Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 909: [Sincerely as God said]

Unlike the previous way of entering the time loop, this time Guo Xu did not dream of playing basketball. He did not come to Earth Four because he wanted to improve his strength, nor did he want to go back soon.

He didn't know if he could enter the time loop in the future, he wanted to enjoy it for a while. Repeating on January 4th, he did not find it difficult, at least here he was completely free to go out. He can't even go out on his own during the holidays on Earth. Going out is to play games and activities, completely exposed to the public's sight.

Just a lot longer than ordinary people is enough to make him happy. If they are otaku, they can spend a thousand years in the time loop, playing games every day, eating, drinking and having fun.

Guo Xu regards the Earth 4 as a holiday mecca. He will still do some exercise. It is of secondary importance to enhance his strength. The key is that after showing his strength, he will know the beauty there, and then there will be affair.

He made 10 girlfriends, each dated 10 times, which is 100 days.

Make 100 girlfriends and date each person 10 times. This is a challenge that is impossible to accomplish. If the kidney is already on the earth, his kidneys will become a frenzy.

He likes to challenge himself and create miracles.

Soon after another year, this was the longest time Guo Xu spent in the cycle. He occasionally practiced basketball for two days, and his skills remained at his peak. He became more and more familiar with the Mavericks' home basket.

In the 1212th cycle, Guo Xu chose a very auspicious day. After participating in the Mavericks' training, he won a short contract and will play against the Bobcats in the evening.

He has been on Earth 4 for more than three years, and finally got tired of the lives of ordinary people, it is time to go home. Never go back, he and his two girlfriends are not distance to produce beauty, but time to dilute everything.

Guo Xu played the same way as before, everyone was curious about his non-draft rookie into the NBA, surprised he became the starter, but no one knows his strength. Curry smiled and was confident when he warmed up, and Durant continued to comment that Guo Xuping was unconventional, not as if he could drink the goddess bath water.

The two sides debuted with five Mavericks: Guo Xu, Kidd, Marion, Nahula, Humphries.

This lineup was arranged by Guo Xu. After some theory, he and coach Carlisle persuaded each other to play better. He wanted to prove that he was right. He led the team to four wins and five wins in the practice game and directly defeated the other party.

The Bobcats' starting lineup will not change. Curry, Billups, Durant, Hayes, Brook Lopez.

Humphries won the ball with an outstanding explosive power and gave the ball to Guo Xu. Guo Xuyun struck the earth through the middle of the two with one step, and gave it to Marion, who cut the basketball with both hands. 2 to 0.

This was a pass that was easy to make mistakes. When the moment passed, Guo Xu grabbed it easily. He couldn't remember how many times he played with the same cooperation.

As the saying goes, it takes ten years to grind a sword. Guo Xu's several time cycles add up to more than ten years. He knows how to use this super power better. Now he knows the Bobcats' offensive and defensive routines and can always make the best choice.

The Bobcats attacked, in line with Guo Xu's nearly one hundred plays. Hayes passed the ball to Curry, who caught the ball.

When he played for the first time, Guo Xu was a block fast break. Now that is not handsome enough. He calculated to accelerate on time and jumped with full force, grabbing the ball directly from the air with both hands.

Curry was forced on the spot and forgot to return to defense. Was it the illusion caused by the impact of the air current or was I drunk?

Guo Xu's single fast break, crotch changed hands to dunk the basketball. 4 to 0.

The scene was muted, and everyone was stunned for five seconds, before the outbreak of the pig-screaming applause and Long Aotian's applause as a pig and a tiger slaps, with millions of words.

Kenny Smith shouted: "My God, this is a rookie with a short contract? He changed his dunk at 180cm in height and hips!"

Barkley said: "Both of these goals can be selected into the top ten, this defender is too strong."

The Bobcats attacked, Curry wanted to return the color and missed a three-pointer missed by Guo Xu. Guo Xu landed and ran to the middle to receive a pass from Nahula. The three teammates made a fast break.

Guo Xuyun glanced in the direction of Marion on the right side after the halftime, closed the ball to the back, passed the ball in the direction of Marion, and flicked the ball in the opposite direction with his right elbow.

The follower center Humphries didn't understand how Guo Xu passed and received the ball, relying on Hayes to take advantage of the basketball.

6 to 0, Guo Xu's second assist.

All the people who watched this game were stunned again, the third consecutive ten-ball offense, one more than one.

Hayes is particularly good at defending position battles, resisting opponents against backs. He is more uncomfortable when players run and force layups. After all, he is only 198CM tall and Humphries has 206CM. His bounce and explosive power are also much stronger than him.

Hayes can choose to foul, but he will not let himself be caught in a foul when defending against role players.

Hayes was under pressure at this time, Guo Xu was much stronger than he thought, he still had to help his teammates to open, instead of attacking alone. He coded his teammates and replaced Billups with a run to catch the ball.

If it was Stevenson's first start, the ball would be scored, but Kidd caught up and interfered with the shot. Humphries grabbed a rebound in the backcourt and sent a quick break to Guo Xu.

Humphries has a strong rebounding ability. In Guo Xu's previous life, he averaged 13.8 points and 11 rebounds in the Nets during his peak season.

Guo Xu advanced at full speed, Curry retreated to the center of the three-point line and lowered his weight to wait for his breakthrough. Guo Xu stopped a three-pointer from the three-point line on the right side of the right and grabbed a three-pointer, slightly interfering with the ball into the net.

9 to 0, Guo Xu scored 5 points.

Barkley shouted: "Three-pointer! Who is this player? At the beginning he led the Mavericks to suppress the Bobcats and hit a super three-pointer."

Smith said: "This wave of his start is too good, he is not like a newcomer, more like MVP."

Hayes took the ball outside and was handed down by Nahula and passed it to Durant. The latter singled Marion and always failed to score the first goal. Kidd grabbed a rebound in the backcourt and immediately launched a fast break.

Kidd's precise pass to Guo Xu, Curry retreated very quickly, there was no gambling steals, and he was fully absorbed. He no longer regarded Guo Xu as an ordinary rookie, this time he vowed to stop the opponent.

Guo Xu took the ball towards Curry. When he nearly hit it, he shot the ball to the right with his left hand. The center of gravity dropped very low. He turned to the right and took a step away from Curry. The right hand took the ball and jumped in the air. Keep up, dunk the basketball in both hands.

11 than ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Guo Xu scored 7 points.

The Mavericks boiled at home, the fans continued to applaud, and coach Carlisle also celebrated with fists on the sidelines.

When Guo Xu first came, Carlisle felt that an amateur player wanted to get a short NBA contract is a fool's dream. Guo Xu and Kidd and Barria singled out for a while. He didn't think so. During the team confrontation, he suspected that he had seen the **** of basketball, so tactics followed Guo Xu's arrangement.

Sure enough, the Mavericks took the lead when the lineup was clearly flawed.

The Bobcats attacked. Hayes and his teammates opened the ball and broke through without passing through Nahula. They started to show footsteps in the low post, turned to the bottom line and swayed, Nahula did not jump.

Hayes jumped with one hand and threw the ball. Guo Xu was attacked from behind after the ball was shot. Guo Xu has seen this move too many times. Hayes didn't expect the defender to run to the low post to defend, and didn't observe the movement on his side.

Everyone was shocked, and you're just a short point guard with a strong offense. How can you help defend blocks?

Just after the opening, Guo Xu has blocked twice ... ()