Legend of the Supreme Soldier

~: 588 The Return (2)

A thin purple haze began to appear ahead, and Ye Zhong was too familiar with this.

"It's the red-tailed beast's mollusk, which we encountered last time, but there are only a few one-toed and two-toed red-tailed beasts, and their mollusk nest seems to be having problems, and is rapidly dying." Whispered around. This is exactly where she and Sankan met last time.

"Ready to fight." Ye Zhong issued a command softly, and the entire warship immediately became busy, just like the high-speed precision instruments. The high-speed precision was methodical. The combatants quickly entered their respective positions, and the first wave of attacked students had entered their combat light armor, waiting in the channel to attack at any time.

The baffle in front of the naval gun slowly moved away, revealing the giant naval gun of Hessen. The light generated by the filling energy flowed like fluorescence in the dark.

The student shooters who entered the shooting pods were already sitting in front of their respective main consoles, and strong men like Shaya, at this time, released their powerful minds, carefully paying attention to the changes around them. The average shooter, recuperating, is waiting for a while to fight.

Daknis slowly and firmly rushed into the purple mist.

In this purple haze, the holographic scanning system cannot function, and now it can only rely on the shooter's mind. Fortunately, the Daknis has a super shooter like Shaya who has reached the ninth level. Her mind coverage area has far exceeded the imagination of ordinary shooters. With her guidance, they need not worry about shorting at all.

Shaya closed her eyes, her hair was windless and automatic, and a calm and continuous mind slowly swayed around.

Five seconds later, Shaya reported the first data: "Five degrees in the vector. Eleven kilometers ahead!"

The crew on the side quickly filled the data reported by Shaya into the light brain, converted it into specific combat coordinates, and quickly transmitted it to the light brain of each combatant. This process took only 1.5 seconds.


Ambiloch ordered the countless beams of light to tear the thin purple mist apart instantly.

Ambiloch has become the real commander. Ye Zhong gave him the full power of the first-line command, and he did not live up to Ye Zhongzhong's expectations. He accomplished every task extremely well. Victory after victory also laid his prestige among the students, and the obedience of the students to him also made his command more handy.

A piercing scream filled with anger resounded in the mist.

The naval gun's sturdy beam was full of devastating energy, and even left a straight passage in the mist. The blank space at that moment also allowed Ye Zhong to see clearly where he was hit by the naval gun, which was the center of the software nest. Ye Zhong is not clear what the center of the mollusk nest is, but the six-toed red-tailed beast he first encountered was in the center of the mollusk nest.

The volley of sixty-seven naval guns was enough to destroy an asteroid 300 kilometers in diameter. This volley's attack on the software nest is devastating.

Countless angry red beasts rushed towards the battleship. Because of the isolation of the transparent gum extracted from the glial bacteria. They did not find this giant.

Headed by the six-toed red-tailed beast, it has scarlet eyes and is about to breathe fire. Facially twisted together.

However, Ye Zhong did not attack this time, because he knew it was completely unnecessary.

Sure enough, the red-tailed beast immediately attracted the attention of the shooter in the shooting pod, and at this time. This red-tailed beast is only five kilometers away from the Daknis. This distance is already within the range of marksman's mind.

Wave after wave of thoughts spread like water ripples.

They have completed the lock! This is where the shooter is the most powerful.

The red-tailed beast sensed the mind.

The red-tailed beast's perception is very sensitive. At this point, Ye Zhongquan has a deep experience. In that pursuit, he discovered this. The ability to discover metal minerals in rocks even exceeds many specialized detection instruments.

The red-tailed animal's expression has changed significantly, and it seems to be terrified, but Ye Zhong does not understand the animal language. On the contrary, Sancan, another beast, touched his chin and exclaimed: "It's scared!" The Sans understand the beasts as deeply as they know themselves.

Can this six-toed red-tailed beast not be afraid?

Among the minds locked into it, except for the super master Shaya, there are nine other shooters of level 7 and above. At the same time shot. It ’s absolutely creepy to be locked in by nine strikers above level 7. After training in Si Caohai during this time, the marksmanship of these shooters has made considerable progress. Several seventh-level shooters have almost approached the eighth level. Their mindset is much larger than before. But the red-tailed beast's senses are sensitive, and this strong sense of crisis is instantly magnified indefinitely.

That is enough to move the "beast" heart!

The six-toed red-tailed beast wanted to turn around and fled, and his figure immediately escaped into the same race behind him. He wanted to use his companions to interfere with the upcoming attack.

Ye Zhong saw the red-tailed beast turning around to escape, his face expressionless. He didn't care about the living environment of the red-tailed beast. In a sense, Ye Zhong is an out-and-out utilitarian, and he only chooses ways that are beneficial to him. These red-tailed beasts are a potential threat. Although they are still very weak at the moment, once they enter the Heyue star field. With their strength, they can quickly obtain a lot of metals and energy to complete the evolution.

This is a terrible thing. So Ye Zhong didn't show any mercy, and Rui Bing also supported this issue. The red-tailed beast disaster has almost pushed humans to a desperate situation. The number of humans they have killed so far is uncountable. This has nothing to do with good or evil, but has interests and hatred between different races. As for Sankan, his hatred for the red-tailed beast is not that great. Few children of the Sang tribe died under the red tail beetle, and the red tail beetle near Yi Juxing has long been wiped out. Later, the children who came out of Sangjia Village only knew about the terrible creatures from the information and the discussion among their predecessors.

Nine beams, each beam is not thick, only the arm is thick, and suddenly shot at the same time. The light beam passes through the layers of red-tailed beasts, and finally gathers perfectly at a point, flowing out gurglingly. A burst of unwilling sorrow tears purple mist!

The light beams are like rain, intertwined, and the screams are screaming one after another, and the purple mist seems to be stained with blood. The formation of the red-tailed beast floating in mid-air was chaotic, and the red-tailed beast continued to fall like a broken kite.

Ye Zhong ’s ingenious use of the shooter received the best return at this moment. The red-tailed beast that entered the range of Shennian even had no chance to run, so he was shot and planted from the air.

Most of these red-tailed beasts have only one toe and two toes, which are very weak, so Ye Zhong is more confident in his inference. Here, maybe there is really a space window leading to the Heyue star field, Ye Zhongru thought.

This battle has lost its suspense so far. In front of the powerful force of the Daknis, this red-tailed beast group disappeared in an instant. The rhythm of the entire battle process was firmly in Ye Zhong ’s hands, and the red-tailed beast did not even form any threatening counterattack.

The light armor on the Dakenis was not dispatched, and this effect can be achieved only by the shooter and the naval gun. Such a result is even impeccable for such a demanding person as Ye Zhong.

The battle ended very quickly, and at this time, the purple mist that had been covering the area also began to fade a little bit. Like life, it fades without warning, and disappears completely in a short time, just like following the footsteps of those dead red-tailed beasts.

The sight displayed in front of the Dakenis was a terrible sight. The ground is full of corpses of red-tailed beasts, their blood has not yet coagulated, and they continue to flow to this piece of land they have not known to live for hundreds of years.

In addition to the red-tailed corpse, there are many software. Sure enough, as Rui Bing said. These soft bodies have begun to wither, and their water is gradually losing. From this point, we can see that their living conditions are very bad.

For this big victory. Ye Zhong was not much excited. The number of these red-tailed beasts is not large, and they are all weak and immature red-tailed beasts. And the red-tailed beasts still surviving in the Kawagoe space? They not only captured a large number of planets, but also obtained endless metal and energy. How many red-tailed beasts have evolved? It is a calm and calm person like Ye Zhong. This problem is also a big headache, he is well aware of the power of the red tail beast. It is also six-toed. This red-tailed beast is quite different from the one he chased last time.

In this area, except for the red-tailed beast. They have not discovered other creatures. And compared to the rich vegetation in the mountainous area, this area can be called a barren and desolate land.

The area is flat and suitable for hummingbird detection.

Fifty hummingbirds were released. They will explore in all directions, constantly transmitting images to the Knys. The Daknis was slowly moving towards Rui Bing where they first went.

"It's here." Sankan's sense of direction is still so precise, and everyone is no longer surprised at this point, which makes him quite idle. ,, this area can not see any difference, more desolate than the area where the red-tailed beasts live.

All hummingbirds were released. But so far, nothing has been discovered.

The Daknis did not stay in place, but flew forward at a constant speed. In order to expand the scope of exploration. Ye Zhong dispatched thirteen groups to search forward in a fan shape.

Until the tenth day, the landform began to change again. The flat terrain began to show ups and downs, and mountains gradually rose. But one thing is different from the mountainous area that Ye Zhong and they passed. That is whether it is a plain or a mountain here, without exception, there is no grass and no signs of life.

Here they found a lot of dead skin that had dried up, this was after the soft body completely lost moisture. The remaining epidermis. This is enough to prove that in the past, there were red tail beasts nearby. They found several places like this, but they didn't see a red-tailed beast, and they didn't find the bone of a red-tailed beast.

Could this be the place where the red-tailed beasts that invaded the Kawagoe's realm used to live?

This seems to be the most natural guess, because from the results of their exploration, except for the group of red-tailed beasts they have eliminated, they have never found other red-tailed beasts.

There is still no progress in the space window issue that Ye Zhong is most concerned about. In this regard, Arriold also gave a lot of explanations. Natural space windows have a certain periodicity, and they often disappear for a period of time when stimulated by the outside world. But as long as the environment around the natural space windows is not damaged, they will reappear after a period of time.

The environment is becoming more and more complex, no, to be precise, it should become more and more fragmented. The mountains began to disappear, replaced by small slopes of piles of gravel and gravel. They are extremely loose, and if they move a little bit more, they will crash and fall down ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Please pay attention to the drivers, please let the drivers know, the current space is unstable and dangerous! Everyone was startled, but Ye Chong Aliyode's people were all together.

Spatial science has always been known for its mystery and esotericity. This can be seen from the pictures in front of us.

There was silence, except for the occasional cracking sound.

All the crew saw a very weird scene, a piece of rock about five or six cubic meters suddenly began to crack a little bit, and the fine cracks spread through the twists and turns. . In this process, they did not see any other abnormal situation.

Boom! With a slight pop, the rock fell apart like glass, turning into countless pieces the size of a finger.

All the crew members' faces changed, and the huge Daknis was so dead that it was so quiet that it could be heard even when the needle fell to the ground.

Arriold's expression is very strange, I don't know whether it is joy or fear, he muttered in his mouth: "Space crack ... There is really a space crack in this world ..."