Legendary Pokemon Trainer

v2 Chapter 749: The thorny poison rose

For a complete team of elves, healing the elves is essential. At some point, their existence is much heavier than the output hand.

Sato Kaede, as a trainer who had a healing elf for a long time, could not forget how important the beauty of this healing elf was in his weak hours.

Especially in the mysterious island, the beautiful flower is the key to Sato Kaede's ability to quickly become stronger. How many times the group was about to be destroyed, all because of the amazing milk volume of the beautiful flower, let the team pass safely.

However, the elves who master the healing moves are very rare. So far, Sato Kaede has seen very few elves with the healing moves, and they are basically cultivated by some big forces at a high price.

As for the wild ones, the only people Sato Kaede who has ever seen mastering healing techniques are the powerful frog flower on the mysterious island that almost killed him and the frog seed he is fortunate enough to inherit from the grass field.

Until now, he finally saw Rose Reddor, the third wild elf who mastered the healing technique, and he was also fascinated by the use of this technique.

The information of Rose Leto is as follows:

Elf: Roselando

Level: Level 62

Attribute: Grass + Poison

Characteristics: Stinger

Sex: female

Carry props: none

HP qualification: 25 (31)

Attack qualification: 26 (31)

Defense qualification: 27 (31)

Special attack qualification: 30 (31)

Special defense qualification: 28 (31)

Speed ​​qualification: 27 (31)

Qualification evaluation: purple (the total individual value is 163, less than 175)

Level skills: (absorption, growth, poison needle, paralysis powder, super absorption, parasitic seed, magic leaf, grass flute, ultimate absorption, poisonous water chestnut, sweet aroma, rooting, colorful falling leaves, poisonous, aromatherapy, photosynthesis, petals Dance, venom trap, grass field, weather ball)

Genetic Skills: Grace of Nature, Flying Leaf Knife

Skills taught: venom shock, sunny day, begging for rain, sludge bomb, knotting, force of nature, poison blow, shadow clone, trouble seed

Skill CD: None

From the panel data alone, we can see how strong this Roselleto is. This is definitely a fully formed elf. The trainer only needs to tame it and train it a little, and he will immediately play in his hand. Have this powerful quasi-king-level elf.

I have to say that when Sato Kaede saw Roselando's performance on the battlefield, he had the mind to subdue this powerful elf.

The opponent not only has an amazing amount of milk, but also has a super strong combat power, which is just right to make up for the temporary shortage of his bounty hunter status as a powerful poison elf.

Moreover, due to the fact that Meihuahua cannot be used for the time being and Miaofrog seeds are young and have not digested the treasures in the body, no matter it is Teppei or Ryugasaki Shinichi, there is no nurse in the current elf team with these two identities.

Although Pikachu mastered the healing technique of wishing, his milk volume was really not complimented. He was completely incomparable with the elves who have tempered the original technique of the grass field, such as Meilihua and Rose Reduo.

Therefore, in terms of battery life, the Alliance Trumpet and the Bounty Hunter Large are still in a very tense situation.

Once the elf is injured, he can only take the elf back, and then go back and complete the treatment with drugs. It is difficult for the elf to quickly return to the battlefield to fight.

Now that a little elf that can solve the big problem of battery life appears, Sato Kaede naturally did not intend to let it go. When he saw Roselando was about to be successfully hunted by the evil poaching group, he originally planned to use teleportation to capture it. Pokeball.

And now, Rose Raduo successfully evacuated the battlefield, and that allowed him to avoid offending the evil ghost poaching group. The golden opportunity was right in front of him, and Sato Kaede chose to take action without hesitation.

It's a pity, just like Roselando's appearance, this is a thorny poison rose.

Although she is very delicate and gorgeous, it is difficult to hold it in her hands. In addition, she has been attacked by a large number of poachers before, and Sato Kaede doesn't need to guess that she knows that her favorability towards humans is below the freezing point.

Therefore, this innocent Sato Kaede was also hated by her.

No, Rose Raduo gave Sato Kaede a whip as soon as he came up, and the whip was full of poisonous spikes.

"Oh, I really can't speak well, so I can only help you lower the fire first."

When Sato Kaede saw Roselando meet him, he sighed and sighed in his heart. He quickly retreated under his feet, and at the same time threw a wizard ball, and then said to Roselando.

The next second, King Nido's huge figure stood in front of Sato Kaede.

Roselando deserves to be an elf who has trained the grass field to the level of innocence. It didn't take long for her to leave the battlefield, and her injuries were basically healed.

At this time, she saw King Nido with a strong aura and did not seduce him. She directly pressed her hands on the ground, and then released dozens of vine whips that were also full of poison to bind King Nido's feet. stand up.

Immediately, her usual move came, and she finally absorbed it.

It's a pity that Roselando overestimated the tenacity of his vine edge, and at the same time underestimated the power of King Nido.

Under Sato Kaede's command, King Nido directly used his hands with the flame fist. The flame is indeed the nemesis of plants. Under the power of the flame, King Nido easily burned the rattan whip tied to his feet.

Immediately afterwards, a high-temperature fire column was released from his mouth, and the flame was launched.

Roselando is a wild quasi-Uranus-level elf, with more combat experience than the quasi-Uranus-level elf cultivated by ordinary trainers.

She saw King Nedor mastering his own fire-based moves. She immediately cut off the vine whip in her hand, and then quickly distanced herself from King Nedor, and quickly took her figure away from the surrounding dense vegetation. Be concealed.

However, King Nido has a very strong control over the energy of the ground system. He suddenly knew the location of Roseland by sensing the slight vibration of the ground, so the flame released from his mouth has been chasing Roseland. Reluctant.

Under the influence of the power of the flame, the surrounding grass field began to quickly transform into a fire field, and the space for Roselleto to avoid was quickly reduced.

In order to deal with King Nido’s aggressive flame attack and the increasingly unfavorable environment around her, the sweaty Roselando has been working hard to gather the water energy of the surrounding environment, and finally she is almost nowhere to be. When hiding, he finally succeeded in resorting to the rain-seeking move.

In a short while, a group of small dark clouds quickly appeared over the battlefield~lightnovelpub.net~A light rain also began to fall quickly.

Under the action of rain, the flames on the battlefield quickly extinguished, and the power of the flames was greatly reduced.

Seeing that she succeeded in finding the dark cloud with the rain-seeking technique, Roseland suddenly showed a complacent look on her face. She immediately raised her hands again, and then a huge water ball quickly gathered above her head.

"It's really excellent combat wisdom. One move, Qiuyu, not only skillfully resolves King Nido's fire moves, but also uses his own weather ball moves to use water moves that can restrain King Nido at this time."

Sato Kaede, who had been flying in the air with a cross-shaped bat, made Roselando's behavior completely serious. After analyzing the other party's intentions, his face suddenly showed a trace of movement and exclaimed.

"However, my King Nedor will not only use the fire-type moves that restrain your attributes. The time is almost up, King Nedo, freeze her water-type weather ball with the freezing light, and then return it with the freezing fist. "

However, when Roselando threw the water ball in his hand to King Nido fiercely and again used a lot of thorny vine whips to trap King Nido's feet, Sato Kaede immediately smiled and said loudly to King Nido.


As soon as the voice fell, King Nido roared immediately, and an ice-blue beam of light was released from his single horn, and then it hit the water polo that came quickly.

For a while, the water puck instantly turned into an ice puck, and then, under the effect of the freezing fist that King Nido slammed with his right hand, the ice puck suddenly turned into a large amount of crushed ice exuding a terrifying chill and shot towards Roselle.

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