League of Legends of Battle System

v1 Chapter 697: Midnight chat

"Last question, now that Hit has advanced to the semi-finals, you have also achieved an unprecedented 47-game winning streak. I want to know hunter, what is your ultimate goal?"

Hearing the words, Zhang Huan laughed: "It is also necessary to say that it is natural to win the championship!"

"Okay! We also sincerely hope that hunter's goal can be achieved perfectly, complete our Chinese team, a breakthrough in the s-class world tournament, and I will witness the birth of a milestone ... Here, also thank hunter for being able to accept our interview and look forward to He has a great performance in the next game. "


After the interview was over, after returning to the lounge, Jiang Xiaotian had already taken a nap in a chair due to lack of spirit.

"Very good! Young man!" Deng Haoran saw Zhang Huan return, walked up and patted his right arm, old-fashioned.

Zhang Huan grinned and hooked Deng Haoran's shoulders. "It is still coaching that you teach well. It is not that you have collected enough information on bp, and we cannot possibly make it so easy in the game."

With the affirmation of Zhang Huan, Deng Haoran barely showed a happy smile.

At this time, Ding Sisi walked to Zhang Huan and handed him a bottle of pulse. "Captain, drink some water."

"Thank you!" Zhang Huan was also polite, took the soda and unscrewed the bottle cap, grunted and drank.

"Okay, I'm all excited, it's time to go back for a big meal." Zhou Tong clapped his palms, signaled that Jiang Xiaotian could return.

The group, after leaving the Chicago Theater, came to a Chinese restaurant near the hotel, ate a delicious hometown meal, and returned to the hotel at about 10pm.

Sleep, sleep, play, but most people are tired, especially in the three games today, everyone's energy is highly concentrated, after the game, the spirit relaxed, Jiang Xiaotian several people Feeling tired, I returned to the hotel, washed a little, and went to bed.

However, Zhang Huan was still full of energy. He slipped his slippers and leaned on the bedside. He received a phone call from two women, Lin Xinyi and Zheng Qing. At the same time, some friends from the past also sent warm greetings to the top four.

It's almost early in the morning after the call is answered.

Just as Zhang Huan was about to turn off the lights to sleep, the doorbell rang suddenly.

I don't know who it was, Zhang Huan got out of bed, walked to the door and looked through the cat's eyes, his heart jumped.

"Ding Sisi, what is she doing so late?" I was puzzled, but Zhang Huan still opened the door.

In my eyes, I saw Ding Sisi holding a thermos cup in her hand. The cup should contain some warm water.

"Captain, you haven't slept yet." Ding Sisi glanced into his room and asked after no one.

"Not yet, do you have anything to do with me?" Zhang Huan said.

"Oh, you just drank just now. After drinking in the evening, you will get dizzy when you get up the next day. The boss asked me to send you some sober soup. Everyone else has already given you the rest. "

While smiling and explaining, Ding Sisi walked into Zhang Huan's room while leaning on her slim body, and put the thermos cup in her bedside table.

Seeing this, Zhang Huan had no expression on his face. He closed the door, came to the bed, and sat down and said, "Sit down."

"Huh!" Ding Sisi asked, and then he raised his nightdress and sat on the bed.

For a while, neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere was a little stagnant and embarrassing. Finally, Zhang Huan turned his head to see Ding Sisi feel like sitting on a needle, and then said, "Yes, was your condition better?"

"Illness?" Ding Sisi froze, and she was shocked afterwards. She blushed and blinked like water. "It's okay, but it's better, but thank you Captain for your care at that time."

"It's all right, thank you is not necessary, everyone is a good friend." Zhang Huan shook his head and smiled.

Upon hearing this, Ding Sisi smiled sweetly and looked at him and said, "Are you good friends? It seems that I have some status in the captain's heart."

Zhang Huan was a little puzzled by the words. Looking at him, Ding Sisi suddenly grabbed his hand, which caught Zhang Huan off guard, but he didn't take it off the first time.


When he was about to ask questions, Ding Sisi said, "Captain, your hands are really good-looking. They are more beautiful than our girls. No wonder you play so well in the game, and your skin is also very good, very tender and smooth, better than me. Your skin is getting better, envy, how do you maintain it? "

Zhang Huan's lips were drawn, this is the first time a girl has praised his beautiful hands, but to be honest, it is really the case, slender and long, at first glance, it is a good finger, but the hand is good and the game is good relationship?

No, among professional players, there is no shortage of chubby palms, but the players are extremely flexible.

As for skin problems, this is the change brought about by the system. Zhang Huan cannot explain why there is no maintenance, a big man.

"Your hands are also beautiful, and your skin is also good." For appreciation, Zhang Huan has never been falsely evaded, but instead complimented Ding Sisi's meaning.

"Really? Do you think my skin is good?" Ding Sisi's eyes flashed a strange light, seeking 6 Yang's recognition.

"Yes, like you said, very tender and slippery." Zhang Huai started the topic and said, "However, you come to me so late, not just to send sober soup and study the skin, is there anything else? ? "

"No, I just want to chat with the captain." Ding Sisi pouted ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ shook his head.

"I want to talk about something, and I can't sleep now, so put down the Longmen array."

"Okay!" Ding Sisi cheered a little.


The two talked and talked about many hot topics nowadays. From time to time, you can hear Ding Sisi's silver bell-like laughter. Obviously, they had a good chat.

In a flash, over an hour passed, Ding Sisi yawned, apparently a little sleepy.

As soon as her waist stretched, Ding Sisi revealed the proud vest line and career line, and she felt a laziness in her eyes, and said, "Captain, I'm stuck in you, can't I?"

Listening to this, 6 Yang is a little bit defamatory, secretly saying that you are a girl who dare to openly sleep in a man's room. Is your courage too fat?

"I ask you a question," he thought for a moment.

"Well, Captain, you ask."

"Why are you here to be an analyst with a low salary but a very busy job?" Zhang Huan asked the first question he asked Ding Sisi.


Ding Sisi just spoke and was intercepted by Zhang Huan, "I want to listen to the truth, don't pervert me with false words, I can tell clearly."

Seeing this, Ding Sisi looked a little cramped, and a moment of panic flashed in her eyes. After a long while, she bit her lip and said, "Yes, that's what you think, because hit has you"

After hearing this, Zhang Huan was not surprised. He could feel Ding Sisi's affection for himself, "Do you like me?"

"Ah?" The mind was broken humanely, and Ding Sisi didn't reject it. He said, "Actually ... I just like you a little bit. Although you are a flower person, you are good in other aspects."

"Yeah, I did spend a lot, and accidentally had two girlfriends!" 6 Yang admitted calmly.

"So ... what if there was a third accidentally?"
