League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 94: Next game, ban Yasuo

After controlling the two big moves, Yasuo's blood volume fell to half blood.

At this time, the wind wall disappeared, and Aoun also came over, facing the three people encircling and suppressing, Yasuo suddenly became dangerous.

"Brother Yuanzi, can you still operate this wave?" Wang Duoduo's tone has improved a bit. If it is an average player, Wang Duoduo has already been sentenced to death at this moment, but this person is a hero, and he still has some points. expect.

Guan Zeyuan has nothing to look forward to here: "What else can I operate? This wave of Yuanzi is dead."

[Cut the steel flash]!

Yasuo once again stabbed Bron behind him with a Q, and then chased Velus.

Verus watched Yasuo chase him, and his backhand was a big move [corrupt chain] thrown out, but just after throwing it out, he found something was wrong. Yasuo ran too fast!

Yasuo just triggered the swift pace at this time, and forcibly turned his head to avoid this close-in utmost!

In fact, all of this is in Chen Yuan's calculations.

Before he triggered the first swift pace when he was in the tower Aoun, after that, his talent has been accumulating counts.

Until then, his swift layer was completely filled up, and just after he Q Bron, it brought him an explosive movement speed bonus.

After twisting the big move, Yasuo quickly ran to Verus's face and hit another A to get Q. Verus successfully returned to the spring.

At this time Aoun also came. TheShy had already lost a Q skill to this side before. At this time, the stone pillar was just formed, and an E slammed into the pillar.

Just like Dodging the Ice Bird Q, Yasuo had another E skill, passing through Ornn, and once again miraculously avoided the knock-up range.

【Cyclone Slash】Blowed out again, towards Aoun and Bron.

The two showed their magical powers, Aoun had a W, breathed fire on the spot, and used his tyrant body to overcome the knock-up.

Bron raised his shield and was also not knocked into the air.

Chen Yuan shook his head here, but reluctantly chose to retreat.

There are still two small soldiers around who have not been E. Yasuo turned into a loach, and soon opened the distance and walked away.

"Here again, three hit one and they were counter-killed!"

"This wave of operations is too detailed."

"Walking up close and twisting Velus's big move, show him that he gets wet!"

In the live broadcast room, countless spectators were madly deducting 6. So far, Chen Yuan has played two wonderful operations in this game.

This kind of player who likes to fight is just pleasing to the eye.

On the other side, the ice bird and the wine barrel faced the group of four people, and naturally they couldn't hold the tower, and the second tower was also successfully pulled out.

"Brother Qiang, Yuanzi..." Uzi has nothing to say at this time. If you can still show, you can continue to show...

At the very beginning, Chen Yuan's Yasuo had always belonged to the comedian type positioning, but now, Chen Yuan has gradually proven himself with strength.

He is the world's number one Yasuo.


18 minutes.

RNG won the third little dragon Tulong.

The people of IG only came to test it for a while, and when they realized that there was no chance, they chose to retreat.


20 minutes.

The dragon was refreshed, and RNG, holding the 5000 economic advantage, gathered at the dragon on time. At this time, Yasuo had also added a mercury ribbon and vampire scepter.

At this moment, they held three small dragons, one water and two soil, and they beat the big dragon very fast.

JackeyLove saw that all the people on the other side disappeared, so he subconsciously swept the Great Dragon Pit with foresight.

"They are in the dragon!" JackeyLove hurriedly reminded.

"Go go! If you let go, the dragon will be gone!" Rookie was a little anxious, and hurriedly cleared the line of troops at hand, and then walked towards the dragon in a group.

The five IG people walked in a group and walked to F6. At this time, Ah Shui said: "I didn't see the position of the stone man, be careful."

Hearing this news, the five IG members spread out the lineup in an instant, so as not to be directly hit by too many.

Baolan, who was walking in the front, stuck an eye in the grass between Dalongkeng and the red FUFF.

There is a stone man hidden inside.

flash! R!

In fact, IG's team has already entered the range of his big move, but in order to ensure the hit, the most reliable method is used, and the flash is closer, and the processing time on the opposite side is shortened.

Rookie and JackeyLove faced such a quick big move, but they didn't react and took off directly.

"Chen Yuan!!!" At this time, he was unconscious and could only shout at Chen Yuan's name.

Of course Yuanzi wouldn't let him down, EQ Dalong, and then took it directly.

A ring of sword energy appeared in the middle of the IG double C, the big move landed and then QA was received, and Velus was seconded again.

This is also the eighth head of Chen Yuan.


The supernatural sound effect resounded through the canyon, and RNG fans were also shouting.

Uzi also gave up the big dragon at this time, and the E skill crossed the wall, and started to shoot directly with the big move.

Seize it!

In the end, only one barrel of IG managed to escape using displacement skills, and the other four were buried on the spot.

Because the line of soldiers had just been cleared by the ice bird, there was no one wave, and everyone at RNG chose to go back and fight the dragon.

When the dragon hit the residual blood, Ning reappeared, trying to grab the dragon.

The incense pot didn't give him a chance, and the wine barrel was also left behind as a ruthless subordinate.


Dalong, group annihilation, I want it all!

After returning home ~lightnovelpub.net~Chen Yuanhe produced a Mercury Scimitar, and bought a stopwatch, and the next one was the Resurrection Armor.

After completing the equipment, the RNG people assembled again, with the flag of command and the big dragon BUFF, a small artillery soldier turned into a **** of war, and soon took the high ground of IG.

Highland crystal, front tooth tower, base crystal.

The RNG team sang forward all the way and directly pushed the IG base.

"Let's congratulate RNG for winning the third game!" Guan Zeyuan said with a weird face.

On the other side, Jiang Qiu looked elated, as if it was himself who had won the game.

"Ahem!" Wang Duoduo gave a light cough, "Don't be too obvious in the commentary!"


This round can be said to be a personal show by Chen Yuan. The ten super **** Yasuo with zero deaths, whether it is that wave of four kills or the second wave of one-on-three, all show their personal strength.


Not only did the fans let out a sigh of relief, but Brother Feng also let out a sigh of relief. He was sincerely grateful at this time.

Fortunately, there is Chen Yuan in the team.

IG training room.

The whole team is sitting seriously, they still hold the match point, so the strength of a game is not enough to make them panic. They are just discussing tactics seriously.

Coach Mafa thought for a while, then said to the players: "The next game, Ban Yasuo, but in the next game, you can't lose anymore."

In his opinion, the forthcoming fourth game is the decisive game.

If the game really drags on to two to two, the morale on your side will definitely be greatly reduced.

And the opponent chasing two rounds in a row, the momentum will definitely reach a peak, and the outcome is actually determined in advance.

But he didn't say it, he believed his players.