Legend of the Cultivation God

v1 Chapter 520: Xiao Run Mai Dan

Chapter 520 Xiaorun Maidan

"On the moon, above the moon..." Zhang Xiaohua muttered in his mouth while looking at the Dianchi Lake, which was shaped like a moon, thoughtfully.

At this time, there are a lot of tents built around Dianchi Lake. Many horse-drawn carriages are also parked at the foot of the mountain. Many disciples are dressed up with the disciples of Wu Mingtang. They see Zhang Xiaohua’s team coming in, and Many disciples came to say hello, they are all familiar.

I haven't waited for Zhang Xiaohua to return to God. There is already a middle-aged man who will come over and walk straight to the peacock who just got off the bus and prayed: "Kong Daren, you are back, hard."

The peacock chuckled, but also a slight gift, said: "The deacon is hard, these many disciples have to arrange for you, but it is very tight."

Lu’s deacon repeatedly waved his hand: “It’s an honor to be able to serve the inner disciples who are hard-working. It’s a privilege to go down. Moreover, Confucius’s ability to defeat the plot of Tianlong’s teaching is really a prestige for me to spread the sacred teachings. It is admiration."

Peacock knows his own things, smiles and does not interface, Lu deacon said: "After losing Kong adults can come back in time, if it is not available tomorrow, then it can only wait another two years."

The peacock swayed: "It’s better to be able to come back, it’s better than being taken by someone. Are you saying yes?"

Lu’s deacon swayed his head: “How can Confucius’s martial arts be defeated? If it’s not three-on-one, you can’t be hurt, oh, yes, the cold master is too there to wait for adults, Kong Daren Or go to the teacher too." He said, turning and pointing in one direction.

The peacock nodded and said: "Yang Yao is in the carriage behind, and let us arrange a place for rest."

Lu Deacon said: "The team of Kong Daren finally came back. This place has long been left. In the next place, I will accompany Yang Yao to clean up."

After talking about the arch, I went to Yang.

The peacock turned back and looked at Chen Chen and Xia Qing, and said: "Let's go, brothers and sisters, go see Fu Shishu together."

The tent of the Qingshang Taitai is very conspicuous, just beside the Dianchi Lake, a lonely one, few disciples are next to it, the peacocks and others have not approached, and they hear a slightly old voice inside: "It is a peacock." Come back?"

The peacock shouted far away: "It is a disciple, come to the uncle to please."

The voice did not fall, a woman with a white-haired palace dress, also with a veil, appeared in front of the tent.

The peacock did not dare to neglect. He stepped forward and prayed deeply. "The disciple sees the uncle, and he does not dare to have a teacher."

Chen Chen and Xia Qing and others are also following the ceremony.

The Qingshang teacher reached out to hold the peacock too, and said kindly: "This time, only when you hit the valley, and the situation is very serious, you will not fall into the wind with an enemy, and if I don’t come out, I will welcome it. I am sorry for your credit, Chen Chen, you are all up."

The peacock said: "It’s not what the uncle thinks. The disciples are the opponents of the three Tsing Yi people..."

The cold master is too embarrassed, and immediately understands; "You are a gimmick, but you have grown a lot. Just knowing how to calm the hearts of the people, you really haven’t buried your master’s professor. Go, come in and say, I see your meridians seem to be hurt. , hasn’t recovered so long?”

Said, with the disciples into the tent.

When everyone sat down, they all took the veil and revealed the true face. Chen Chen muttered: "Uncle Shi, let's pass on the fragrant teaching. What are the rules? The inner disciples are still wearing a veil. Disciples are not as good as they are brought with them every day. Isn’t it too tired?"

The peacock screamed: "Chen Chen, where is the rule in the teachings that you can talk like this? Losing the uncle is always good for us, not going to the Master, or the Master will have to wait for the family."

Chen Chen spit out his tongue and matched the face of the white melon seeds. He was very playful. He said: "I know that Fu Shishu is good to us. I said, in front of others, I am too lazy to talk. You said yes, pay the teacher. uncle."

The kindness and kindness of the eyebrows are sneer: "This rule is set by the founding ancestor. Since you have entered the fragrant teaching, you have become a disciple of the inner door, and you are accepted. The disciples of the outer door want to wear it. ""

Later, the cold master looked at the peacock's face too, very frowning: "Peacock, you will listen to the situation of the day, you are hurt more than I thought."

The peacock clears the scorpion and will slam the process of Liang Cangxu and other three people, detailing one side in detail.

"Knife??" The cold brow's brow wrinkled more tightly and said: "It's the sword mang, in addition to our fragrant teaching, the top masters in the rivers and lakes will have very few, not to mention the knife. However, the records in the faction are only thousands of years ago, and they are proficient in this technique. But the **** knife door has been destroyed for thousands of years, and the inheritance has long since disappeared. But if it is Tianlong teaching, it is As you said, I don't know which king is proficient in the knife."

Peacock tried to test: "Dragons have been arguing for thousands of years in the rivers and lakes, and there are endless generations of high-ranking experts. It is also difficult to ensure that no one can master the knife."

The cold teacher nodded too much: "The peacock said what I thought. This is still a good thing to report to the head. Tianlong teaches that I have not harassed me for many years. This time I suddenly shot, but I don’t know what is behind me. Conspiracy."

Chen Chen, next to him, interjected: "What are the conspiracy of them? Anyway, tomorrow, our passage will be opened two years later. What can we do?"

The cold teacher smiled too: "You think this is simple. If you think about it two years later? If the passage is open, the Tianlong teaches the killing. We don't have any preparations. Isn't it a big loss? And you don't have it. Imagine if our channel can be opened every month?"

"Can you open every month?" The other disciples are screaming: "Uncle Shi, you can't be ours. The disciples only saw it in the classics. The portal I sent thousands of years ago can be opened every month. Later, the interval between opening and opening is getting longer and longer. In the last millennium, it can be opened in two years. Can it be opened every month?"

Qingshang Taidao: "Is there no more than five years before I opened it? Before I came out this time, I heard the elders talk about it. The passage is more and more stable. After another thousand years, maybe it will be opened every month!"

"Millennium!" The disciples immediately lost their interest.

Upon seeing it, the cold master said too much: "This is just a normal inference. If there is any abnormality, it may be OK for more than ten years."

"Hey, that's got a dozen years." Chen Chen and so on are still not interested.

Seeing the disciples, the cold master is not too strange. These arrogant women, although martial arts are high, can still be young girls after all, for more than ten years, but they are not within the scope of their consideration.

Therefore, the Qingshang took out a small jade bottle from his arms and handed it to the peacock. He said: "This is a small vein of the uncle, which is the most effective for moisturizing the meridians. Your meridians are cut off. The internal force is hurt, the usual medicinal medicine is estimated to have limited efficacy. You have taken this and looked at the effect. I will give you a cure."

"Xiao Run Mai Dan?" Peacock and other people are surprised: "Uncle Shi, how have you never heard of this kind of remedy? And, also add a small? Is it related to the small Dan of Dalin Temple?"

The cold teacher smiled too: "This is the remedy that was lost in ancient times. If you have heard it, it is strange. As for why, why should you call a 'small' word? This is because this medicinal medicine is only sent to us on the Tudantang Hall. The elders of several generations have been researched and copied, and there is no connection with the small Dan of Dalin Temple. The small Dan of Dalin Temple is just the same as Dadandan and Yudandan. But the difference is different."

"Ah? It's so precious!" The peacock listened and quickly quit, saying: "The disciple is afraid to use it."

The cold teacher shook his head too: "It is not white for you. It is just for you to try the effect of this small Runmai on the scalpel bruises and meridians. If it is possible, you have to urge the Tudantang head to use this small Runmai. Re-refining, and later dealing with Tianlong teaching, we also have some grasp."

The peacock listened, and then I caught it. He smiled and said: "Where is the teacher, I am going to be an experimental product. Then I have to carefully taste it. I will talk to Tudantang carefully later."

When you are finished, take it.

The cold master stopped the road: "The peacock is in a hurry, and then take it when you practice at night. With the interest of thirty-six big days, there may be special surprises waiting for you."

The peacock wonders: "Surprise? Can you understand what the teacher can say?"

The cold master shook his head too: "I don't know if there is any surprise. I said it now, I may not be able to cash it. You will know it tomorrow."

The peacock nodded. Chen Chen asked: "Since it is refinery of Tuodantang, why don't we know?"

The cold teacher sighed with a sigh: "This medicinal refining is not easy. Even if it is the Tuo Dantang that still preserves the Danfang, it has never been refining successfully. These are also the occasional refining success of the inner door alchemist. How can the current Tuodantang be refining successfully?"

After listening to this, the peacock can't help but whether he should accept the remedy.

When asked about the peacock's injury, the chiller asked the peacock too carefully and carefully. However, even if she had more experience than Chen Chen, she could not express anything about these things involving the formation. The suggestion is only frowning: "If it is as peacocks say, there is only one possibility, that is, someone will help you."

The peacock also nodded. "The disciple is also thinking like this. It was just that the disciple was seriously injured and could not be traced. Moreover, the disciple also let the disciples of Wu Mingtang go to the place where Liang Cangxu and others were trapped, and there was nothing unusual."

The cold teacher smiled too bitterly: "These people can let the four of you unconsciously fall into the formation of the law. Well, even if they pre-arranged the law, they have to hold on to the other two people who teach Tianlong. These people are naturally in the rivers and lakes. Rare masters, you have been seriously injured, they are collecting the ups and downs, you may not know, fortunately, these people have only good intentions and no mourning for our fragrant teaching, but it is a big help, but I don’t know which one they are. People?"

Xia Qingqi, who has never spoken, said: "Uncle Shi, listen to your tone, how many people should help the Confucius sister?"

The cold teacher nodded too much.