Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 3936: exchange

(Sixth more!)


Universe source stone, swords unique.

That was obtained when he was slaying and conquering many powerful men in the eternal dark prison.

You know, most of the eternal dark prisons are from the depths of the universe, and hundreds of Chaos-era killings can survive. Every family is extraordinary. There are some cosmic source stones or cosmic crystals in their hands These all add up, and now I have about 20 cosmic source stones on hand.

But the 20 Cosmic Source Stones are obviously not enough to buy the Golden Fire Demon Stone and Bing Yuan Jing.

"Shen Yun dominates, this gold fire magic stone and Bing Yuanjing, I want a little more." Jian Wushuang suddenly said.

"Oh?" Dominant Shen Yun immediately looked at Xiang Jianshuang.

"If it is pure gold fire magic stone, I need one hundred, as for Bing Yuanjing, I need one hundred and twenty." Jian Wushuang said directly.

"This ..." The master Shen Yun and the other two patrons heard it, all a little dazed.

They know how expensive Shen Yun's price has just been.

1 Cosmic source stone A gold fire magic stone, hundreds, that would be 100 cosmic source stones.

In the universe, even if it is the master of the fourth or fifth series, all the net worth may not have 100 source rocks of the universe?

The Lord of the Blood Sword can take it?

Although the suspicion is extremely deep, Shen Yun's master still said: "The Lord of the Blood Sword, although I gave you this list, it does not mean that there are many spar on this list, especially the golden fire demon. Stone and Bing Yuanjing have the highest levels. "

"I have communicated with and calculated the statistics of many cabinets in the surrounding area. All the star fields around here only have more than 30 gold fire magic stones. As for the number of ice crystals, there are more, but they are not even sixty. "Even if I give it all to you, it won't meet your requirements."

"So, I can do everything possible to send you 30 gold fire magic stones and 50 ice yuan crystals in 500 years, of course, if it is a slightly lesser crystal, such as the blood dragon crystal, There are quite a few star fields around here. I can get you two or three hundred. It is not a problem. What do you think? "

"Blood Dragon Crystal?" Jian Wushuang frowned.

"It's okay." The sound of the demon flame rang in Jian Wushuang's heart. "Although the level of the blood dragon crystal is not as high as that of the gold fire magic stone and ice yuan crystal, the three hundred blood dragon crystals together are comparable. Thirty or forty gold fire magic stones, and all of them are enough. "

"Um." Jian Wushuang nodded, "Just thirty gold fire magic stones, fifty ice yuan crystals, three hundred blood dragon crystals."

"Okay." Shen Yun dominated the dignified look. "You thought that you only need one or two gold and fire magic stones for the Lord of the Blood Sword, so the value will naturally be a lot higher, but now the Lord of the Blood Sword is a one-time one. If you need so many ... Many crystals are already in the same star field. You can get a lot of crystals in one cosmic channel transmission, so it can save a lot of cost, so I can give you the Lord of the Blood Sword in terms of price. Lower some. "

"Let ’s do that. Thirty gold fire magic stones and fifty ice yuan crystals are added together. I ’ll give you 50 cosmic source stones. As for three hundred blood dragon crystals, it ’s all 30 cosmic source stones. 80 Cosmic Source Stone, Lord of the Blood Sword, if you agree, I will definitely send these things to the Star Palace within five hundred years. "

"Yes." Jian Wushuang nodded.

80 cosmic source stone, although it is still a huge number, but what Shen Yun dominated before, it is indeed a lot of discount.

"The Lord of the Blood Sword, I don't know the 80 cosmic source stones, how did you pay for it?" Shen Yun dominated it.

"I have a lot of treasures in your hand, let's see how much it is." Sword Wushuang waved his hand and took out a ring of heaven and earth.

In this ring of prey, there are a lot of resources and treasures that he got from the strong men who were killed by him after he killed in the eternal dark prison.

很多 Many of the resources and treasures here are extremely precious, which are not found in this star field, and the value is naturally extraordinary.

After taking control of Qian Kun, the master Shen Yun began to investigate carefully.

他 When he saw the numerous and precious treasures in Qiankun Ring, Shen Yun's heart shook immediately.

"Good guy, Bafang Mine Vine, Feng Huo Xian Cao, Lei Sha Xue Dan ..." Shen Yun dominated and called out dozens of treasure names.

"These treasures are hardly found not only in our star field, but even in the nearby star fields. You, the Lord of the Blood Sword, took out so many things at once, and most of the other treasures are also very precious. , The levels are also very high, most of them are difficult to find in our star field. "

"Oh, terrific, terrific."

Shen Yun dominated constantly admiring, of course, he admired the sword Wushuang's handwriting.

Wu Mingming is just a ruler. The treasures that can be taken out are enough to marvel at most of the masters on the edge of the universe.

"Dominated by Shen Yun, tell me directly how much these treasures are worth." Jian Wushuang said indifferently.

The master of Shen Yun made a simple estimation and quickly replied: "The Lord of the Blood Sword, most of the treasures in this ring are extremely precious and rare, and there are several types of values ​​that are even more amazing. All of them can be added together. Are you the source stone of the universe ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ the source stone of the universe? "Jian Wu's eyes narrowed slightly.

30 cosmic source rocks, plus 20 cosmic source rocks already on him, are only 50 cosmic source rocks.

"I've got some treasures here, look at them again." Jian Wushuang took out another Qian Kun ring.

Shen Yun took over immediately. After investigation, he found that there were only dozens of treasures in the Qiankun ring, but the breath of those dozens of treasures was extremely amazing, and they were all the strongest treasures.

And not the ordinary strongest treasure.

"The strongest treasures in the highest level, dozens of them?" Dominant Shen Yun widened his eyes, calmed down immediately, and smiled, "Master of the Blood Sword, these dozens of treasures, I still give you 20 universes. The price of the source stone. "

Jian Wushuang's eyebrows finally frowned, and he murmured: "These strongest treasures are all in the highest level, and each one is very amazing. It should be easy to exchange one or two million cosmic crystals, and among them There are Arcana Warframes, Realms, and Repression Arcanas, all of which add up to more than 20 Cosmic Source Stones? "

"Master of the Blood Sword, you don't know about it." Shen Yun dominated with a smile.

"In a word, things are rare and expensive. If you only take one or two pieces of the best treasure of the highest level, the price is naturally different, but you can take out dozens of them at once, and I also get news. There are a large number of Arcanas in the Star Palace, even the strongest Arcana, which is obviously related to the Lord of the Blood Sword. "

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