Legendary Pokemon Trainer

v2 Chapter 575: Respect the strong

Because the mobile sand sea here is not the central area of ​​the mysterious island, it is only a large desert in the western middle area of ​​the mysterious island. Therefore, the average level of the elf living in the mobile sand sea is about 30.

In the entire battle, the number of enemies defeated by the beautiful flower and the flash hunting swallowtail was about 600.

However, the level of the two elves is already very high, and the level of the enemies defeated is generally not high.

Therefore, they did not improve much in this battle. The beautiful flower rose by 2 to the level 54, and the Flash Hunting Papilio rose by 3 to the level 52.

At this time, a messy battlefield was full of fallen and wounded sand crocodiles. A heavy blood hovered in the battlefield and was quickly carried to other places by the strong wind in the desert.

Nowadays, most of these sand crocodiles have lost their fighting ability only because of serious injuries. The elf's excellent physical fitness allows them to keep a breath. As long as they are treated in time, they still have hope of survival.

But in the harsh environment of the desert, food and water are very precious. So not long after the battle was over, some maned rock werewolves appeared on the edge of the battlefield, and the battlefield was also hovering high in the sky. A lot of vultures.

Looking at the Maned Rock Werewolf and Vulture Na who appeared on the edge of the battlefield and in the air, Tomomi Sakaki suddenly became serious. He knew that the **** smell of the battlefield had attracted the attention of other predators in the desert. If he didn’t hurry away, maybe Will be dragged into another unnecessary battle.

"Everyone is going faster, it's getting late, and it has already attracted the attention of other predators in the desert. It's better to leave early."

Thinking of staying for a long time and encountering another attack by a large group of wild elves, Sakamoto Tomohiro opened his throat and said loudly to the members of the expedition who were still looking for their favorite trophy on the battlefield.

In fact, even if you don’t need to say it, these Rocket members who have developed a strong sense of crisis in the mysterious island for a long time have already realized the situation here, and naturally they have retired in their hearts.

However, when they heard the words of Tomosari Sakaki at this time, most of them did not choose to respond immediately, instead they unanimously focused on Sato Kaede who was still dangling on the battlefield at this time.

Although Tomosari Sakagi performed fairly well in this battle, compared with Kaedichi Sato, it is a world, and it is completely incomparable.

The strong inside the Rockets are respected. Therefore, since the end of the battle, most of the Rocket members in the expedition have subconsciously elevated Sato Kaede's position to the top of the expedition.

Now that Sato Kaede hasn't moved for a long time, they naturally can't act rashly. In such a harsh environment, it is always safer to follow the strong.


Tomosei Sakagi is a very observant person. He quickly discovered the abnormality of the Rockets on the battlefield. He also realized that the right to speak within the expedition had changed, but he didn’t say anything, and his face was expressionless. Keep silent.

However, when he looked at Sato Kaede again, there was already a strong fear in his heart.

"Okay, Mr. Sakagi, I'll be fine soon."

As a superpower, Sato Kaede is only stronger in observation than Tomosari Sakaki. He naturally has an insight into the subtle changes in the team, but he does not want to be a team commander for the time being, so he thought about it. , He immediately chose to respond to Tomosari Sakagi, clearly expressing his attitude.

With Sato Kaede's words, most of the Rockets on the battlefield suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and then gathered in the direction of Tomosei Sakagi.

Seeing this, Sakagi Tomosari nodded, and he was also relieved. He knew that Sato Kaede was still very honest and did not intend to seize power, so the fear in his heart faded a lot.

Because of the limited time, Sato Kaede didn't have the desire to continue to choose the best trophies on the battlefield. He chose a gangster crocodile with decent qualifications and mastered many useful skills on the nearby battlefield.

At the same time, he also selected a crocodile with good qualifications for Thomas.

The reason why Sato Kaede spends so much time in choosing sand crocodiles on the battlefield is largely because they will definitely encounter many ghost elves in the fantasy ruins.

The tricky nature of ghost elves is self-evident. If you don't have an elf that can effectively restrain ghost elves, you will definitely have trouble along the way.

The sand crocodile happens to be the elf with the ground type and the evil type, and they also have a powerful feature called overconfidence.

Therefore, when Sato Kaede saw this group of sand crocodiles attacking the expedition in the air, he was very happy. At that time, he had already made up his mind to accept one here, so as to prepare for the next ruins exploration.

After all, even if Sand Crocodile can't play output, his overconfidence characteristic can also make outstanding contributions to other teammates through the hidden dragon.

This feature of overconfidence is born for group battles, and it's very suitable for monsters like giant marsh monsters with explosive physical output capabilities.

The only pity that Sato Kaede felt was that he failed to conquer a sand crocodile with golden aptitude in this battle, and now he had to reluctantly choose a crocodile with inferior aptitude and self-confidence characteristics.

The information of the crocodile is as follows:

Pokemon: crocodile

Level: 35

Attribute: Ground + Evil

Feature: Overconfidence

Sex: male

Carry props: none

HP qualification: 25 (31)

Attack qualification: 30 (31)

Defense qualification: 24 (31)

Special attack qualification: 20 (31)

Special defense qualification: 25 (31)

Speed ​​qualification: 31 (31)

Qualification evaluation: purple (individual total value is 155)

Level skills: (stare, bite, shake sand, make trouble, quicksand hell, malicious pursuit, throw mud, bluff, bite, dig a hole)

Genetic Skills: Arrogance

Skills taught: provocation, sandstorm, loud roar, flame teeth, noisy, hold

Skills CD:

This **** crocodile was carefully selected by Sato Kaede. Although his aptitude was poor, he mastered some effective moves, especially the three moves of provocation, loud roar and noise.

Needless to say, provocative moves, all kinds of bells and whistles that dominate the enemy, ghost elves have a lot of weird change-based moves, and provocative moves are their nemesis.

Roaring loudly is also very powerful. This is a move that belongs to the range attack. Although the power is somewhat low due to the spread of the range, its effect is indeed very powerful~lightnovelpub.net~ It must be able to reduce the enemy's first-level special attack.

There is no doubt that this trick is very practical to deal with ghost elves with a large number of special attacks.

As for the final noisy move, this is a general move.

However, although it is only a general move and cannot cause damage to the ghost elves, it can cause a wide range of attacks because of sonic moves.

The effect of this move is to make all the elves in the attack range unable to fall asleep. Even the elves that have been hypnotized will wake up immediately when hit by this move.

As we all know, most ghost elves are very good at illusion, and their illusion ability is largely derived from their powerful hypnosis ability, and the effect of this noisy move is undoubtedly the effect of ghost elves hypnosis ability. Nemesis.

Once Sato Kaede and others encounter a large group of ghost elves in the ruins, this move may have a miraculous effect and become the key to reversing the battlefield situation.

(PS: I heard that there is another update tonight, vote for a monthly pass, dear book friends.)