League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 190: Flash forward, IG advances!

   But the IG side did not have the idea of ​​moving the dragon, because the opposite jungler survived, and the dragon was unstable, so they chose to push the second tower.

   After two small team battles, IG turned its disadvantage into its advantage, and instead won an economic difference of 3,000!

   Twenty-six minutes, IG once again forced the group through the dragon!

   King Ning’s Qinggang Ying took the lead again, flashing E with a big move, and drove to the opposite ADC at a distance of 10,000 yards!

  Luo of Sapphire Blue, and Lisantro of Rookie are also quick to keep up!

   Opposite Shen, Galio's ultimate move was given to ADC at the same time, but it was useless. Under Lisantro's terrifying damage, Deft's Kai'Sa was directly seconded!

   On another battlefield, Xin Zhao and the Sword Demon are at war with Crab and Xia.

   JackeyLove ascended to heaven with a big move, avoiding the third Q of the Sword Demon, a barb in the backhand, and anchoring the two at the same time.

  TheShy's crab also has a big move, accurately hitting Xin Zhao, successfully triggering the beheading mechanism, killing Xin Zhao while terrifying the sword demon!

   "Zero for five! Zero for five!" Wang Duoduo was suffocating at this time, "IG won the team battle again!"

   Twenty-seven minutes, IG got the big dragon.

   Twenty-eight minutes, everyone on IG went directly to KT's bot lane.

   "Take the high ground, then this wave can go!" Hao Kai said with a smile at this time: "The advantage now is big enough, you can return to the city to make up a wave of equipment."

   "What, a wave?" TheShy seemed to hear what was said at this time, and the crab opened the glory of justice and rushed directly!

   The crab rushed in with extremely fast speed, and directly carried Galio on his back!

   The team battle between the two sides started again, but this wave of opening is not perfect. After the opposite Sword Demon and Xin Zhao came to Bo Xiaohuan, they rushed into the IG crowd, forcing JackeyLove to surrender a big move to save their lives.

   Deft’s Kaisha rushed to Xia’s side with a big move, planning to kill the fattest AD first.

   As a result, JackeyLove has been waiting...190 forward flashing IG promotion (page 1/9),. For a long time, an E flashed, and countless feathers were pulled back.

   "Deft was immediately hit by the barb!" Wang Duoduo shouted: "This wave has won again! Wave after wave!"

   Twenty-nine minutes, IG once again played a wave of zero for five, and took advantage of the trend to take the KT base.


   Chen Yuan, who was watching the game in the hotel, couldn't help but praise him, he actually didn't understand how IG won.

   It's still two thousand behind in fifteen minutes, but it equalized in sixteen minutes.

   Then lead three thousand in twenty minutes, seven thousand in twenty-seven minutes, and then win directly in twenty-nine minutes?


   The second game started soon.

   In this round, IG still played Kassanah Charo, but this round the crab was taken by the opposite side.

   Two levels, the two junglers had the first wave of fights at the bottom river crab, and both sides began to support the middle and lower lanes at the same time.

   However, Charo is obviously much stronger than the Kasha and the female tank. A wave of 4v4 unfolded, and finally ended with IG two for one.

   In five and a half minutes, KT was the same as the last game, still playing with the mid laner TP and cooperating with the jungler to play four packs of two.

   But the same trick wants to take effect in two consecutive rounds, is this possible?

   Rookie and TheShy's TP lights up at the same time, and King Ning also walks over behind the opposite jungler!

   The opposing team also handed over TP, and a wave of four packs of two instantly turned into five to five!

   Although JackeyLove was still killed by the first set of fire, but the follow-up Uezhongye killed almost all of them!

"One for four! JackeyLove replaced the four people on the opposite side!" Hao Kai said excitedly: "Only the Kai'Sa of Deft escaped...no! King Ning walked around again and went to the second tower to kill Deft. No one lives on the other side!"

  , the IG team took off directly from Wuhu, and several people returned to the city to update their equipment and took control of the first dragon.

   Thirteen minutes, IG began to hit the canyon...190 forward flashing IG advancement (page 2/9),. Pioneer, the opposite came in a timely manner, and wanted to use this Pioneer to regain the rhythm.

   Sapphire's Luo after the team finished playing Vanguard, flashed to force the team to start a group, directly charm the opposite three, cooperate with Rookie Galio's big move to enter the field, and melt the opponent directly!

   "It's another wave of zeros for fours! You can directly use Pioneers to push to the high ground!" Wang Duoduo said passionately: "Fourteen minutes has a 7,000 yuan economic deficit, how can you win!"

   Twenty-six minutes, IG, who never worked overtime, destroyed the enemy crystal again and got two to zero!

   The third game.

   IG's BP strategy is still the same as before, to put Kasha Naxia, and then select Lisanzhuo to roam.

   "The fifth hand Kangte, if you follow the strategy, TheShy should use heroes such as Thain or Shen to fight the situation." Hao Kai was talking at this time, "Confidently analyzing BP."

   Then, TheShy suddenly changed Shen to Jian Ji and locked it directly.

   "Huh? Wrong point?" Chen Yuan couldn't help but frown when he saw this. When this sword girl was selected, didn't he directly destroy the team's BP?

   On the screen, IG's coach Kim was also full of haze at this time, shook his head slightly and walked off the field.

   In this round, IG can only change its tactics and strategy. King Ning focused on the top road to ensure the development of TheShy.

   But this way, although TheShy did get up with the help of his teammates, and there was a head in his hand, JackeyLove was miserable.

   After the bottom road crashed, the chain effect brought by it caused Xiaolong to not control it either.

   The advantage on the road while the advantage on the bottom side, the game quickly stalemate to 37 minutes.

   At this time, the two sides exchanged resources, IG got the ancient dragon, and KT got the big dragon.

   Thirty-nine minutes, KT began to push the middle high ground with the advantage of the dragon's line.

  The Shy uses the ancient dragon to bring the line on the lower road.

"No way, KT wants to play a wave directly...190 forward flashes IG promotion (page 3/9),...!" Hao Kai Anxiously said: "The Sword Sister is guarding the tower in the next road, TheShy can't bring it in!"

   TheShy was obviously a little anxious at this time, Jian Ji directly flashed up to fight against the sword girl. Although the sword girl was successfully killed, the sword girl had a resurrection armor on her body and entered a slow resurrection state.

   The opposite side has begun to tap the front tooth tower. At this moment of crisis, Squatting Sword Girl obviously does not get up when she gets up. TheShy directly turned her head and started pushing the line!

   At this time, the director made a split screen. The lower left corner is the live situation of TheShy dismantling the tower, the upper right corner is the IG base, and the remaining four people are struggling to defend the tower.

After    Sword Girl got up, she didn't care about Jian Ji, but directly teleported to the front!

   Facts have proved that this decision is correct. With the addition of Sword Girl on the frontal battlefield, the situation that could have been held up has become one-sided.

   All the people in the front of IG were killed, and the situation turned into a competition between TheShy and the three people on the opposite side to push the tower.

   "Demolition of the house! There is a chance!" Hao Kai said loudly at this time.

  The Shy hit the base violently alone, and the blood volume of KT Crystal became precarious, and there was one knife left!

   But at this moment, the game screen suddenly moved horizontally and the IG crystal exploded.

   "Oh! The last cut!!" Wang Duoduo and Hao Kai began to cry at the same time.

   The contrast of being promoted by one shot is really unacceptable.

The five people from   IG also sighed a little at this time, feeling a little regretful.

   Chen Yuan couldn't help but shook his head, "The lineup is a problem."

   Uzi also said, "Indeed."

   The first two rounds have proved that IG can win a team battle with KT, but I don’t know why, in the third round, IG suddenly selected a single-belt lineup?

   Although TheShy almost turned the tide in the end, he was also the culprit who caused this situation.

   "If you guessed correctly, this should be TheShy's personal choice."

Feng Ge also analyzed from the side at this time, "Such as...190 forward flashes IG promotion (page 4/9). If I am the opposite coach , TheShy won’t play in the fourth game, after all, their substitutes are also top laners."

   Sure enough, in the fourth game, TheShy was directly replaced and replaced by Duke.

   The current IG style has gradually been determined. The style of play is mainly reckless, the upper middle and upper lanes are strong, and the small team battles in the early and mid-term are non-stop.

  Duke, who has a steady style, obviously can't fit into this style of play.

   In the fourth game, not only did the top lane not get the advantage, but also the team fight did not start. Until 30 minutes, the head-to-head ratio of the two sides was only three to one.

   And the one with a head is still IG.

  KT started to cut meat with their standard blunt knife, and they kept grabbing resources without asking you to fight, and slowly expanding their economic advantages.

   In the end, thirty-six minutes, with an economic deficit of 7,000, KT seized the opportunity to start a good team and ended the fourth game.

   "Two to two. The situation is about to enter the fifth game." Wang Duoduo explained as usual, "but his expression is also a little anxious."

  In the IG lounge.

   Morale was a little bit low at this time, Rookie lowered his head and sat on the chair, his mind involuntarily floated back to the spring finals.

   Are you going to be chased by two again?

   Thinking of this, Rookie's hands began to tremble.


   An apologetic voice sounded in the lounge.

  TheShy suddenly stood up, and it didn't feel good to see the team lose the fourth game. He had realized his wayward BP mistake in the third game.

   "The fifth game, can you let me play?"

   Coach Kim couldn't help rubbing the bridge of his nose at this time.

   He is from South Korea, where his ethics of growing up is clear. In his values, he doesn’t respect the coach’s decision and his own wayward BP players are not worthy of playing.

   But now it's the World Championship, KT is not a weak player. Can TheShy really win if he doesn't play?

   "Let him play coach," #......190 forward flashing IG advancement (page 5/9),.

   At this time, someone spoke for TheShy, and it turned out to be Duke, "I go, I can't win."

   Everyone turned their eyes to the coach, and seemed to be begging for TheShy.

   "...Let's go" the coach confirmed his determination, "but in the fifth game, we must win!"


   "Welcome to the game scene of the fifth game!" Wang Duoduo said loudly: "Both BP has ended, let us cheer for IG together!"

  The lineups of both sides are as follows.

   Blue side KT: Top crow, play wild rock bird, mid-single crab, lay down cannon Gabron.

  Red side IG: top single Thain, jungler Qianjue, mid single demon girl, bottom Lu Xia plus bull head.

   The game started quickly. Rookie was operating the demon girl standing in the middle. King Ning chose the Ueno district to open. Rookie thought for a while and planned to go down the river to take a look, and detect the invasion on the opposite side.

When    Yao Ji walked to the edge of the grass, she was hit by the middle single crab on the opposite side, and then A few times.

   Rookie was taken aback. He hurriedly ran away across the wall while operating the demon girl. When he habitually planned to use the corruption potion, he found that the backpack was empty.

   "Eh? Didn't Rookie buy the equipment?" Hao Kai also discovered this detail at this time, "I have consumed a set and haven't bought the equipment yet, then this wave has to go home."

   "At this time, the army line has just been online, and it is a bit of a loss to go home!" Wang Duoduo was also a little uncomfortable at this time, "but I must get it back."

   Chen Yuan can't help but feel tight, don't mess up, brother chicken!

   Fortunately, Rookie has gradually recovered his state. Although he lost a few **** experience in the middle, the laning still suppressed the crab on the opposite side.

   hit the road, TheShy also played his laning strength, Thain successfully achieved a knife against the crow!

   The game quickly reached seven minutes.

   King Ning’s Qian Jue came to the middle, Rookie’s Demon Girl W stepped forward and caught the crab precisely with a chain.

   Ucal saw the side running out...190 forward flashing IG promotion (page 6/9),. When Qian Jue came, it was also a panic, E plus flashed without hesitation to pull away.

   It's a pity that Crab's E skill is too long to prepare. Although it flashed out, it was still imprisoned.

   Rookie gave R again, and a purple chain was once again tied to the crab, cooperating with Qian Jue's damage, and taking a blood!

   Ten minutes, IG opened the dragon group.

   Sapphire's bull head decisively went to the opposite side to assist. Except for TheShy, the other three rushed to kill Bron directly.

  The Shy is a TP that directly stopped the enemy who wanted to support.

   Xiaolong, head, I want it all!

In twelve minutes, IG opened the Pioneer Group again. This time KT did not rush to join, but slowly waited for the people, and then realized a wave of encirclement to King Ning, while Rookie took advantage of the opposite to besieged King Ning and secretly killed him. WR picked up the vanguard's eye.

   Thirteen minutes, TheShy was caught on the road, and the heads of both sides were two to two.

   Although IG is still on the offensive in one round, KT is obviously much better than the previous two rounds. This time the economic gap is tightly held and has not been separated.

   Thirty minutes, the five people from both sides once again gathered in the middle, looking for opportunities for each other.

   In fact, the two sides have been doing this for half an hour, testing each other to find the opportunity to start the team, but in this decisive game, everyone is quite stable, so there has been no team fight.

  The Shy Saien's big move directly started the group, but no one hit him, only half of the blood was hit by the stone bird.

   KT started to fight back. Although Thain successfully ran away with a suit of flesh, the bull head of Baolan was retained by the rock bird's big move, and one player was reduced first.

  JackeyLove wanted to step forward and point someone, but accidentally ate a Bloom’s Q skill, and a layer of passive appeared on him.

   Deft's small cannon seized the opportunity and hit the A with a tie. JackeyLove opened the W backhand and responded with a backhand.

  Blon’s quilt hung on JackeyLove...190 forward flashing IG promotion (page 7/9),. If you move, Deft is naturally not persuaded.

   The small cannon began to press forward, and it was a flat A, JackeyLove also returned.

   But JackeyLove didn't dare to pick up this third shot, because he would have to be stunned by Bron if he drew a flat A.

   But Ping A of the small gun has already been clicked. Helpless, he can only use his ultimate tactics to dodge.

   The ADCs on both sides made two shots and lost half blood to each other, but Xia didn't have a big move.

   Uzi frowned slightly at this time, "Is this still right? Too presumptuous?"

   Rookie found the opportunity at this time, W went up and played a QE, completely crippled the rock bird!

  TheShy thinks this is an opportunity. Thain opens up justice and glory and steps forward directly and physically opens the group!

   Although there is one less person in IG, they are still in good condition. On KT's side, the small cannon is half-blooded, and the granite blood is left. If they can be killed first, this group can indeed be beaten!

   Saien is quite fleshy, carrying the damage of everyone on his side, but he can't resist it for too long. He has fallen to half blood at present!

   At this time, because the opponent had been gathering fire, the formation was a little closer.

  JackeyLove felt that this was an opportunity, and operated Kasumi to step forward slowly.

   [Death Yuyi] turns on, and then flashes!

   Xia, who had no big tricks, flashed directly on the opposite face!

   At this time, his front is a rock bird and a small cannon, and the front right is a bron and a crab, all of which are in front of him!

   At this time, Xia Artillery and W were added, and a feather accurately hit the farthest residual blood glyph!

   One kill!

   The cannon was pierced by feathers, and it also lost a lot of blood.

   once again flattened the A to hit the cannon, and at the same time instantly connected the Q skill, and threw it to the side of Bloom and Crab.

   The third tie A, kill the small artillery, double kill!

  JackeyLove killed two people on the opposite side by one person, looking at the bron and the crab pressing on the right front, directly a barb!

All five feathers are pulled...190 flashes forward, IG advances (page 8/9~lightnovelpub.net~) Come back and walk to the face Bron suffered a huge amount of damage, leaving blood in an instant.

   Sixth tie A, three kills!

   At this time, the mid laner crow on the opposite side watched his family die three in a row, and was anxious, and flashed directly on Xia's face, trying to kill Xia who had little blood left.

  [Sheep Spirit's Breath]!

   King Ning’s Qian Jue jumped over with a Q skill, and the big move unfolded, and he forcibly saved Xia, who had only 100 blood left!

   "Pretty!" Wang Duoduo said loudly: "All must die! JackeyLove is going to kill everyone on the opposite side!"

   "Four kills!" Hao Kai was about to suffocate at this time, "In this crucial deciding game, JackeyLove proved himself!"

   [Oxygen cylinder, give it to Hao Kai! 】

   [Slow down, follow me as well]


【game over! 】

   At this time, the people in the live broadcast room were all crazy. JackeyLove was in desperation, and a half-blooded Xia flashed forward to end the suspense of the game!

After    took the Tuan Mie, everyone in IG took advantage of the opportunity to get the dragon!

Exchange good books?? Follow the vx public account?? [Book Friends Base Camp]. Pay attention now?? You can get cash red envelopes!

   Thirty-six minutes, IG won the ancient dragon, the big and the big dragon double dragon meeting!

   Forty-two minutes, IG won the last team battle and pushed down the base!

   "When you go forward, you can see the true love, and you can see the light through the clouds and mist!" Wang Duoduo immediately chanted a poem, "Congratulations to IG, advance to the semi-finals!"