Legend of Infinite Mecha

Chapter 137: determination

"The ontology of the international terrorist network is a natural retrospective organization with Europe-centered activities-La Itera."

Liu Ling's voice sounded in Li Angel's cab. "There are three activity bases for La Etienne, and the data will be sent to them right now. Please confirm carefully."

Lok Ang operated the panel. Displaying the data on the screen, Li Angel is in charge of a stronghold located in the Amazon River Basin in South America. It is not far from the tropical rain forest where he is now hiding. "I've been waiting impatiently." Lok Ang smiled slightly. "At the same time, the offensive was launched at 14:00 GMT. The enemy's strength is unknown, and the possibility of having mobile suits is not ruled out. Everyone must be careful." "Understand."

Lok Ang moved neatly to adjust the settings, switching Gundam from sleep mode to normal mode. "According to the intelligence, your area is where their combat effectiveness is most concentrated. Doesn't it matter?" "Don't worry about me."

Gundam? The enemy's combat power? What does it matter? It's just a matter of several snipers. "I'm not worried, but it may become a slightly more difficult task. This is what I want to say." "Then I have to thank you."

Rochon smiled without fear.

Some difficult tasks? Isn't that just right.

Lok Ang opened and closed his hands several times, feeling the subtle touch of the joystick. "——Angel of Force, Lokon Stratos. Attack!"

Li Angel flew into the air while spreading GN particles.

With the gradual deepening from the dense forest area to the mountainous area, a huge rock wall suddenly stood in front of it. Under the erosion of wind over the years. The soil has been stripped, exposing the hard rock. At the foot of the rock wall. There are scattered buildings that look like ancient relics, which are formed by excavated stone walls or piled up.

Now, on the stone walls of these stone buildings, sparks of explosions are appearing from time to time. It was an explosion caused by a red ray-the red ray fired from Li Angel's GN sniper rifle.

The Angel of Force, holding a GN sniper rifle while spreading GN particles in the air, is looking down at all this. "How. How does it feel to be someone else's goal?"

Lok Ang retracted the sniper sight in his hand above himself.

Li Angel landed on the grass in front of the building complex. Fix the GN sniper rifle on the right shoulder. Pulled out the GN beam pistol from both legs. After aiming the muzzles of the two guns at the building complex at the same time, Lok Ang pulled the trigger.

The two GN beam guns burst out flames almost simultaneously. A deep sound of shooting echoed in the mountains. It was like venting the anger in his heart.

A pillar of fire was lit up in the building complex. In the thick smoke, members of Ra Edarla filed out through the holes created by the GN beam gun with their light weapons. Desperately launched a fierce shot at Li Angel. However, there was a distance of 500 meters between them and Li Angel, and part of the panic shot was taken away from the target. Even if it gets hit. That kind of ordinary bullet can't hurt a little fur of the special armor at all.

Li Angel poured ammunition to those people without hesitation. The stump of a member of the terrorist organization flew into the air with the explosion. "Unforgivable. There must be no mercy for you guys."

The memories of the past reappeared in Lok Ang's mind.

The memory of losing my family and changing my life's destiny.

and so. He will only appear here today.

With the code name Lok Stratos.

As the driver of the power angel Gundam.

Yes. "Today, I will never forgive."

Lok Ang aimed at the target and pulled the trigger.


The international flight from Manchester to Munnar is on the sea of ​​clouds dyed orange by the setting sun, flying according to the scheduled route.

In the first-class cabin of the plane, although there are skylights made of tempered glass that can see the sky directly above the plane, Marina Ismail sitting in one of them is very concerned about the deep blue of the east and the red of the setting sun in the west. The beautiful colors that are intertwined have no interest, but he bury his body in the chair tiredly, looking into the distance hollowly.

In the end, she still failed to realize the meeting with the British Foreign Office, and could only adjust her schedule to find other opportunities-if the other party had the same meaning. The friction between the conservatives and the reformists in the Parliament of the Kingdom of Azadistan has also intensified. I still have many problems to deal with and think about.

In addition, she will never forget the boy.

The boy I met in Scotland.


He said that he was the Gundam pilot of the Celestial Organization. And it doesn't look like a joke or a prank.

However, Marina recalled the scene at the time. I couldn't think well in the chaotic state of mind at the time, but now I think about it after calming down. I can only say that it doesn't seem like something that would happen in reality at all. "Yes, it's impossible..."

Marina smiled ridiculously, remembering the moments when she met the boy. at this time. "Hey, look, it's a mobile suit." "Which country is it from?"

Several passengers who were also sitting in the first-class cabin whispered to each other.

Marina followed the passenger's line of sight and saw a mobile suit flying over here from the back.

That is a form similar to the human form. It is neither an AEU nor a coalition, nor is it the body of the People's Revolutionary Federation. The V-shaped decoration on the forehead, the green eyes, and the blue-and-white body that shone in the setting sun.

I seem to have seen it somewhere. I should have seen it in the TV news... "Isn't that... Gundam?"

Said a passenger.

Marina slowly stood up, watching the mobile suit flying above. The huge body that was approaching gave people a strong sense of oppression. "...Up to..."

The mobile suit seemed to be looking inside from the skylight of the passenger plane.

Marina felt that the machine seemed to be watching her. It seems to be here to let myself see. But what is this for?

Is that boy sitting on it...?

The idea that was once denied by herself returned to Marina.

Up. Tianren organization. Setsuna·F·Qingying. Gundam pilot.

Is it true...?

Marina cast a questioning gaze at the machine.

However, her question was not answered. The mobile suit left the airliner and merged with the stars in the dark blue night sky.

In the cockpit of Neng Angel, Setsuna also recalled the voice that remained in his memory. That is not only a nostalgic voice, but also a voice with a distinct sense of freshness.

Could it be that the vermilion sky under the setting sun evokes my worries, and I don't know why his heart is quiet. The body also relaxed, and the head with the helmet leaned against the seat.

The figure that appeared in front of him gave himself a gentle smile.

She was calling her name. That voice remained in my memory like sweet music.

Even if it was just my own illusion, I was still immersed in it for a moment.

That voice was calling Kamal's name.

That voice was also calling Solan's name.

That is the voice of Marina Ismail.

That was also the voice of the mother at the same time.