League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 438: Xiaohu was single-killed, how could he l

"The head is taken down, the toothpaste is late!"

Now the TP cannot be cancelled. Toothpaste saw the situation was critical before, so he almost threw out the TP without thinking, but he never expected that his jungler would die so quickly, and he couldn't even last four seconds!

Zoe and Jess TP landed almost at the same time, and the toothpaste's first reaction was to collapse.

He focuses on the flash that Xin Zhao dropped earlier, he wants to pick up the flash and then flash and run over the wall.

But Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes and instantly sensed what the other party was thinking. Jess hit Zoe with a hammer and hit a deceleration, followed by an E knock, holding on to the flashing bubble.

The situation was critical, toothpaste saw that Xin Zhao was also coming, he didn't care so much, he just flashed away.

Teleported over, flashed back, and was hit twice with a hammer, the wave of toothpaste was somewhat embarrassing...

Although Chen Yuan didn't gain anything in this wave, he still didn't have a flash in his hand, so he still made a profit. The middle and wild duo walked directly to the middle road.

Xin Zhao crossed from the middle lane, trying to control another river crab in the upper half, while Chen Yuan came to Bohu to pretend to be a tiger, and Jess took the initiative to hand in his skills and start pushing the line.

Karsa did a great job in this wave. He even did not hesitate to expose his next move, and wanted to control all the Shuanghe crabs, further compressing the development of the opponent's prince.

After controlling the Shuanghe Crab, Xin Zhao plunged into his jungle area, and began to farm the three groups of wild monsters that were intact in the upper half area.

At this time, Xin Zhao's last hit has reached 24 knives, and the prince has just gone out to clean up the stone beetles in the upper half of his house, and his last hit has reached the poor eight knives...

Kanavi gritted his teeth and brushed his own F6, and finally rose to level three in about four minutes.

He turned his gaze to the middle again, "Come on, keep catching!"

He knew that the initial reason why he was in such a miserable situation was that the middle road exposed his vision, and thus he was caught!

It's all your fault! Chen Yuan!

The South Korean jungler had never suffered such a big grievance, and he planned to take advantage of Xin Zhao's chance to fight in the middle lane.

And there is another reason, that is, there is only one group of three wolves left in his wild area. After clearing this group, he will enter a one-minute gap period. He must find something to do...

Chen Yuan took advantage of Zoe's opportunity to fight extraordinarily fiercely. As long as the E skill is good, he will definitely fire the accelerator in seconds, trying his best to consume the HP of Zoe and the soldiers.

Seeing this scene, the two commentators were terrified. If you play the game like this, if you are not careful, you will overturn the car...

Immediately afterwards, the two saw that the prince from JDG's side had swiped to the third level and came to the middle lane with the scan again.

"Catch him? It's not easy to catch..." Toothpaste was a little helpless: "We haven't flashed, but he still has flashes."

Looking at AVI, he didn't take it seriously: "It's okay, let's dodge it first, otherwise it will be even harder to catch Xin Zhao when the opposing team finishes brushing wild."

"Okay...wait a minute, I'll make up this pawn." Toothpaste signaled the melee **** holding a balloon in his hand. With a flat A shot, an icon of a rocket belt fell to the ground.

Toothpaste was ecstatic when he saw this push stick. This equipment can be said to have greatly increased his active ability!

Immediately after he directly launched an attack, Zoe took the initiative to go online and picked up the push rod, and used it instantly. Countless rockets were shot out, directly clearing the long-range soldiers on the face, and there was no barrier between the mid laners of the two sides!

At the same time, Zoe obtained the 30% movement speed provided by W [Sleight of Hands], the thousand-year-old loli stretched her arms, made a very cute running posture, and moved straight towards Jess Chase over.

Chen Yuan noticed something was wrong at the first time, and immediately switched forms to speed up and escape, but he had just fired a cannon, and he didn't have an acceleration door in his hand, so he was quickly chased by Zoe.

Toothpaste is also quite experienced, worthy of Zoe's title of Renzhuli, he just waited until the W acceleration effect ended, and a [Hypnotic Bubble] shot directly close to him!

A strange sound sounded, and the bubble hit Jess perfectly in a close-to-body situation, and a circle of reading bars appeared under his feet.

Chen Yuan was a little tangled, not knowing whether to flash or not.

This is the disgusting thing about Zoe, the hero. You can run away with flash, and the opponent can also pick up the flash heel. Even the pirated flash on the opposite side has acceleration and damage, which is more profitable.

He thought about it, and still chose not to flash.

Because the jungler on the opposite side is the prince.

Immediately afterwards, after reading the article under his feet, Jess fell into a coma. The toothpaste pulled the flying star back, but he didn't rush to make a move. He needed the prince to keep up with the control.

At the same time, Kanavi finally rushed out, and the prince made a decisive EQ shot and rushed towards Jess.

But it is a pity that the compatibility between the prince and Zoe is actually not very good. Although the prince's EQ Erlian is domineering, its disadvantage is that it deals damage first and then controls.

E [Debang Military Flag] fell on Jess and woke him up from his lethargy. Chen Yuan frantically pressed D, wishing he could press through the keyboard, and finally handed over the flash before the prince rushed up, and successfully pulled it away!

And this flash also avoided Zoe's full flying star.

Kanavi was a little disappointed seeing Jess flashing, but it was also in his expectation, so he didn't think too much,

"Brother Yuanzi dodged the EQ and saved his life!" Eleven nodded slightly, then he looked at the screen and suddenly turned up the volume: "But Brother Yuanzi didn't seem to intend to let the other side go like this!"

On the screen, Jess did not retreat but advanced after pulling away. With a long-range flat A to break the armor, press W [Super Power Charge] to gain the ability to attack at full attack speed three times.

Immediately afterwards, he pressed R to switch to the melee form, and directly hit the prince on the head with a [Sky Leap]!

Hammer Form W was turned on at the same time, [Lightning Field] ruthlessly whipped the emaciated Jarvan IV.

At the same time, Chen Yuan clicked the floor and the prince back and forth with the mouse, and Jess walked A in wave hammer form with full attack speed.

Chen Yuan's blood volume is still quite healthy now, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Toothpaste's Zoe also picked up the flash he threw before, and the flash directly hit his face, scratching it with three small fragments of W crazily.

Jess continued to stick close to him, chasing the prince fiercely, every time he made an A, the two people on the opposite side could add up to two A's!

But Chen Yuan didn't take it seriously, his mind was full of **** this prince right now!

The two sides tied A three times, and Jess was quickly beaten to only one-third of his blood, but Kanavi's prince's blood was also unhealthy, and he only had one-third of his blood left!

Chen Yuan smiled confidently, and the E [Thunder Strike], which he had been waiting for for a long time, roared out. Jess swung the sledgehammer and hammered the prince away.

The two sides have been fighting for so long, even Chen Yuan has undergone two form transformations, and his E [Gate of Acceleration] has already improved.

Chen Yuan had been waiting for this moment for a long time. An acceleration door opened on his face. First, he hit the prince with a flat A point. After switching the form, the first flat A shot removed 10% of the prince's dual resistance.

Immediately afterwards, the giant cannon in his hand condensed energy, [Electric Energy Shock] accelerated under the action of the acceleration gate, evolved into [Electric Energy Shock], and suddenly bombarded the prince!


No equipment, no level, the damage of this cannon is not high, but it is more than enough to execute the **** prince in front of him!

"The guardian of the future killed the prince of Demacia!"

"Killed!" Eleven roared in the commentary booth: "Brother Yuanzi killed the jungler with one against two, can he run this wave?"

Toothpaste obviously didn't expect this B to hit two with one and dare to fight back. Of course, he couldn't let this Jess run away. Q [Flying Stars] pulled backwards, followed by a shot with [Fireworks] Flat A is given to Jace, and the Meteor slams towards Jace.