Let Go Of That Primordial Man

Chapter 348: Seedlings

Ten days later, Master Niu drove out of the base city of Baoqing with a convoy full of supplies and seedlings.

For his staff, he was able to contact so many seedlings in a short period of time and delivered them to the base city of Baoqing. Master Niu was very pleased. Pay for nothing.

He originally thought that he had to wait for more than half a month on the modern plane before he could hopefully bring the starter seedlings of these black stone tribe breeding industries back to the original era.

What he didn't know was that for his strange purchasing task, the military headquarters directly dispatched a group of capable personnel to help them get in touch.

In the end, the seedlings that meet the requirements of the old cattle can only be found in the farm directly under the aquaculture research institute in the Imperial City; then, under the conditions of the military high-speed rail transportation quota, it was delivered so quickly.

In his leather bag company, because of his outstanding work, he received a reward of 100,000 yuan from his own employees, but the security bureau was inserted in his company, and only one of the many undercover personnel.

He didn't even know that because this matter was so much fanfare at the military headquarters, some personnel only spoke a few gossips and was scolded by a heard military gangster.

In the words of the military tycoon: earlier, let the big dog like Niu Xu buy the seedlings back, you can let the elite troops directly under the military eat good things earlier; you can quickly improve your strength; this Not an ordinary business transaction, but an extremely important military task.

Immediately afterwards, more people were shocked by the fact that the capable personnel who were transferred to handle this broken thing were not returned to their original positions after the task was over; instead, a small high-density group Department, responsible for the work related to the butcher Niu Xu.

This small department led by a military gangster even has a related internal code: "Project 101."

Zhao Jie, who has just been promoted to colonel, is only a team leader in this small department ...

This convoy is responsible for the safety **** mission, and even the drivers are still served by them. It is still the so-called blade mercenary group called Baoqing No.1.

In the face of Niu Xu's employment request, the leader Zhao Xiaodao made up his mind, even if he was killed, he would not take this task.

Only a few missions were really a severe blow to the poor leader ’s psychology; but after receiving a call from the Baoqing Security Bureau, he had to sternly slap The task was taken over.

Fortunately, he also obtained a batch of heavy equipment and vehicles in the military division at a low price, which was regarded as the success rate of this mission and added a little confidence.

Maybe after being played with by God twice in a row, their luck finally got better. This time the **** was smooth along the way; even if they arrived completely at the destination and unloaded all the materials, they did not suffer any Accident.

Even after successfully returning to Baoqing with the team, Zhao Xiaodao felt like he was dreaming. It seemed that this time it was so smooth. Instead, he seemed to be missing something.

"Be careful, if you are a sloppy man, if you kill this little chicken, Lao Tzu will grab your stuff and raise it as a young chicken." Master Niu scolded.

It is said that in order to transport these seedlings to the primitive era, it was too much effort for Master Niu.

Due to the characteristic of not being able to carry goods in the carry-on space, he had to collect ten newly purchased Wulings, and all the materials in the carriage were taken into the carry-on space.

Then put the small bread in the incubator with these seedlings, and then all the chicks of this seedling were transported.

This is still a relatively small part of the entire batch of seedlings, and the rest do not know how many trips to run before they can all be delivered ...

But it is obvious that the mang has been attracted all attention by the fluffy chicks in front of him.

He didn't pay any attention to the fierce threat of Master Niu, but carefully held this little chicken in his palm, his face full of horizontal meat, which was unexpectedly gentle.

It's not just the manga that has such a look. There is one of the high-level Blackstone tribes present, all with the same performance and virtue as Mang; I am afraid that they have never loved their own little cubs.

It can only be said that Master Niu completely underestimated the importance of the development of the breeding industry for the Blackstone tribes, and even the indigenous people of the Luolei Mountains.

For him, it is just another commodity that can be dumped on the modern plane. For them, this is a higher-level lifestyle, and naturally it cannot be over-emphasized.

For this great cause, they invested twelve points of enthusiasm. If Master Niu stopped them, they would even give up their log cabins and use them as chicken pens for these little chickens.

But even in this case, they were fighting the chicken blood, and with all the labor from the tribe, quickly built various stalls and poultry houses.

I do n’t know if it ’s an illusion. Master Niu always feels that these local people, when doing these jobs, seem to be more careful than building a house for him

In the following days, every time when the cooling time of the jade pendant was completed, Mr. Niu led the female drivers who had joined the Shushan Church, and up to ten female drivers began to return to the modern plane ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Various seedlings are delivered.

Originally, Master Niu was still a bit worried. As a woman, after arriving in another temporarily new world, they may not be comforted by a meal and can.

What he didn't expect was that after these women changed their environment, the woman immediately broke out their unknown side; the posture of being bold when drinking and eating meat is not worse than that of the pure men. Half a minute.

In short, in the first drink, Master Niu was overthrown by these women; after that, Master Niu never dared to pick up the bowl when these women irrigated each other.

Because there is always some kind of inexplicable worry about these women, if in case these women get drunk, what will happen to these women, they will do that kind of evil thing to him.

So while waiting for the jade pendant to cool down, poor Master Niu didn't sleep well once; the first action after waking up every time would always be to subconsciously look at his clothes. In a state of chaos.

After repeated confirmation, he will be relieved and put down his heart! Read the latest chapter, please pay attention to WeChat: rdww444