League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 446: Three hundred and sixty-nine, are you pl

【Again? 】

【How many times is this? 】

[Don't be embarrassed, the fights on both sides are going on at the same time, it's normal that the director can't cut it]

【No split screen? No split screen? No split screen? 】

Amid the cheers of the audience, the director quickly cut out the replay.

After Loken's EZ was resurrected, he followed the team's instructions and went directly to the middle to defend the tower.

Xiao Huangmao was quite afraid of vampires, he didn't even dare to directly A soldier, but just stood behind and made Q.

Chen Yuan didn't care at first, he thought that Tam was behind, and he couldn't kill this EZ.

But in the next second, the opposite Tam appeared on the top road with a big move.

Chen Yuan immediately felt insulted.

He clearly remembered that in the seven-minute wave over the tower, EZ was handed over.

The four teammates are all on the road, how dare you come to see me as an AD who didn't dodge? Who gave you the courage!

Almost without hesitation, Chen Yuan's skill was very decisive, and he rushed forward with a flash. He didn't rush to hand in the big move. He took advantage of Loken's failure to respond, and firstly slammed on EZ!

Loken responded quickly, and immediately gave E to retreat, but this mere movement was not enough for him to escape the clutches of the vampire.

Chen Yuan directly pushed the push stick to close the distance, gave EZ the ultimate move [Blood Plague], A touched five dollars, and then quickly EW escaped!

At this time, Loken didn't have E and didn't dodge. Although he was holding QWR in his hand, this dry damage skill obviously couldn't help him escape. [Tide of Blood] exploded at full charge, slowing EZ by 40%.

W got up and made another A, and touched another five yuan. At this moment, his Q skill has improved!

Chen Yuan calculated meticulously, chased after him again, started with a bottle of red medicine, and then slapped Xiao Huangmao with a red angry Q at the extreme distance!

After playing Red Fury Q, Chen Yuan turned his head back confidently, and the next second, the big move [Blood Plague] broke out and took away EZ's head directly.

"This wave..." The three commentators nodded slightly when they saw this scene, and the doll thought for a while before saying: "Brother Yuanzi played very decisively this wave, and flashed Q directly!"

This wave is really nothing to brag about, a vampire with flash and push, killing an AD without flash is really unskilled.

The few people here at TES were in a hurry.

The four of them have just made gains in the top lane, and the mid lane will be sent back immediately. Their side must go out individually to defend the center, and the defensive pressure has increased.

After Uzi returned to the city and the resurrected Xiao Ming went out at the same time, the two of them went directly to the middle road this time, while Chen Yuan switched to the top road and attacked the precarious upper tower.

XX frowned at RNG's crazy single-armed weapons and vampires, "Up and down, let's guard."

The lower tower has already been demolished. Fortunately, the remnant blood tower on the road must be defended, otherwise the economic disadvantage will be further enlarged.

"Brother Zhuo, let me go on the road." 369 glanced at the vampire on the top road and the weapons on the bottom road, "I have a chance to kill this vampire, and my top road is the advantageous road."

Vampires have blood pools. As long as you dodge one of Swordsman E or R, Swordsman will be hard to kill, but his Jace is different. With the help of the jungler, he has a big laning advantage. Just got Xiao Ming's head, the equipment is not bad.

With its own acceleration and deceleration, as long as it is operated properly and pulled properly to deceive W, it is not impossible to kill alone.

"But..." The left hand glanced at the next road.

The weapon has already been made three-phase. The weapon and knife girl was originally Tianke, and now the equipment is still in the lead. At this time, you let him a knife girl who does not have three-phase to go down the road, it is simply going to jail...

But he thought about it carefully. Anyway, he was squatting under the tower when he went to the top road, so what was the difference between squatting on the bottom road?

Thinking of this, he simply promised to go to the bottom road to guard the tower, and let 369 go to the top road to find opportunities.

"Tes has sent 369, which is fairly well developed, to defend the top lane, while the rest are in the middle of a group to defend the middle tower!"

Chen Yuan was a little confused when he saw that it was Jess who appeared on the road.

He cut the camera to the bottom lane, and saw that Xiaohu's weapon was holding a brand-new three-phase power in his hand, and the counterattack storm was in his hand, and his left hand did not dare to fight.

Voluntarily surrendered to jail, right?

But he didn't care anymore, cut back to the top lane and started laning up with Jayce.

Chen Yuan hasn't thought about it that much yet. With the blessing of his talent for stealing money, his vampire has already made two pieces of equipment, the push stick + the Devil's Codex. The CD is as high as 39%. of magical boots.

With this kind of equipment, he didn't need to be too afraid to fight anyone. The vampire went online directly to AQ to take down a melee soldier with residual blood. The anger bar below began to slowly turn yellow, and he was about to enter a state of red anger.

369's Jess suddenly took the initiative to attack. Taking advantage of Chen Yuan's lack of Q, Jess turned on the cannon form W and gave the vampire two taps when he came up.

Chen Yuan immediately counterattacked as he watched his Q skill that he was about to turn into, and resolutely charged E and stepped forward, intending to give Jess a set of full E + Red Fury Q.

But 369 on the other side was not a weak hand. He watched the vampire whose anger bar was about to turn red and was pinching E in his hand. Jace directly accelerated and bombarded it.

Then he quickly switched to the hammer form and took the initiative to approach. He did not choose to play Q [Sky Leap], but directly gave the vampire a move [Thunder Strike]!

This E is placed at a very high level. Not only does the hammer directly break the power of the vampire's E skill, but it also moves the vampire hammer one step forward and slows it down. Jess stepped on the acceleration door and quickly opened it, stepping out of the vampire's Q skill range!


Chen Yuan suddenly raised his eyebrows, there was something!

The opponent hit a flat A twice, an acceleration gun, and an E, and he only returned an E that was not full.

In terms of blood exchange, I really lost a lot in this wave, and I was pulled to pieces!

Chen Yuan, who was still a bit condescending, couldn't help sitting up straight and entered the king mode.

If you want to play and pull, buddy will play with you today!

He didn't rush on his side for a while, pumped the red angry Q on the soldier and returned a mouthful of blood, and then stopped to observe the opponent's movements.

369 saw that the vampire was no longer in the red and angry, and immediately turned his head to force him over, as if he wanted to give Chen Yuan two more hammers.

Chen Yuan raised his mouth slightly, I'm standing here, do you dare to come?

369 really didn't dare, because he had almost handed over all his skills in the first wave, and he needed to go through a cycle first. He was just pretending to see if he could scare off the vampires.

Chen Yuan's side naturally understood, but he didn't sprint in this game, and he didn't have the ability to catch up and fight, so he could only turn back, and another normal Q was sucked on the soldier, and he recovered a little blood.

369 seized the opportunity and switched back to the cannon form again. With the 1.25-second acceleration of the switch form, he seized the vampire's rigidity by releasing Q and stole it a bit!

Of course, he understands that when dealing with a vampire, a hero with a strong laning response, you have to keep suppressing it, and consume blood when you seize the opportunity, otherwise your battery life will soon be unable to keep up with him.

Chen Yuan still chose to forbear, and took a few steps to retreat directly.

Jace's level of stealing is not painful to him, he needs a chance, a chance to directly give Jace a set of shreds!

Soon, his Q skills improved again, he stepped forward again, and with a red and angry Q, he took down another melee soldier.

At this time, 369's skills are almost all improved, and the gun form Jess does the same, bullying him, and then A is connected to W [Super Charge], the 2.5 attack speed shakes Chen Yuan three times in a row, and his blood pressure is suppressed. Halfway there!

Chen Yuan knew that this was an opportunity. The vampire decisively threw the ultimate move [Blood Plague] at Jess, and then the E skill began to charge up and walked directly to Jess's face!

"Brother Yuanzi was crushed to half blood by 369, and he threw a big move here. This should be used to restore blood..."

Colonel Guan was a little unconfident in his words, "After all, it's hard for a half-blooded vampire to beat Jess. Even a set of skills can't resist it, and the big move doesn't have time to restore blood... But... Brother Yuanzi, this Take the initiative to move forward!"

369 thought so too. With the cannon in his hand, he was not worried that he would be unable to defeat the vampire. Jess looked at the vampire who was getting closer, and did the same again, switching to the hammer form, and it was a hammer [Thunder Strike].

This hammer once again broke the vampire's charge, and at the same time lowered its blood volume again.

369 looked at the vampire with less than half blood. He didn't plan to run this time. Jace turned on the [Lightning Field], and then directly hammered it with a [Sky Leap]!

Chen Yuan was already prepared, I was afraid that you would not come!

The vampire instantly threw the W [Blood Red Pool] to the ground, dodging the critical hammer blow, and then directly blocked behind Jace with the help of the blood pool's deceleration effect, and he didn't plan to leave at all!

Although 369 was dodged by a leap of the sky, he did not panic at all, because this was already in his calculations.

When the blood pool was over, he immediately leveled A and knocked out the passive hammer in the form of a hammer. At the same time, [Lightning Domain] was still whipping the vampire's blood bar for a moment!

After Chen Yuan got up, he immediately slammed on Jess.

After playing for so long, this was his first Q to Jayce.

But that's enough.

The two heroes are close to A, but no matter what, the vampire with AP equipment will definitely suffer more.

Jess knocked on a flat A again, and directly hammered the vampire's blood volume to one-third. Fortunately, the big move [Blood Plague] broke out, and raised the blood volume up a little bit.

369 was still pulling, and Jess switched back to the cannon form directly, and hit the point A with a backhand piercing shot. Next, he only needed to hit a face-to-face cannon with a hand, and he could directly crippled the vampire.

And now that he has a flash in his hand, it is impossible for the residual blood vampire to escape his pursuit!

This wave of solo kills is a certainty!

Kill Genko alone!

369's heart was hot, Jace fired another flat A, and then Q [Power Shock] shot instantly, and at the same time, the [Acceleration Gate] had been assumed to be under his feet.

"Power surge!"

Picheng Gao Fushuai shouted out a sincere line, and he was about to end the life of this blood-sucking monster in front of him!

But Chen Yuan's reaction reached the extreme at this moment, the vampire suddenly turned 90 degrees, and then moved a short distance to the side!

Push push stick!

Chen Yuan had already reached the scene in front of him, so he kept holding the push stick and didn't hand it in, just waiting for Jess to shoot!

This displacement is quite extreme, and Jace's acceleration cannon and the vampire just passed by, leaving a loneliness.

Chen Yuan showed a wicked smile that he succeeded in his trick.

bring you!

The vampire raised the blood ball in his hand, and the [Tide of Blood] filled up again, and it exploded on Jace!

Now that the vampire is sticking to Jess's back, 369 can't run even if he wants to flash. He was directly bombed by this E, and the 40% deceleration effect was applied to him, causing him to be unable to move even an inch!

Chen Yuan calmly stole an eye with a flat A, and finally shot a red and angry Q, directly taking Jess's head!

"The Scarlet Reaper has killed the Future Guardian!"

Gao Fushuai, after all, was defeated by the blood-sucking monster!

"Wuhu! Nice!" The team's uniform dragon roar sounded in the team's voice!

"Counter-kill!" Colonel Guan couldn't help shouting loudly when he saw this scene: "Brother Yuanzi used the push stick to avoid Jace's acceleration gun with his face, and then completed the residual blood counter-kill! "

The audience under the stage was also extremely excited, and the RNG fans shouted hoarsely at this moment.

Just your name is 369! I don't see you either!

[Tube dog: Half-blood vampires can't beat Jace]

[Looking to be alive for Brother Yuanzi's milk, I didn't expect it]

[Hope the dog can shut up in this kind of competition! 】

【What are you talking about above? Brother Yuanzi's such wonderful detailed operation, you have become a dog's poisonous milk? 】

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room also exploded.

When there was no defense on the road, Chen Yuan naturally refused to come, and directly ate a tower on the road. Before the head was added to the tower, the economic gap between the two sides widened again by nearly a thousand.

"And on the middle side, Uzi is also putting a lot of pressure on the Zhongyi Tower, and he will soon demolish the Zhongyi Tower!"

All the towers in the upper and lower lanes were demolished, and Chen Yuan and Xiaohu could quickly rush to the middle lane from the wild area of ​​TES at any time, which was a great pressure for Loken in the middle lane.

TES has no choice but to let go of the tower in the middle, and also let go of the newly born dragon.

"Don't worry, don't worry, we are stronger than them in the later stage, continue 131 and it will be over."

Chen Yuan didn't do anything wrong anymore, he directly put pressure on all three ways, and the opposite side would always reveal flaws in a high-pressure environment.

Eighteen minutes later, TES seemed to have caught a chance. The jungler and support came to the bottom lane, and wanted to catch a wave of Xiaohu who was too deep in the bottom lane.

The displacement distance of Tahm's ultimate move, who is already at level 11, has increased. Tahm flew directly from the wild area to a tower, and brought the wine barrel behind the weapon!

Xiaohu didn't play with you either. The weapon master turned on the electric fan, stunned the wine barrel and Tam, and then directly raised his eyes + flashed, and ran into the lower field of TES in a flash, then gently Knock on the explosive fruit next to the triangular grass, and it blew directly into the river.

The three-stage displacement escaped, so that Brother Ba couldn't help but call him an expert.

On the other hand, Xiao Ming and Karsa didn't know when they touched the upper half. Jace of 369 was far less mobile than the weapon master.

Jess directly accelerated the door + flash and wanted to run, but RNG had Luo, a catching monster, Xiao Ming directly activated the ultimate move and crown acceleration, forcibly caught up with a W to fly Jess away.

Karsa didn't hesitate, and the blind monk Tian Yinbo followed, kicking Jess into Chen Yuan's face with a roundabout kick!

Of course, our brother Yuanzi opened his mouth wide and ate Jess into his stomach in one bite to get the fourth head of the game!

"Twenty minutes soon, Brother Yuanzi went back to the city to supply a wave of equipment!"

Push and Push Stick, Ghost Book, Law Wearing Shoes, Demon Codex, Blast Wand, Dark Seal.

Chen Yuan's equipment was already luxurious to the extreme.

And Uzi's equipment is also exaggerated, sucking blue knives, endless, yellow forks, and attack speed shoes.

Give him another two minutes, and he can even make a three-piece set of artillery!

"RNG went out and walked directly to the big dragon pit, they are going to fight directly!"

There are two continuous output heroes, Xia and Vampire, as well as a weapon that always stacks attack speed. The dragon speed of the five of them can even be called fast.

Of course, TES did not intend to let the dragon, the five gathered towards the big dragon pit, 369 Jess has switched out of the cannon form, and is trying to find a way to give RNG two cannons.

But at this time, Xiao Ming suddenly started.

He knew that Jace wasn't flashing.

He stared at Jace at 369, Luo turned on R, E touched Uzi at the outermost part of the dragon pit, and then flashed W and rushed towards Jace!

A stream of light flashed, and Phantom Ling instantly traveled a thousand yards and appeared at the feet of Jace!

RE flash W, Luo's set is far and fast to start the group, and there is almost no reaction time.

"Xiao Ming directly lifted 369, and Brother Yuanzi immediately flashed to follow the group! 369 was instantly killed!"

The vampire also flashed out of the dragon pit, pushed the stick to get closer, and the big move [Blood Plague] infected both Jess and the wine barrel at the same time!

Immediately afterwards, the vampire took advantage of a set of QEW, and the vampire who escaped into the blood pool suddenly exploded the [Tide of Blood] in his hand, and launched a wave of terrifying AOE!

"Brother Yuanzi's damage is very high, and the two skills directly crippled Jess, and the big move hasn't exploded yet!"

Of course, these K-head monsters from RNG won't wait for the vampire's ultimate move to explode. Xiaohu's Jax rushed over with a [jump cut], and before the street lamp in his hand had time to shoot, a feather of Uzi came first, and a violent attack Hit directly to take Jace's head!

Xiaohu could only angrily turn to the wine barrel on the other side.

The left hand was still thinking about saving the team in this endgame. Daomei threw out a big move and directly hit the weapon vampire Luo and the three, but he just rushed up here when Karsa's blind monk suddenly appeared and kicked the [Raptor Swing] Tail] kick him directly and fly out.

The helpless Knight can only watch his teammates being brutally slaughtered one by one!

"The weapon master started the counterattack storm and jumped to the face of the knife girl again, and she couldn't escape with her left hand!"

The street lamp waved a strange energy and made him dizzy~lightnovelpub.net~ Chen Yuan followed the trend and took a sip. Karsa also touched it with a W [Golden Bell Jar], and the three big men put their hands up and down on Irelia, directly Touch it back to the spring!

"Zero for five, RNG played a wave of winning teamfights, they controlled the dragon by the way, and the economic difference officially reached 10,000!"

Chen Yuan only took one head in this wave, but the economy in his hand was exaggerated enough. He directly sold the Devil's Codex in his hand and synthesized the explosion wand into a magic wand.

Twenty-five minutes later, another wave of team battles started on the high ground in the middle of TES.

Chen Yuan's unexplained combo reappeared, the vampire performed a standard E-flash REQ to perform the disappearance of the blood bar, sending 369 Jess back to the spring again!

Knight saw that his Jess was the first to die again, and he was immediately angry, but in the face of RNG's five-on-four absolute offensive, any action he made was in vain, he could only watch his own The players were caught up and killed one by one!

"RNG played a wave of one for five, and once again played a group destroy!"

Without any obstruction, RNG sang all the way and directly destroyed the base crystal of TES!