Legend of Infinite Mecha

Chapter 115: Alliance

"Our founder and leader, Ioliya Schuchenberg's plan to the devas, has only three parts. After two centuries of preparation, it is now finally able to be implemented."

"There are three stages?" Billy was surprised.

Yes, in accordance with the current method of action. No matter how they look at it, they are just intervening in disputes.

"The first stage is to eradicate disputes. Promote the unity of mankind-this is also the main task of the frontal execution of the forces of heaven and man."

"So, isn't this team destined to be destroyed by the unity of mankind!"

"If a miracle doesn't happen, it should be." Liu Ling said, lowering his head slightly. People can't see his look in the shadows.

"So what about the second stage?" Graham asked in a deep voice.

"The second stage is to promote the progress of mankind and the exploration of cosmic space-at the same time eliminate the privileged classes and privileged troops that may appear to prevent the occurrence of dictatorship."

"Even the phenomenon after human consent is taken into account-what about the execution force?" Graham asked.

"If the previous'celestial man' unit survives, it will be assumed by this unit, otherwise a new'celestial man' will be formed." Liu Ling replied, "our special service and support troops are only responsible for some small things behind the scenes, or It is to provide support to the'heaven and man'."

"Then the last stage"

"For the upcoming dialogue" Liu Ling said here, but his tone revealed a sense of mission and loftiness like a pilgrimage.

"What—" Billy felt completely incomprehensible.

Why are the previous two stages so thorough, but the last one is so vague and ambiguous

"Then, you are not afraid that we will report all of this?" Graham asked suddenly.

"That is your freedom-as the heirs of the spirit of chivalry, from the pilot of the fighter plane to the MS pilot, to the top pilot of this era, Graham and his recognized friend-I believe in yours judgment."

Liu Ling took a step back. Half of the body returned to the shadows.

The scene was so silent.

"Hahahahahaha!" In the end, Graham's hearty laughter broke the silence, "I understand, is this the consciousness of heaven and man!"

"Graham!" Billy realized his friend's decision and felt it was not appropriate, so he stopped.

"This condition. I accepted-I will become a member of the heavens-being a dark hero is also a good choice!"

"Oh" Graham still spoke out, "How did you tell me to explain to Teacher Elfman?"

"No, it's okay to invite the instructor here too! This is a rare opportunity to get in touch with Gundam and that light particle at zero distance!"

"Ha—" Billy reluctantly covered his face with his hands, "I will accompany you to be willful once."

"Thanks, dear friend!"

Liu Ling salutes. Then take a step back.

"Then, your information has been registered in the system here. Next time you come to that entrance, you can enter here-replacement parts and repair supplies can be provided in the base. If you need to research, you can also do it directly. ——The computer here can be connected to our "Sky Jade" database, and you can also call up the information in it at will-then!"

The white cloak waved, and when the white light disappeared, the pure white gentleman disappeared without a trace.

"Graham, why are you—"

"Is he the pilot of the'Silver Wing Magician'" Graham muttered, looking at the place where Liu Ling disappeared.

"What? Did you say that he is the driver of the mysterious white mobile suit of Celestial Man!" Billy couldn't believe it-although he had a lot of things "very unbelievable" today. "Why do you say that?"

"The actions of MS will reflect the character of the driver." Graham replied.

GN-GP1Pt. The factory prototype of Gundam Sky Angel is basically a general-purpose MS made by Gundam RX-78-GP1.

The body uses the same Gundam Nim (without DG cells) armor as the GN-GP3S Thunder Angel Gundam and a skeleton made of the first generation of psychoactive materials. This machine is equipped with a GN solar furnace in the core fighter and the main body of the machine. At the same time, because the ion propulsion engine is used as the main power source, the propulsion power of the body is better than that of the Gundam series led by Angel.

Speaking of body armament, it is relatively weak compared to Thunder Angel. It mainly consists of two beam rifles placed on the back and on the outside of the backpack, two beam sabers on the backpack and two live ammunition GN hybrid Balkan guns on the head. very.

There are a large number of posture control nozzles installed in various parts of the body like Thunder Angel. The heat vent on the chest is modified to the style of RX-78-GP1Fb, and the beam rifle used is also the specification of GP1Fb.

Taking into account Graham's driving style, this machine has made special reinforcements in terms of power and structural strength. In addition, a large number of backup energy interfaces are reserved to provide propulsion equipment that may need to be installed during retrofitting.

In addition, this machine is additionally equipped with a bazooka-style high-power beam launcher (re-developed based on the beam rocket launcher of RX-78-GP2-MLRS), which has half the output of the German angel main weapon (although the caliber is also about half) ) Used as a high-power weapon in emergency situations.

The shield of this machine uses the GP1 prototype shield which is durable after being re-strengthened with Gundam Nim alloy. That is, it is the same as Thunder Angel's shield, only the painting is different.

As an additional weapon enhancement, a three-barrel 9mm Gatling electromagnetic acceleration cannon is hidden in the left forearm of the body, making this machine a rare Gundam body with live ammunition.


About GP1

After the end of the One Year War, the upper strata of the Earth Federation Forces conducted research on the weapon itself. The development of the EFF’s post-war MS basically started by absorbing the advanced technology of the Old Zion Principality Army. After analyzing the technical gaps from various aspects of information such as the received materials and facilities, a proposal was made to improve the performance of the MS. This is the so-called "Gundam Development Plan."

As planned, based on the RX-78-2 Gundam, which had an amazing record in the One Year War, several experimental Gundam units were manufactured and tested for the development of the main mobile suit in the next phase. GP1 is the "general purpose" of these prototypes, which is based on the premise of combat under gravity.

Compared with RX-78-2, this machine has greatly strengthened the use of detectors. In addition, as a result of the design idea of ​​pursuing general-purpose human weapons, its movement mode is closer to that of humans. In order to ensure the safety of the pilot and recover combat data, the airframe also adopts the core operating cabin system. The new core fighter ⇷ and the main body are assembled from the vertical mode that was problematic in the previous RX-78 to horizontal mode.

The design of the new frame and the introduction of the most advanced technology enabled the GP1 to have the high mobility and sportiness that the previous land combat MS did not have, making it the highest performance body at the time.

As a body with high versatility, GP1 can be equipped with and use a variety of live ammunition weapons in addition to optical weapons. One of them is the 1mm machine gun, the standard weapon of the Federal Army MS. Although optical weapons are superior in both destructive power and penetrating power, live-fire machine guns are better when you want to conduct surface attacks rather than point attacks.

In addition, the use of special ammunition such as paintballs during simulation warfare and other field training can also make the battle safer.