Legendary Pokemon Trainer

v1 Chapter 422: Training and harvest

The next day, at two o'clock in the afternoon, in a tiny island seven or eight kilometers away from the island where Honglian Town is located.

"Boom bang bang~~"

At this time, bursts of huge explosion sounded from the beach on the east side of the island.

It was just that on the beach at this time, a giant marsh monster that was as big as a hill was standing on the sand covered by sea water, and then punched at the surging waves ahead.

And what is amazing is that the fists thrown by this giant marsh monster are terrifying, and every punch he throws can instantly hit the waves into a huge hole in the future.

Now the intermittent cracks on the beach are the result of this giant marsh monster breaking the waves.

On the sea not far away, a crossed bat and a hunting swallowtail are constantly flapping their wings that emit cyan light. At this time, the two control the energy of the flight system to form several huge white whirlwinds, and then begin to interact with each other. Use a white whirlwind for collision.

The white whirlwind fell on the sea and immediately formed a huge waterspout. For a while, the surrounding seas became excited.

It is precisely because the fork bats and the hunting swallowtails are making waves on the nearby sea, at this time large waves of varying sizes will form on the sea, and then violently impact the small island.

As the giant marsh monster punches the waves again and again, he punches more and more holes in the waves, and the powerful force contained in his arm combined with the violent fist shakes the air and creates more and more vacuum waves. Strong.

(Vacuum wave, special combat style, power 40, effect: swing a fist, set off a vacuum wave, it must be able to preemptive attack.)

It stands to reason that the giant marsh monster itself cannot learn the vacuum wave trick.

It’s just that the giant marsh monster’s strength is too strong, and because of his passion for punching, after countless punches, he began to have a new understanding of the movement of punching, and gradually learned how to make his body Focus on one point to release the technique.

In the end, just last night, the giant marsh monster succeeded in hitting and hitting a vacuum wave. Therefore, he punched a huge hole in the hundred-meter wave that was swept by the tyrannosaurus tail.

"Very well, keep swinging like this. Concentrate your strength in your fist, and then strike with lightning. Although it is not a standard vacuum wave, it is also a very good long-range attack. After you learn it, you will All the strength is considered to have long-range attack methods."

When the giant marsh monster was panting and stopped to rest, a man wearing a black and white elite trainer uniform walked out of the nearby woods, then took out a bucket of milk and handed it to the giant marsh monster.

In a big battle last night, the man accidentally discovered that his giant marsh monster was able to blast a powerful vacuum wave with one punch, so there was a scene where he was allowed to practice vacuum wave moves today.

Sitting on the man's shoulder is a super cute Pichu, and he is now curiously staring at a nearby squeeze crab hiding in the sand and shivering.


The giant marsh monster nodded when he heard the words, and as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately picked up the big milk jug in his hand and poured it into his mouth.

After a while, the big milk jug containing two liters of milk and containing many gem-level energy cubes was emptied.

The recovery ability of the big milk jug with added milk is amazing. Soon after drinking the giant marsh monster, he feels that his physical strength and energy are quickly recovering. After resting for ten minutes, he continues to vigorously wave the waves. fist.

At this time, Piqiu also completed the excavation of the squeeze crab, and is now riding on the squeeze crab, and then directed it to scurry around on the beach with a smiling electric whip.

This man who gave the giant marsh monster big milk can is Sato Kaede who came to Honglian Town last night. For some reason, he is very idle now, so now he is accompanying the giant marsh monster and other little elves in daily routine Training.

"Boss Sakaki is generous, and he gave me this directly. Although it is not as good as the mega evolution stone, it is also very good."

Seeing that the giant marsh monster restarted training, Sato Kaede walked to a chair under a nearby coconut tree. After sitting down, he took out a stone with colorful spiral stripes from his body, with joy on his face. Smile.

Last night, the Rockets’ support troops arrived in a stealth plane.

Yes, in fact, the Rockets support troops came to the melee battlefield very early, but they have been hiding thousands of meters in the air to watch the show.

Of course, the support troops did not do nothing before they came. On the way, they captured the strongest combat power the Sea Snake Gang had invested in this melee, a strong Sea Snake Gang with strength close to the Heavenly King level.

In the end, it wasn't until Sato Kaede, Ako, Miya, and Marros, who were the backbone of the Rockets in this melee, when they all started to be in poor condition, they appeared one after another.

Because of the destruction of the ship, or as a reward for the melee victory, Sato Kaede and more than a dozen surviving Rocket recruits were granted the right to take a stealth plane to Red Lotus Town.

In addition, Sato Kaede was rewarded with a key stone at the end of the battle because of his merit in reporting the news and also making a great contribution in this melee.

For this reward, Sato Kaede was naturally very happy. Although he could not obtain the most precious mega evolution stone, he was able to obtain a key stone with a value of at least one billion Union coins, but it was somewhat unexpected. outer.

To this end, Sato Kaede was happy last night, and in his heart he said countless words of praise to Mr. Sakagi.

The speed of the stealth aircraft is far from comparable to that of a small ship. In just a few hours, Sato Kaede had already arrived in Honglian Town at four o'clock in the morning~lightnovelpub.net~ and she was in Honglian happily Sleep in a hotel in the town.

As for why Sato Kaede appears on this small island now, the reason is very simple, because Sato Kaede is an express rider, he is early now.

In fact, Red Lotus Town is at the end of the first stage of the rookie match, and there are currently two days before the end of the first stage of the rookie match.

Two days later, the Rockets will send people to take Sato Kaede and other Rockets members who have successfully arrived in Red Lotus Town to the destination of the second stage of this rookie match.

As for the destination of the second stage? Sato Kaede is still unclear, but according to his estimation, it should be in an uninhabited island near the island where Red Lotus Town is located.

Because of this, Sato Kaede intends to adapt to the tropical jungle environment on the island first and by the way to conduct special training for his elf, so as to prepare for the next rookie competition.

(PS: It’s a bit of a card text, I’m writing slowly today, it’s uncomfortable.) Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site