Legend of the Green Ape

Chapter 78: Mortal enemy

Huo Donglong didn't care about the Dongya Great Festival, and she didn't believe what Pang Chixin said. According to her previous style, since Pang Chixin can resist the refining of the invigorating bottle, she must immediately destroy the soul to avoid future troubles.

But she didn't hurt the killer this time, but let Yuan He make up his mind.

"Listen to him first."

Yuan He didn’t want to get any effective methods from Pang Chixin. He just wanted to fully understand the Dongya Great Sacrifice. When he returned to Wangmeishui Mansion, he still had to go to Meihou and Yu Guoting for inquiries, and collected narratives from various parties. He will compare and confirm each other.

Pang Chixin saw that he attaches so much importance to the Dongya Great Sacrifice, pinning his hope of survival on him.

But Pang Chixin also knew very well that hope was extremely slim. He was murderous against Yuan He just now, and the hatred had been deepened. Yuan He would never be able to spare him. Therefore, during the recounting period, he wanted to let Yuan He know that he was indispensable. If you want to avoid the Dongya Festival, you must let him assist in order to succeed. In this case, perhaps Yuan He will leave him a ray of life.

"In ancient times, the ruler of Dongyazhou was not the human race, but the ape races. They were destroyed by the conquest of the moon barbarians. The ape and barbarian tribes once broke out in a great battle in the thunderstorm..."

Yuan He interrupted him directly: "Is this war provoked by Saint Ancestor Without Flower?"

"It's not Wuhua." Pang Chixin deliberately started with the legend of the apes: "Wuhua is the last leader of the descendants of the apes. After her death, the dominance of the ape clan in the East End is completely disintegrated. You ape clan and barbarian clan. It is a deadly enemy in ancient times, and the hatred continues to this day. This time the Dongya Festival, the Yuanyuan Demon King of Qingli Changhe ranked first among the sacrifices."

Huo Donglong knew that Yuanyuan Demon King was Yuan He’s ancestor. He thought that Yuan He would be furious when he heard this. He even turned around and returned to Qingshui to report to Yuanyuan Demon King. Monkeys are all of this virtue, but Yuan He did. Surprisingly calm, this surprised her.

Huo Donglong couldn't really guess Yuan He's thoughts, and asked Yuan He: "The Yuanyuan Demon King's supernatural powers are more powerful than the Golden Crow King. She is a water ape clan. Even if she can't beat the ancestors of your thieves, can't you escape? Is it the deep sea?"

"Once she is gone, the little demon of the ape clan must die, and she will not be able to go. Every time a demon king is born from the apes, she will definitely be stared at by the Moon Man Taoist court. Since she was crowned the Qingshui throne, she has never escaped. How many times have I been beaten back every time."

"Since you can defeat her, why don't you just kill it?"

"She is indifferent. If she is killed, her blood will be severed. Where should the Dongya Great Sacrifice go to find sacrifices? Generations of generations, sacrifices of generations, generations of generations have come here."

Even if Huo Donglong's temperament was calmer, she was irritated by Pang Chixin's remarks. She asked coldly: "What do you think of the monster race?"

"Sacrifice!" Pang Chixin said frankly, "But this is beyond the control of the old man. The old man is just an ordinary qi practitioner. Even if he cultivates the soul and proves the real human Tao fruit, he will not be able to interfere with the sacred oracles of the Moon Man Taoist Court. In fact, it’s not just the demons that are sacrifices. In the ancient times, the number of people in Dongya is unknown. In most cases, all of them were sacrificed by blood. Our human race has also been sacrificed, but we have a few powerful masters, Turning the moon barbarian sacred place into the moon barbarian court, the blood sacrifice can be avoided."

Yuan He suddenly interjected: "So you were also sacrifices, turned over and became masters, and then began to slaughter other races?"

"You can also say the same." Pang Chixin did not object: "Blood sacrifices are rewarded. Every time a sacrifice is offered, the Moon Man Taoist Court will give a reward. As long as the tribute meets the conditions, any treasure can be rewarded. '! That’s why we got involved with the Qi trainer! The Dongya Great Festival is just a kind of Yueman sacrifice. The recovery of the Witch and Phoenix people this time is actually a sacrifice, but on a small scale! Their lair originally had several million people, and the blood sacrifice was straightforward. Killed the vast majority of them, and there are no fugitives!"

The reward is so rich, the sacrifice really has such a great value? Yuan He didn't understand: "What on earth is Yueman Daoyuan asking for the true blood of all races?"

"The true reason has not been disclosed by the Moon Man Dao Court, but there are rumors everywhere, nothing more than to dominate Dongya." Pang Chixin said that only now, he entered the topic: "The Dongya Festival is the largest moon man sacrifice. Gu Lu has to make blood sacrifices again, but the eastern edge of the boundary is too large to be sacked and killed at one time. It is often carried out in different areas. When will it be Qingli Changhe? It may be a month or two after the ceremony, or it may be Ten or twenty years later."

Huo Donglong didn't understand the operating rules of the big sacrifice: "This big sacrifice will last for decades. If you escape into the blood sacrifice area, can you avoid it?"

Pang Chixin said: "If it is so easy to escape, there is no need to hold the big sacrifice! After the sacrifice, the sacrifice formation will cover all the territories of the East End and lock all suitable sacrifices. During this period, no one can detect it, unless the cultivation level is too strong. The main players! After the locks are locked, the sack and kill will begin in batches, and the process of sacking and killing will only take decades!"

"When will the Dongya Festival start?" Yuan He was about to flee into the sea before the ceremony, so that the array could not lock him.

"When the war against the phoenix witches is over, there will be a sacrifice! But the Dongya Great Festival has lasted for countless years. Every time the sacrifice is held, the phoenix witches will be slaughtered. In order to prevent your demons from figuring out this rule, the sacrifice formation is earlier than the phoenix witch. The people have been activated before the war, and the sacrifices have been searched and locked first!" This news of Pang Chixin was shocking enough: "Trial sacrifices have already begun in some areas, and a batch of them have been killed first."

The Mt. Zhumeng where Xiafeng, Baizhu, and Huang Nianshou ward off evil are probably the trial sacrifice area.

Yuan He couldn't escape. If he couldn't find a way to escape, he had to wait in the torment of the blood sacrifice until the capture and killing came to Qingli Changhe.

This process is a cruel torture to the soul. If the Dahe Demon Race is captured and killed 30 years later, Yuan He will suffer 30 years of torture.

Dahe’s demon kings should all be aware of the existence of the Dongya Great Sacrifice, but deliberately concealed it, and the little demon knew that it might not be a good thing. Under such pressure, the cultivation base would stagnate, and it would be difficult to make further progress. Otherwise, he will inevitably fall into the trap. Instead of worrying all day and waiting for death, it is better to know nothing, but to live a little bit faster.

"You said you know how to avoid, what is it?"

"Dongya Great Festival has placed three shackles on the sacrifice..."

Just now Pang Chixin said this, a golden beam of light suddenly shot from the water above, and he suddenly suppressed his voice.

"Yuan He, you are here, you are fine if you are not dead, hurry up to the surface of the river!" This is Meihou shouting.

This empress has a rough style, but she must be rewarded for her kindness. If it were not for Yuan He to lead the Eight Demons to rescue her, she would definitely not be able to save her life. Ever since Yuan He evacuated the battlefield, she began to lead the Eight Demons to search for Yuan He, but she couldn't distinguish clearly. The trail, so he drove to look at the demon mirror, and searched against the river a little bit.

At this time, the hexapod turtle sent by Tiepili to the palace for help returned and found General Marshal Qian Zhongzhou in the borderline waters. They rushed over together. The two teams of demon army searched for it together, and finally found traces of Yuan He here.

Suddenly hearing Mei Hun's voice, Pang Chixin was extremely upset, and hurriedly said to Yuan He: "The old man has a way to help you avoid the Dongya Festival and break the three locks. This is what my teacher Xiaojin revealed..."

"Don't worry." Yuan He picked up Huo Donglong's head and motioned for her to accompany her to the surface. He saw the two demon masters together, and said to Pang Chixin: "If the General Marshal of our country can't open your mouth, I believe you have a way!"

Pang Chixin suddenly felt a sense of despair.