League of Legends of Battle System

v1 Chapter 700: Strong Syndra!

As the dark head of state, the status of Queen Sindra can make her run smoothly in the league. Even if she has been silent for a while, her unique heroic attributes make her rise inevitable.

Especially since the latest version, after changing her w skill to full and catching three dark orbs, she once became the most popular mid-single hero. Except for a few assassin heroes like her who can break her, in terms of ap, There are almost no natural enemies.

Of course, no matter how strong a hero is in the hands of a rookie, it is impossible to play a great god-level operation. Whether a hero is powerful or not depends on the user himself.

In this game, Sindra played against Victor, and Zhang Huan chose the commonly used ap runes, strong essence, red wear, yellow health, and blue resistance.

In terms of talent, 12-18-0 is common, and this need not be mentioned.

Summoner skills, although they can be ignited and flashed, but after some consideration, Zhang Huan chose flashes and scurrying.

The former can greatly improve the singles ability on the line. Cindra with the ability to ignite and r, the deterrence on the line is undoubted, but when facing the enemy's gank, or when the enemy is deliberately approaching, he ignites. It doesn't have a trace of effect, but it can evade some skills, and greatly improve the survivability of Cindra.

Here, it is worth mentioning that Sindra is a relatively rare hero in the league. When she releases her skills, she does not have stiffness and stasis. This can be effectively counted as Sindra's flexibility and avoiding enemy damage. At the same time, she can use her skills to deal damage to enemies.

Packed out, Dolan ring plus two bottles of red medicine.

At the first level, the two people on the ssg side rushed to the lower lane, and the other three entered the lower lane from the blue buff position, and wanted to gank the hit's lower lane combination.

But unfortunately, with the intentional or unintentional reminder of Zhang Huan, the plan of ssg level wanting to dig into the air completely failed.

Failed to get things done, ssg returned to normal alignment.

For one minute and thirty-eight seconds, the middle line of soldiers met. The **** killing began with the collision between the soldiers. The junglers of the two sides also started their second journey with the help of their teammates.

Liang Cong Leopard female first-level blue blind monk, the first level is a stone statue.

In the middle of the road, Zhang Huan faced the Crown Victor with little pressure.

Conversely, crown faced r, but felt that every cell in the body was pressing a mountain. Before the game started, Samsung's coach told him that as long as the line was stable, it would not matter if the knife was dropped. .

However, in the video interviewed before the match, Crown mentioned that if he wants to beat hit, there is only one possibility, that is, he played with r five or five, or directly crushed, otherwise, if he wants to win, then It's hard, especially when r gets those offensive heroes. Their chances of winning are slim!

For the previous three videos of r against kuro, crown has carefully studied, and it is clear that q skills cannot be learned at level 1, because the basic Victor level 1 competition will occupy a certain amount of cheapness, but r is just like the human spirit and will not stand silly Waiting there to consume his q skills.

Under insurance, crown learned e skills.

As soon as he was on the line, Ping a few soldiers, he controlled Victor, fired by a death ray, and hit Syndra with a limited distance.

However, it seems that Xindela had already expected that the moment when Victor Ray was released, he twisted the small waist to the front left side, and then used the color and q skills to play!

Dark Orb!


A sizzling sound, a dark purple storm gently hit the ground and steadily hit Victor's body.

For the first time, Victor's defeat ended.

But the problem is not big, the damage of q skill of sindra level is very low.

I took some advantage, Zhang Huan thought about it, and did not continue to make progress. The main reason is that the soldiers in the early stage were too hurt. If there were no restrictions on soldiers, he vowed that Victor, who has learned e skills, would be able to fight.

It ’s not just self-confidence, it ’s also a hero ’s advantage. The first-level Cindra, the q skill 'Dark Sphere' has a cd of 4 seconds, while the Victor level e skill has 13 seconds, that is, one match. Victor can put e once, but Cindra can put q three times. The advantage is clear at a glance.

After grabbing for a time, Zhang Huan took the lead to rise to the second level. The moment he just upgraded, he pushed the line forward. Crown knew that he was out of control, so he quickly controlled Victor to retreat, but at the same time he retreated, he also made an e Skills, cleared up a residual blood soldier, grasping the details is pretty good.

Soon after, Victor was promoted to the second level in the experience zone. At this time, he was a little bit embarrassed. He stepped forward and wanted to fight against R and be fair.

However, Zhang Huan doesn't give him a chance to be peaceful on the line here, and the hero Xindra also hates balance the most. She likes to break the rules.

When Victor used the q skills to make up for a ranged soldier, Zhang Huan made a tick and controlled Cindra to use the w skill 'driving force'. He suddenly grabbed a red soldier and then threw it to Victor. Wherever it is causing damage, slow it down to the limit.

While walking, a q skill is used, 嗙! Without a doubt, Victor, who was busy retreating, was hit straight.

With the time when Victor was slowed down, after Zhang Huan caught up, he waved a flat a.


A buzzing sound, accompanied by a light blue lightning, struck Victor's body, instantly causing his blood to drop by nearly two hundred points.

"It's too bullying." When seeing the second level of Cindra, he was unscrupulously oppressing himself, Crown was furious, grinned his teeth, and turned back to level a Cindra, and the e skill suddenly turned into a ray and attacked Sindra.

But what made him dare to **** is that Cindra actually used the position again to avoid his e-skill rays in advance, and it was empty!

Victor's e-skills struck, Zhang Huan escaped easily, then hit him with a flat a, and chose to retreat.

When he retreated, Victor's second record of Pinga struck. Looking at the q skills that were about to improve, Crown controlled Victor to press forward, thinking about Pinga hitting Xindra and hitting the Thunder. Then connected with a q skill, she can also hit her a lot of blood, in this case, the blood exchange is not lost.

But what makes him crazy is that r is like he expected his third serve and he won't hit him, and 愣 is after seven or eight hundred yards.

"Abominable ..."

With a short curse, Crown reluctantly controlled Victor's retreat, and the moment he retreated ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Cindra's q skills have improved.


A brisk slamming sound came from under Victor's feet, dark energy, severely pierced his feet, causing his current blood volume to reach only three-fifths.

Looking back at Sindra, the amount of blood lost at this moment was worth a hundred.

Online ability, stubborn and weak, stand up and judge!

Uh ...

Ps: Seven hundred chapters in a flash, the speed of the recent update is not fast, there is a reason for the new book, but it was really busy some time ago, this is the third update, there should be a fourth update in a while.

In addition, a book friend asked, is it about to end? According to the original outline, it is true that s6 ends when it is finished, but recently I sorted out the subsequent plots and found many things that made me bloody, so it ended early.

Finally, ask for a recommendation ticket and a monthly ticket. If the monthly ticket is passed today, it will be invalid, and it will be wasted if you don't vote. (To be continued.)