Legend of the Cultivation God

v1 Chapter 87: surrender

Chapter 87—Submission

Ou Peng said: "The water helps the Lord to laugh, the sword has no eyes. Who can keep the hand under the fight of life and death? Under the nature, it is all-out. This profession has specialization. The martial arts of my second brother is inevitable. In the next step, I am busy with helping the Chinese affairs. This martial arts is backward. The martial arts journey is like going against the water. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. I think the brothers and sisters understand."

After that, Chong Li Jian waved his hand, Li Jian would like to know, and received the sword, still standing back.

Water Yupeng’s nose snorted and didn’t answer. He said: “Ghosts believe this.”

However, at this time, the face of Shui Yupeng has not been a little proud of it. Think about it. Although the people’s sects are taking advantage of Luoshui’s help, they are not prepared. People do have this strength. Just look at Li Jian’s martial arts. No one can compete with Luo Shui. If the front is contested, Luo Shui will not escape the fate of helping.

At this time, Yu Yupeng has no luck.

Ou Peng looked at the face of Shui Yupeng and smiled and said: "Water lord, there is a gift underneath to send you, I hope you can laugh."

After that, rushing to the official four nodded, the Shangguan temper immediately rushed out of the law enforcement hall, Shui Yupeng looked at Ou Peng very strangely, and his heart gradually became a little uneasy.

Sure enough, after a short time, Shangguan Laoqi slowly walked into the law enforcement hall, followed by a woman dressed in Tsing Yi, holding a child in his arms about three years old. The woman's face was pale and her expression was a little excited, but the little boy was turning his eyes and turning, and he still took a candied fruit gourd, and he was eating it with relish.

The two men followed the Shangguan feng shui into the door, and Shu Yupeng saw the familiar figure of the two people, and immediately suppressed the figure of shaking for a while, looking back at Ou Peng with a look of anger, said: "Ou Peng, you ......"

I haven't waited for the water raining friend to finish, Ou Peng smiled and intercepted what he had to say, and asked: "Water helper, what happened to me?"

The sound of Yu Yupeng was a bit lower, saying: "The people in the rivers and lakes have their own rules in the rivers and lakes. I can't reach you in martial arts. I can give it to you. My wife and children don't know martial arts. You took them. ?"

At the end of the day, there was some pleading.

Ou Peng is still the kind of smile, and he waved his hand and said: "The water brother is heavy, and Ou is not as bad as you think."

When the two talked, the woman and the child had walked into the law enforcement hall. The boy curiously squinted at a group of strangers around him. When he saw his familiar face, he cheered in his mouth and stopped focusing on his hands. The sugar gourd struggled to get down from the woman's arms. The woman hugged him, afraid to let go, her eyes looked at the water and rain, and the child was also flushed with a small face, and the small body was twisted. Moves, tears will flow out, the hand that does not take things, is also toward the water rain friends, in an instant, in the rain and rain in the mind, nothing has been thought of, what rivers and lakes, what bloody, what dynasty hegemony, what unified Jianghu, only the warmth of the whole room, just want to hug his son, use his beard to tie his delicate face, look at his dodge, look spoiled in his arms.

At this time, Yu Yupeng did not have the arrogance of the first. He bent down the waist that was always straight, carrying his hand, reaching to the front, and making a hug for the child. The woman saw this and let go. Hand, carefully put the boy on the ground, the boy's foot fell to the ground, immediately whistle, with a "gage" smile, flew and rushed over, water Yu Peng and other boys near, grabbed the child's armpit with both hands Raise the child high above the head, alternating the two hands before and after, let the child's body swing around, make the child "grid" laugh, it seems that I like this often-made game, wait for the child to laugh enough, water Rainpeng held the child in his arms, looked up at his head, squinted, lovingly stroking his little head and enjoying the rare joy that he thought he would never have again.

The boy seems to be shackled. This is not very comfortable than the harder hugs before. He struggled hard, and he pulled out a small face from the water and rain, and sent the sugar gourd in his hand to the mouth of Yu Yupeng. Childishly said: "Hey, give you something to eat, so sweet."

Shui Yupeng said gently: "Every day, don't eat, you can eat it yourself."

The boy was not happy, twisted his body and spoiled him. He said, "You must eat. You always think about giving it to you. You don't want to eat it anymore. You will eat it every day. At that time, you will be unhappy every day." ”

Listening to this on weekdays, Shui Yupeng will not eat the candied fruit gourd. He will definitely find a way to let the child eat it himself. At this time, he suddenly feels that his eyes are very moist. He looks at the child’s eager eyes and opens his mouth. The boy saw that he finally agreed, and he was very happy. He sent the candied fruit to his mouth and watched the water rain pate bite. This was a sweet smile. He also carefully bite his mouth with his mouth. The red fruit wrapped in syrup, the beauty has to eat.

While eating and muttering, "Sister Xue is really right, I didn't lie every day, I can really see you here."

Water Yu Peng, asked: "Who is Xue Jie?"

I ate every day and leaned over my face and said, "I am the pretty sister with the face on her face. Sister Xue took the day with her mother, and said that she would find something delicious, and it would be good for every day." I haven’t seen it for a few days, and I thought my sister deceived every day."

Water Yu Peng immediately understood the reason.

Then, hug every day and go to the woman's side, saying: "Every day, go play with the mother, you have something to do, go back and play with you."

Every day, I heard my words, stretched out my arms, hugged the water's neck, wrinkled my brows, and said with dissatisfaction: "When you come, don't be the same as before, always talking is not counted."

Shui Yupeng smiled and kissed the little face of the day and said, "This time you must talk about it."

Cheering every day, I also kissed the face of Shu Yupeng and said, "I was waiting outside on the day." Then, obediently loosened his arms, twisted his body and hugged his mother. The woman took care of it and took it in her arms.

At this time, the woman’s face was slightly normal. She was looking at her, and she nodded deeply. Her eyes plucked the look of surprise, and she did not talk to Shui Yupeng. She turned and walked out of the law enforcement hall. Every day, I am still looking at the water and rain.

When the figures of the two people disappeared, Shuiteng turned around and said to Ou Peng: "European lord..."

Ou Peng will know and say: "The water helps the Lord to rest assured that your family has 14 mouths and it is unscathed."

Then, Ou Peng said to the following: "Give the water to help the host to take the chair."

The following people put the chair to the side of the water rain, Ou Peng said: "Water help, please sit down and talk."

Shui Yupeng looked at the chair, thought for a moment, took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled, then sat down calmly.

Ou Peng sees this and smiles with satisfaction.

Then said: "Since the Sister of Water is sitting down, then listen to the topic just now. In the eyes of Shui Xiong, Luo Shui Bang was taken down by me, and was taken down by Dalin Temple. It is the result of being annihilated. In fact, when the water brother thinks about it carefully, he will find that there is a fundamental difference between the two. If Luoshui’s help is captured by Dalin Temple or Xinrong, it must be that the water brother’s offensive Xinrong’s defeat is lost. Or Dalin Temple to avenge the water brother to break the Xinrong faction, but to see the strength of the Xinrong faction and the strength of Luoshui, it should be the latter. At that time, Dalin Temple is a revenge for nature and will not keep it, water The brother’s family doesn’t say that the brothers in the group will also suffer heavy casualties. Moreover, Dalin Temple itself has the power of the waterway. Naturally, it will not leave Luoshui’s help. The water brother’s Luoshui’s end must be destroyed. There is no second choice."

Shui Yupeng said with a smile: "Water is not self-reliant. If you really hit the stone with an egg, it is probably the result."

Ou Peng went on to say: "But now the situation has changed. The brother of the water has not yet begun to attack the Xinrong faction, and it has been attacked by my sect. The water brother, Luoshui, and the Liangzi of the Dalin Temple have not been settled."

Shui Yupeng sneered and said: "Naluo water help is not won by you, is not the end of the gang? Only, the casualties in the gang are not heavy, can you still let me continue to operate Luoshui?"

Speaking of this, I couldn’t help but look up at Ou Peng: "Is it true that the European gang has such a mind?"

It seems that there are some surprises. In fact, it is also that the self-deprecating faction has attacked Luoshui, and arranged for the family to escape. Then they led the elders and the church owners to fight against each other. As a result, the whole army was destroyed, and all the beggars were killed. I thought that the left and right could not escape Luoshui’s help. Since then, there is no name for Luoshui’s help in the rivers and lakes, and they will certainly be killed. People took their own to the school, but they only tried to encourage the momentum of the faction and killed in public. Don't send a helper, the effect is much stronger than the effect that no one sees.

Therefore, Shui Yupeng has always kept the Qijie, and wants to keep a good reputation before he leaves the world.

In fact, Shui Yupeng did not consider the possibility of leaving his own life and relying on his own development of waterways. However, if you think that there is no water power, this Luoshui has so many elders and church owners, just take one over, although you don’t have the prestige of helping yourself, you can manage the talents who help the affairs. There is no shortage of it. With the help of the martial art, there is no water and rain, and Luoshui can still develop, and leaving himself is definitely a hidden danger of Luoshui.

Therefore, Shui Yupeng always thought that the sect would not leave his own.

However, until now, Ou Peng first compares the strengths of the two factions, and also sets the background of the Xinrong faction. He also uses the force of the martial art. Finally, letting his family play, it is hard to make such a big mind. ......

Water Yu Peng’s heart is a little more active. He really can’t believe that Ou Peng actually has such great strength and is willing to leave his own way of life and let him regain his water.