Legend of the Cultivation God

v1 Chapter 849: Peacock

Chapter VIII Chapter Peacock

However, it is said that the peacocks in the heart-shaped cave have been familiar with the ear of the past few years. The peacock has also been honed many times. It is known that this is just a mystery, and it is a singularity in the heart of the heart. The image is not true. At the beginning, there was still a bit of restraint, but for a long time, it would not be so much. In addition, the peacock recalls the embarrassment of the early Jingfan Shitai. In the refining heart cave, it is necessary to follow the heart and let it go, so that it can be broken. So it is no longer a scruples. Wishful thinking, no one knows, maybe you can find a chance in this!

At this time, the peacock is talking to Ren Xiaoyao about me and talking about some privacy words. The peacock also knocks on some ***, chances, etc. Suddenly, holding the peacock’s singer is not seen at all. Guanghua disappeared!

"Hey? Isn't my succulent success? Breaking up?" The peacock was delighted for a while, but the starry sky and the body lying in the air at random told her that she is still in the illusion!

"What is going on here? I didn't kill Ren Xiaoyao. How did he disappear?"

When the peacock was amazed, she saw Zhang Xiaohua discovering a head from a distance, probed the brain, looked around, and seemed to be looking for something!

The peacock smiled, and a floating body was on the front, licking the neck of Zhang Xiaohua: "Wu Jun, where did you go? People are asking you!"

This little flower is the real price of Zhang Xiaohua. He just realized it in the magic circle. It is not because Nie Qianxi is a fake illusion. It is used to please the illusion of dreams. The illusion is change immediately. Send Zhang Xiaohua to another place.

Zhang Xiaohua’s blink of an eye is to see a place full of starlight, the overwhelming stars, and the whole person is walking in the void, thinking that the dream is hiding somewhere in the starry sky, so he dare not let go of his knowledge. I am afraid that I will not see a dream if I break it.

Just as he was looking around for a dream, it was just to see the peacock flying around. When he flew to himself, he was holding himself, and he was very close to his relatives and called himself "Fo Jun"!

Zhang Xiaohua was dizzy at the time and muttered: "Kom... sister, you... how come?"

Yes, people are calling their husbands, can they call someone a big man?

What's more, Zhang Xiaohua did not think that he had a peacock in his heart. How can he not be shy?

Hearing Zhang Xiaohua calling himself "Sister Kong", the peacock was "giggle" at the time. He took Zhang Xiaohua’s head and kissed him on his face. He said, "You are a painful, hateful guy. I just called a woman, and now I became a sister. Did you say that I was shooting you to death?"

The peacock kisses like a real one. All of a sudden, I let Zhang Xiaohua’s face have a fever. My heart secretly said: "I...when did I think about Kong Daren? This... I really flattered me."

Then it was a big surprise: "Dream will not see it! If she sees it, she will definitely be angry again!"

Thinking, Zhang Xiaohua immediately pushed the peacock away, saying: "Kom... sister, this way... not good, if it is seen by others..."

"Do you see others?" The peacock smiled and said: "You are not me, I am not you? How can anyone see it?" Then, walking to Zhang Xiaohua, the body floated and surrounded by a small flower The neck, said: "It's all your family, and I am your lady, and now I still call my sister."

"That is me, I am you?" Zhang Xiaohua smiled bitterly and said: "How can I not know? But is there a dream next to it?"

After listening to the blame of the peacock, Zhang Xiaohua peeked at the starry sky around him, whispering: "That's your lady, but..."

"But what?" Some blood on the peacock's face, holding Zhang Xiaohua's hand, placed on his chest, shyly said: "Is it only you to put it here, do you tell me the truth?"

Zhang Xiaohua's hand caressed on the tall, soft chest of the peacock. Immediately it was like a lightning strike. The heart was almost trembled: "Oh my God, this... how is this magical array so realistic?"

I thought so in my heart, I didn’t know what to do with my fingers.

"Is this really feeling?" The warmth and flexibility that came from the hand made Zhang Xiaohua's heart itch. However, he immediately closed his mind and looked around: "Dream, where are you? You Don't see it!"

At this time, the peacock still burns like a fire, and blame: "I know that you will not be honest! Hey, who made you the nemesis of my hit? I have seen you since Huichun Valley... Oh, I don't know, It’s nothing, but... you can’t forget you...”

"My God, how is my self feeling so good!" Zhang Xiaohua secretly surprised: "What kind of inner disciple is Kong Daren, I actually think that people are so unbearable!"

"But, since you are my family, I have given you everything here, you... why... I can't let me break, let me have a glimpse of the mystery of heaven?"

Said, the peacock is holding Zhang Xiaohua, sticking out the lips of the cherry lips and kissing Zhang Xiaohua!

Petrochemical, petrified, Zhang Xiaohua feels the moistness and aroma of the peacock's lips, not only the heart and soul. "This illusion is really... oh, too fragrant, have to deal with it quickly, Mo is seen by dreams... Kill it? That line, even if it is fake, I have to suffer from my heart, I can't kill people to win the treasure, killing innocent. Oh, heaven, a glimpse of the heavens can make the hole ..... sister go?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaohua did not feel the attention, look at the starry sky, pick up the face of the peacock, "a few" kiss on her red lips, smiled: "If you just look at the heavens, you can go Nafjun, this allows the lady to open her eyes and let you see what the real heaven is!"

Saying, just sitting cross-legged, five hearts in the sky, while understanding the heavens in my mind, while thinking about presenting his own understanding in this starry sky!

Zhang Xiaohua thinks that it is true. Within the magic array, the magic is born from the heart. It is the understanding of heaven and earth that can be imaged. However, this heaven is a heavenly way, not a magical array. How much can the magic array present? Business.

But even if it is a trace of the image, how unparalleled it is in this magical array!

At a glance, this starry sky is immediately from a quiet, seemingly permanent movement, and begins to slow down. It seems that each star has its own unique trajectory, and the entire starry sky is projected. come……

The peacock is stupid on the spot!

She just challenged her heart as usual, challenged her own hit nemesis, and knows that this answer is not the same as before. Actually, she wants to show her the heavens. She is both a surprise and a disbelief. My own ears, waiting for her to see the image of the heavenly sky in the sky, almost immediately know that this is the home of their own hardships, and the opportunity to go against the sky is really placed in front of their own eyes.

Immediately, she sat cross-legged, and the body lifted the heavenly heart, but her eyes were not staring at the starry sky, trying to keep all the heavens in mind!

I don't know how long it took, Tiandao is still running, and the peacock is no longer able to realize it. After all, she is a martial artist. Anything in the heavens is just a martial art to pursue the sacred martial arts. I can get a trace from Zhang Xiaohua’s understanding of the heavens. Heaven and Taoism has been commendable. The peacock knew that his chances had been fulfilled, and immediately closed his eyes. After a short time, the peacock discovered that his own heart and mind had reached an incredible height. It would be too much to say that it was the peak!

Peacock is delighted, just stand up and look at the still working heaven, and look at the Zhang Xiaohua sitting on the knees. I don’t feel the temperament: "Master said that it is true, this person is my hit nemesis. Moreover, only by letting nature go, can you get the chance to break from him, um, even get a breakthrough in the heavens!"

At the same time, the peacock suddenly thought: "I wonder if Master's experience of his own experience in the heart of the hole is so sullen, how can such a shameful experience tell others?"

Thinking, the peacock is red-faced.

At this point, the entire working heavens came to an abrupt end, Zhang Xiaohua stood up with a smile, and smiled: "You can understand?"

The peacock's face was full of laughter, and his body was in his arms. He held Zhang Xiaohua and buried his face in his neck. He muttered: "Enlightenment, enlightenment!"

The word "enlightenment" has just blurted out. The peacock just feels a force to pull her. She immediately understands that she has broken her own, and she will soon be in this illusion. I will leave this and I will not know how long it will be. I am going to leave Lang Jun who is actually having children with her!

"I am leaving, happy, my husband, I will always remember everything that happened here."

Under the tears of the peacock's tears, it was the clothes of Zhang Xiaohua that were wet. The peacock opened the small mouth of the cherry. The cockroach was bitten under the neck of Zhang Xiaohua. A row of deep tooth marks was left on the neck of Zhang Xiaohua!

Still waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to scream, the peacock immediately disappeared!

Only Zhang Xiaohua’s voice rang through the entire starry sky: “Kong Daren, Kong Sister, Kong Niangzi, you... you are too worried, but it’s an illusion, how is it realistic? I...I really It hurts!!!"

Fortunately, the peacock has already gone out of the illusion, otherwise... otherwise I really don't know what will happen!

Zhang Xiaohua touched the tooth marks on her neck and smiled bitterly: "I will find a dream later, I don't know if she will see it. Well, things inside the magic array, can't take it out, I won't go out." At the time, there are still these rows of tooth marks on the neck!"

Later, Zhang Xiaohua was about to continue to look for the traces of dreams. He listened to people who were far away and shouted: "Ren Xiaoyao, you stand for me!!!"

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