League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 358: 3 TPs to protect you, are you their fath

Jankos squatted in the middle for a few seconds. Seeing that the angel was determined not to move forward, he was steady and could only give up the idea of ​​catching.

The pig girl went back to the wild area and started to control the river crabs.

Wawa glanced at the repair knife: "Brother Yuanzi's wave is steady and exaggerated. In order to prevent the opponent from being caught in two levels, he directly gave up three pawns!"

Galio on the other side is a six-sword that does not leak and is comfortable.

"The second wave of soldiers arrives on the line. Caps has already started using Q to push the line." Doinb glanced at it: "He probably wants to invade the jungle with Jankos."

Chen Yuan was also happy to see the opposite side push the line. He continued to hear the experience. After reaching the second level, even taking advantage of Galio's stiff compensation, he stole a wave of money with E [Starfire Rune Blade].

As the saying goes, good luck always favors handsome guys.

This is the first time Chen Yuan stole money, and he stole a purse straight away.

"Hahahaha Wuhu!" Chen Yuan's mouth was crooked, and he tapped the purse in his hand twice, which caused his teammates to pin it twice.

Caps pressed TAB and saw that a purse appeared in the angel's inventory, which was also numb, and he couldn't help but pin it twice.

But he had no choice but to use passive and Q to quickly push the line when he looked at Chen Yuan in a torturous state, and then dived into the wild area.

Karsa knows that the midfield confrontation in this round must be at a disadvantage, so in order to prevent being invaded, he chose the red-driving-down route in the upper half of the single player to stagger with the jungler of G2.

But Jankos's wave is quite spiritual. After the pig girl finished playing F6 and crabbing, she went straight into Karsa's lower wild area.

Seeing this blue BUFF still lying quietly in the camp, Jankos' mind suddenly flooded with a lot of information.

At this time, Caps just finished pushing the line and liberated, Jankos immediately began to be fierce, and Sister Pig walked directly towards the prince’s three wolves.

The time was right, and as soon as it passed, I saw the prince who was beating a wolf.

Karsa was a little uncomfortable, but he had nothing to do, he could only take down the wolf directly, and then yo-yo directly.

Next, this blue buff and magic marsh frog have nothing to do with him.

And it's not over yet.

Caps didn't seem to mean to let the prince let go, Galio directly hit the prince with a [righteous punch], and Q [war wind] blew at the prince.

The pig sister also lifted the prince up and beaten it up.

Karsa was chased by these two disgusting Bs all the way, and only used the refreshed EQ to escape until half-blooded.

If it weren’t for this wave of EQ, you would have to make a flash if you didn’t die...

"Brother Yuanzi, I'm so miserable..." Karsa was a bit wronged, and he could only go to the upper river channel to control the river crab.

This almost spanned half of the map, and it was a great loss to the jungle rhythm.

"It's not a big problem!" Chen Yuan rushed to push the line in the middle, "I will cover C in this round!"

Immediately afterwards, Caps' crazy move was not over yet.

Galio returned to the city after pushing the line at level four, and directly made up a pair of straw sandals, and the predator talent began to come into play.

Immediately afterwards, the mad cap was like mad, and after pushing the line, he ran up to put pressure on Xiaohu.

Xiaohu was also disgusted and miserable.

Finally, in six minutes, Galio found the opportunity to pass Xiaohu directly with Jankos's pig sister.

"Fuck!" Xiaohu said loudly: "It's disgusting, these B people!"

And the more disgusting is yet to come.

At this time, Chen Yuan just cleared the **** line in the middle. He actually TP directly to the upper road, ate the wave of the tower, and then returned to the city directly.

This operation was a surprise to Xiaohu.

TP came up to eat wave line? Why don't you TP protect me earlier? !

Chen Yuan's answer to him was also very simple, "If you don't have the sixth level, you can't keep it."

Xiaohu asked again: "You will be overtaken by that time, what should I do if there is no TP loop?"

Chen Yuan looked calm again: "I ate your thread. Didn't I save you a TP? When the time comes, TP will come and protect me?"

"??" Xiaohu was full of question marks. He felt that his teammates in this round seemed to be not generally low.

I was caught crazily by the opposite side, and I can’t TP back when it's over. TP has to keep the insurer, right?

Chen Yuan sealed his mouth again with a single sentence: "My angel, just wait for me to take flight at level sixteen!"

Suddenly there was nothing to say about canceling the account.

He secretly vowed that if he loses this round, he will output a wave of Chen Yuan.


Time turned, and soon came to seven minutes. With Chen Yuan invisible, both Xiaohu and Karsa's economy lags behind to varying degrees.

With the help of the mid laner, Jankos went smoothly, and after playing BUFF, he was promoted to level 6.

They decisively set the target on the angel in the middle.

The current version of Angel Level 6 does not evolve into a long range, but can make basic attacks with flame waves, which can be said to have begun to push the line.

Before, the angels were so embarrassed that they had no chance at all, but now it is different. They are already at level 6 in the middle field, and they plan to come with a wave of three packs of one!

"Wunder finished pushing the line here and pretended to return to the city, but he just presented Xiaohu as an illusion. After he got out of sight, he quickly began to align down the road!"

The audience saw that G2 gathered all the vampires, pig sisters, and Galio three powers, and they have gradually begun to surround themselves in the middle!

All the audience can't help but hang their hearts, Chen Yuan has sacrificed too much to ensure his level development.

If he is caught to death in this wave, then his efforts will be in vain!

A wave of soldiers was escorted into the tower by Caps, and the pig girl and the vampire were already in place at the F6 camp next to the middle road.

Chen Yuan keenly smelled a hint of danger.

In his understanding, Caps shouldn't walk back and forth in front of the tower after pushing the line.

He just put on alert here, the next second, a shadow suddenly popped out of the F6 camp next to the defensive tower!

Jankos's pig girl played a drifting sniper, and the big move [Extreme Ice Cold Prison] was thrown out in the air and flew towards the angel!

A vampire appeared behind him at the same time, and the three gradually surrounded Chen Yuan.

Immediately afterwards, Galio W of Caps began to charge up and walked towards the angel.

! ! !


Chen Yuan's pupils contracted quickly, and he called for help loudly, but he quickly pressed ALT+R when he had no room to move!

Shield and healing skills will be released directly at him after pressing the ALT key. Chen Yuan's reaction and processing are all first-class fast, and he has entered an invincible state before being frozen!

At the same time, the transmitted light illuminates in the middle tower, but looking at it, it seems that there is more than one TP.

But G2 didn't seem to notice this, they still continued to climb the tower.

In their cognition, it is impossible for Uzi to pass the teleportation to save the middle road. At this time, the only person who can T come over is Sword Demon.

And even if he T came over, a sword demon who couldn't hold people could not make waves.

G2 decided to continue.

Even if the pig girl's big move hits Invincible, it still attracts damage from the defensive tower.

He first retreated two steps out of the tower, and then asked Galio to fight the tower, CapsW took E to control the angel, and Sister Pig came back with a Q!

The skills that are not stingy are all thrown on the angel ultimatum.

Caps resisted the tower to half blood, and then surrendered his big move to fly to the sky to avoid the hatred of the defensive tower, and the hatred was transferred to the vampire!

The three of them resisted the tower reasonably and did not pay much, and they passed the three seconds of invincible time!

Immediately afterwards, Galio's big move landed, the golden rain also fell simultaneously, and the angel was relieved of invincibility.

"Sister Pig is another E who freezes the angel, G2 is still quite controlled here!"

The angel's big move is invincible for three seconds, and the TP time is four seconds.

Just when the angel was frozen, the people from TP on RNG landed.

Caps couldn't help but widen his eyes at this moment.

Why are two people!

Since Uzi and Xiaohu handed over TP at almost the same time, their TP animations almost overlapped. It is difficult to see that these are two TPs without looking carefully.

At this time, it was too late for everyone in G2 to retreat.

"RNG's support here is very fast! G2's three packs of three packs turned into three on three in an instant!"

The defensive tower is still outputting wildly, and Wunder is also a bit unable to hold it. Finally, Red Rage Q took a breath of vampire, and then EW went back and forth, and the big move [Blood Plague] exploded in the next second. Hit full to press the vampire below half blood.

Caps also threw Q [War Gang Wind], the third-level Q skill hurts well, directly maiming the angel.

Chen Yuan crossed over and left the battlefield to his teammates, but G2 was still reluctant. Caps flashed to chase, and directly took down Chen Yuan's head with a passive hammer.

Chen Yuan is numb, how can there be such a leaping tower, you guys can still run away?

Really can run away.

After Wunder's blood pool escaped, Xiaohu and Uzi didn't have the ability to return to the city, so they could only let him leave.

As for Sister Pig and Galio, naturally, they just don’t even want to run. Xiaohu starts his big move at this moment, like a **** of war. The sword demon’s big wings flutter crazily under the tower. Following Tad’s attack output, he and Uzi are set to kill first. Drop Galio.

Jankos's sister pig also wanted to take the opportunity to flash and escape, but was still caught. Karsa finally came to support, and the prince EQ picked the pig sister away.

In the end, Uzi and Xiaohu got a head, and they didn't lose the TP.

As for Chen Yuan, he was too lazy to talk. Since the other person dared to arrest him like this, he really didn't expect it.

But it is still acceptable. Although he is dead, he has assists for both heads, which means that he has gained experience.

G2 is full of depression.

Caps was even more irritable and scratched his hair.

He didn't expect that this Hero's reaction would be so fast!

Without warning, the pig girl's big move thrown from the dark was still able to react and threw the big move to protect herself.

If it's a mid laner with a slower reaction... then it must be a set of seconds after being charged with three people, and there won't be so many troubles in the future.

No, if it is an ordinary professional mid laner, it is impossible to throw this big move!

Caps believes in his instincts, even in the professional world, few people have this kind of reaction.

In addition, the RNG's support is really fast, the two TPs will light up when they are lighted, and the jungler will eventually come over at the end, resulting in two of them being left behind.

"It's okay!" Caps tried to comfort himself, "Success is even if the angel is dead!"

The camera moved to the bottom road and gave Ah P a close-up. Taking advantage of the time of Uzi TP, he pushed the line to eat a wave of coating.

Karsa took advantage of the jungler on the opposite side to kill the dragon, and both sides had gains.

The game continued. Although the G2 midfielder was left behind, they accumulated a seven-minute advantage and would not disappear and disappear. They will always have the initiative before the Angels level eleven.

Jankos's pig sister brushed a circle to ensure development, and then walked towards the middle again.

Their goal in this round is one and only one, and that is to dry the angels.

There's nothing to say, this time the angels didn't show their big tricks, they didn't need to call a vampire, and Sister Pig walked around alone.

Unfortunately, this time, Chen Yuan had already set up his vision in his wild area, and the movements of Sister Pig were discovered by him one step ahead of time.

Chen Yuan knew it well, but he didn't plan to retreat, but continued to call people.

G2 didn't notice that Xiao Ming, who had been bottling on RNG's side, suddenly disappeared from his field of vision.

"Jankos is here again, he still wants to go to the middle of the road! Caps directly W first!" The doll exclaimed: "G2 here is simply crazy!"

But at this moment, another TP appeared in the middle tower of RNG!

? ? ?

God and Demon Love!

Caps quickly realized that the TP that the auxiliary Thresh exchanged through the [Unsealed Cheats] at this time was stupid.

Are you their father? Three TP teammates protect you?

Oh, it's really their father, that's all right.

The combat effectiveness under a Thresh tower is too strong, and G2 chooses Yo-Yo directly.

But Xiao Ming is all TP down here, how could he just let them run away like this.

"Sister Pig still has a flash."

"I know."

Chen Yuan gave a message lightly, Xiao Ming knew it in his heart, and nodded slightly. After Thresh fell to the ground, regardless of the pig girl who resisted the tower, E flashed directly and Galio placed Galio back!

At this time, Xiao Ming's Thresh has risen by six. After E swings back, R [Nether Prison] is released, five green walls appear, and Galio hits the wall, directly reducing the speed of 99%!

[Death verdict]!

The hook stretched out, and Galio was hooked again.

Thresh ERQ has three consecutive quality, and has published countless classics in the professional arena, such as Huangxing three consecutive and Cat King three consecutive.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming's basic skills are solid enough, and he has all three skills.

"Brother Yuanzi is doing his best here, although the damage is not very high, but fortunately the control is quite sufficient!" Miller exclaimed loudly: "Caps didn't flash here, it must be impossible to escape."

Chen Yuan took the knife and dropped it, and Galio turned into a brand-new three hundred yuan and dropped it into his pocket.

"Come here~lightnovelpub.net~You can still chase here!" Karsa suddenly said at this moment.

Sister Pig ran towards the Ueno area of ​​RNG. Karsa had been in the Ueno area and caught Sister Pig directly!

The prince and the pig sister ran into the front, so W slowed down and chased A all the way. Seeing that the pig sister made a Q, he followed with EQ.

The pig sister crossed over, he followed the big move, and didn't give any chance to escape at all!

Chen Yuan and Xiao Ming rushed over quickly, and as soon as Chen Yuan came over, he saw a remnant pig girl locked in a big move.

Karsa had already stopped, just waiting for Chen Yuan to come and take the head.

The angel ran so slowly here, Jankos was tortured by the big move for three or four seconds...

Xiao Ming gave the lantern to the angel, not for picking up people, but because he was afraid that he would be too painful to grab the head, so he specifically gave a shield to assist.

Chen Yuan was laughing at this side, he added blood to the prince, and after triggering the money stealing, first pig sister A stole five dollars, and then the E skill reset the basic attack, and took the pig girl's head!