Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 910: [World events can be expected, crazy exh

Nahula picked up the ball and passed it to Kidd. Guo Xu immediately blocked the attack and received a pass after halftime. Curry returned to the defense to lower the center of gravity, retreating in small steps, and did not want to be passed.

Guo Xu stopped two meters away from the three-point line on the left and grabbed a three-pointer. Curry did not respond at all, his hands were not stretched, and he turned his head to see the ball flying into the basket.

14 to 0. Guo Xu scored 10 points.

After scoring, Guo Xu didn't even celebrate. He walked directly back to the home team player area near the starting point, beckoning his teammates for a drink, and the referee whistled to announce the Bobcats' request for a timeout.

Curry stood blankly and forgot to leave, who am I? where am I? What am i doing

Guo Xu was able to anticipate the time when D'Antoni called the timeout, and the shot that came to the sidelines in advance was played back on the stadium's big screen, and everyone felt awesome.

Martin and Aida, who came to play with him in Dallas, were also on the scene at the moment. They received a ticket from Guo Xu, and there was no reason not to come and see it. Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar face on the court, all four were dumbfounded.

In TNT studios, neither Barkley nor Smith explained that they were opening their mouths more than anyone.

Smith seems to be a COS clown girl. Barkley is the elder of COS Nameks. He can spit out an egg at any time and become a living person.

D'Antoni emphasized the double-teaming strategy and did not replace Curry. He doesn't like to use Rondo with better defense, because Rondo has no range and will be worse when he gets on the overall offense.

The game continued, Hayes forced a breakthrough to cause Nahula foul, two free throws, the Bobcats finally opened. 14 to 2.

Guo Xu started to wrap the ball after halftime with the ball. He passed the ball to Kidd, but Marion didn't pass.

Most players' offenses are shifting from inefficient to efficient. On the contrary, Marion, he can shoot three-pointers at the beginning. After leaving the sun, the long-range shooting technology is abandoned, and the middle-range shooting is also reduced. People.

Guo Xu runs without a ball to the bottom corner of the left side, and then runs to the right. Humphries blocked Curry, and the Bobcats did not get on the ball.

Kidd took the pass to Guo Xu on the right, and the three formed a triangle. At this time, Guo Xu should be included. Unless Lopez releases Humphries and Curry together, the inside will be obviously empty.

Carlisle emphasized such a tactic. Guo Xu could not catch up with Curry to catch the ball, but he caught up with his singles. The Mavericks also play like this under normal circumstances. Nowitzki is the main attacker, and now Guo Xu is the main attacker.

Guo Xu took the ball and took a step to the left, Curry followed. He drew the crotch to the right hand, attracting Curry's center of gravity to move to the bottom line, the right hand quickly received the ball, the back dribble moved to the left hand and jumped laterally to 45 degrees to get rid of Curry and scored.

16 to 2, Guo Xu had 12 points.

The Bobcats attacked, and Hayes received the ball inside the pass to Lopez. The latter received the ball from the back and leaned on Humphries, turned to the bottom line and hit the basketball. 16 to 4.

As soon as Guo Xu took the ball, Humphries screened him. He turned away from Curry and Hayes was waiting for him to step outside the three-point line.

Lopez is a slow-moving high center. He dared not stand too far outside and was easily accelerated by the guard. He was only responsible for defending the restricted area. It has always been Hayes' work in the Bobcats.

Hayes still underestimated Guo Xu. He has no memory and makes the same mistakes every time. Guo Xu just grabbed the Mavericks logo and grabbed a three-pointer in the middle. Hayes did not jump off the interference. He felt that it was impossible to enter. As a result, he turned and saw the ball flying into the basket.

19 to 4, Guo Xu had 15 points.

What are you doing?

Hayes was really crazy. He had never seen anyone grab a three-pointer as a conventional weapon at this distance. The year he was reborn was earlier, and he had never seen Curry at his peak.

There are still a lot of teams playing in the fourth round of the Earthquake's 2009-10 season. There are not too many super pitchers. The most three-pointers per game are the Pacers' Danny Granger, which averages only 2.5 per game. Half of Xu didn't arrive.

When Guo Xugang played with the Bobcats because he didn't practice for a long time, his personal ability fell from the peak. In order to get out of the loop, he has now practiced the 41-point scoring season. He is invincible in singles, and he must be without a ball.

D'Antoni always started to arrange tightly in the second quarter. The first quarter was a good opportunity for Guo Xu to play.

The Bobcats attacked and Hayes passed on to Lopez. The latter singled out Humphries as an opportunity. He had an advantage and was a heavy center against a power forward. He turned and shot another one, 19 to 6.

Guo Xu was sandwiched by Hayes and Curry after halftime this time and scored a goal to the screened Humphries. The latter could not bring the ball to the basket and watch Hayes catch up. The ball was given to Kidd.

If Hayes was just reborn, when he saw Guo Xu, he would consider including him with his teammates. After taking two MVPs and winning the championship last season, his mentality changed. MVP and teammates go to the rookie? The coach will not do this without him.

Guo Xu first went to the bottom line on the left side, ran to the right and received a pass from Kidd by the cover. The three-point line inside threatened three. He stepped on his right foot, took a big step on his left foot, and stepped past Curry by changing his speed towards the bottom line.

Lopez released Humphries to make defense, Guo Xu went to the basket to receive the ball, the left foot was the axis, and the left hand took the ball to make a fake move that was like passing and picking up the basket.

Lopez suspected that he had divided the ball to the left side of Humphries and hurriedly turned around to defend himself. Curry chased from behind to try to block. As a result, Guo Xu half-turned his right foot, took a big step and turned back to the right side, shaking the two people to close the basketball on the left hand at close range.

21 to 6, individual 17th.

Barkley sighed: "Hayes often plays like this. The steps are very beautiful like the steps of a big dream. Jason Guo, a point guard, also plays like this."

Smith said: "It's so bold, Curry could cover him if he didn't eat it. The Bobcats had to think about keeping it all the time. If they couldn't do it, they would go back to defense. It's impossible to defend against a single defense. Pick strength. "

Barkley said: "It's a pity that he joined the NBA at the age of 29. This should belong to his time."

Curry was about to be mad, he had no way to take Guo Xu, and the opponent scored casually. He has grown so big that he has never been so miserable on the court.

The most frightening thing is that this man is not even known and has no NBA experience. Curry felt that this was God ’s mischief, and sent this Superman to play with him.

Billups ran to catch the ball ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ hit a three-pointer. 21 to 9.

The Mavericks attacked, Guo Xu received a pass from Kidd in the running position, boasting that the dribble behind the dribble changed direction to get rid of Curry to the middle of the belt, attracting two people to score the ball to the left bottom line An empty Marion, who scored with a dunk in both hands.

23 to 9, Guo Xu had the third assist. All the Mavericks scores are related to him.

D'Antoni stood in a daze before calling a timeout. Carlisle is as dazed as he is. He thinks this is impossible. How could the rookie suppress the super-powerful Bobcat led by MVP? How could the rookie be unable to guard the opponent? Guo Xu did just that, easily heads up everyone.

The Bobcats attacked, Hayes ran out of the three-point line, and turned the ball and made a 3-pointer jumper. 23 to 12.

His physical condition is difficult to prevent Guo Xu, he can only fight offense.

Guo Xu took the ball on the right side of the running position, Billups let Kidd and Curry wrap up together, Guo Xu scored the ball, Kidd missed the open three-pointer on the right side of the basket.

The Mavericks finally missed a goal, not Guo Xu's ... ()