Legendary Pokemon Trainer

v2 Chapter 849: The difficult promotion process

After Sato Kaede dealt with the matter about the clones of the three sacred beasts at the time, he continued to communicate with Dr. Oki. At this time, the things he communicated with Dr. Oki were transferred to the aspect of elf promotion to the heavenly king level.

This time, Dr. Oki also realized that Sato Kaede was about to face a greater crisis, so he did not continue to choose Sato Kaede to grind his foundation, and he unreservedly told everything he knew about the process of elf promotion to the King of Heaven. Sato Maple.

After half an hour, Sato Kaede satisfactorily ended the conversation with Dr. Oki, and then went to eat with confidence.

After Dr. Oki finished the Lightning Bird's affairs, it didn't matter that he continued to appear in Corydalis City as Ryugasaki Shinichi.

However, for safety's sake, he continued to keep a low profile. After changing into a passerby outfit in the blind spot of the elf center, he slowly walked out of the elf center.

According to the principle of proximity, Sato Kaede only eats in a nearby restaurant with a good reputation. Because of the addition of the giant marsh monster, the super stomach king, the consumption of this dinner is not low, and he almost squandered the ingredients prepared by the restaurant tomorrow.

When Sato Kaede left the restaurant, the restaurant owner was so happy that he could not see his teeth. Of course, there was still a hint of horror in his eyes.

After dinner, Sato Kaede switched back to Teppei's identity, and then started wandering in the night market in Corydalis City.

Originally, according to the plan, he would go back to challenge Tie Xuan tomorrow, but judging from Tie Xuan's current decadent situation, it seems a little unkind for him to challenge the other party tomorrow, and it is impossible to start a wonderful elf. Battle.

Therefore, Sato Kaede intends to continue going north. The challenge of Zijin Gymnasium can be delayed. He is going to challenge the Fuyan Gymnasium in Fuyan Town. According to his understanding, the trainer of Fuyan Gymnasium at this time is Asha. Grandpa.

Asha’s grandfather is not simple. The other party is the fire king of the original Fengyuan Alliance, but he was forced to retire because of his age. If calculated by age, the other party is with Dr. Omu, Liu Bo and Xia Bo. People of the same generation.

Now, due to the emergence of the Mythical Beast Society, Sato Kaede is beginning to feel that his situation is a little uncomfortable. Therefore, he wants to improve his strength as soon as possible, and the way to improve his strength as soon as possible is naturally to make the giant marsh monster break through to the heavenly king level. .

The current level of the giant marsh monster has reached level 67, and the distance to break through to the king of heaven is only level 3, but Sato Kaede knows that these 3 levels seem to be very few, but almost stuck most of the elves, especially The elves are particularly difficult at levels 69 to 70.

Sato Kaede prepares to challenge the retired fire king with a giant marsh monster in the past, hoping to use this to make the giant marsh monster quickly reach the level of 69. Of course, hard training can also increase the level, but if you want to increase the level as soon as possible, you can only Fighting against the strong is effective.

Sato Kaede learned from Dr. Oki that the elf needs to meet at least three conditions to break through the Heavenly King level.

First, the elf level must reach level 69.

Second, the elves must have master-level control over their attributes and energy.

Third, the elves must complete energy infusion.

In fact, the first two points are all serving the third point. Energy infusion belongs to the process of the elf completing the qualitative transformation, and this process has actually begun quietly when the elf is born.

However, the process of this qualitative change is very slow. Only when the elf's physical fitness reaches a certain level and the master-level control over its own attributes can be accelerated.

For this reason, most elves do not want to be promoted to the Heavenly King level, but they have not completed the energy filling step so long that they have been stuck at level 69.

According to Dr. Oki's words, the first condition actually faced the vast majority of ordinary elves.

As we all know, every time the elves are upgraded, their physical fitness will be improved a little. According to the standard, when the elves reach 69 level, their physical fitness has basically reached the requirements to be able to carry out energy immersion on their own.

Of course, ordinary elves also have outstanding existence, such as giant marsh monsters with full individual value. Every time their level increases, their physical fitness is much better than ordinary elves.

Therefore, ordinary elves may need to be level 69 to be able to obtain the physical requirements for self-improvement of energy. Giant marsh monsters and other elves meet the requirements at level 60.

If you add the conditions for people such as giant marsh monsters to eat special elf food for a long time, they even meet the physical requirements for self-improving energy at more than 50 levels.

Of course, it is not as early as possible to perform energy infusion on their own. On the contrary, before they have crossed the Heavenly King level, the higher the physical elves, the easier they will be promoted to the Heavenly King level and the more benefits they will receive.

This is also an important reason why most elves start energy infusion after they feel that they have touched the threshold of the Heavenly King level. Completing energy infusion too early will weaken their strength and fail to reach perfection.

If the body of an elf is compared to a container, then the process of energy filling is to inject energy into this container ~ lightnovelpub.net~ As long as the container is strong enough, the more energy can be poured into it.

And the more energy the container absorbs, the more benefits the container will get in the process of receiving energy quenching.

Sato Kaede’s giant marsh monster has naturally fulfilled the requirements of the first and second points, and due to the time to eat special elf food and the blessing mark of Gaioka, the physical fitness of the giant marsh monster is higher than that of the average heavenly king. The elf is only on the front line.

And for the control of the water system energy, he is already about to reach a level similar to that of the Uranus-level lightning bird for the control of the electric system energy.

Therefore, the giant marsh monster can now start preparing for energy irrigation.

According to Dr. Omu's words, the elf wants to complete the energy infusion, and the time required for this is definitely not a day and a half.

If it goes well, this process may take two or three months. If it doesn’t go well, it may take several years or even a lifetime.

Because the process of energy infusion is very painful and dangerous, it is almost impossible for the elf to complete it at once. After each energy infusion, the elf still needs to spend a certain amount of time to adapt to the soaring body.

Once there is a mistake in the process of energy implantation, the elf will be severely injured. If it wants to perform energy implantation again, it will take a while to restore the body before it can proceed.

The sign for the elf to complete the energy infusion is also very simple. Once the elf completes the energy infusion, the corresponding attribute energy mark will inevitably appear on his body, and it will have a short-term energy resonance with the attribute energy in a small area.

At that time, the elf will naturally enter the Uranus level and become a Uranus elf standing at the top of the pyramid.

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