League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 186: One thousand five hundred and eighty hur

Today's commentary is still the old pair of Wawa and Miller, and then letme is invited as a special guest commentator.

After all, it's a first-seeded game, so the cards still have to be adequate.

"Welcome to the match between RNG and G2!" said the doll loudly: "Because RNG is the first in the group, so they have the right to choose sides. They naturally chose the blue side!"

"Because in the current version, when Akali, Sword Demon, Sword Girl, and Crab are all walking on the ground, the blue side can obviously have more advantages!"

"BP has started!" Miller said loudly: "Let's take a look at the BP choices of both sides!"

The blue brother Feng firsthand, did not hesitate to ban the great inventor.

This is not a reorganization, but G2's bot Hjarnan, who is currently the world's most well-deserved inventor.

His big head is invincible in the European division. In the qualifiers, group stage, as long as the big head is selected, he has never lost!

Even if it is as strong as SKT, in the group stage, the two ban heads did not hesitate and never let go.

And the most important thing is that this B can only play big heads, and if you play other heroes, you will directly become a gangster, so this ban position is quite important...

On the opposite side, Vampire and Thresh were banned, and Brother Feng then banned Crab and Tahm.

When it was G2's last ban, they banned Xia.

"Akali and Sword Demon are not banned?" Miller said loudly: "G2 will release all these two heroes, you take one, I take the other, it is a good calculation!"

"How do you say? Akali is still a sword demon." Feng Ge asked with his notebook.

He was not only asking Chen Yuan, but also Xiaohu. Both of these heroes can sway between them.

"Akali," Chen Yuan said, "This hero is stronger, and Xiaohu is also highly proficient."

TOP Tiger nodded aside.

"RNG chose Akali, and G2 won Sword Demon and Luo!" Miller nodded and said, "I have to say that the coaching staff on G2 still has ideas."

Immediately afterwards, Brother Feng locked on the bottom combination of Lu Xian and Japanese girl, and the opposite side locked the astrologer in the third hand, and entered the second round of BP.

Sure enough, as expected, as long as the ban turns the big head, the ADC on the opposite side will automatically degenerate into a play commander, and start to be a remote control tool.

In the second round of bans, G2 targeted the jungler and directly banned Nightmare and Xin Zhao, while RNG targeted the mid lane and banned Syndra and Swordsman.

In the fourth hand, G2 locked the wild barrel.

"Choose a hero who is good at fighting the sword demon and go on the road. Akali will play for Chen Yuan, okay." Feng Ge began to solicit opinions, "How about giving you Qinggang Ying?"

Qinggang Shadow is against the Sword Demon. Although the alignment is small in the early stage, with Xiaohu's strength, there is no problem with it. After the equipment is equipped in the mid-term, Qinggang Shadow will be able to regain the goal and occupy the advantage.

This is obviously another test for Xiaohu, but he nodded, "Yes."

NG locked Qinggang Ying and Blind Monk in the last two hands. G2 locked the crow in the tenth hand and swayed the sword demon to the middle. The lineup of both sides was determined.

Blue side RNG: top single green steel shadow, jungle blind monk, middle lane Akali, bottom lane Lucian and the Japanese girl.

Red side G2: The top crow, the wild wine barrel, the middle sword demon, the bottom road Cindergaro.

The big brothers on the opposite side of Shangzhong were doing frantically at this time, and the two exchanged heroes in an attempt to interfere with Chen Yuan and Xiaohu's choice of rune fragments.

However, Chen Yuan didn't care about them, only treating them as clowns, and confidently pointed out the armor in the rune page.

Without even thinking about it, it must be the mid laner Sword Demon, can you still mid laner Crow? Then I'm telling you, Believe it or not?

The game started quickly, the line of soldiers gathered in the middle, Chen Yuan manipulated Akali and began to slowly make up for the second.

What he bought this time was a homicide ring, just rushing to kill alone.

Although the first-level Akali has good combat effectiveness, facing the first-level sword demon, he can't get any benefits. Only at the second-level can he be qualified to pull.

However, Perkz's Sword Demon was very fierce. After learning Q at the first level, he immediately began to suppress Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuanguan didn't care about him, and continued to hit Xiaobing with a single blow.

At this time, under the push of the two sides, the first wave of soldiers just died, and the second wave of soldiers had already begun to converge. Chen Yuan operated Akali to press forward.

He walked diagonally, looking for an angle, and hit the melee soldier and the sword demon with a Q.

Perkz is also a young and energetic lord. At this time, both of them are one **** to get second. How could he be afraid, Sword Demon Q1 fought back towards Akali without hesitation.

At this time, Chen Yuan moved delicately, first retreated back and pulled out the passive, then quickly moved towards the face of the sword demon, and got into the inner circle of a section of Q.

Playing passive, and then playing the second Q, also hitting the minion and the sword demon at the same time, and then move slightly out.

There was no middle or outer circle in one period, but Perkz was not annoyed. This was what he expected. In the second period, the Q counted Chen Yuan's chance to pull passively outside, and he released it again!

But Chen Yuan tapped S at this time, and Akali stopped at the limit of the inner circle of the second-stage Q, once again avoiding the outer circle's damage!

Chen Yuan had a successful expression on his face at this time, and he undertook another passivity, and at the same time turned his head to A again!

Two sets of QA were beaten out with electric torture, and the sword demon's blood was worn out.

However, Akali's blood volume was not much better. After all, he was consumed twice at the first level. In addition, he was fighting against soldiers this time, and his blood volume was also half blood.


A white light flashed on the two heroes at the same time, and with the death of the melee soldiers, both sides rose to two levels at the same time.

Perkz quickly learns the E skill, the Sword Demon three Q receives E, and then shoots Akali at a close range!

"Back to the sword!"

Akali yelled a crisp female voice, and the whole person rolled backwards, and at the same time threw a shuriken forward and pierced the sword demon!

Sword Demon and Akali move synchronously, and the third Q only hits the outer ring again!

"Not good!" A trace of badness flashed in Ah P's mind, but at this time he could no longer escape.

Chen Yuan retreated a little bit, Akali's right sickle was rotated again, he pressed E without hesitation, Akali went straight to the sword demon!

Another A on the ground! Ignite it directly!

"Is it going to be a solo kill in the middle? There is a chance!" Miller was very excited at this time. "Both sides have flashes. Pay attention to this!"

While pulling away, Chen Yuan carefully observed the movements of the opposite side.

He didn't want to give up, but waited quietly for the energy to recover.

After one second, the energy was enough for a Q blue, and at this time he also just reached the limit of the Q skill.


Akali threw Kunai for the third time, crushing the sword demon's blood volume, and because the sword demon was escaping, the passivity had already appeared in the hand the moment the Q was thrown!

And in the next moment, Chen Yuan flashed without hesitation, Akali appeared beside the sword demon, swiping the sickle!

Q, pull out the passive, flash, a knife, a set of actions almost at the same moment.

Ah P was taken aback by this flash. He thought Akali should take a step back, pull out the passive and then flash over A. He didn't expect this passive to come out so quickly!

In an emergency, he hurriedly pressed the flash, but it was too late!

The sword demon's whole body flashed yellow light, and successfully used the flash, but Akali's sickle blade had already been cut on him, and he was taken away away from him!


"Death flashes!" The doll said loudly: "Two-level single kill! Yuanzi's Akali, why dare you let it go!?"

The LPL audience in the audience started to carnival at the same time, making you cheer! Two-level single kill, cool? Cool?

After the solo kill, Chen Yuan still had nearly half of his blood and was still healthy, so he didn't plan to go home, but slowly pushed the line of troops in with the remaining energy.

Because the sword demon on the opposite side is equipped with TP, he must handle the line well. If he doesn't push forward, if the opposite T down controls the line, then this wave of single kills will lose him.

After Ah P was resurrected, a TP went online. Seeing that the half-blooded Akali was still not leaving, the natural first reaction was to drive home.

And Chen Yuan had already been promoted to level three, immediately level four, and of course he would not be afraid of this two-level sword demon.

Akali stopped and walked, wanting to welcome or reject, wanting to seduce the sword demon out.

But Ah P was not fooled. The sword demon first emptied the sword under the tower, and after pushing out the line of soldiers, it was also raised to level three, before carrying the big sword and starting to align towards Akali.

The sword demon's great sword was raised above his head, and a range of Q skills appeared, but this range was a distance from Akali.

Obviously, he wants QE.

These things make a slow-reacting person come, even this level is not even thought of.

And if you react fast enough, even if you think of this level, you won't have time to react.

Only a person like Chen Yuan, who has the top level of reaction, can deal with it correctly. He did not hesitate to press the E skill, and Akali rolled back again, avoiding this Q in a dangerous and dangerous way.

With the shuriken poked on the sword demon, Chen Yuan was not in a hurry to release the second E, but walked towards the sword demon's face.

At this moment, Ah P is holding the second stage of Q and E in his hand, he looks at Akali who is walking over, and releases Q2 again!

If Akali doesn't make any movements, this Q2 can be hit. If he turns his head and retreats, Ah P will use E to adjust the position and still hit!

But Ah P didn't expect, what if Akali punched him in the face?

The moment Chen Yuan saw the release of Q2, he directly pressed the second stage E, Akali speeded up to the face of the sword demon, and he simply avoided the outer ring of the second stage Q!

Do you want to run when you rush to the face? ?

Ah P didn't understand it a little bit. After all, Akali was half-blooded. Even if he hid the Sword Demon with two Qs, the Sword Demon was still full of blood. How could you ever hit the face with E?

Then, a blind boy appeared and gave him the answer.

After Chen Yuan stuck to the face of the sword demon, he threw down the smoke bomb and went into stealth, waiting for the arrival of the wild father.

Although Ah P's prediction is quite accurate, a three-stage Q-to-E accurately hit Akali in the smoke bomb, but this is no longer useful.

The blind boy touched Akali's face with a golden bell, and then the sky sound wave, the sky thunder broke, the echo strike, and a chaotic punch, once again sent the sword demon back to the spring water!

"Beautiful GANK, Ah P died twice in four minutes!"

Seeing that the murder ring in his hand had risen to the third level, Chen Yuan was obviously quite satisfied, and after calling Ye Dad to help him push the line again, he comfortably chose to return to the city.

Jankos's wine barrel came slowly, and began to eat the pota.

With two small yellow books plus two long swords, plus the killing or reusable potion in his hand, Chen Yuan had already made his Six Gods outfit more than four minutes earlier.

And Ah P's sword demon still had two pitiful long swords on his body, and the economic gap was stretched by nearly a thousand.

The game continues.

After Chen Yuan gained the equipment advantage, he started the familiar face-riding link. Even in the short mid-range, he didn't give the opponent any qualifications to make up the sword. The sword demon came up to fight directly.

Soon, the game reached another five minutes and 45 seconds.

This is the time for the sixth level of the middle road.

At this time Akali was mobilizing a large number of troops to enter the tower.

Ah P's sword demon died twice in a row, and there was another wave of towers that hadn't been eaten by the sword. At this time, there was only a pitiful fourth-level, shivering under the tower.

In this case, is it possible for Chen Yuan not to overtake him?

After Akalila got close, he picked up the Q in the air for a period of great moves, and rushed directly to the face of the sword demon, and at the same time, the whole person began to pull out.

As soon as Akali acted, a big fat man appeared in the wild area next to him, the jungler barrel opposite.

Obviously, everyone knew that Akali had to jump over the tower at level 6, so the jungler squatted here in advance.

But this four-level jungler can't stop Chen Yuan.

The barrel slammed into Akali, but Chen Yuan had dropped the smoke bomb, and Akali went invisible under the tower.

Moved, Akali appeared again and hit the sword demon with an AQ!

Under the high amount of damage, the sword demon was directly hit to one-third of his blood, and he had entered the slashing line of the ultimate move!

"Save it!" Perkz shouted in the team's voice at this time.

How to save it? ?

G2 jungler Jankos is at a loss at this time, I have a wine barrel, my E skills are gone, and I have no hair control. Can I help?

If your Q skill interrupts Akali's second stage of the ultimate move, maybe there is still a rescue...

But is this TM possible? ? ?

Akali appeared from the smoke again. At this moment, he was standing next to the sword demon. AQR made a series of moves in one go, directly slashing one-third of the blood of the sword demon in seconds, and at the same time ran out of the tower with the displacement of the ultimate move!

Jankos once again ate the wave with tears in his tears and cut the knife, and directly surpassed his own mid laner. The debuff of the monster hunter came out....

Ah P grabbed his hair~lightnovelpub.net~ Landry's torture was brought directly to his face.

"Single kill again! Ah P has died three times in less than six minutes." The doll said loudly: "I unilaterally announced that the game is over!"

"This B is really outrageous!" Letme shook his head. As a teammate, he knew Chen Yuan's outrageousness, but this time, he was still frightened.

In six minutes, the opponent scored 0-3. Is this really playing the world game? The opposite is really the quarterfinals?

[Too NM is ruthless! 】

[Do you understand what is meant by your husband’s current crime? 】

[Yuanzi brother is old tauren]

Chen Yuan couldn't help but shook his head. He could clearly feel that this Perkz was much weaker than Caps.

Ah P's Sword Demon proficiency is obviously not high, and Akali probably doesn't know anything about it, otherwise it would be impossible for the two-level wave to fight.

And Caps's sword demon and Akali's hero proficiency are not low. If you change him to the line, although it is unlikely that Chen Yuan will be beaten, but he will definitely not be single-killed...