Legend of the Cultivation God

v1 Chapter 131: Cave

Chapter 130, the cave

Zhang Xiaohua walked one morning. The snow in the sky seemed to have no signs of stopping. The more difficult it was to go under the foot, the tendency to slip from time to time. Zhang Xiaohua only carefully leaned on the little cane.

In the woods, the world is full of snow and branches. Except for the whereabouts of the snowflake "Sasso", the sound of Zhang Xiaohua’s foot on the snow is "squeaky". In this environment, it is actually impossible to distinguish between north and south. However, there is not much difference between Zhang Xiaohua and Lu Xiaohua. He only looked up at the hill. This is not. After a while, he looked up and found that he was close to the hill.

The meaning of Zhang Lang is not in the mountains, but also the animals that can be eaten. This has gone for a long time. I have not found the wild rabbits that were common in Guozhuang Mountain. Even the squirrels that are beating on the trees are rare. How can they eat? ?

Zhang Xiaohua is more and more surprised. However, if the squirrel who is hibernating in the tree hole knows the idea of ​​Zhang Xiaohua, maybe the group wakes up from hibernation and bites him together. Let's dance on the tree on weekdays. You appreciate it. Now that the snow is closing the mountain, let's sleep, do you want to eat it, and let us live?

If Li Jinfeng’s scholar knows, he will only secretly sneak him into “People and Nature” and then secretly shame and teach the laziness of the teacher.

Zhang Xiaohua just looked around and looked forward. While walking forward, he was walking. Suddenly, his eyelids jumped and stopped immediately. When he blinked and looked forward, he couldn’t help but be in the distance. Is there a gray fat hare, where is it? Isn't that the braised rabbit leg that I think about?

Since the discovery of the prey, Zhang Xiaohua began to move forward cautiously, with a light hand, only to disturb the mood of the rabbit.

It is a pity that although Zhang Xiaohua has the experience of chasing chickens and rabbits in an hour, but he only stayed in childhood play, when it comes to real hunting, he took this rabbit in this snow, he is far from being an opponent, you Look, he has just been deceived within a few feet, the rabbit's long ears swayed, and immediately emerged from the realm of the rabbit, is no longer a rabbit, this moment inherited the glorious tradition of the rabbit elf, Rabbit Bugs, Rabbit Roger, and Rogue Rabbit are attached to the soul at this moment. At this moment, this rabbit is not a rabbit in the face of Zhang Xiaohua. It is all the rabbits being hunted. At this moment, it flees and flies away from Zhang Xiaohua. go with.

Rabbit runs fast!

The red-burning rabbit legs that saw the mouth ran away, Zhang Xiaohuan can take a break? Immediately, the scorpion chased it up and left behind the body injury. Hey, sometimes, the human desire is quite controllable.

So this man and a rabbit were on this long snow field and started a chase. The rabbit is clever, running fast, and changing direction from time to time, so Zhang Xiaohua chasing is very hard, and in contrast, Zhang Xiaohua, although running is not fast, can win in continuous force, this is a step Half a day's physical quality is not for people to watch. After chasing for a while, there is no feeling. It is just that the wounds in the body have not healed. From time to time, there is pain. It is impossible for him to exert his strength. Only keep a certain speed and chase after him. After the rabbit, just wait for the rabbit to be tired, and then seize it.

Zhang Xiaohua’s small abacus was a loud bang, and the strategic policy was also very correct. Sure enough, after a while, the rabbit’s steps slowed down a little, and Zhang Xiaohua smiled and his feet became more powerful.

Can chase after, Zhang Xiaohua suddenly brightened, the front is a flat open space, not far from the flat, is the hill that I have always wanted to see, originally in this rabbit chase, he has already Unconsciously ran out of the woods.

However, at the current prey, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't take care of the sight of the mountain dance silver snake, but only chased the rabbit who was slightly dazed.

The rabbit was also unambiguous. Hearing the sound behind him, he also worked hard. He ran to the peak of the mountain in the oblique thorn. He ran to the front of the mountain in a short time. The rabbit also changed the previous rapids and ran slowly. Down, I must have been chased by Zhang Xiaohua, but the peaks in front of me are not steeper than the high **** behind the cottage. How can the rabbit climb up?

I thought it was the way to escape. When I found it, it was a desperate situation. The rabbit stopped a little and ran along the mountain in one direction.

Zhang Xiaohua naturally chased the past all the way.

The rabbit in the eye is running more slowly, Zhang Xiaohua is getting closer and closer, only a few steps, Zhang Xiaohua will be able to catch it.

Yes, at this moment, the rabbit suddenly stopped, his nose sniffed around, his long ears turned, and he looked back at Zhang Xiaohua and turned his head and ran into the mountain.

After Zhang Xiaohua looked at it, couldn't help but be happy, isn't this rabbit a fool to be chased by himself? Going to hit the stone? The ancients are good, and they can treat rabbits. I really don’t deceive me!

However, what happened next was to make Zhang Xiaohua stunned.

The rabbit hit the rock, not like Zhang Xiaohua imagined, the head and neck broke and died, but instead, there was a faint brilliance flashing, the gray rabbit, chased a little rabbit by Zhang Xiaohua, actually disappeared!

Zhang Xiaohua ran to the front, did not believe in his own eyes, doubting whether he was dazzling, if it was not in front of the snow and there are traces of the rabbit running, Zhang Xiaohua really thought that this morning is a dream.

Zhang Xiaohua stupidly walked in front of the mountain where the wild rabbit disappeared. He didn't dare to touch it with his hand. He just took the little cane and poked **** the rock. He didn't find anything unusual. It didn't disappear, so he poked a western poke on the stone wall near him. Sure enough, he soon found an abnormality. The place where the rabbit disappeared was about a half-height in a circular area, although the stick was stamped. There is no abnormal feeling on it, but there is no snow falling on it, or there are gravel or mud falling from the top, and the side is the same as Zhang Xiaohua’s cognition. When I was a child, a little mud fell from the top.

Obviously, it is a demon, and there is a flaw here.

Then, Zhang Xiaohua used a cane to test it down. In the place where the traces of the rabbit disappeared, there is an area about one foot square. The crutches can be put in, just like there is a hole invisible to the eye. The small cane easily reached into the stone wall, and Zhang Xiaohua could not believe it. This is a fact.

The crutches looked at the end of the eye, and the hole still did not bottom. When the stone wall was close to the hand of my stick, Zhang Xiaohua stopped and hesitated for a while, then stretched out inside, knowing that his hand had disappeared, leaving only the wrist. Unexpectedly inserted on the stone wall, he really believed that there is indeed a hole in it.

When Zhang Xiaohua retracted the crutches and hands from the inside, he stood in the snow and thought about it carefully.

What is it inside? Do you have to venture into it to see?

Juvenile Lang’s curiosity, Zhang Xiaohua has a lot of traces, but if you only want a hare or a hint of curiosity, you have to let yourself drill an unknown hole, or you can’t see the small hole in shape. That little flower is never He still knows the path of curiosity to kill the cat.

However, if this is the case, it will not be done by Zhang Xiaohua. If you think about it for a while, Zhang Xiaohua will return to the woods in a big way. He can walk about halfway. Zhang Xiaohua leans over and climbs on the snow, quietly. I found my head and saw the stone wall.

Zhang Xiaohua started the business of waiting for the rabbit.

But after waiting for a while, the hare did not come out, Zhang Xiaohua was a little upset, maybe the rabbit was too clever, and hiding in it was free in the inside, maybe it was dangerous inside, the rabbit had already sent it. Life, maybe there is another way out, the rabbit has already ran? Thinking that the rabbit has ran, he still stupidly crawled on the snow, Zhang Xiaohua thought of it, but at this moment, suddenly, the hard stone wall suddenly came out of a rabbit's head, far away, very It was a strange thing. The rabbit's head was covered with long ears. When it was observed from the left and right, it shrank back. Then, the whole body jumped out of the stone wall and followed the small peak and ran to the distance.

Seeing the hare ran out, Zhang Xiaohua did not immediately chase after it, but was there, waiting for a while, to make sure that the stone wall would not jump out of the matter, and then slowly walked over.

In fact, Zhang Xiaohua has just made a good idea on the snow. If the rabbit can come out from it, there must be no danger, and there is no other passage. In all likelihood, it is a closed place, and that The hole is just a foot square, and the slightly larger animal is also not drilled. There is no danger.

If the rabbit does not come out, the little flower has no courage to go in and play.

Walking to the front of the stone wall, Zhang Xiaohua stopped again, crouched down and put the crutches in again. This time he wanted to see if it was a narrow passage or a space that people could stand up. Sure enough, When his hand reached in, and with a force, the crutches stood up, and did not encounter any obstacles, Zhang Xiaohua had a number in mind.

Then he took out his little sword and took it in his left hand. He took a cane in his right hand. He first stretched in and swayed for a moment. Then he bit his teeth and fell on the snow. He climbed hard to the stone wall. .

Zhang Xiaohua, who fell on the ground, only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and he entered another place. Isn't this a cave in front of him? I am lying on the snow in front of the cave.

Waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to stand up and watch it carefully. There is a foggy thing behind him. There is light coming in from the outside, but I can't see the outside scene. The snow is still as big as the outside, falling from the thick fog at the top, snow. There are traces of the wild rabbits jumping on the ground.

In front of me, it is a small cave that is common on the mountain. It is slightly higher than Zhang Xiaohua. It is dark and can't be seen clearly. The traces of the hare lead to the inside. It is very messy. Presumably, the hare is also a few in and out. .

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiaohua is a little bit stretched.

However, he still threw the crutches in his hand first, and heard the sound of "jingle" inside. In the absence of other sounds, he took out the fire for the fire from his arms, carefully slammed it, and took it in his right hand. The left hand is still the little sword guard on the chest, step by step into the black lacquered hole.

When he walked into the cave and carefully watched it with fire, he was completely relieved.

This is a normal cave. It is the size of a small house. There is a rectangular stone in the inner part. There is a stone table shape next to the stone. There are several small stone benches around it. There is a purse on the stone table. A small square stone, the rest is empty, and then the little crutches lying on the ground.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhang Xiaohua secretly frowned. What is this place, so mysterious, there is nothing missing in it, only a purse?

He didn't hurry to get the purse, but he was on the stone table. It was his own in the morning and evening. So, he still did not give up, took a fire, read it carefully in the cave, and even picked up the crutches and knocked on the stone wall, but in addition to seeing some spherical pits on the stone wall, nothing Found that the pit, some high, Zhang Xiaohua fingers can not reach, he deliberately used the crutches to make the top of the top, and no other discovery, this died, came to the front of the stone table.

Zhang Xiaohua took the little sword, picked the purse, moved it, saw nothing unusual, and moved the small square stone, it was normal, and then re-incorporated Xiaojian into his arms and picked it up with his left hand. The stone is on fire, and it is carefully watched in front of the eyes, but when he looks at it from the left and right, how can he not see the difference with the cobblestones by the river? Is it because the shape is different?

Zhang Xiaohua didn't breathe the stone back on the stone table, and picked up the purse with expectation. However, when he picked it up lightly, the heart immediately floated up, and the enthusiasm turned into snow. I thought I had to put a few pieces of loose gold in this purse. It would be better to put a few pieces of gold. That would be good. The first feeling that can be started tells him, you are disappointed, here is empty.

Zhang Xiaohua still squeezed hard from the heart, and couldn't pinch something out from it, then shivered and shook his mouth down, and did not shake off a rabbit fur.

Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but repent. As long as I knew this, it would be better to catch the rabbit first, so I can have a good night. This is good, an empty bag, a broken stone, and a busy job. The outer belt climbed a lot of time on the snow.

Zhang Xiaohua grinned, just want to throw the purse back to the stone table, but with two fingers, I feel that the cloth of this purse is still pretty, very delicate, and I don’t have a purse, I also sent the money too. Also hugged in a piece of cloth, nowadays, Zhang Xiaohua put the fire on the stone table, took out the scattered silver from his arms, and all the brains fell into the purse, tied the mouth, and threw it up and down in the air. Toss, then catch, I feel pretty good, huh, huh, finally worthwhile.

Then, Zhang Xiaohua is going to take the fire on the stone table. At this time his eyes have fallen on the stone. You said that if it is a general stone, can people boring on the table? Maybe there is any mystery inside to see it? Forget it, I would rather miss it. If Baoshan has an empty return? Even if it is a small stone, you have to take it away. So, Zhang Xiaohua picked up the small square stone again and threw it into the purse, and they all fell into the arms, which took up the fire.

I looked around again and walked out of the cave.

Zhang Xiaohua looked at the incredible fog in front of the cave. It was strange, such a magical place, so there was nothing magical left for himself? Even if you keep a full bag of gold, you will not be surprised, but it is an empty bag.

Suddenly, he thought of a question. Why did the thick fog have a one-foot-sized hole to get in? That must have been someone, since someone has been there, then there is still something left for yourself? This empty purse must have been taken by someone else and left behind, and the white small square stone must be thrown away by others. Zhang Xiaohua, sighed in his heart, forget it, the fortunes are not good. Even if you have a purse, it’s good, and you’re always worthy of your own broken pieces of silver.

I fixed my mind a little, Zhang Xiaohua was ready to go out, the snow at the hole was even bigger, and some of the traces that had just entered were buried. Zhang Xiaohua took the crutches again and leaned down, slowly from that. The invisible hole was drilled, and there was an incredible scene on the outside stone wall. First, a stick emerged from the hard stone wall, and then a young boy’s head was found from the inside. Then, slowly climbed out until the whole Come out.

Fortunately, there are no other people in this wilderness, and there is no need to be shocked.

I waited for Zhang Xiaohua to climb out and look around. The sky is not early. The forest is still the mountain. There is still no wild rabbit. Zhang Xiaohua pats the snow and dirt on the body, and sees that there is no difference between the other parts of the mountain. The stone wall, along the footprints that have not been buried by snow, the original way back.

After the small flower is gone, the snow is getting bigger and bigger. When it is not long, the snow falling behind will bury the footprints of Zhang Xiaohua. It will not see any traces, but only a blank space. .

At this time, the poor road idiot Zhang Xiaohua, but also vaguely recognized the footprints that are about to be buried by the snow, quickly rushed to the cottage, while running and secretly praying, do not get lost.

Perhaps Zhang Xiaohua’s prayer played a role, perhaps because she had already come to this forest many times earlier, and when the twilight came, Zhang Xiaohua’s eyes appeared high.

Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but relax in the heart, and the tight mood relaxed. But at this moment, the right foot suddenly kicked a hard-boned thing, not like a stone, nor a branch, waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to pick it up by hand and get it in front of her eyes. Only then saw it, it turned out to be a frozen wild rabbit.