Legendary American Tycoon

Chapter 122: Venture capitalist

The car drove into this high-class hotel hall. White's voice was quiet. Philip's father drove them into the parking lot of the hall. There were brightly polished cars all around, and you could see them as soon as they got off the car. To.

Philip got out of the car first, followed by White and Iverson. Philip's father got out of the car at the end. After everyone got off, he was responsible for locking the door. When getting out of the car, White noticed that Philip's father had bent over and looked around the car around.

Iverson and White bit their ears and whispered, and asked in a low voice, "What is he doing?"

"Look at the brands of those cars."

"So did you see it?"

"You can weigh the identity of the person who came today."

Iverson, like White, is just a student. He is not familiar with this kind of reception. I opened my eyes today. After coming, I will just follow Philip and the others first, lest he go out in such a completely unfamiliar place. ugly.

What they have to admit is that Philip seems to be a natural socialist in this respect. He inherited his father’s ingenuity and skill. Under his father’s leadership, he was soon introduced to other investors. Then they talked and laughed happily together.

White and Iverson seemed very at odds on such an occasion.

They have immature and green faces of college students, but they are dressed in adult formal clothes. They put their shirts into suits and pants, but they look funny and green like children stealing their father's clothes.

This reception is lively at first. It is very large, almost an auditorium, which can accommodate many people. Champagne is transported by the waiter in a trolley. Champagne glasses are piled on top of each other, looking like they are crumbling, but the look of the waiter So indifferent, he even carried cakes and desserts in one hand, and walked freely in the crowded hall.

"What if the champagne fell?"

"Probably it will cause a tumult."

"That couldn't be better, in this serious and lively place."

White said, took two glasses of champagne from the waiter's trolley, handed one to Iverson, and put one to his mouth to drink. The reason why this is a serious and lively place is because even if it is full of everyone, under the slow faces of these people are hidden thoughts that others cannot know.

Maybe while talking and laughing with you, I have already settled my small abacus and Xiao Jiujiu.

White and Iverson couldn't find anyone to talk about the Lumblar project for a while, and all of them here are people who have outstanding achievements in the personal field. White even saw those who often appeared in newspapers among many chatting people, including critics and investors like Philip's father.

Their gaze followed the waiter who had just passed them, guessing his age, about 25 or 16 years old, and then White said that working here must be very comfortable. First of all, the environment is good, and secondly, just be here. It is an opportunity to find one in the group.

Iverson smiled: "In that case, why don't women come to them?"

"Save it for another occasion, such as a place where many parliamentarians."


As they said, the two of them looked at each other, and laughed at each other tacitly. When White had a smile on his mouth and raised the champagne to his mouth, the waiter and his cart had already passed Philip and his father's place.

Philip was talking about something, with a calm and calm look on his face, then he saw the cart carrying champagne pass by him, while taking a glass of champagne, he changed his hand and fetched a certain amount of paper money from his pocket as a tip. To this waiter.

Seeing this scene, White and Iverson couldn't help feeling ashamed of themselves. Compared to their mellow people, they were really far behind.

White looked at Philip's face, and what appeared in his mind was the scene where he and his roommate broke with each other. White thought to himself that if a truly mellow person would not end a scene that could have ended peacefully in such a bad situation, but Philip was unexpectedly sharp.

What can this show?

Sure enough, it's hard for Philip to let people see this through.

While White was thinking about these endless wild things, Iverson pushed White with his elbow. When White looked at Iverson incomprehensibly, Iverson's eyes were staring at Philip in front of him, his expression focused.

"I said, White. Iverson spoke.

White leaned over, and the two continued to bite their ears together.

"I think you have to be careful of this named Philip."

White glanced at Iverson, Iverson kept looking at Philip himself not far away, and explained, "Don't you think he looks arrogant?"


"I have heard about him at Stanford. He is a very powerful person, but in some ways he is very ambitious."

Huai Fei nodded and said: "What you said makes sense, but I haven't thought about it too much at the moment. In fact, I agree with what you said, but in this case, just focus on whether he benefits LB Help from the other side will do."

"You're right, I hope everything is as you said."

Iverson’s face showed a rare worry, which made White laugh funny. He just stretched out his hand and squeezed into a fist, pretending to punch Iverson’s shoulder. At that time, Philip and his father, whom they had been paying attention to, walked towards White and Iverson as if they had finally remembered them.

Father Philip was followed by two other people with straight faces. One of them was in his thirties and was nearly forty, and the other was in his forties and had a shy belly. He was on his stomach when he walked. The meat just jumped.

When I saw White and Iverson, their pace slowed down. Philip's father tilted his head and said a few words to a man in his thirties with a flaxen curly head, and the man put his eyes on them. A few smiles appeared in the eyes behind the amber spectacles, and then the man nodded and walked towards them non-stop.

"Hello, this is Emery. Nice to meet you, White."

The man named Emery stretched out his hand to White to shake hands. His behavior was polite and graceful. White was flattered. He didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to shake hands with him.