Legend of the Cultivation God

v2 Chapter 1624: Magic shadow reproduction

"I don't think you actually have a sword! It is beyond the expectations of the old man!" The soul of the soul took a shot, it was a palm-sized flag from the waist pocket, coldly said, "if not The old man had a means, and now he is afraid to turn over the gutter!"

This voice is the voice of the Three Kingdoms. .

"Disease ~" Xiao Hua did not talk to him nonsense, the scorpion Yuan Guang in the sword smashed out again, and his head was twisted!

"Brush ~" The soul of the soul is not afraid, the flag in the hand, a piece of black smoke is born in the top of his head, the Ling Ling Yuanguang falls in it seems to fall into a quagmire, can not move.

"You are going to die!" The soul of the soul is flashing around the green light. With the roar of the soul, a green brilliance rushes into the flag, and the face of the soul is immediately shrunk, as if it consumed the life, the old ten A few years old, the whole body is a bit awkward.

However, the green light fell on the black flag, the black flag of the flag was so strong, the flag corner was rolled toward Xiao Hua, but see a faint, almost invisible black light flashed, Xiao Hua suddenly It was a burst of dizziness, and the heavens and the earth rotated for it. The whole person was sluggish, like a wooden man, standing unconsciously in the air...

"Ha ha ha ~" Zi Yan in the distance has long noticed here, seeing Xiao Hua was restrained by the soul, Hongxia fairy and other people will also be torn by the gods, do not feel crazy laugh!

However, at this time, in the Xiaohua mouth of the cockroach, the nightmare and the Lushan, which had already been collected from the Buddhist Association, flew out like a guardian, hovering in front of Xiaohua!

"This..." The soul was a little worried, but the soul did not stop. He waved the black flag in his hand and ignored the sword and the flying sword. He attacked Xiaohua!

Critical moments, abnormal regeneration...

"Grandma's, who went to fight in front of Laozi, actually did not say hello to Laozi? Is it going to die?" It was at this moment of crisis, but at the foot of the crowd, the countless yellow sand rushed, one The huge vortex emerged from the yellow sand, and then the yellow sand suddenly appeared, and a figure of a few feet stood up from the yellow sand, and a hot and incomparable breath swept the space of hundreds of feet.

"Ah??" This figure is too abrupt, and the soul does not feel stunned. I have to wait and see that this figure can't help but scream, but see this is a three-foot-sized giant. What was the drought and drought that was previously pursued?

However, the droughts and floods at this time are different from the previous ones. Dozens of them have disappeared. The red hairs of the marmots have faded a lot, leaving only a length of less than one inch to cover the body. The phosphorescence is also missing, replaced by red hair, and the skin is like a rune. Moreover, on the face of the marmot, the red hair has faded, and a large, slightly embarrassed face is revealed. The red eyes are looking at the soul with fierce light!

The most important thing is that the arms and legs of the marmot have been freely moving, although there is still a little bit of rigidity, which is essentially different from the earlier stiffness.

The whole body of the marmot was covered with a wide animal skin, and the place where the ** was covered was covered. The wide shoulder was sitting on a man dressed in a luxury dress. The man pointed his hand at the soul. The gentleman said a few words in the mouth, although the pronunciation is very embarrassing, but the anger from the man’s eyes is not "killing him". What is it?

This man... naturally is Xiaomao who has been left by the drought!

"Awkward~" The sound of the drought is very hoarse, and there is even a kind of heavy friction, but this sound sounds very similar to Xiao Mao’s saying. Then the drought and the big hand reach out and the face has changed dramatically. The body shape is going to catch the soul of the soul in the distance!

But seeing the soul of the soul, there was a black temper, and the black light was also messy. The soul hurriedly waved the black flag in his hand. The green light above the black flag was frequently sent out. I wanted to protect the body of the soul, but the green light just entered. Body, the soul of the soul began to violently expand, heard a "squeaky" sound, the soul of the soul of the body burst from the inside out into a flesh and blood powder, blood and blood splashed a few more than ...

Then the drought will be a trick, and the black flag will fall into its hands.

"叽咕叽咕~" The drought and flood seems to be asking Xiaomao. Xiaomao is very worried about Xiaohua, who is stunned, and looks at the panic-stricken child, and said a few words impatiently!

The appearance of droughts and floods is very sudden. It is also easy to kill the soul. Everything is between counts and interests. That child seems to have not returned to God! Or, Ziyan is really not willing to kill such a good situation, and he is hesitant in the heart, how to deal with it!

"Oh, the old saying goes, it’s not that the family doesn’t gather heads! Houyan, we meet again!" Xiao Mao flew up from the marmot, and the whole body also had an unspeakable hot breath, while talking, while holding one hand Fluttering, it seems to be a fire, and it seems to be blood, in short, a fast brilliance, it is under the bottle of the soul of the soul, that many filth!

"Teng ~" sound, all the filth actually flashed the fire in this brilliance, these fiery silk is very strange and entangled with filth, in the blink of an eye is to burn all the filth!

Without the filth of erosion, the colorful brilliance of the phoenix is ​​bright. When the nine gods had appeared in the drought, they had already panicked and stopped their footsteps. Under the urging of Ziyan, they had not retreated. At this time, the colorful brilliance was so strong that these iron bodies could not help but retreat and appear scattered. ......

"呜~" At this time, the dryness of the marmot was flying, and the black flag in the hand suddenly exploded. A black gas from the inside emerged from the inside, followed by a dry moth sprayed on it, and all the black gas disappeared. Only the one that is like a bird in the black gas is left. This bird is very weird, and there are actually three feet.

With the appearance of the birds, Xiao Hua, who stayed in the woods, suddenly opened his eyes, as if he had woken up in a dream, the nightmare that was in front of him and the two songs of "Shu" ll!

Xiao Hua looked around and saw the drought and the Xiaomao, and there was a trace of horror in his eyes. He was waiting to see the red miracle fairy who surrounded the nine gods, and his eyes fell on some of the panicked sons. Naturally, the **** smell in the nose made him look at the taboos that had been thrown to the side of Xiaomao.

Ziyan repented, but it was between the fingers, and all the situations have been reversed. He really should have left in the moment when the drought occurred!

"Big Brother~" Xiao Mao gave up his son, and turned his head and shouted.

"Nothing~" Xiao Hua smiled and put his hand on it.

"Good~" Xiao Mao flashed a stern color in his eyes, and looked coldly at Ziyan. "Yuhiko, let's take your life!"

Said, Xiao Mao reached out again, his mouth whispered, the arm was like a drought, a kind of unspeakable heart, and an unstoppable explosion came out of his blood...

"Damn!" Ziyan did not know that this is the blood of the descendants of the great gods. He hurriedly put a little stick in his hand, and a layer of dark black was born from him, and he wrapped himself firmly, then he will Hand shot, the nine gods, "嗷嗷" called, toward Xiao Mao is to rush, then look at Zi Yan himself, body a black smoke, is going to the distance!

"吼~" The dryness screamed, and the heat of the sky once again swept the space of several tens of feet. At once, the dead air of the nine iron corpses was swept away, and the nine iron corpses were flustered, as if the headless flies were moving. Quartet goes!

"Want to go? How can this be?" Xiao Mao waved his hand and wanted to use the power of the blood, but his face flashed green, but there was no movement, obviously this blood force mastered Not proficient!

“噶和噶和~” Xiao Mao saw that Ziyan had already flown a dozen feet and hurriedly ordered.

"Gege ~" The drought and the sorrow actually laughed, and the cockroaches on his face seemed to be turned into a thick, and there would still be some red-haired hands stretched out, and a strange smell rushed out!

"Xiao Gongzi...have mercy!" Zi Ming yelled, and his heart was still reluctant to be affectionate.

It is a pity that Xiao Mao knows Zi Ming, and she ignores her!

"Xiao Mao..." Xiao Hua knew what Zi Ming thought, and hurriedly called.

Unfortunately, this is a long story!

"Peng" was a muffled sound, and the blood was collapsing. Ziyan’s dark black gas could not stop the attack of the marmot. After several drums, it was still bursting inside, but Ziyan was not the dwarf. The soul of the soul is the blood of the great **** of the earth, and some resistance to the attack of the drought and flood, the half of the right side of Ziyan is bursting, and the body of the left half is still intact!

"叽咕叽咕~" At the right time, Xiao Mao also commanded, the drought and drought will retract the hand, and the ugly face actually carries a kind of awkwardness!

However, at this time, Zi Ming is going to fly in the past, Zi Yan's body shape shook a little, actually disappeared from midair!

"Hidden smuggling ???" Xiao Hua was shocked and could not help but hesitated his hand and screamed in his mouth. "Sick ~!"

With Xiao Hua’s slogan, Yu Ling Yuanguang rushed out of the sword and flew into the place where Ziyan’s figure disappeared, and it was also missing.

"Ah~" A scream came from afar, Ziyan’s head, and **** light appeared in the air with screams!

"Xiao Gongzi?!" Zi Ming was shocked, and the shape of the flying body stopped in the air, and some of them lost their souls and looked at the distance! However, just in front of Ziming’s eyes, all the corpses of Ziyan were from the moment of falling in the air. A dark shadow flew out of the corpse, and it was quite panicked and flew in the distance!

"The devil..." Zi Ming’s eyes flashed in a stern color, and a kind of sorrow came out from the bottom of his heart. All the previous doubts were explained. There was a cold ice on his face, and he waved his bones in his hand. Then rushed out and trapped the shadow.