League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 441: The blood bar disappearing technique fro

"Single kill!" Ten Years Huangza Miller shouted directly from the commentary booth: "Brother Yuanzi and Knight came to a wave of extreme operations, and finally Brother Yuanzi completed the solo kill!"

Doll also turned up the volume: "Besides, since the **** line is pushed back, Brother Yuanzi can go back to the city and go online directly. The rhythm of this wave is so comfortable!"

The RNG fans in the Hongqiao Performing Arts Center are also very respectful. The female fans are screaming wildly at this moment, just like a Jay Chou concert scene.

"Brother Yuanzi, I love you!"

An extremely loud and sharp voice stood out, attracting the attention of all the fans present, and then it got out of hand!

"Brother Yuanzi, I love you!"

All the fans at the scene shouted this sentence in unison, and the effect of the show was immediately full!

The barrage in the live broadcast room was a little stunned seeing this scene, and the barrage floated crazily.

[6666! 】

[Single kill! Is it your left hand? You are the second in the solo kill list? 】

[Brother Yuanzi, I love you! 】

[Hahaha off-stage fans are too involved]

The director gave a slow-motion playback at this time, so that all viewers could clearly see what kind of operation Chen Yuan just played.

"Use the control of E to offset the control of the opponent, and then use the flash to avoid the Q skill..." Miller couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this scene: "This wave, Knight was directly smashed by Brother Yuanzi!"

Wawa was also amazed: "Besides, Brother Yuanzi handed in Q as soon as the fight started, and then after the two sides finished fighting, the Q skill was just on CD, and he threw it out for a long-range kill for the second time, and the details were directly full!"

Knight9 saw the black-and-white screen in front of him, and wanted to say something, but he had nothing to say, and finally he could only say one sentence: "Have fun, folding B is too expensive."

Zhuo Ding's speech was a bit slurred at first, and he was called an interview black hole. Now he is in a decadent state of being killed alone, and what he said is even more difficult to understand.

The other four TES teammates struggled to understand for a long time before they finally understood what he said was "My, my, this B is too outrageous."

"It's okay, it's okay, stay steady." The jungler XX reminded: "You can still play, the hero Haoyue is not easy to kill."

Not good at killing people?

Zhuo Ding smiled bitterly in his heart, but he didn't speak.

After Chen Yuan returned to the city, he quickly made up the killing ring and the little **** book, and continued to make up the knife after going online to see if Silas dared to come up to fight.

Before the sixth level, Haoyue didn't have any first-hand ability, and she only relied on backhands if she wanted to fight.

But it was clear that Knight became more stable after this battle, and he stood behind and started to play peacefully. Chen Yuan couldn't find any chances, and the middle lane entered a short period of calm.

The time soon came to 4 minutes and 30 seconds, and Chen Yuanqing successfully reached the fifth level after killing the sixth wave of minions.

"Brother Coffee, I've brushed your F6 for you." Chen Yuan walked into the jungle familiarly, grabbed the newly refreshed F6 and started playing directly.

"Well, swipe it, swipe it, don't give it to the other side."

The hero Jiaoyue's ability to clear the jungle is still one of the best, at least the ability to clear F6 is really top-notch, fast and almost harmless.

Chen Yuan first A'ed the outermost bird, and when the six birds got together, he used a W to brush the shield, and at the same time, the three-blade A big bird hit AOE.

W's shield disappeared, and the bird's blood volume was also reduced by half. Chen Yuan made a three-level Q and then tied A three times. He played passively for the second time, and all five birds were killed.

Three more times, Big Bird also died, and Jiaoyue only lost more than a hundred blood.

Of course Chen Yuan is not a vampire, but he saw that Karsa was working in the lower half of the area, and the wild monsters in the upper half of the area would come if he didn't brush the opposite side.

After brushing the wild monsters, he left a vision on the upper river, and then returned to the middle to eat the seventh wave pushed by his left hand.

On the bottom lane, Karsa wanted to try to catch a wave of **** duo in the bottom lane. Xiao Ming's Titan made a hook shot. Although he hooked EZ, Xiao Huangmao's E skill had a high priority. Next forcibly pulled the hook E away.

The prince decisively picked up the EQ, but Tam suddenly jumped out at this time, directly fed EZ into his stomach, vomited behind his buttocks, and then handed in a flash to retreat, only paying a Summoner skill and slipped away.

But Karsa didn't even think about catching it, and he started to retreat after a flash.

At this moment, Chen Yuan's previous field of vision on the upper river began to work. As expected, TES' wild jungler appeared in the upper river, planning to steal a wave of Karsa's F6 while he was in the bottom lane. .

But it was obvious that the F6 camp was empty, so he could only make a trip in vain.

And as soon as he exposed his vision, RNG's tactical deployment immediately began to change.

The prince who originally planned to return to the jungle to clear the jungle did not return, and Uzi, who originally planned to control the line, also did not control it.

In the middle, Chen Yuan was also frantically exchanging skills to push the line. He once completed a wave of solo kills, and he also had a group of six birds. It's level six!

"Uzi pushed the line of troops into the defense tower, and Karsa went around directly! They want to jump the tower!"

The sharp-eyed Miller saw Chen Yuan's profile picture on the mini-map, and he had retreated to the tower: "Besides, Brother Yuanzi has TP. They want to get four for two!"

As soon as the words fell, a red glare directly hit the tower, and Miller's words came true.

"On the TES side, Knight doesn't have a T. XX is in the top half. Only 369 can save the bottom lane. Can he have a T?"

Obviously not.

369 is the iconic carry type top laner, regardless of whether he can carry, but the type is indeed this type.

This kind of TP in the top lane cannot be used to protect the bottom lane.

The bottom lane was overtaken by the tower, the mid laner and the jungler didn't go, why should I go?

Loken, the bottom laner of TES, is obviously aware of this situation, and he doesn't care about it, so he just ran to the second tower.

Karsa's prince broke the circuit directly, W [Golden Shield] slowed down the two, and at the same time EQ was in his hands, ready to keep them at any time.

But this wave of Loken is as stable as an old dog. The flash saved from the previous wave is effective in this wave. The little yellow-haired EZ directly flashed an E flash, which directly flashed out of the range of a thousand yards like a ray of light. The prince's EQ is flattering can't keep up...

Karsa saw that Xiao Huang Mao slipped away like this, and he was not annoyed. He directly used an EQ to keep Tamm who was not flashing, and Xiao Ming's Titan also decisively hooked Tamm with a Q.

Chen Yuan's TP landed on the ground, Haoyue took advantage of the opportunity to stick a set of QR to her face, W electrocuted and took Tam's head, it was a worthwhile trip.

[Four packs for two! 】

[Good K! 】

[Brother Yuanzi is TPK head, right? He used to eat Karsa's big bird before, and the team beats the stone hammer]

The barrage is also cheerfully discussing.

Although the effect of Chen Yuan's T wave is to get K head, but he must T in this wave.

If he doesn't T, RNG only has three people to cross the tower, and the TES bot lane duo doesn't need to run at all, because TES still has two key skills of healing and weakness that have not been handed in.

They can't kill Tam in seconds, and EZ will be eaten by Tam when they focus on fire. Jumping the tower is simply unrealistic. Chen Yuan must be deterred by TP, so it's understandable for his teammates to leave this head to him, and they can't let T Come down and pick up an assist.

"How about it, my command pass is not critical!" Chen Yuan was proud: "The first time I saw the wine barrel, I asked you to push the line and prepare to cross the tower. If you slow down, the opponent may react gone."

Karsa immediately replied: "It's awesome! But my previous wave of catching flashes was okay. If I didn't catch a flash, this Tamm really couldn't kill him!"

"You also have a big bang!"

The RNG team was full of invitations, but TES was dead silent.

Loken stood in the second tower, watching the soldiers on the opposite side being called one by one by the defense tower in the first tower position, he couldn't even smell his own experience, and his heart was bleeding.

sent it!

Xiong Xiong and Zuo Shou still wanted to try to catch a wave on the road to stop the loss, but Xiaohu was as steady as an old dog, and retreated directly to the tower, and the **** line would not be able to push in for a while. They had no way to take Jess under the tower!

When Chen Yuan returned to the middle lane, their tower jumping plan was completely broken.

Next, the two sides went through a relatively stable laning period.

Both the middle and bottom lanes of RNG presented a one-sided situation, and only Xiaohu, who was on the top lane, still struggled in the lane.

The captain on the opposite side chose the second hand to hit Jess. Yaoguang held it in his hand, and with the Grip of Immortality, he shot Jess with a single shot. Every hit was painful!

And Xiaohu didn't dare to fight back, because his damage was not enough to kill the captain, and he would have to dodge with a mouthful of oranges and a gunpowder barrel on the opposite side.

The director put the camera on the top road for a while, and then suddenly cut to the middle road!

"TES wants to grab the middle lane!" Wawa shouted immediately: "Brother Yuanzi still didn't dodge! Karsa has come to support, can you save it?"

The wine barrel turned on and the predators ran directly after the bright moon that hadn't flashed, and it wasn't over yet. The 369 on the road suddenly fired a shot at the sky, and the artillery roared suddenly. [Cannon Cannon Curtain] blocked the bright moon's path, and Slow it down!

Chen Yuan was flanked by three people, and his back was attacked.

"Hold on, I'm right next to you!" Karsa walked to the F6 camp, not far from the middle road, but definitely not too close.

This sticks to the hair!

Chen Yuan smiled wryly. It is impossible for a mage like him, who is not flashing, to get away from the arresting situation.

Moreover, the wine barrel has the skinny skill of [Meat Bomb Impact], and he can't even do it when R goes back and fights back—he will definitely be interrupted by a belly.

With the mentality of biting the opponent even if he died, Jiaoyue turned back to W to brush the shield, QRA hit the wine barrel set, and the two-headed Jiaoyue did a lot of damage, and directly hit the wine barrel with half of the blood.

Then... honestly, I hand over my life to you.

"TES found a wave of rhythm in the middle, but that's all, this guy is a little dry..."

The Canyon Pioneer has not yet been born, and Xiaolong and the others are not eligible to take it. This head does not bring them extra income, and they can't even eat Tapi, because Karsa is here.

The camera switches to the bottom lane at this moment.

"On the contrary, Uzi took advantage of the opponent's jungler in the middle, and directly started to force the tower!"

Originally, Uzi's laning advantage was not small. In addition, his teammates had come a long way. He had already worn down a lot of defensive tower HP. In eight minutes, there was only the last one left in the bottom lane. layer plating.

After Chen Yuan's resurrection, he naturally wanted to take advantage of this point. He and Karsa first occupied the right of the middle lane, and then directly approached the bottom lane to exert pressure.

TES went to jail in the middle lane and jailed in the bottom lane. He didn't dare to defend the bottom tower, and was helpless against RNG's advance.

After two waves of **** lines, RNG successfully demolished a blood tower in the bottom lane.

At this time, it happened to be ten minutes.

Uzi and Xiao Ming returned to the city, while Chen Yuan and Karsa approached the upper half area, ready to start manual pioneering.

Originally, TES wanted to take advantage of RNG's efforts to take Pioneer, but they obviously didn't expect RNG to move so fast. With RNG's manpower, they dared not persist and let Pioneer go decisively.

After controlling the vanguard, Uzi put it in the middle again, and cooperated with his teammates to push down a tower in the middle.

In twelve and a half minutes, Uzi enjoyed ten layers of plating! The economy takes off directly in Wuhu!

Next, there is the rhythm of tower pushing that RNG is familiar with.

The time quickly jumped to twenty-six minutes.

Fourteen minutes is enough time for RNG to do too many things. Uzi's tower pushing rhythm is full, and TES's first and second towers on the top lane and the second tower on the bottom lane have been demolished. The six outer towers on the opposite side are now only left in the middle lane The second tower survived.

Although the equipment on Chen Yuan's side was far inferior to that of Uzi, who crazily ate tower money, it was not bad either. At this time, he already had a three-piece suit with Nash's golden body.

"On the RNG side, there are four people in front of the border. They want to tear down the only remaining second tower in the middle lane of TES. Xiaohu, who is in the bottom lane, also brings the line of troops to the high ground. Can TES still defend?"

"Let it go, let's keep the high ground." The jungler XX shook his head helplessly. The economic gap is too big. They can't hold the outer tower. Thank God for being able to hold the high ground.

In the absence of human interference, the goddess of the moon is one of the fastest to dismantle the tower, activate the skill to increase the attack speed, and then three swords and one passive, directly take down the second tower in the middle with two hits.

Immediately afterwards, everyone turned their offensive and walked directly towards the high ground on the lower road.

"RNG wants to rush down the high ground! Is there anyone on TES who can clear the pawns!"

Looking at their entire lineup, only EZ and Captain have the ability to clear troops.

Loken didn't hesitate, Little Huangmao stood under the tower and pulled up his longbow, and began to charge his big move [Precise Barrage].

But at this moment, Chen Yuan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, he saw an opportunity!

When you see an opportunity, don't miss it. Chen Yuan almost didn't hesitate, and Jiaoyue rushed forward with a W+flash+R!

The sprinting speed of Haoyue's ultimate move is extremely fast, and it is almost impossible for the naked eye to keep up. The displacement of the flash + the ultimate move of more than 1500 yards is only a moment, and the bright moon directly rushed to EZ's face!

And on the way of gliding under the bright moon, the scimitar in his hand radiated moonlight, and a [New Moon Strike] was released invisible!


This has always been the combo move of Haoyue in the concept. Press R first, and then turn in Q during the displacement. The Q skill comes first, so that the ultimate move can also be refreshed.

GodV, the number one mid laner of the Tang Sect once said that Haoyue RQ combos can only be achieved with great difficulty under excellent network conditions, even if the delay is greater than 10.

The ten machines in the competition directly use the local area network to compete, and the delay is undoubtedly extremely low, which constitutes the basic elements of RQ.

At the moment when the bright moon rushed to his face, all three magic **** of W [Pale Waterfall] hit EZ's body.

A red lightning fell, and the little yellow-haired EZ was instantly melted!

TES's assistant Tam was dumbfounded. He saw the bright moon flashing up and rushed up. He was about to eat AD's food with W, but he was obviously standing next to AD, but he didn't eat it!

What is this!

The EZ that was still full of blood last second, the blood bar was instantly emptied, the visual effect of this scene was really stretched to the extreme, UU reading www.uukanshu.com fans off the field started screaming almost instantly!

"What kind of harm is this!" Miller couldn't help exclaiming: "I've seen this scene before!"

In 2015, when Wei Shen was still at his peak, his Bright Moon was like this. As long as he rushed up, it would be a blood bar disappearing spell, and the damage was so high that he couldn't understand it!

Wei Shen once played a meme, Jiaoyue Q skill damage 200, R skill damage 200, W skill damage 200, but if the three skills are fully used, you can hit a terrifying damage of up to 8,000,000!

Chen Yuan came today for a remake of the wave classics, and Jiaoyue WRQ was electrocuted, and he directly AD in seconds!

And he's not done yet.

After Haoyue finished AD in seconds, he used the refreshed R to directly rush into the place where the enemy group was densest, and released an E [Moon God Descending]!

A round moonlight pulled Silas, the captain, and Tam all around him!


Chen Yuan completed the task of starting a group, directly pressed the golden body, and entered the invincible state!

Naturally, there is no more to say next, Uzi Kaisha directly turns into a cold-blooded killer, flying into the field with a big move, Hurricane Kaisha has one A and three, the damage explodes instantly, and will cooperate with Xiaohu's cannon to melt all three of them!

The doll yelled loudly at this moment: "Uzi is crazy!"

"Kill, kill, kill!" Uzi also yelled in the voice at this time, and it was enjoyable.

The three people on the opposite side were gathered together by Chen Yuan. His hurricane and Q damage were all fully charged, and the health bars on the opposite side were fake.

In the end, only XX's wine barrel survived by chance, and scrambled and crawled back to the spring.

"TES was knocked out and wiped out. RNG's bot line is on the high ground. They can make a direct wave!"

The base was shattered, and the time was fixed at 28 minutes!