League of Legends of Battle System

v1 Chapter 87: Critical Rune

Entered the Summoner Canyon, the fog of war turned into nothingness, and the eyes were clear. In the past, Zhang Huan still calmed down, but now, he is completely used to it, as if this ability is just like his game talent, it is very natural.

Playing EZ, this rune of Zhang Huan chose the essence of two attack powers and an attack speed, but red surprisingly took nine crit. As for yellow, it is still fixed armor, blue against Lulu, and Zhang Huan. Instead of bringing all magic resistance, three growth magic resistance and six attack speed runes.

Even though the playing field and the middle lane are all opposite APs, but playing elegant EZ, Zhang Huan doesn't believe they have a chance to cause a lot of damage to themselves, so they don't choose to bring too much magic resistance.

In terms of talent, the choice is 12-18-0. This Zhang Huan plays the middle lane, so the point is Thunder. If it is the lower lane, you can consider the bloodthirsty of the warlord or the zeal of war.

However, the hero of EZ is still better to choose Thunder Lord. His one level of A plus QW skills can trigger Thunder special effects, and bringing a Thunder Lord can completely make up for the shortcomings of EZ in the early stage. In the mid-term POKE battle, the Q skills were mainly consumed, and the chances of leveling A were few.

As for the summoner's skills, Zhang Huan brought teleportation and flashes. In fact, it is also possible to replace teleportation with a barrier or healing, but for Zhang Huan, it is not necessary.

装 Outfits in the early stage, common Dolan sword plus one red. The current version of Ice Fist EZ is more popular. The first one is to have strong kite skills. The second one adds armor and CD reduction, especially the CD reduction. In addition, the passiveness of EZ's Q skills can be shortened. A lot of damage is output within the time.

General Q skills are full, plus 30% CD reduction, EZ's Q skills are basically after the Q player, one in 1.7 seconds.

In other words, in a team battle that lasts for ten seconds, as long as Q people are able, they will be able to play six or seven times in a row, plus the magic cut after stacking, which is enough to deal tons of damage.

However, the premise is that Q skills must be accurate! The main continuous output skill of EZ is Q skill. Although the big move is powerful, but the CD is too long, there is no continuous output of Q skill.

For the remaining players, the hit rate of the Q skill is indeed a question worth pondering, but for Zhang Huan, a hero with a fast trajectory such as EZ can refer to what he hits, as long as there are no external factors. Not arrogant.

Out of gear, wait until the invisible walls of the spring have dispersed, and the five people in the blue square rush to the red buff position on the next lane.

瞅 Zhang Huan glanced at the opposite position and found that they had no idea of ​​invasion.

In this high-end game, once the early stage is not smooth, it may lead to the collapse of the entire game, so even if the red side has the first-class group of magical heroes Bloom, it did not rashly invade the blue side field, everything is stable.

To stabilize everyone, Zhang Huan, who had nothing to do, simply controlled EZ to dance in the middle, causing his audience to say that Hunter was very playful.

Time came to one minute and 55 seconds, the two sides' line of arms officially intersected.

After I went online, dopa seemed very cautious, and controlled Lulu to stand in the army, and did not step forward or lose skills, but silently attacked the soldiers.

From the scoreboard, Zhang Huan found that dopa turned out to have a rare corruption potion. In his character, it should be a Dolan ring and two biscuits. But in fact, dopa didn't do that. Corruption potion.

Seeing this, Zhang Huan secretly thought: "To fight the war of attrition? In other words, you are afraid, just afraid."

On the line, Zhang Huan's Dolan Sword plus a red is indeed not as resistant as the corruption potion. However, it is only relatively speaking. In Zhang Huan's eyes, since dopa is going to fight attrition, he will accompany him. The consumption skills of the heroes on both sides are almost non-directional skills. At this time, it depends on whose skills are more accurate.

At the first level, the two did not fight. Because they were learning Q skills, Zhang Huan was not easy to be in Lulu Q in the army, mainly because there were soldiers blocking him, he failed to Q.

In addition, EZ's Q ability has attack special effects, which can be regarded as a general attack, but it cannot be crit. In the early stage, use Q to consume the opposite side, the soldier will put hatred on your body, so Zhang Huan did not choose to fight when he was level one.

Dopa also likes Zhang Huan's indifferent attitude. Lulu is a brush-type hero anyway.

However, he didn't know that Zhang Huan was not indifferent, but he had plans for the next step.

Due to a large amount of attack speed in the rune, coupled with the passive skills superimposed on Q, at the fifth floor, Zhang Huan's EZ attack speed has exceeded 1. Therefore, the speed of clearing soldiers is also faster than that of learning E skills. Lulu is getting on a lot.

Time lasted until the second wave of soldiers arrived, Zhang Huan learned W skills instantly after rising to the second level.

The opposite Lulu had already calculated that EZ would rise to two at this time, but she was not afraid because of her own soldiers. Besides, she learned E skills at first level, she had a shield, she put it together, she lost absolutely It won't be her.

After seeing Lulu rise to the second level, she was still replenishing her soldiers contentedly. How could Zhang Huan not know her thoughts, but this seemed to Zhang Huan to be whimsical.

Gin grinned, Zhang Huan controlled EZ to take a step forward, and hit with a flat A. At this time, Lulu quickly set up an E skill shield to offset this flat A, and then backhand attacked Zhang Huan.

Zhang Huan was not afraid. He took a step forward and hit A again, and then picked up the W skill. At this moment, the special effect of the Thunder Lord's decree was triggered ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and suddenly Lulu lost more than a hundred drops. Blood volume.

Lu Lulu, also because a soldier on the blue side died, successfully reached the second level, quickly raised a Q skill, and directly throw out to EZ.

But unfortunately, although her Q skills were put well, Zhang Huan took the risk to avoid it.

While taking advantage of this time, Zhang Huan hit Ping A again.

I saw a large number appearing on Lulu's head, and it was a critical strike, which instantly removed more than one hundred drops of Lulu's blood.

"Critical!" Dopa's heart was annoyed, but he did not expect that the opposite EZ had brought a crit rune.

When he saw EZ and wanted to continue exporting himself, he didn't bother to continue attacking EZ. He immediately turned around and ran to the tower. He wanted to wait until His Majesty's blood medicine came up, and then came back to EZ to calculate.

The enemy was about to run away, Zhang Huan naturally took the pain to hit the water dog, crossed the line to bear the attack of the soldiers, and came forward to continue to Lu Luping A.

After a short pause, perhaps because dopa is the essence of the speed of movement, Zhang Huan will not get A, but it's okay, the next instant, I saw him hit a Q skill.

Huh! A bright white light wave cut through the surrounding air and hit Lulu's tailbone directly at an extreme distance, causing her to drop more than ninety drops of blood instantly. Now her blood volume has dropped to only half of her blood.

In contrast, Zhang Huan's EZ was only beaten twice because he had avoided Lu Lu's Q skills. Although he was attacked by the soldiers, he also only had two hundred drops of blood, compared with the three lost by Lu Lu. With more than a hundred drops of blood, he is undoubtedly making a lot of money ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are available at ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Mobile users please read .