Legend of Infinite Mecha

Chapter 302: The coming crisis

Using the Trans-Am system to move is Gundam holding a shuttle in his arms.

He was as thick as a German angel, but behind it was a huge face with a high height. There was no doubt that this was the MS to which Heaven and Man belonged.

The GN-8 Seraphim Gundam is a development model that inherits the concept of German Angels. It is still undoubtedly equipped with all the high-power GN beam weapons that can be used to the greatest extent on the opposing ship and opposing fortress fighter body.

"Doctor, are they really back?" After confirming that the target location was approaching, Tielia couldn't help asking like this.

"I can be sure. Because I did receive their communication signals some time ago." Aeolia, who seemed to have returned to his youth, replied in the communication window, "This is the meeting place agreed with them before. "

After about a minute or so, the body's communicator received the signal.

"It seems to be here," Aeolia said.

Almost in front of the Seraph. A spaceship appeared in front of them as if "floating" out of the universe.

The red-painted hull has a luminous pattern on the bottom, and the propulsion device used at the tail emits a faint blue light. It is undoubtedly the battleship Phoenix seat that had appeared during the "United War".

"This is the Phoenix Seat...Look at this signal, it should be Tielia, right?" A familiar voice sounded in the cockpit.

The voice I heard a few years ago, not only did not feel unfamiliar after a long absence. On the contrary, it became more and more familiar.

Tieria felt a little touched inexplicably.

"This is Tieria, Seraph, and a shuttle."

"Understood. The door of Gnaku on the right has been opened, please follow the instructions to land." The communication said.

After about ten seconds, the Seraph Gundam and the shuttle were contained separately.

The hatch opened, and when everyone came out of their positions, they happened to catch up with Tieria and Aeolia and exit the cockpit.

"Tielia, Mr. Aeolia, welcome back to the Phoenix Seat." Liu Ling and Xuefeng came out of the hatch in front of Thunder Angel and welcomed them.

Aeolia grabbed Liu Ling's outstretched arm, and finally landed on the aisle above Ganaku with his help.

"Come here in such a hurry, even using Trans-Am, is there an emergency?" Lok Ang asked.

"Yes. Although the federal side has not found it yet." Thieria took off his helmet, "In front of Ptolemy, there is a new alien—no, according to the current name of the federal government, it should be called ELS. "

"The new ELS..." Graham thought about something, slowly repeating it.

"Registration number 9374. The Jupiter manned probe called Europa has once again appeared, and is now approaching in the direction of Ptolemy."

"Half ship left..." Wellington nodded, looking a little serious.

"It seems that you already know through investigations that Europa's hull is actually divided into two halves," Tieria seemed to say with a sigh of relief, "but based on the characteristics of their pursuit of brain quantum waves, I am afraid it is aimed at In an instant they went."

"The Jupiter radio wave turned out to be an alien race. I also miscalculated." Aeolia was a little regretful. "Humans and alien races have a dialogue. I expected it to be the Celestial. What's going on in the solar system... it's too early for humans now..."

"Then we..."

"It's not too late, please rush to Ptolemy's direction at full speed!" Although Tieria seemed very polite, her tone was truly serious.

"...Understood, then everyone returns to the state of preparation for the attack, and just drive in the direction of Ptolemy!" Liu Ling issued a decision like this.

As the captain, Mu Yu naturally heard all this clearly on the bridge, so he reacted quickly.

"Phoenix, maximum speed, goal. Ptolemy--is it okay?"

"According to Ptolemy's route sent by Seraph, there is no problem." Dafeng nodded gently.

"Then please-go ahead!"

Give up all unnecessary concealment and energy consumption, and instead store energy as much as possible, while increasing the output power of the propeller, changing the feeling of calmness of the ship, the Phoenix is ​​light and like a bird flying in the universe General. Accelerated forward.

——Excellent propulsion, which is why the Phoenix can navigate efficiently in a world as high as W without being troubled by a long time.

On the other side, the briefing room of Ptolemy, the Celestial Transport Ship.

"What is the purpose of the alien?"

Huang was silent.

"I don't know yet-it's even unknown whether they have a will."

Everyone was in contemplation at this time.

But soon, the sound of the alarm broke the silence.

"The E sensor is responding, and an object is approaching the ship!"

Then the screen was switched to an image. In the dark starry sky, it could be seen that almost 80% of the space was occupied by a part of a spaceship.

"This is the image obtained with the maximum magnification of the optical lens."

"Is this... a federal transport ship?" Lyle's tone seemed uncertain.

Setsuna has a bad feeling.

"It's not..."

"!" Nina seemed to understand something immediately.

"Mirena-chan, can you please match the ship according to the shape?"

"Okay! Do it now!"

The atmosphere in the briefing room suddenly solidified.

The silence of just ten seconds was as long as half an hour had passed at this moment.

"The closest ship type is registry number 9374...Ah!"

"What's wrong. Mirena!" Setsuna asked urgently.

"Jupiter is exploring the ship..." After quickly reading the displayed hull introduction, Mirena's surprised voice came. "It's Europa!"

"Why the ship club that has been destroyed--" Lasse looked surprised.

"Strike with Gundam!" Setsuna said immediately. It was not a suggestive tone, but a firm, almost commanding voice that came from completely ascertaining something.

Ptolemy acted immediately. The parts on both sides of the bow open up and down. At the same time, unfold the folded ejection track. The bow of the ship was deployed along the two seams with two oblique wedge-shaped armors, and then the ejection trajectory was rolled out from the inside of the armor on the lower side.

"Ptolemy, the first, second, and third hatches are open!"

"The voltage of the catapult rises, and the timing of launch is given to the pilot!"

The GN-6GNHW/GB rapid-fire Chi Angel Gundam was sent to the ejection platform from the lower Gnaku through the elevator mechanism with a fixed bracket.

According to Lyle Dylandi’s driving habits, the heavy-armed form of the GN-6, a development project of Li Angel, was adjusted from the sniper-focused form in terms of equipment configuration and system software, and increased the number of GN beam rifle Bits. Correspondingly, the number of GN shield Bits carried has been reduced, making the body's ability to quickly cover firepower through shooting more improved, and at the same time shifting the precision and highly manual aiming method to a more intelligent multiple lock shooting.

"AllRight, Gundam Wisdom Angel, Lokon Stratos. Aim and shoot!"

The electromagnetic ejection device with a red orange spark pushed up to Ptolemy.

On the other side were the Angel Type One and the Angel Type Two, which almost caught up with them at the same time.

Setsuna connected the communication to Nina's Angel III before attacking her.

"I involved you in such an event again... sorry." There was a pause between Shisana's words, as if he could not find a suitable expression.

Nina couldn't help but laugh softly. Perhaps it was this characteristic that made her care so much about this man.

"No, I'm also very happy to see you again-and I'm also a member of the heavens. Surely I have to come forward at this time?"

Nina's words seemed to be a bit irritating for Setsuna, he actually lowered his head and stopped speaking.

"Okay, your body hasn't been delivered yet, so let's rely on all of us temporarily!" Nina said comfortingly, and at the same time closed the communication with a happy mood.

"The Gundam Angels has changed to three types, and enters the counterattack action!"

The last Gundam, which fired from the main catapult at the first hatch, also left Ptolemy.

Soon, this Europa entered the field of vision of several people.

"That's it," John said, raising his rifle.

Because he couldn't determine the situation on the opposite side, he was filling the MegaLauncher at the same time, but he didn't dare to shoot immediately.

From the inside of Europa, many small dots were released. In terms of volume alone, it is only about the size of three or four GN fangs, which is much smaller than an MS, but the number is staggering.

In just a few seconds between talking, their number has reached the level of forming a cloud band in front of them.

"It's increased! It's increased!" Haro, who was carried in the Zhi Angel, made such a voice.

"Although I don't know what you are, you can't let you pass like this!" Lyle said, activating the GN rifle Bit mounted on his shoulder, with a total of three muzzles, each aimed at the target and started shooting.

However, the number of these little things flying towards Lok Ang is actually the smallest.

The first and second angels walking in the front were already being chased by a large number of ELS at this time.

"Sure enough, it came after the brain quantum waves?" John judged the result in this way, and shot backward with a beam rifle.

"Cut! Fang!" With that said, Mihail directly chose to cast GN Fangs.

Four shots followed closely behind the body, while two shots closer to the ELS, trying to effectively induce and destroy them through cutting.

However, the facts are not so beautiful.

At the moment when ELS and GN Tusk came into contact, the uncomfortable and unclear call suddenly entered Mihaier's mind.

"This is? Ah!!" He just made a confused voice, and the pain caused by this noise made him exhale in pain.

So far, only those changers can hear it through brain quantum waves when they turn on their abilities. Perhaps because of the erosion of the GN fangs connected to the brain quantum waves, Mihaier can hear what he could not hear before. This sound.

Knowing roughly what was going on, he promptly disconnected from that fang.