League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 453: Li Zaigan is the devil?

Alliance's all-around mid laner https://

The audience under the stage was bustling, cheering again for this wave of battle in the middle!

"Brother Yuanzi's repressive power is so strong! He directly rode on your face to exchange blood with you!" Colonel Guan said loudly: "Knight has not only been beaten this time, but he has to go home to make up for it. Soldiers."

Although this wave did not produce a head, the director still gave a playback very quickly.

In slow motion, everyone saw the details of Chen Yuan's E skill.

The tsar first brushed his shield with E to resist the damage of lower A, and then moved to hide from Q. The three commentators gasped.

"This wave is too thin!" I remember seeing that it was shaking his head repeatedly: "If the Tsar chooses to forcefully eat this AQ, then he will be the first to bleed, and Knight still holds one in his hand to ignite it, so maybe it is a Posing kill!"

"That won't happen." Colonel Guan still has something to say: "After all, Brother Yuanzi also has a purifier in his hand, which can be used to de-ignite, but anyway, the operation here is really cool!"

"Then Yuanzi's mid lane matchup is very comfortable. He can slowly push the line into the tower, and then go home to replenish the equipment. It doesn't matter even if Qiana is already online, because this hero pushes the lane very slowly!"

After Chen Yuan returned to the city, he quickly updated his equipment. The money on his side was not too much, only enough for him to buy a small yellow book and a short sword, and then buy a real eye.

In fact, he rarely buys real eyes, and his game consciousness with Karsa can support him to grasp the approximate position of the opponent's jungler almost all the time.

Moreover, when he has an advantage, the middle road can't see his people at all... It's really unnecessary to look at the middle road, it's just giving money.

Even if he buys real eyes, he usually puts them in an offensive position to control the vision of the enemy's jungle.

This time, the real eye is mainly to protect the little tiger.

After going online, Chen Yuan immediately buried his vision in the grass at the entrance of the blue zone. As long as the opponent's spider walked into the wild zone, they could see it immediately.

Then he quickly returned to the middle lane to clear the line.

His task in this game is also very simple, that is, development.

RNG's lineup in this round is very weak against the middle and jungle. As long as the opponent wants to invade, they can only let it go.

In the bottom road, Uzi's laning is still going smoothly. The hero of the wheel mother has the protection of [Spell Shield], so there is no need to be afraid of Pike's hook, and frequently use basic attacks and skills to push the line while maintaining sufficient mana. .

"TES still has a hard time playing in the bottom lane. They can't get Sivir first!"

It can only be said that Uzi is still very good at laning.

This arrogant laning gesture finally caught XX's attention.

After returning to the city after dying, the spider that started again from the lower half of the area, after finishing the three wolves and toads, walked straight towards the bottom road.

"Can I go first, I still have a chance to dodge." XX stood on the explosive fruit in the lower half of his house, ready to explode into the grass in the bottom road at any time.

At the same time, he was still thinking about the position of karsa in his heart. He thought that I would just grab the wild monsters without brushing them. It's purely a hunger strike style. You can't squat down!

"Yes, yes! You can come directly, I can do it at any time!" Ben immediately gave feedback, signaling his teammates to do it.

XX didn't hesitate to hear this, the spider clicked on the explosive fruit and immediately exploded. At the same time, Ben's Pike took the lead decisively, and an E [Phantom Wave] smashed into Uzi's face.

Uzi sneered slightly when he saw this scene, but he was not in a hurry, waiting for the opposite Pike to make a move.

The next moment, Ben decisively pressed the flash to appear behind the wheel mother, and wanted E flash to take the lead!

Uzi's reaction was extremely fast. Even if the opponent didn't leave him too much time to react, he still activated E [Spell Shield] in time.

Ben saw that E was empty, but he wasn't annoyed, he turned around and gave Wheel Mom a light A, providing a target for his teammate Jhin!

Loken quickly followed, and W [Fatal Brilliance] locked the wheel and shot quickly.

At this moment, Xiao Ming suddenly played with his hands again, and the cat quickly lowered his body to block the splendor!

And he has not been attacked before, so this skill did not cause him to immobilize him, Xiao Ming touched Parker to brush the shield, and then quickly drilled back with another W!

XX's spider has also come to the bottom of the road at this time, and Pike and the two formed a circle on the wheel mother!

Ben's Pike had started charging the hook and was looking for an angle.


Under the tower, RNG fans have begun to shout.


"Karsa is squatting again!" Colonel Guan's excited voice came from the commentary booth: "His anti-squatting in this round is really invincible!"

As soon as the words fell, Karsa's scorpion appeared directly on the lower line grass, an E hit Pike directly, and then turned on W and rushed out with a tail hook to imprison him, stunned him directly!

Karsa, it's you again!

XX sees this scene, everyone is numb, is this still hitting you? I don't even play jungle anymore!

Scorpion's stun directly interrupted Pike's hook charge. Uzi quickly turned back to counterattack, and AWQ hit him.

The appearance of Karsa, the scorpion, undoubtedly made Ben a pure clown. He came up and was beaten, and now he doesn't even have room to run!

Seeing this scene, XX obviously didn't dare to go up, so he could only throw a cocoon from a distance to see if he could help his teammates escape.

"I'll help you block E!"

But Xiao Ming is staring at you, the spider has not moved, the cat once again lowered his body, and just blocked the cocoon again!

After Uzi communicated with Xiaoming, he knew that Xiaoming would block him, he stood still, output Pike, and sent him back to the spring with a flat A!

Under the stage, the cheers of the audience are already surging like thunder, this Karsa is simply invincible!

The director quickly replayed it. From XX's perspective, everyone watched the spider walk past RNG's eyes and squatted on the bottom road.

"RNG's bot lane is so well placed!" Colonel Guan said excitedly: "Xiong Xiong was seen by Xiao Ming's vision very early, so Karsa has plenty of time to support the bot lane!" That's right, Karsa This wave really didn't realize that XX was going to be caught, but this time he saw it directly.

Xiao Ming has a habit of setting his vision in the depths of the opponent's jungle when he has a laning advantage. This is something that almost all teams know.

XX did not take the lead in eliminating the field of vision this time, and walked directly towards the bottom road. This behavior is undoubtedly waiting to be countered.

In the lounge, TES' coach White Crescent couldn't help holding his forehead when he saw this scene.

Li Zaigan is a **** and devil xx?

From God's perspective, he clearly saw the whole process of his own jungler XX's illness.

Everyone knows that RNG's bot lane advantage likes to be intrusive. I specifically warned you before the game that you did a good job in the first two games, but why did you forget about the third game?

When the coach saw this scene, he knew that it was over, and his jungler had already started sleepwalking...

On the player's seat, his left hand also felt a little troublesome at this time, and he had to say: "XX, follow me, I'll be on the sixth, I can do something."

He is not actually a roaming mid laner, but in the face of this predicament, he knows that as a mid laner, he must stand up in this situation.

"...Okay." XX also nodded, "I'll go to the wild to upgrade to level five first."

Knight uses the level 3 Q skill to stealth, and he can barely push the lane. Next, he only needs to come over from the jungler to give some pressure, and it is very easy to get the lane power.

"XX's side has risen to level 5, and the spider has come directly to the middle to put pressure on it. Brother Yuanzi can only retreat and let Knight push the line into the tower!"

Colonel Guan looked at the actions of Nakano and Nakano in TES: "After two consecutive waves of losses, TES still did not give up, and continued to choose to take the initiative!"

After the two pushed the line, they quickly disappeared from RNG's field of vision.

At this time, the vision that Chen Yuan had arranged before played a role, and the real eye clearly saw the two walk into the upper half.

"It's on the other side, Xiaohu, be careful." Chen Yuan quickly reminded Xiaohu in his voice: "But I can come..."

The words stopped abruptly in the middle, and Chen Yuan thought for a while before he had an idea: "Forget it, I won't come, Xiaohu, you can do it yourself, Brother Ka, come with me!"

Chen Yuan also disappeared from sight, called Karsa, who was about to go to the top of the road, and walked directly to the lower half!


The little tigers who are on the road and being attacked by the enemy are all numb. You are not here to support, are you?

Seeing that the line of troops is about to enter the tower, and when the three people on the opposite side are encircled, then he is in a certain death situation.

Rich experience in anti-stress instantly allowed Xiaohu to find the best way to deal with it.


A goat came rushing from a distance, Xiaohu directly handed over his big move, and his target was not any one of the other three, but the soldier who was about to enter the tower!

Ornn's two-stage big move is not enough to directly kill melee soldiers in seconds, but it's more than enough to kill long-range soldiers in seconds.

The second stage of the big move went out, and the long-range soldiers were cleaned up. Then he did not hesitate to walk out of the tower, and a Q was used to clean up the remaining melee soldiers with residual blood.

He directly cleared the line of troops outside the tower, in order to prevent the two behind the tower from jumping over the tower and killing him, but this also caused himself to stand in front of the crocodile.

Naturally, 369 didn't hesitate. After a brief communication with his teammates, he directly started the ultimate move, and Red Wrath bit Aoun's body in one bite.

With 1.5 seconds of dizziness, TES obviously wants to kill Xiaohu without any troops!

Li Yuanhao's reaction was a little slow, and he failed to block the crocodile's W with W, but his left hand frantically pressed W at this time, pointing to the first time after waking up to release this key domineering skill.

XX didn't dare to hesitate, the spider standing behind the tower flashed decisively to close the distance, and the next [Cocoon] shot at the extreme distance!

Xiaohu presses W faster, and the keyboard is almost worn out by him!

At this time, the [Resolute] specially selected by Xiaohu in the Resolute Department talent took effect. Although Xiaohu did not use any summoner skills at this time, this talent still provided him with 10% toughness and reduced the stun duration of the crocodile. 0.15 seconds.

Just before the milky white liquid was about to hit Uncle Sheep's face, Uncle Sheep Aoun suddenly spewed out fire, burning the liquid directly!

"Xiaohu released W at a critical moment and broke the spider's cocoon!" Colonel Guan shouted on the stage: "But there is a Kiana behind her, and her left hand has a big move, how can I say it!"

Although the spider's cocoon was removed, the casting process and stiffness of this skill are not short, and Qiana directly shot with her left hand at the right time!

But Xiaohu is not a vegetarian. After pressing W, he pressed D again, and the keyboard crackled. After the release, Aoun's [Bellicle Flame Breath] flashed and ran to the defense tower. He just avoided Kia again. Na's ER combo!

"I avoided Kiana's big move again, 369 went directly into the field to deal damage, and XX handed over to ascend to avoid the damage of the defense tower!" The mouth that I remember is like a continuous cannon: "Do they want to kill Xiaohu?"

The spider ascended to the sky and fell again, and fell to Aoun's side. 369 was also directly red and angry with double E's face and broke his armor, wanting to cooperate with his teammates to kill!

But Xiaohu smiled confidently, Aoun bowed his head slightly, and slammed into the defensive tower beside him!


The three people who crossed the tower in TES were all in close combat at this time, and all three of them were immediately raised to the sky by the collision of Aoun!

"Xiaohu's E is very nice! TES's hand was broken, and 369 seems to be unable to withstand the damage of the defense tower!"

These few waves of Xiaohu cooperated very well with Ta Daddy. The preheated defensive tower fell with one shot, directly taking away nearly one-third of the crocodile's blood!

According to this blood volume, the crocodile can't hold two shots.

"Retreat, retreat, no harm!" 369 shouted to retreat in the voice, and the second shot of the defense tower came, directly hitting him to only one third of the remaining. At this time, Xiaohu became a tiger instead, chased after him with his backhand, and struck the crocodile with a hammer.

369 was about to vomit blood. He couldn't do it without flashing. He flashed and pulled away, and finally got away with it.

"Survived!" Colonel Guan was full of disbelief in the commentary box, "This wave of little tigers is too beautiful, and he just manipulated the three on the opposite side!"

Tong Xi couldn't help nodding: "And his previous operation of recruiting Qing soldiers, his thinking is indeed very clear!"

When the three commentators were praising Xiaohu, the camera was suddenly cut to the bottom lane~lightnovelpub.net~ and saw that Chen Yuan and Karsa had come behind the TES bottom lane duo.

Colonel Guan changed his state instantly, "But on RNG's side, they have also made some moves. Brother Genzi and Karsa want a wave of four packs and two in the bottom lane!"

Everyone saw Scorpion and Tsar appearing from behind the next tower of TES, which had blocked their retreat route.

"Where's your teammate?" Ben shouted in his voice, "Can anyone save me?"

Apparently, no one responded.

"Brother coffee first!" Chen Yuan shouted excitedly in his voice: "Chongchongchong!"

Karsa turned on the predator, and the scorpion was as fast as a ghost. He went up and directly grabbed the AD with a dodge on the opposite side, and then he didn't move, just dragged him so hard not to let the other side run!

Chen Yuan was not in a hurry to hand in skills, W summoned the sand soldiers and put it on the poke, Uzi and Xiao Ming poured out all the damage, the four of them worked together to directly drop AD in seconds, and the wheel mother got the head with a Q.

On the other side, Ben's side was collapsing and selling. While his teammates were focusing on AD, his Pike quickly ran towards the second tower with an E skill!

But Chen Yuan's special skills are used to serve him!

The tsar summoned the second sand soldier, and rushed to Pike with a set of skilled WEQ. A reverse R [Wall of the Forbidden Army] directly pushed the unflappable Pike back to the next tower!

"Wuhu!" Uzi was naturally open to anyone who came to his face, and the wheel mother chased Parker fiercely.

But Xiao Ming's wave is also quite a chicken thief. The cat secretly shot a [fishing missile], circled in the air, and just turned around and hit Parker, K hit the head!

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