Legendary Pokemon Trainer

v2 Chapter 903: Chip Qi and Qi Yu

At this moment, the ground on the edge of the magma lake was piled with a large number of defeated lava worms and lava snails. Since neither the giant marsh monsters and Pikachu had a killer, most of the lava worms and lava snails were only seriously injured.

When lava worms and lava snails are seriously injured, they generally choose to enter a state of pretending to be dead.

At this time, the body surface of the lava worm will quickly cool down, disguising as a cooled magma rock, while the lava snail retracts into its shell as a tortoise, disguised as a rock.

And after Sato Kaede said the words just now, some of the lava bugs and lava snails who were pretending to be dead turned and fled towards the direction of the magma lake like an amnesty.

When some of the lava worms successfully penetrated into the magma lake, the remaining lava worms and lava snails who were still pretending to be dead ran up from the ground one after another, and then rushed back to the magma lake.

Magma may be deadly to most elves, but for the lava worms, it is almost like a fountain of life. They only need to soak in the magma lake and their injuries will soon Will heal.

After a while, most of the lava worms and lava snails returned to the magma lake, and Sato Kaede, who had returned to the passage and drank a stream of cool water, came to the edge of the magma lake again to search for the blood of Gurado.

Nothing, these lava insects and lava snails living in the magma lake were obstructed. Sato Kaede’s exploration was much simpler this time. Soon, through the identification function of the system, he found the hard-looking Gurado in a corner. Blood.

Now, this stone coagulated by Gulardo's blood is being mixed in some gravel, its appearance is no different from ordinary stones, and there is no special fluctuation or breath leakage.

If Sato Maple does not have the system's identification function, he may have to cut the stone here for a long time before he can find it.

"I really don't know how this piece of Gulardo's blood would fall here. If it weren't for my systematic identification function to identify it, it looks like a normal stone for playing, but who would have thought it turned out to be one. Treasures."

Sato Kaede looked at a piece of Gulardo's blood mixed in the rubble, and was very puzzled. He didn't understand why it appeared here.

In fact, the reason why this piece of Gulardo's blood appeared here has a lot to do with a wild rumbling rock. On that day, during the battle of the super mythical beast, the blood ghost of Gulado landed on this wild rumbling. Rock body.

In this way, this wild rumbling rock had an extra stone formed by the blood of Gulardo.

It's a pity that this wild Ronglong Rock is a blessed lord. In time, he could have been reborn with the blood of Gulardo. Who knew that the next day when he went out, he ran into a huge steel snake that came out of the cave to fight his teeth.

"Forget it, no matter how complicated the process is, it is now mine. With it, the conditions for the giant marsh monster to be promoted to the heavenly king level should have been collected, and it was still not being able to raise enough energy. The grain of sand makes a soft sofa, and it’s getting better now. It’s probably better than soft sand."

Sato Kaede quickly gave up on the brain to make up for the reason why the blood of Gurado appeared here, and then used the system's identification function to look at its information, and said with satisfaction.

The blood of Gulardo is as follows:

Item: Blood of Gulardo

Function: Enhance the power of the carrier's ground system moves

Restriction: Only ground elves can use

Description: This piece of stone condensed from the blood of Gulardo, although it is only a small amount of blood in Gulardo's body, it contains huge and pure ground energy.

So far, the giant marsh monster has reached the critical point of being promoted to the rank of king, but it was not suitable for him to carry out energy in the desert at the beginning, and Sato Kaede did not collect the booster items to assist the promotion of the giant marsh monster at the time, which was delayed. The giant marsh monster was promoted to the rank of king.

Now with this piece of Gurado's blood that can provide huge and pure ground energy for the giant marsh monster, it has fallen into Sato Kaede's hands, and Sato Kaede originally acquired another high-quality mysterious water drop at a high price.

Sato Kaede has already collected the conditions for the giant marsh monster to be able to perform energy infusion anytime and anywhere. In the next period of time, he has made up his mind to concentrate all the resources in his hand to support the giant marsh monster's promotion to the rank of king.

"But it still needs a good environment. The giant marsh monster is an elf of the water system and the ground system. It is best to find a swamp as a treasure for his promotion to the heavenly king level. It is estimated that it will speed up his promotion to the heavenly king level. "Sato Kaede thought thoughtfully.

After finding the blood of Gurado, Sato Kaede did not continue to stay in the underground space with the magma lake. However, he did not choose to return the same way, but chose to take another channel that appeared in the underground space.

Yes, in addition to the passage that Sato Kaede came to hit, there is also a passage at the other end of the underground space.

Sato Kaede estimated that this should have been excavated by the huge steel snake to go to other areas. As for where it will lead, he is not sure.

But isn't traveling an adventure? He was very curious about where this underground passage would lead to. It would be even better if he could cross Chimney Mountain directly to Qiuye Town.

Unfortunately, things are often impossible to make people want. Although this new passage is a bit long, Sato Kaede also walked for a long time before going out, during which time he spent the night in the passage.

It was already noon the next day when he walked out of the passage.

"Where is this? The side of Chimney Hill."

Sato Kaede came out of the cave. After his eyes adjusted to the outside light, he saw Chimney Hill right in front of him. Then, a doubt suddenly flooded his mind and thought.

Due to the proximity of Chimney Mountain, the sky was grey and grey-white volcanic ash kept falling, and the surrounding environment was also covered with a thick grey-white layer by the volcanic ash that was constantly falling.

Although Sato Kaede doesn't know where he is now, he is not in a hurry, and directly takes out a compass from the space backpack, and then walks in the direction of the northwest.

The next place he is going to is Autumn Leaves Town, and Autumn Leaves Town is in the northwest direction of Chimney Hill, so as long as he walks northwest, he will reach Autumn Leaves Town sooner or later, where, Dr. Thorens is waiting He came personally to receive his payment.

Just yesterday ~lightnovelpub.net~ he has received the Annunciation message from Asa, Dr. Solans and his family all returned successfully, at the cost of letting go of the bonfire.

Sato Kaede is walking on the ground covered with thick volcanic ash like snow. At this time, the surrounding environment is a rocky area. Because the volcanic ash is covered, the ground is very difficult to walk. If you are not careful, you may fall into the bedding. In a large hole covered by volcanic ash.

At the same time, some wild elves are also lurking in the thick volcanic ash. For example, the rock elves living in rocky areas such as the small boxing stone, if they accidentally step on them, it is very likely to cause a small explosion. That is definitely not a joke.

Therefore, Sato Kaede, who accidentally fell on the ground and was suddenly blown out, had to walk carefully to avoid encountering strange things again.

However, because of one thing, Sato Kaede had to choose to give up this cautious way of walking.

Just now, a large elf with the appearance of a lion suddenly stopped on a rock beside him for a moment. After a look at him, this very majestic elf rushed to the northwest. .