Legend of the Cultivation God

v1 Chapter 555: Medicinal herb

The 555th chapter of medicinal herbs

Seeing Zhang Xiaohua’s statement, Chen Feng laughed and laughed, and quickly waved: “Little brother, don’t give me this piece of imaginary things. It’s not interesting. Maybe we only pass on the old high-level teachers. My aunt likes this set of rhetoric. Oh, yes, you still have to thank everyone, Bai Huan, look, now he has successfully transferred the anger of the disciples to him, your big winner of this gambling is actually one. It’s easy.”

Zhang Xiaohua nodded: "I naturally know that Chen Da is at ease. I must give an explanation to the white brother, and I will not let him die unclear."

Chen Feng smiled stunnedly: "This... what is this!"

Then, I saw Zhang Xiaohua slowly walked forward a few steps, and said aloud: "The brothers of Tuodantang, the younger brother is the happy person of the grass department, hey, I think everyone knows me now."

Seeing this, not only is Chen Feng laughing, but everyone else is a big man. It is very strange to look at him. He said: "Is it necessary to express a winning speech? Well, it is also, it is very important to test this thing. Testimonials, thanks to the teacher, this winning testimony is also to get."

I saw Zhang Xiaohua went on to say: "I just came to Tianmu Peak and just joined the big family of Tuodantang. I am very happy. I hope that I will live in harmony with the brothers in the future. The victory of these three games in the morning. And these three color games are not in my heart, um, everything is a cloud, I still care about your feelings, I hope you see me as my own brother, and, just now, Bai Huabai’s brothers I have entrusted him to help me to bet. Of course, I bet on my own victory. I think the seniors will not doubt that I am cheating!"

"Boom", everyone is fried, and they are all whispering, this is also true, and only Zhang Xiaohua himself can only say it. After all, he bet that he has had it before, and he can add it to himself. Jiner, give yourself a little motivation, and, in addition, the two medicinal herbs, is more reasonable, after all, he himself is not sure!

However, if one person exchanges two medicinal herbs for two thousand medicinal herbs, it is intriguing. Some people are gradually unfavorable.

At this time, Zhang Xiaohua said: "But, this is not the first time that the younger brother is coming. How can I have a meeting for everyone..."

Everyone is a heartbeat, it won't be exempted.

Hey, they would think, I saw Zhang Xiaohua said: "This meeting is that, whether it is the three brothers who are on the court, or the many brothers who bet on the court, within these three days, they will bet with you. The same remedy, go to the small courtyard where I live to continue to challenge, as long as you can win, I will erase your lost bill! Oh, yes, if there is not enough remedy, then take some rare herbs, The younger brother is also a visitor."

“Unfair!” Suddenly a Dan’s person shouted: “You know martial arts. Many of our disciples’ martial arts are not good. How can we be your opponent by martial arts alone?”

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "This brother said very much, can you please other brothers who will martial arts? Of course, this younger brother is also going to take out the drug, or you feel that the martial arts are not good. It can be a group of five to ten people, and the younger brothers are here!"

At this time, Chen Fengxiao can't figure out the meaning of Zhang Xiaohua. If it is purely to understand the true purpose of Huan bet, it doesn't need such a big handwriting. It seems that it is one to ten, um, even if it is I dare not declare war on this.

Where did Zhang Xiaohua manage these things, when he saw the eager light in the eyes of the disciples, he knew that his words had played a role, and then, the legs were soft, and it seemed that they had no strength. Chen Fengxiao hurryed forward to help. Live and say: "By disciples, since I am so generous in the grass department, I have to give you the winning bet in a unique way, then please come to the small courtyard next to the mountain to challenge him tomorrow afternoon. Let him have a good rest first."

As early as the disciples of Danbe, I found the loopholes in Zhang Xiaohua’s speech. I wanted to go to the small courtyard to challenge in the afternoon. I could hear Chen Feng’s speech, which ended the speculation.

Chen Fengxiao supported Zhang Xiaohua and rushed to Bai Huan, and said: "When you come over, you will be returned to the small courtyard by the younger brother. When you will decide where to go, take the list of bets and let the younger brother participate for the first time. I don’t know what to do with these aftermaths. You will do it for you."

Bai Huan dare not come, quickly ran over, holding the crumbling Zhang Xiaohua, and slowly walked back to the small courtyard.

When Zhang Xiaohua left, the biggest gamble in the history of this day is even a gorgeous curtain call. The grass department has always won less and lost more. Today, it has always been the biggest winner. Without waiting for the back of Zhang Xiaohua, Chen Fengxiao On the face, there was a smile that could not be restrained. I won’t say that Zhang Xiaohua won three games. The other five bets were all funded by Chen Feng’s, and the value of the six Luohan’s family. Two gold? Then remove the two lost games, Chen Fengxiao's grass department can win three games, one hundred and fifty two gold, plus Dan's loss to the grass three hundred two, this is a whole four hundred and fifty two Gold, replaced with medicinal herbs, it is also a very horrible number, Chen Fengxiao is somewhat worried, can Wu Dalang have enough homes to pay this bet?

This worry is actually the reason why Chen Fengxiao wanted Zhang Xiaohua to lose one at the time. Since it can't be cashed, it is better not to win, but it is also a face for Wu Zhou.

The first thing after the gambling is to liquidate the results. At this time, the five offerings are sitting behind the table, waiting for the arrival of Chen Fengxiao and Wu Zhouxu, the red-faced Chen Fengxiao and the gloomy Wu Zhou. After the market came to them, Lei Lao offered to smile: "Since the two heads of the family are coming, let's start liquidating now." Then, pointing to the top ten sheets of paper, said: "Besides the last few are the last A list of gambling bets, the others are the same as before, posting the public, let the disciples deliver the gambling to us, and we will distribute the medicinal drugs according to the situation of each field."

Both Chen Fengxiao and Wu Zhouxu nodded: "This is a common example, and it is hard work."

Lei Lao confessed to laughter: "This gambling quota is very large, and we also benefit a lot. If you are polite, you don't have to say much. Oh, the last gambling list, I think, according to Chen Da’s words, Let the grass department take it and let Ren Xiaoyao deal with it alone. What do you think?"

Chen Feng laughed and said: "If Ren Xiaoyao does not understand the rules, he will let everyone worship and laugh, but he does so, but it relieves the burden on you. If you do not object, Wu Dalang has no opinion, and I agree."

Wu Zhouxu sneered: "There are all the bets of the disciples themselves, and they are all facing a happy person. Let him have a headache. What advice do I have?"

"Well," Lei Lao nodded and nodded the top one and handed it to Chen Fengxiao. The other stack was handed to the next disciple and asked him to post it.

Then, Lei Lao enshrine took out a blank sheet from the side, picked up the pen and wrote it on it. He wrote and handed it to Chen Feng and smiled: "Chen Da is the master, this is the grass and the Dan department gambling. As a result, the Dan ministry needs to pay three hundred two gold or equivalent medicinal herbs to the grass department. If you have no objection, please sign and draw."

Chen Fengxiao took a closer look and did not hesitate to pick up the pen and sign it on the top. The Wu Zhouxu light next to it heard the meat on the gang.

When he took the pen, Chen Feng smiled apologetically: "Da Lang, you know, why do I put together the last two games of Xiaoyao, just..."

Wu Zhouxu bite his teeth and said: "Chen Da is a master, I don't know, I understand, just, hey, life is not good, forget it, you can rest assured, I have to pay for this bet when I sell the iron!"

This is a very arrogant statement, but it is also very bleak, but if it is not Wu Zhouxu, it is necessary to count the golden leaves in the small flowers, where will it fall so far? Don't say that the results of the previous gambling are all lost to the grass department, that is, even the bottom of your family must be hollowed out!

It’s just that people are not counted, and they have no heart but no heart.

At this time, the most hearted person, under the help of Bai Huan, slowly walked back to the small courtyard on the edge of the cliff. After waiting at the door, Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said to him: "White brother, the trouble of betting just now. You, um, you will be sent here, I will go in by myself, yes, tell your brothers, I have to take a good rest this afternoon, I have to bother me, and the troubled white brother will be in the next three days. Let's challenge or deal with the records of the medicinal herbs and sort them out. This is a must for the brothers."

Then, take a bottle of "Blood Dan" from the bag and hand it to Bai Huan, saying: "The blood in the bottle is returned to the brother, and the extra is the thank you."

Bai Huan immediately said: "The teacher is polite, the two remedies you bet are brother Qiu, and, do not give the medicinal medicine first, but the final payment, the medicinal medicine is still in my arms. ""

"The bottle of medicinal herbs will be given to Bai Shixiong and Qiu Shisi. You look at Brother Qiu, and after two days of work, I will thank Bai Shixiong."

"Is it?" Bai Huan was overjoyed and said: "In this case, the brother is not welcome."

After that, the detective took it.

Zhang Xiaohua thought for a moment and said: "Bai Shixiong, there is still something to trouble you."

Bai Huan, who had benefited, said: "Since it is my own brother and brother, there is nothing to say."

Zhang Xiaohua is a serious man; "The brethren of our grass department must have been under the suppression of the Dan ministry. There is no medicinal medicine in the hands. It is useless to have so many medicinal herbs here. If the brothers of the grass department want medicinal herbs, then Just change the herb."

"Taking herbs for medicinal herbs?" Bai Huanyi.