Legend of the Supreme Soldier

~: 587 Returning Home (1)

Under the direction of Ye Zhong, all the students and shooters returned to the fort in order. Even Jin Weidong received an order to return to the fortress. Before that, he received an order from Ye Zhong to request a large amount of various materials.

Inside the fortress, the warehouse has become the building with the largest area. All the warehouses are filled with materials and filled up. During this trip, I am afraid that it is impossible to return to the fortress in a short time. In order to carry more supplies, Ye Zhong made all the food into pills. Although their taste is not very good, they are small and can carry more. In addition to taste, it can supplement the energy and some nutrients necessary for the human body.

As a precautionary measure, Ye Zhong made a pill that could serve the entire battleship for three years. Pellets packed completely in each cabin are discharged neatly. In addition to Shiwan, all kinds of other materials filled all the cabins. No one knows what is ahead. The more prepared you are, the more likely you are to survive. For Ye Zhong, he never thought the preparation was too complicated.

In order to prevent the energy of the Dakenis from being insufficient, he also carried a large number of top-quality energy crystals. In order to provide these energy crystals, it was also a land snake like Yan family who spent a lot of manpower and material resources to make up. Correspondingly, Ye Zhong paid a considerable price for them. This preparation seems to be insufficient for Ye Zhong. He also used a tearstone on his hand as a reserve energy for the Dakenis.

He can't use all of the tearstone as energy, because if they can really find a space window leading to the Heyue star field, then they still need the tearstone to expand its radius.

All the trainees have received orders, and they all know that there will be a long journey. This makes these young people all excited. Take risks and go to places that have never been. It is the dream of many young people. But they don't know exactly where the destination is. As for those shooters, it is more common to reach the sixth-level shooter. Who hasn't experienced anything like adventure?

Jin Weidong also tried to dig out some news from Ye Chong's mouth, but they were discouraged and found nothing.

They actually only worry about one thing. If Ye Chong wants to attack any country, no matter whether it is the now-popular Dongyun Kingdom or the prosperous Nanzhou, no one can resist. They knew exactly how powerful Ye Zhong was now. Ye Chong's men, all of them from the Three Kingdoms, are the least in West Cold.

No matter which country Ye Chong attacked, they did not want to see it. As long as they do not attack their motherland. As for where Ye Zhong wanted to go, they all raised their hands in favor of the ground. Therefore, Jin Weidong was most afraid of Ye Zhong's attack on the Xihan Kingdom, in their view. With such a huge power, how can it not have the ambition to dominate the world?

When all the preparations have been completed, Ye Zhong finally ordered the opening.

They gave up the three fortresses. Except for some high-precision instruments, the rest of the fortresses remained intact. Ye Zhong went this way. He never returned to the fortress. And these three fortresses that have been closed have been regarded as miracles of gods by latecomers. The shooters who have come to Daknis adventure are in awe of these three fortresses. Any creature attempting to be near the fortress will be killed. The dense firepower net was shocking. No one thought that these fortresses were empty. Ye Zhong gave some extra materials to Mei Wu. Ye Zhong once wanted to invite Mei Wu to participate in this adventure, but Mei Wu still politely refused.

It wasn't until four hundred years later that when Daques was no longer an area that only senior shooters could set foot on, the mysterious veil of these three fortress ruins was uncovered little by little. This is yet another new story, which has nothing to do with Ye Zhong.

But Ye Zhong's command was beyond all students' expectations. They did not understand why the adults abandoned these three strongholds. Such a good fortress, there are so many things in it, and they have lived in it for such a long time.

The order of the adult cannot be disobeyed. It ’s not difficult for adults to build another fortress anyway. They had to comfort themselves in this way. But soon, everyone began to get used to life on the Daknis.

When Jin Weidong and others saw that the flight direction of the Daknis was the sea of ​​silk grass, they were relieved. Today, Dakenis has long become Ye Zhong's world. The trainees went out hunting every day, which directly resulted in a sharp decrease in the number of beasts in Dakonis. But they dare not migrate inwards, and the silk grass sea is a natural barrier.

The low altitude flight of the Daknis made the entire Daknis dark sky even more depressing. The beast below clearly cannot understand what this huge guy is. They fell on the ground, shaking, and buried their heads in the grass with fear.

The sea of ​​silk grass is still so vast, not at the edge. The slowly swaying silk grass radiates layers of waves. Their mining of glial bacteria did not affect the vast sea of ​​silk grass.

"Turn on the optical mode." The magnificent vast sea of ​​silk and grass is displayed in front of everyone.

Inside the battleship, there was a sound of exclamation. They had never penetrated the sea of ​​silk grass. Even if it is mining colloidal bacteria, it is just on the edge of the silk grass sea.

The moment they entered the sea of ​​silk grass, they lost contact with the fortress, and silk grass sea could isolate all signals.

The sea of ​​silk grass is a dead place. There is nothing but the endless blue filaments. For a long time, the scene in front of them had long since disappeared from the original novelty, but was boring.

Apart from the fact that the staff in the main control room remained nervous, the lives of the rest of the crew returned to normal. The facilities of the Dakenis are very complete, and the crew can train and learn as usual.

Of course, in the style of Ye Zhong, there will naturally be no entertainment facilities.

The Dakenis has maintained high-speed flight, the silk grass sea terrain is open and flat, without any obstacles, which is very conducive to flying, and there is no beast harassment along the way. The flight was very smooth. After only three days, they flew over the sea of ​​silk grass. In addition to isolating the signal, the Silk Grass Sea has no effect on the warship's flight. But for the beasts, especially the beasts in Daknis, are sensitive creatures. This zone, which can isolate all perceptions, can always cause the deepest and most original fears in their hearts.

No beast tried to cross the sea of ​​silk grass, even the six-toed red-tailed animal would rather venture through that dangerous crack rather than walk the sea of ​​silk grass.

Hand fiction, hand fiction, text fiction,

When the news of flying out of the sea of ​​silk grass reached those students' ears, the ship immediately boiled. They all stared at the holographic screen in their room and curiously watched the images on the holographic screen.

Before the arrival of Rui Bing and their mothers, there had never been any human footsteps here. Shaya has never heard of it, even if it is the greatest shooter in history, it is said that reaching the deepest point of Daknis only reaches Raschel, and probably has not arrived here yet. Shaya looked at the endless mountain range on the holographic screen, fascinated.

According to the direction directed by Sankan, Ye Zhong flew along the way they came.

In the sky, a warship with a head and tail of more than ten kilometers in length flying at an altitude of less than three kilometers from the ground, looking up from the ground, the shock is unparalleled. Shadows slowly swept across the ground, the beasts below raced, and fled in a hurry. Even the powerful beast like Snow Leopard fled in desert. This makes those students full of pride.

The speed of the Dakenis is not fast, and they are not familiar with this area. For safety reasons, Ye Zhong did not choose to enter this way.

"Sir, we have a new discovery." The excited voice of the crew reached Ye Chong's ear.

Ye Zhong regained his spirit and flew for many days without finding any special circumstances. He quickly asked: "What is the situation?"

"We scanned this area and found that there are no metals and energy crystals in this area." They have learned the word metal and know that it is no different from heavy stone.

No metal and energy crystals? Ye Zhong frowned. Although there is a sea of ​​grass and grass, but the distance between the two is not too far, how can the difference be so huge. This difference is not quantitative. It is essential.

Just as Ye Chong pondered, the crew continued to add: "We found traces of mining on the ground here."

"Trace of mining?" Ye Zhong opened his eyes suddenly and punished him with brutal finesse. The first thought in his mind was. Is there anyone else here?

"Pass the video." Ye Zhong ordered quietly.

Ye Zhong's eyes were fixed on the holographic screen. On the holographic screen, there were faint traces of turning on the ground, and some pits were exposed in some places. Ye Zhong carefully recognized for a while, he denied the possibility of artificial mining, he could not think of any mining tools will leave similar marks. These pits vary in size, and some should have been for quite some time.

Soon, a light armor flew out of the Daknis and took some soil back from these pits. The results of the determination were quickly delivered to the leaf weight, and the metal content in these soils was significantly higher than elsewhere. The original pit should be buried with metal ore.

But now the scanning system on the Daknis got the result that there is almost no metal here.

Perhaps this problem is just a trivial problem for others, because they no longer need any metal. But Ye Zhong thought of another problem. Because he knew that for creatures like Night Snow Leopard and Red Tail Beast, metal was indispensable. But now there is no metal here, which means that they need to find a new place to live.

Is this the reason for the redtail invasion?

Ye Zhong is not sure yet. But he thinks this reason is likely to be a very important factor. No metal, no energy crystals, for the creatures here. This area has become an unsuitable place for survival and development.

If you are a red-tailed beast, you will definitely find a new place to live.

Ye Zhong just couldn't figure out how the red-tailed beast mastered the intricate technical ground of the space window. Their use of space windows far exceeds that of humans. But when he thought about it carefully, he felt that it was not the case. In his impression, the red-tailed beast used the space window except for the first time he entered the Kawagoe field. In battle, I have never seen them used.

Then think of the eight-toed red-tailed beast encountered in the underground cave, and the space window, also that time. Ye Zhong gained a lot of tearstones, and for the first time encountered a powerful cold-blooded creature such as the red tail beast. The space window at that time should be a natural space window.

Is it really like Arriold said, in this area, there are many natural space windows?

Ye Zhong's speculation made him very excited. If he can really find a space window leading to the Heyue star field, then he can go to Mumu again.

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In this world, apart from the few people such as Mu Shi and Rui Bing, no one can bring such a huge attraction to Ye Zhong.

The Daknis is still moving slowly and evenly. They saw the night snow leopard, saw the golden bird, saw more powerful creatures, but surprisingly did not see the red-tailed beast. Obviously, the living environment of the red-tailed beast is very different from other creatures.

Sangkan's direction is surprisingly good, and it is normal to think about it, even in the Red Mist Sea, he will not lose his way, not to mention that he has already walked through here?

"It's hard to find water in this area ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Sankan recalled with a bit. He had spent quite a long time in order to find a drinkable water source here. All are toxic and inedible water sources.

In the main control room, Ye Chong stood straight in front of the holographic screen. Rui Bing still dressed in a snow-white training gown and stood quietly beside Ye Zhong. Almost all the students knew that the mother and mother were demure and seldom talked, but they were still extremely respected. On the one hand, she is the wife of an adult. When they heard Sangkan called Rui Bing the master, they naturally thought that Rui Bing was the wife of an adult. Ye Zhong didn't correct their titles half a time, which also fixed Rui Bing's status in their hearts.

And the strength of the mother is another reason why she can be respected by the students. There are very few people who know the strength of the mistress. But it is very easy to know what the strength of Sangkan is as a militant. But it is as strong as Sankan. When talking about the power of the mistress, they all look respectful.

Moreover, every time an adult encounters an important action, he always takes only the mother and mother, which makes the strength of Rui Bing more and more unpredictable in their hearts.

"Sir, look!" Suddenly a crew member pointed to the front.