Legendary Pokemon Trainer

v1 Chapter 145: Sneak attack

   "First use antidote or peach juice to detoxify your Flying Mantis, and then heal him. The 2,000 alliance currency bet is fine, I am very happy to fight with you, goodbye."

Hearing the referee's announcement of the result of the battle, Sato Kaede nodded, first touched the head of the Katy dog ​​who ran back quickly, praised him a few words, and said to Xiaoxiu Fujita, then turned and left with the Katy dog. .

When Fujita Xiaoxiu heard this, the ugly color on his face disappeared. Although 2000 Union Coins said he could also take it out, the money is also a lot for him, at least it can be eaten by him and his elves. It's been several times.

   "Wait and see, you powerful child, I will never give up the path of trainer easily. I will definitely become stronger. Next time, I will defeat you."

   Fujita Xiaoxiu poured the antidote grade and a bottle of intermediate healing potion into the mouth of the Flying Mantis, then turned his head and looked at the back of Sato Kaede who was leaving with the Katy dog, thinking unwillingly.

   Sato Kaede did not know about Fujita Xiaoxiu's thoughts. Even if he did, he would only smile slightly. He was very confident that the opponent was defeated by him now, but he could only be defeated in the future.

When Sato Kaede defeated Fujita Xiaoxiu, a young man with a red wine in his hand smiled slightly. He took out a communicator from his body and said a few words to the communicator. Sato Kaede stepped forward and left. In the elf battle area, leaving with him was a beautiful woman in a beautiful red dress.

   Sato Kaede is walking quickly along the corridor. He is going to go back to his room now, and let Meihua treat Nidoran's injuries.

However, what makes Sato Kaede feel anomalous is that in the corridor he is walking through, no one has seen it. It seems unusually quiet. According to reason, it is only a little more than 11 o'clock. The people on the boat should have paid. It's quite active.

   When Sato Kaede was about to reach the end of this corridor, the Katie dog next to him suddenly trembled and then barked at the front, and Sato Kaede stopped immediately when he saw this.

"The battle won just now is really beautiful, but there shouldn’t be much sense of accomplishment in the abuse of food, Mr. Sato, why don’t you have a pixie battle with me, and use your big-mouthed bat that defeated Miss Alice’s fire dinosaur? My elf duel."

At this time, the son-in-law and the beautiful woman who left earlier than Sato Kaede suddenly walked out of the corner, and then walked in the middle of the road to block his way. The son-in-law shook the red wine on the back of the high school and said with a smile. A taste that cannot be denied.

Brother    is handsome, wearing a brand-name slim-fitting suit. He has short black hair and a very fashionable hairstyle with wax. He is sprayed with a strong perfume.

   If it wasn't for a few elven **** on the elf belt of the opponent's waist, according to the opponent's current outfit, Sato Kaede would think that this person is not a trainer, but a young and successful person.

   Sato Kaede's eyes suddenly narrowed when he heard this. He had never met the other party, but the other party was able to know his name, and he also knew about his holiday with Sasaki Alice. Obviously, the identity and background of the other party were also not simple.

   "I'm sorry, my Nitoran was injured. I rushed back to heal him. Let's get another day."

Sato Kaede first bent down and touched Katie's head to comfort him, then stood up and spoke to the son in front of him without arrogance. At the same time, he squeezed the elven ball with the big mouth bat and the beautiful flower in his left and right hands. Prevent any accidents.

"Don’t be nervous, I don’t mean anything. I just want to get to know your Excellency. By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Fujiwara. I am a good friend of Miss Alice. What a coincidence. I thought you should be The Anda, but I don’t want to board the Saint Louis like me."

Sasaki Heiji drank the red wine on the high instep in his hand, then shrugged, revealing a pair of white teeth, and looked at Sato Kaede with some intriguing expression. It seemed that he felt a little bit closer with Sato Kaede, and he remained calm. He took a few steps back with the beautiful woman.

   "Well, that's a coincidence. Before I left, my ferry ticket was stolen. I had no choice but to rush to buy this ferry ticket to Fengyuan area."

   Hearing that the other party was actually a good friend of Alice, and then felt the jitter from the bat ball ball in his left hand, Sato Kaede's heart suddenly sank, but he remained calm, and then said nonsense seriously.

   However, Sato Kaede had just finished speaking, with a gleam in his eyes, and without warning, he took a big step forward, and then stopped before Fujiwara Kari was less than 0.2 meters away.

Fujiwara Kari obviously did not expect Sato Kaede to lean up suddenly. At this time, the smirk on his face disappeared, and then he showed a look of disgust. When Sato Kaede was about to approach him by nearly 0.2 meters, he seemed to be nervous. Reflectively backed back several steps.

At the same time, a well-developed electric shock beast was instantly released from Fujiwara Sari’s hidden hands, while the electric shock beast that appeared in front of Fujiwara Sari saw Sato Kaede, and without a word, he used a powerful trick against Sato Kaede. One hundred thousand volts.

And the beautiful woman next to Sasaki Heiji also reacted quite quickly. A luxurious ball was opened from her hand wearing white lace gloves, and a wonderful frog appeared in front of her, and then this wonderful frog appeared in front of her. Seeing Sato Kaede also immediately used a flying knife to attack Sato Kaede.

But Sato Kaede, who has excellent dynamic vision, obviously reacted faster than Sasaki and the beautiful woman. When the opponent released the electric shock beast, Sato Kaede also opened the poke ball in his right hand and opened the inside. The beautiful flowers are released.

   As soon as the beautiful flower appeared, two basketball-sized energy **** were condensed in both hands, and the two emerald green energy **** exuded bursts of emerald green energy fluctuations. Obviously, the grass energy inside was very condensed.

   Then, Meihua actually wanted to deal with the electric shock beast's 100,000 volts and the wonderful frog grass's flying blade with one enemy and two, and the two extremely condensed energy **** in her hand were released.

   Then, under the incredible gazes of Fujiwara Kari and the beautiful woman, the energy ball released by the beautiful flower crushed the one hundred thousand volts of the electric beast and the flying blade of the wonderful frog grass, and then hit the two elves hard.

After dissolving the enemy elf's moves, the beautiful flower with an angry face did not stop releasing energy balls. Like a magic machine gun, it once again released 6 energy against the electric shock beast and the wonderful frog flower that had been suppressed by her. ball.

   "Boom boom~~~" A series of explosions sounded.

   When the smoke of the explosion disappeared, the scarred electric shock beast had already lost its fighting ability on the ground.

As for the grass and poisonous Froggrass, it’s okay~lightnovelpub.net~ but she also received decent damage. After being shot for a short distance, she was standing on the ground panting. A pair of eyes looked at the energy ball condensed again in the hands of the beautiful flower in front of him with unusual fear.

   And the Katie dog on the side saw that the frog grass had not lost its fighting ability, and regardless of the plea of ​​the beautiful woman, his body was instantly wrapped in an orange flame, and then he used the flame car to attack the frog grass.

   A few seconds later, Miao Frog was easily defeated by Katy Dog's Flame Chariot and fell to the ground and lost his fighting ability.

   After that, Katie Dog joined Meihua to surround the pale-faced Fujiwara and the beautiful woman, and did not give them the opportunity to continue to take the Poke Ball from their bodies, as long as they took action, they would immediately attack.

   "I need an explanation, otherwise, I will kill you, I will do what I say."

   After seeing such fierce action by Fujiwara Kari and the elves in the hands of the other two being so unbearable, Sato Kaede showed a hint of sarcasm on his face. He would let the Katy dog ​​close Fujiwara Kari close to the dead end, and then said coldly.

   At the same time, a few trainers dressed in various styles quickly walked out of the corner of the corridor with a few elves. Strangely, these people still held some photography equipment in their hands.

But no matter what, Sato Kaede thinks that these people appearing at this time are unkind, so when these people just emerged from the corner of the corridor, he would only use beautiful flowers and big-mouthed bats to perform his favorites. Use group battle tactics.

   The two flowers on the head of the beautiful flower sprinkled some green powder. With the strong wind created by the wings of the big-billed bat that just came out of the elven ball in Sato Kaede's hand, it suddenly fell on these people and the elves.