Legend of Infinite Mecha

Chapter 205: Battle of Corsica

Of course, as far as Wellington is concerned, this set of rhetoric is at best just a thought, and will not affect his decisions and actions.

Having poured out his troubles, he now feels much better.

Stretching his body, he chose to return to his post.

On the other side of the base, the command airship is preparing for liftoff, but its command room is not so orderly.

"Please don't do this, Commander Bonaparte!" the adjutant persuaded him by his side, "the enemy can't come!"

It was the commander of this base, Commander Bonaparte, who ordered the airship to be lifted into the air.

According to common sense. Indeed, the probability of the enemy selecting such a base to attack is very slim.

But Commander Bonaparte did not seem to be a mediocre. The previous incidents of Gundam attacks made him speculate that the main targets of Gundams are now the factories and bases where Rio is produced-therefore, it is impossible for them not to come.

Holding the same beliefs as Bonaparte, the Wakatshi of the OZ special forces had returned to his team at this time and entered the cockpit of the fuselage from the boarding tower bridge.

The voice of the adjutant who heard the commander came from the communication channel. He just murmured seriously: "The enemy will definitely come."

His eyes are full of strength, faith and consciousness like never before.

I don't know if he deliberately responded to the commander, or simply collected his voice through the cockpit, but this sentence reached the commander's ears.

"You said the enemy will come?" He was surprised at Waka's extraordinary certainty.

At the same time, the steel cable that fixed the airship was unhooked, and under the buoyancy of the air, the huge airship slowly lifted into the sky.

The entire base has entered the highest level of preparedness, whether it is a tank, Leo or Aiyalitz. All teased raised their weapons. The attack envelope of each weapon strictly covers the ground and air around the entire base.

Stable as a rock, as solid as a golden soup.

The commander had a bird's eye view of the neatly arranged and densely arranged force of the entire base from the air, confidently letting go of his rhetoric.

"With such a strict guard, only fools will break in!"

However, this is how the so-called "idiot" stepped into this forbidden area.

The giant covered in crimson armor stepped onto the ground.

Without saying a word, let alone extra action, it directly raised the Gatling machine gun in its hand.

At the same time, the missile launch ports hidden in various parts of the body opened the protective armor, and dozens of missiles flew away with fire and smoke.

The armor on the chest was opened, and the optical sight appeared crystal clear in the sunlight-what was even more frightening was that in that chest, it was also two Gatling machine gun launchers that turned at a higher speed.

Do not hide or escape, it just stood there and launched its first wave of attacks.

However, this stormy attack has achieved results beyond the expectations of the challenged team.

Whether it was Leo’s MS armor or tank armor, the moment it was hit by the jet, it was pierced without delay, exploding into a huge cavity. Then as the body lost control or mobility, it tipped and exploded helplessly.

As the commander of the squad, Waka also began to issue his own orders.

It’s just the Rio and tanks of the United Army, and they can’t do any damage to Gundam...

Thinking so. He pulled the goggles from his forehead, and at the same time activated his Aiyaliz.

"Special forces, all strike out!"

"But, but there is only one enemy plane—"

"It's okay, get out!" Waka's tone is undoubtedly, and he rushed forward.

Ayaliz's distinctive giant jet thruster produced a bright cyan fire, pushing Ayaliz into the air.

At this time, Gundam's attack still did not stop.

As the body continued to be knocked down, the actual defense line was quickly dug out of the gap, and Gundam moved forward like this step by step, unable to shake.

The direction he was heading was also where the command airship of Commander Bonaparte was floating in the air.

The fighter plane also completed takeoff. Come to meet.

However, this Gundam seemed to be indifferent, and it dropped for ten guilds in one effort, only aiming the Gatling-style arms in the air.

The fighters rushed up to the barrage one after another, turning into a ball of fire in the air.

Now, the defense of the joint army at this base suddenly showed a huge hole, and even this airship could hardly guarantee the safety of the commander.

Everyone suddenly got confused.

"Descent! Emergency descend!" I don't know who is the first to find out that if it is flying in the air, the slow and inflexible airship is a living target, and suddenly shouted.

The operator hurriedly followed the sound, and the airship began to fall slowly.

At this time, Commander Bonaparte, as the commander, stood firmly on the ground of the airship bridge. He gave orders in a bold voice.

"Don't panic! There is only one enemy, nothing terrible, surround it and annihilate it!"

He knew that at this time, only the commander could maintain his momentum and calmness to stabilize the military's mind to the greatest extent. Now, he made his decision and issued the order.

"There is no response from the radar. Go to the monitor-confirmed!"

Gundam's crimson body appeared on the screen, but it quickly disappeared-it was shooting, obviously destroying the monitor.

Even so, the figure that appeared at that moment was firmly imprinted in everyone's memory.

The tank moved at the highest speed, faintly showing an encircling formation.

Heavy Armed Gundam spread his legs, stopped, and threw the barrage to his side.

Troy sat in the cockpit, and Gujing was silent.

"According to tactics, to solve a small number of enemies, we should cut off their retreat and conduct concentrated artillery attacks on them. According to this idea, the enemy's commander is not wrong in giving orders to encircle and annihilate."

There was a slight pause in his self-talk.


Gundam once again opened the armor on his chest, and the firearm on his chest released the warhead at high speed. Once again easily turned the tank team into an exploding steel ruin.

"He shouldn't make such a hasty decision before he has mastered my combat effectiveness."

As far as the current world is concerned, Gundams are completely transcendent mobile weapons, and general tactics can't achieve much effect on them.

And this, in this world now. Only a few people really understand.

Obviously, the Bonapartist commander is not one of them.

"Why, how could this be..." After a moment of shock, he immediately understood his mistake.

At this point, Bonaparte is indeed a good commander with rich experience and quick thinking.

"I should make such a mistake--!" He regretted it.

And at this time. The defensive force before the airship has also completely disappeared.

Gundam raised his eyes and looked at the huge man-made object still floating in the air.

However, at this time, the black MS cluster was suddenly caught between the two parties.

It's OZ's special agent.

"Covering the retreat of Commander Bonaparte! The others will fight Gundam with me!" There was no tremor in Waka's voice.

Hearing such an order in the communication channel, Bonaparte roared and wanted them not to be nosy.

"With our ability, I am afraid that it is difficult to protect ourselves in front of it-please record its combat information!" Waka did not continue to quarrel, but solemnly exhorted, "Commander, this is for future soldiers. Let’s open up the road!

The flame in Commander Bonaparte's heart suddenly went out, replaced by shock and sigh.

At this time, he who is still obsessed with the relationship between the coalition army and OZ is not as good as the young people of these special forces.

It seems that this time I did not lose injustice. He thought so and lowered his head.


Waka did not say a word about this.

He was very satisfied to be able to make a veteran joint army commander's impression of OZ change to such a degree.

Moreover, now is not the time to talk. The enemy in front of you must be dealt with first!

Since the enemy is using a heavily armed body, then take advantage of Aiyaliz's speed--!

"Close battle, don't think about anything else!"

The teammates naturally understood what he meant. If you want to compete with firepower and armor, Ayalitz, who is strengthened for speed, is unlikely to be its opponent. The only thing that can achieve the effect now is probably the only personal combat.

"Understand!" "Understand!"

With their echoes, several mobile suits swooped down.

The potential energy accumulated by gravity is transformed into the kinetic energy of speed at this time, allowing Aiyaliz to show a high speed above the standard.

In the warehouse area. Jigusi stood on the boarding bridge.

Wellington and Otto stood behind Jigusi.

"Preparation is complete, you can send out at any time."

Jigusi nodded without moving.

"Where is Commander Bonaparte?"

"Already contacted by radio, he is safe." Wellington replied again.

Otto squeezed his fist vigorously, and slowly loosened it somewhat stiffly, but quickly clenched his fist again.

"Lieutenant Jaegust! Please let me drive Leo to meet him!"

He was the same, suppressing a fire in his heart for revenge.

However, what was exchanged for such enthusiasm was the officer's slightly angry scolding.

"Otto, please don't mess with me again!"

"Huh?" He couldn't help but let out a shocked voice.

"Protect Torakis-and then complete it, and even develop a more powerful mass-produced model... I found a task that I should devote myself to..."

When it is completed, we will have the opportunity to be ashamed of the Gundams. This sentence did not come out, but the three people present understood it.

"I'm sorry, just accompany me to be wronged for a while." Jigusi asked sincerely.

This kind of awareness and vision is exactly the reason why they chose to follow Gegus without hesitation.

Once again they found the way forward, saluting without hesitation, and responding to Jegus' request.
