Legend of the Cultivation God

v1 Chapter 86: Say down

Chapter 86 says to drop

In the law enforcement hall, a white man carrying his hands, standing on the side of the pillar, staring at the pattern on the column, a little white folds in the body, and some blood, but these are equipped with the sword eyebrows of this person, straight. The bridge of the nose can only show the fascinating wind, but it does not see any decadence.

Ou Peng walked into the law enforcement hall and looked up at the white man. The man also heard the sound, and this time he turned back. The eyes of the two men collided in an instant, Ou Peng stopped and the body of the white man solidified. The two looked at each other for a moment, and their eyes shrank at the same time. This took back their eyes. The white man went back to see the boring pattern. Ou Peng re-lifted his foot and stepped into the law enforcement hall. The chair went.

Ou Peng sat in the chair and silently looked at the tall white man in front of him. He didn't talk. He seemed to be thinking about it. The white man didn't look at Ou Peng, and the air solidified.

The six tigers also entered the law enforcement hall. Only Hu Yunyi and Hu Lao took the Ou Peng's hand. Others stood, and Liu Yuzhou did. After waiting for a while, some people were impatient, Liu Liuyang Liu Laowu frowned and said: "Yu Naifu, you have been captured by me, what is the stinking shelf? It is difficult to let the old man give you Is it an axe?"

Ou Peng was a little annoyed, and stunned Liu Laowu’s eyes and scorned: “Five brothers, Hugh said a lot.”

Liu Laowu is not convinced, saying: "Three brothers, this is..."

The words have not been finished yet, the white man said: "Since the water is being shackled, life and death are from you, why bother?"

Ou Peng said with a smile: "The water brother does not have to have a general knowledge of him. My five brothers are a rough person. Those words do not have to be in my heart."

The white man, Yu Yupeng’s nose, snorted and stopped talking.

At this time, the old official opened his mouth and said: "Water helper, do you still think that this is in your Luoshui gang? Since I know that I am being shackled by me, it is the prisoner of my sect, I should have the consciousness of being a prisoner. It’s not so sensational, it seems that I’m waiting for you to be a good fortune, and you haven’t come to your martial arts.”

Shui Yupeng squinted at Shangguan’s old eyes and said nothing.

Shangguan Laosi went on to say: "I know what the water lord thinks. Do you think that my squad has suddenly attacked and let Luoshui help be caught off guard? This is a big loss. If Luoshui is slightly alert, the whole army is annihilated. It will be us."

Water Yu Peng is also a "squeaky" sound, said aloud: "The secret recipe is gone, can not enter the hall."

Shangguan’s fourth child is also a “snap”, and he screams: “What secret tricks, what inferior means, what conspiracy, what conspiracy, what can be won is a good strategy, rivers and lakes, rivers and lakes never need a reason, do not need a bright and honest The water lord seems to have been working hard for the Lord for a long time, and he has forgotten the rules of the jungle.

Shui Yupeng said: "This does not work for the official to work, water naturally knows."

Shangguan Laosi said: "Since you know this truth, you should know that when any gang has annexed others, it will naturally be a day that is annexed by others. It will come out sooner or later. The water lord will not forget that Luoshui is How to grow up."

At this time, the water rains, the face is a little cloudy, and the belief in the heart is shaken.

Seeing this scene, Hu’s boss spoke up and said, “Is the water lord still cherishing the plan of his offensive Xinrong faction? Because I am involved, let you fail!”

The face of Shui Yupeng is even more gloomy. He said: "Yes, I Luoshui has always been living in Luoshui. There is no foundation in the land. For the development of Luoshui, I have tried my best to plan for several years. I want to be Xinrong. The faction is included in the majesty, but it is unexpectedly taken advantage of by you. If not, I will concentrate on Xinrong, which will make you easy to get it?"

Shangguan Laosi smiled and said: "The ancients cloud, count people, people always calculate. The water helper will not learn it, and the things that catch the oriole are not uncommon in the rivers and lakes. You can only say that the water gang is too careless. Can you count on the shore, and the gangs on the shore can count on the water?"

Shui Yupeng sighed in the sky and said: "People are not as good as days, God is absolutely me, what do I have?"

Ou Peng also laughed at the interface of Yingying at this time: "Water is the main lord, this is a mistake, it is not God's unrequited love, this time is open to God."

Shui Yupeng, a strange question: "Why did the big European helper say this? Is it difficult for you to send me a swallow and help me, is it a big help?"

Finished, sneer.

When Ou Peng saw this, he did not care about him. Instead, he asked him: "Does the water helper know the background of Zhao Xin, the head of Xinrong School?"

"Zhao Xin?" Shui Yupeng listened to the name and said contemptuously: "Isn't it a thief, the support of the rich merchants in the city, can survive in the cracks of the various factions? What background can he have?"

"What about Zheng Rong?" Ou Peng then asked.

“Zheng Rong?” Shui Yupeng wondered, “Isn’t it the second home of Xinrong’s school? Is it a scholar who was robbed when Zhao Xin fell into the grass? It’s said that the two are not acquainted, and the hero is the hero. Worshiping to become a brother, Zheng Rong also followed the grass."

Ou Peng said with a smile: "The water lord said it was good. Later, Zheng Rong felt that after robbing in the mountains, it was not the way to survive. He took the lead and led Zhao Xin to meet with the wealthy businessmen in the city. This came down from the mountain and was in the city. The Xinrong School was created between Heping Yangcheng."

Water Yu Peng listened and nodded involuntarily.

Then, Ou Peng asked: "The water helper thinks, why does the rich businessman cooperate with a mountain thief without background?"

Shui Yupeng pondered for a moment and said: "According to my understanding, the wealthy businessmen want to develop their own power, find an opportunity to make a name for themselves, and don't want to be limited to doing business."

Ou Peng also asked: "Why, why do wealthy businessmen do not resort to the big school in Yucheng, or the school in Pingyang City?"

Shui Yupeng said: "Perhaps, I think Zhao Xin is better controlled. If you cooperate with you, you will be left with bones."

Ou Peng smiled and said: "There is some truth to say. The water helps the Lord. Why do you think that the Xinrong faction is so close to me? Why have we not eaten it, but instead help Luoshui?"

Shui Yupeng smiled and said: "How do I know this? Perhaps I feel that the Xinrong School is just a fly, and there is too little meat."

Ou Peng said: "The water is wrong. The Xinrong faction is between the Pingyang City and the city. If I can eat the Xinrong faction, my sphere of influence will immediately expand to the vicinity of Yucheng. The benefits are not one and a half."

Shui Yupeng is also strange, and asks: "Why did the big European lord delay the hand?"

Ou Peng mysterious smile: "That is because Zheng Rong."

"Zheng Rong?" Water rain friends are stunned.

Ou Peng went on to say: "Zheng Rong is a vulgar disciple of the law enforcement elder of Dalin Temple!"

Hearing here, Shui Yupeng took a breath of cold, he is also a gang of masters, strategic vision is not lacking, the only thing missing is information. The asymmetry of this information directly led him and Ou Peng. Different judgments on Xinrong.

No one is confused, Ou Peng wakes up this way, and Shu Yupeng immediately understands.

This is to touch the tiger's ass.

The abandonment of this "abandonment" can make people think a lot. First of all, as the saying goes, the dog must look at the master. Although this is a slut, this is also the person of Dalin Temple. Although people don’t want it, it does not mean Dalin Temple does not ask, do you teach others to abandon people, is not to give people the face of Dalin Temple? Besides, even if Dalin Temple doesn't ask, can't stop the law enforcement elders from a private point of view to express the warmth of the elders? This law enforcement elder of Dalin Temple is Luoshui help can provoke? Not to mention the connections between the rivers and lakes, the disciples of Chang Geng’s elders alone will be able to help Luoshui.

Secondly, there is bound to be "return" when there is "abandonment". No one knows. When the brain of the Dalin Temple is hot, will the abandonment be re-listed in the wall? This may be that no one can not consider, and then, the abandonment of Dalin Temple, but did not tell the rivers and lakes, that is, even Ou Peng is also learned from the extremely secret channels, in case one day Dalin Temple announced, This "abandonment" is nothing but a mistake in writing. If it is not counted, will anyone who has sent a black hand to Xinrong not become an enemy of Dalin Temple?

Hey, this "abandon" word, Dalin Temple is very wonderful.

Shui Yupeng thought of this, some were disheartened, and the look on his face was inevitable.

However, he still sneered and said: "Even if I Luoshui can not get the Xinrong faction, it is eaten by others, or the road of Dalin Temple, the left and the right is nothing but the help, what is the difference with today's game? The European ambassador, but a hundred steps to laugh fifty steps, you can become a winner, naturally have this laughing capital."

Ou Peng smiled and didn't refute him. Instead, he looked at Li Jian. Li Jian nodded, then walked out and came to the front of the water rain, no more words, took out the sword of the waist, luck. Swing, Shui Yupeng thought that he had reached the limit, and he closed his eyes like a hero. He wanted to be generous and righteous, but after waiting for a long time, he did not feel the pain. This strangely opened his eyes and looked at Ou Peng.

Ou Peng looked at him with a smile, as if he had just said a word.

Shui Yupeng looked at Li Jian inexplicably, but then he was scared by the sight.

"This...this is the sword mans?" The rainy rain face looked like a gray gaze at the front of the long sword in Li Jian’s hand. He was shocked and called out: "Is there such a sword in this world?"

After a while, he took a breath, and Shuipeng said: "The martial arts of Li’s family has also advanced to such a realm. There is nothing to say about the loss of water."

Then, he said to Ou Peng: "Shui thought that it was attacked by the European gang. It was a bad fortune. It was a dark calculation of yours. I was especially worried about it, and the European gang and the water had a trick, and Shui was absent-minded at the time. The European gang is just like this. Now I want to come. The European gang seems to be Tibetan mastiff."