Legend of Infinite Mecha

Chapter 75: Knights of the Styx

"StartenNeuronaleKontakt. (Start neural contact

"LCLIonisationInitialisierungstarten. (Start LCL power initialization

"DieTiefederSteckbolzenliegtimBereichderSicherheitKoordinaten. (The depth of the insertion bolt is within the safe coordinate range

"SelbstdisziplinSystemstart. (Self-discipline system start

"Spannungab, erreichenkritischenWert. (Starting voltage, reaching critical value

"Startbedingungenerreicht. (Starting conditions reached

In the communication channel, male voices, female voices, young or old, are mixed together, which seems a bit noisy.

The dark cabin gradually lit up, and a girl wearing a simple display helmet was sitting in it, breathing gradually.

"DieSynchronisationRateübergebendenangegebenenWert. (Synchronization rate passed the specified value

"Treiber, stellenSiedieBenchmark-SprachedesDenkens (driver, please set the benchmark thinking language The voice in the communication channel finally interacted with the girl.

"That" girl raised her head and thought for a while. He replied, "This is my first time, so let's use Japanese."

Well, the sound is pretty good.

"Verstehe. (Received

"boom". After the heavy mechanical sound, a faint light gleamed on the wall that surrounded the girl like a cylinder, and the red, blood-like characters appeared one by one - this was the interface for the system's self-check.

The girl felt as if she was tied up, twisted uncomfortably a few times, and let out a soft hum.

"Haven't you got the new uniform?" Jiaji's voice unexpectedly appeared on the channel.

The green driving suit looks like it was made, and many parts are made of strips of material side by side. The wrist is not like a formal EVA driving suit, but a semi-metal and semi-plastic part connected to three tubes filled with green liquid-that is an imitation LCL. Humans made imitations based on the ingredients of LCL, and added materials in order to enhance the synchronization effect.

"That chest is too tight, I don't want it." The girl replied coquettishly.

"Suddenly let you use this temporarily rushed machine to fight, I'm really sorry." Jia Chi's tone was rather calm.

At this time, the self-check interface on the plug-in plug has also come to the end, and the entire plug-in plug is filled with flashing red characters.

The girl clicked on the back of the helmet, and her vision immediately switched, revealing the bright light outside. "Finally let me drive, it's okay."

The level of this plug does not seem to be good, it is all made up of hexagonal units, and there are many black parts that cannot be displayed. But the girl didn't care about it, and put her hand on the joystick.

"Well, because you are a'problem child'." What Jia Chi said this time seemed to have a deeper meaning, but the girl just smiled.

Pull the joystick in your hand, and keep flipping the front buttons with your fingers.

"—Well, I'll beg you this time."

"It's moving, it's moving, it's so good, it makes people feel excited."

In the black field of vision of the helmet, among the two purple color blocks on the left and right, the two lines turned from the bottom to the front, and then turned red.

"Then, EVANGELION will make a temporary trial of Unit 5 and start it!"

The "EVANGELION5" on the helmet lit up at the same time. The searchlight on the body's shoulders and the eyes that looked like a knight's mask shone brilliantly.

"Gurulu" an unknown mysterious creature with only bones all over swims in this long narrow corridor. Its head is like a skeleton of unknown animal, and its hollow red eyes light up. The light-

Apostle’s general signature skill, energy bomb.

The locked steel door in the front immediately rose yellow, the hydraulic lock on the side of the door automatically locked, and the alloy pillar behind the door also automatically stretched out, supporting some of the rearwardly protruding doors.

The huge energy finally successfully melted the door and caused an explosion.

"Explosion is art!" It thought so, moving on.

The lined up tanks fired one after another, but this had no effect at all in front of its powerful AT position.


The issuing room. The man in charge clapped his hand on the instruction platform in front of him.

"TunSie, wassbraucht, umdieGrenzenderHllezuhalten! (Keep the border of **** at all costs!

At this time, in addition to monitoring the status quo, the surrounding interface was already a crimson-red hexagon warning frame, and the letter "Emergency" was written.

"Sieknnennichtzulassen, dassesdenFlusszuentkommen! (Never let him escape the Styx!

He was very puzzled and angry amid the continuous sirens. "WieknntedasDichtungssystemnichtfunktionieren? (How can the sealing system not work

"This is an inevitable result." The tone of blessing is still relaxed.

The three persons in charge turned around to look at him. Although they are all taller than Jiachi, at this moment, the man standing there with one hand in his trouser pocket seems to be much taller than them.

That's because he stands taller.

"Human power alone cannot defeat the apostle." He continued, "This is the conclusion we have drawn after dissecting the apostle piece by piece from the permafrost."

"That\'sit, good luck to you~" he said. Put on the pilot's helmet and salute.

The task has been completed, B has also been installed, it is time to slip. That girl, it should be able to solve it, right?


Underground tunnel "Stay"

The shoulder of the 5th unit and the cable rubbed against the electrical device, sputtering a little spark

"Happiness—" The girl hummed a song (a certain Japanese nursery rhyme) and manipulated the body with the rhythm, "If~you can’t come. Then~ I’ll go back and find you.

The movement of the body is just right. Obviously, she is very familiar with this tunnel, so that her song can be ingeniously combined with all the body's action points.

"One step a day, three days is three steps, three steps forward and two steps back"

"Human ~ birth is,'one or two' punches!" Unit 5 entered the attack area

"Oh, here it is!" She looked very excited, "The force field is full!" So she rushed up.

However, the trial machine is a trial machine after all. There is no strong AT position, and the full opening is just to neutralize the weak position of the apostle who has been "dissected piece by piece".


"Oh-grin!" The knight's gun of the No. 5 machine slammed vigorously, and finally encountered a force field that appeared for a moment. Fold it to one side. The apostle passed the number five machine calmly.

"Quack, quack! Want to poke me? Wait until you become complete!" The apostle thought so, and made a horrible sound of inexplicable screams (actually, laughter), and rushed to the fifth machine. Behind.

"Ah!" the girl sighed sharply. Let him escape!

No, you have to go after it! So she manipulated the body apostle to change the direction.

The number five machine, which uses four wheels that can only be used in the tunnel as the lower body and mobile device, is obviously not good at such a 36° change of direction (really like a knight, only going forward and not backward).

"The body's movements are so heavy!!" The girl was unhappy.

finally. The number five machine didn't finally stop until it hit the door behind him.

"In this case, don't you have to use brute force!" No matter what, speed up first!


"Duang!" The apostle's eyes flashed brightly and blew up the wall of the tunnel-emmmmmm, a perfect regular hexagon. The apostle was very satisfied.

The golden halo lighted up from the top of its head, and then, the cylindrical material on the top of the head that was the same size as the halo, as if divided by mysterious power, slipped down from the surrounding walls until it topped the halo.

"Hmm! You will be free soon!" The apostle looked very excited and happy, so he floated up, twisting his body frantically.


"DieuereStrukturwirdzerstrtunddieendgültigeGrenzesollgebrochenwerden! (The external structure is destroyed, and the final barrier is about to be broken

"LassenSieEVA-5etwaszutun! (What is the fifth machine doing!


"Don't run, eat me!" A bright blue flame spurted out of the fifth plane, pushing the plane into the air. The knight's gun of the fifth machine pierced again. This time there was no thorn deviation, and the apostle was nailed to the post.

No, it's still wrong and didn't stab the core.

The apostle was silent for a second, and then used the ability to cut again. The two feet of the fifth machine were successfully cut off, and the right hand was also severely burned.


There are two missing pipes connected to the girl's hand. She reacted quickly and gave up the knight's gun with her right hand on the pole. Reveals the internal structure-

A mechanical claw.

Only the claws of the two moment arms were directly stuck on the core.

The charging time of the body is not long, now there is only 30 seconds of moving time left.

"No time!" The girl felt a little nervous, "The temporary prosthetic parts of the hand are forcibly synchronized, and now I can't use it anymore—"

"Forget it, give you a hand!" The last pipe in the right hand was also ejected, and both hands of the girl pushed the joystick on the left together.

The left arm of the body gave up the knight's gun, and also grabbed the inner claws to the core.

"Give it to me, go to hell--!!!"

Unit 5 opened its mouth and roared as if it was about to run away.

It turned out that only the head of this machine was completed. The back of the torso has not yet been completed, not to mention the compulsory synchronous prosthetic components for emergency use of the arms, and the lower body which is completely mechanically controlled. The blessing of the phrase "temporary rush-through machine" was originally exaggerated to this point.

At the last moment, the core of the apostle finally shattered. The insertion bolt connected to the rear escape device and was shot out directly.

The next moment, whether it was the apostle or the overloaded body, a violent explosion exploded.


In the sunset, a small plane slowly left—to be precise, it was a modified version of the Be-2 seaplane.

"The target disappeared, the fifth unit evaporated, and the driver seemed to have left."

Kaji's face, looking backward, turned back. Hidden by reflective lenses, he couldn't see his expression clearly.

"The self-detonation system of Unit 5 works very well."

"Although it is part of the plan, it is really worthless to pull children in for the benefit of adults."


On the crimson sea, a floating plug-in hatch was opened with smoke.

"It hurts" the girl slowly stood up, "Synchronizing with EVA is much harder than before~"

After finally sitting down, she took off her helmet.

She is a girl with ponytail eyes! (Although the ponytail is tied to the back of the head)

"Well, it doesn't matter if you survive."

She looked back at the two light crosses lit up side by side behind her, and spoke slowly.

"It's a bit selfish to involve an adult for my own purposes." After speaking, it seemed to be a little bit funny and secretly laughed twice.

"Goodbye, EVA Unit 5. It's a hard job for you to complete the task."