Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 4357: Qing Mu Shao Zun

Qing Mu Shao Zun!

The strongest genius recognized in the wild wasteland of the universe, whether it is talent or chance, is the extreme of the universe, and has not yet achieved the supreme deity, but he has been treated the same as the supreme!

I saw him coming out of the sky, and the sun and the earth were stepped on by his feet, as if lifted by the sky from the sky, is the darling of the world.

"Qing Mu Shao Zun!"

All of a sudden, everyone on Nansha Island shouted.

Their expressions of enthusiasm and worship were like devout believers.

The Star Master is also in this rank. At this moment, she is not like a master who is high above her, but more like a secular little girl who sees a flirtatious boy, her expression is excited to the extreme, and she shakes the arms of Star Dust, frantically calling.

"Stardust, look at it fast, this is Qing Mu Shao Zun!"

Stardust dominated the expression of helplessness, and glanced at Qingmu Shaozun, and there was a gloom in his eyes.

Both are the ultimate level, but the gap is too big.

"Is he Young Qingmu?"

Jian Wushuang narrowed his eyes and looked up.

I saw Qingmu Shaozun's handsome face, and the **** of abundance was like a jade. He looked down and looked down, his expression was indifferent, and he could not see any emotions.

Uh ~!

Immediately afterwards, I saw the owner of the Feng family sitting on the high platform stepping, his body shot out, and he greeted far away.

"Qing Mu Shao Zun, siblings, why are you even shocked?"

The wind family owner bent over and said with a smile.

"If you want this piece of land, as long as you send someone to speak up, I will surely take the initiative to send it to you, where can I let you deign to come and run in person."

Qing Mu Shaozun heard a slight glance at him, and said, "Since you have set the rules, and let everyone take this land by their own abilities, this is the rule of the block."

As soon as this remark came to an end, the owner of the wind family immediately slapped his **** and shouted:

"It is worthy of Qingmu Shaozun, Gao Yi!"

On Nansha Island, everyone else nodded.

"Qing Mu Shao Zun Gao Yi!"

"Qing Mu Shao Zun Gao Yi!"

For a moment, the words of praise to Qing Mu Shao Zun were like terrifying sounds, boiling against the sky and heading for the sky.

Jian Wushuang was in the midst of the crowd, and he didn't notice it. He touched his nose and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

This Qingmu Shaozun's strength is unknown for the time being, but if he talks about the faction, I am afraid that he is inferior to him.

After a while, Qing Mu Shao Zun sat down on the main seat with an expression of pride.

The young talents of the other two families looked at Qingmu Shaozun, who was holding the moon by the stars, and his looks were a little complicated.

"Little Qing Mu."

After a moment of hesitation, the people of these two families were saluting towards Qing Mu Shaozun.

People have to learn to judge the situation, Qingjia is not weaker than their two supreme families, and Qingmu Shaozun is likely to become the second largest supreme of Qingjia. At that time, the status of Qingjia will be far away. Beyond these two families, become the wild wilderness of the universe, and say the best monarch!


Qing Mu Shaozun nodded saltily.

For him, the young talents of these two families are also good, or the other heroes who are present, even the wild wilderness of the universe, and the entire universe of billions of stars and stars, as long as they have not achieved the Supreme, they will not be regarded by him. .

He considered himself to be eligible to be his opponent. There was only one person, that is, the first day of his life, and the sword was the best sword.

He is confident. Today, he has an eye on the entire universe and can fight him a little bit. Only swords are unparalleled.

Even he has great confidence to be able to defeat Jian Wushuang within a hundred strokes!

This is his pride!

"Winds start from the clouds."

He faintly looked at the owner of the Feng family next to him and said.


The owner of Fengjia quickly nodded, cleared his throat, got up and stood up, looking at the crowd under the platform, Shen Sheng said:

"Xi soil is the treasure of the universe. It can spawn thousands of miles of star fields and endlessly.

These treasures should be the strong ones. Therefore, our family is willing to donate the soil, so that the strongest in the audience can get the soil. And if you want to prove your strength, the rules to get Xiyang are also simple. You just need to defeat all the opponents in the audience and let everyone serve you, then you are the owner of Xiyang!

I said so, do you understand? "

The words fell, and everyone nodded.

It is such a truth that treasures reside in strong ones.

Immediately, they looked at Qingmu Shaozun one after another, their eyes flashing for a while.

If the person who came this time is not Qing Mu Shao Zun, they still have the heart to compete for one or two, but when Qing Mu Shao Zun comes, no one has the confidence to defeat Qing Mu Shao Zun.

"I am afraid I will belong to Qing Mu Shao Zun."

"Yes, Qingmu Shaozun is here. Who dares to grab something from him?"

"Xi Yang, will definitely belong to Qing Mu Shao Zun!"

Everyone talked.

Sure enough, as they said, after seeing the voice fall, Qingmu Supreme stood up, looked at the audience indifferently, and said, "This piece of land, this seat is wanted, who wants to fight against this seat Is it? "

He didn't have a loud voice, but was full of power. No one answered.

Seeing this, Qingmu Shaozun became more and more proud in her eyes ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ At the same time, a loneliness surged in her heart.

Is the world so big that no one can be his opponent?

It was not long before I saw an old man stepping out of the crowd, his face and airways:

"Qing Mu Shao Zun, when he was far away in Jiangyan Starfield, he had always heard that Shao Zun had great strength. He met each other and wanted to come up and learn."

After the old man walked out, someone suddenly exclaimed in the crowd:

"Yuan Feng of Jiang Yan Star Domain rules!"

"Yuan Feng's **** is a long-established invincible master! One of the top powerhouses in the wilderness of the universe!"

"Although Qing Mu Shao Zun is strong, but he has only practiced for tens of millions of years, and Yuan Feng's domination, only in the realm of invincible domination, has impregnated ten chaotic eras. When it comes to the background, Qing Mu Shao Zun must be far Not as good as Yuan Feng. "

"This battle is exciting!"

Qing Mu Shaozun raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, looked up and down the Yuanfeng dominated, and said indifferently: "Three tricks. As long as you can take me, I will lose."

That Yuanfeng dominated his face did not change. He still laughed, but his heart made a cry.

"Shao Zun, the old man admits that you are strong, but you can beat me with three tricks, isn't it too big?"

Qingmu Shaozun didn't lift his eyelids. He turned his right hand, and his shape was domineering. The platinum-colored halberd appeared in his hand.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go."

Boom ~~!

The next moment, Qing Mu Shaozun dominated towards Yuan Feng, and split it with a halberd!

Suddenly, endless divine power spurted out, condensed on this platinum golden halberd, faintly, but also heard a clear sound of Fengming!

In this Euphorbia, there seems to be a phoenix born from a fire, soaring into the sky, and chanting in the world!

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