo, which originally had the advantage of long hands. After Zhang Huan did this, the ssg order was mostly discarded in the first and middle stages. At least with Liang Cong's technology, Rambo could not hold his head. The situation on the road has been opened for the time being.

When he came to the river, there was no cricket. Zhang Huan ruthlessly killed this carefree crab, and after eating his own blue buff and toad, he chose to return to the city.

In this wave of returning to the city, Zhang Huan was rich and oily, with more than 1,500 pieces.

Thinking about it for a while, he first took out the minus cd shoes, and then bought a dark seal and a real eye, and the remaining money remained unchanged.

His outfit, it is clear that the violent gank flow in the early stage can withstand his attack, it depends on the strength of the ssg players, not hard enough.

Run out of the spring, control the leopard girl to brush down the f4 and rise to the fifth level.

Glancing at Lexel's position, his lips were tilted.

At this time, in the Rexa, after eating the toad, he almost reached the fifth level of experience. He came to the lower half of the river and found that the river crab has refreshed. Without hesitation, he aimed at the hand-bound chicken. Neutral creature.

After some beatings, the river crab was driven from the lower half of the river to the upper half, near the place of independent grass, but the blood volume also dropped to only two hundred.

Without punishment, Lexus could only fight with bare hands.


With a crisp sound, I saw a triangle mark on his forehead, and was shocked, but found that it was just a clip of the leopard girl's w skill, so feel relieved.

However, for the sake of insurance, he inserted an eye of the jewelry into the independent grass, and determined that the leopard girl was indeed not here, so he reassured the river crab with peace of mind.

But when the river crab was knocked down with only forty points of blood ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ their blue buff had a dark gray short spear in the grass at the back wall.

The next second, the river crab was attacked by a short spear, his blood was emptied and he died!

Glancing at it, I found that the leopard girl was hiding here, and she snatched his river crab without a word. Damn!


However, before he thought about it, when Zhang Huan attacked the crabs here, he became a leopard. While the mark of the w skill hadn't disappeared, he swooped in and attacked Rex.

Then he waved his sharp claws, transforming himself into evil *, tore Rexai into pieces!

"Is it ill, you didn't show the output, thought you could kill me?"

With a curse, when he was angry, he immediately started to counterattack, and at the same time called Ritz from the middle to hurry to help.

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