Let Go Of That Primordial Man

Chapter 550: Future Revenge Plan

"Tu Mei, you can rest assured that I must rescue you from the ghost's hands no matter how; even if I cooperate with the demon for this, even if I pay all the costs for it."

This is the vow made by Master Niu from the side hall where Tumei lives, when he stepped out.

At that moment, the humiliation and pain in Master Niu's heart was such a heartbreaking lung; so much that he bit his own lips, and the salty blood flowed into his mouth without even realizing it ...

Then, Master Niu used the fastest time to prepare to evacuate the witch palace.

First of all, the most unacceptable is naturally the numerous secrets of exercises hidden in the Wu Temple, and the large amount of cultivation resources harvested during this time.

These are important resources that allow him to quickly become stronger; the original number is not enough, and naturally it cannot be lowered.

Second, the old-fashioned father and son, plus the dozen or so old servants who have served in the witch palace for almost a lifetime; these people are the few people he can trust enough in the witch palace.

Fortunately, these people did not live up to the trust of Master Niu.

Master Niu told them bluntly that he was going to leave the witch palace without even explaining too much; these people also followed Master Niu without saying a word, and immediately began to prepare for leaving.

As for the nine children of the 姞 clan, Master Niu didn't even think how credible the children of the eight tribes who had been closely connected with the Wudian.

Among the newly purchased slaves, Master Niu was also sure that there was absolutely no way of knowing how many spies had been arranged in the Wu Temple; therefore, together with the nine children of the Patriarchs, Master Niu left them in Xingtian Temple.

After they left, what kind of fate would these people face, and Master Niu couldn't control so much.

In fact, when Master Niu left, he originally had the mentality to save one and the other; he planned to take the pie from the witch palace and bring them back to the Blackstone tribe together.

What he didn't expect was that this timid woman like a quail, in front of the nether world, was determined to stay and accompany Tu Mei, facing the unknown destiny.

This has made Master Niu's hatred for the ghost increase countless ...


Master Niu changed, of course, this refers to a big change in personality.

This is Master Niu's unusually abrupt passage through the void channel, with a large number of mountain cannons and cannon fodder, and unexpectedly returned to the Blackstone tribe.

Mang He and Kui and other confidantes got the obvious feeling in the first time.

It's just that even if they are extremely anxious in their hearts, they don't dare to ask the respected Master Niu directly, what did he experience?

But they didn't get much information from Zhang Gangtang.

The only useful thing is that it is vaguely known that it is related to the character of Tumei. The other is that there is no way to get more information.

In addition to them, Mang and others have another way to inquire.

That is to follow the old man Niu and others, who came to the Black Stone tribe's old father and son, and the faithful old servants of the dozen or so Wu Temple; it seems that from their mouths, they should be able to hear more detailed information.

It is a pity that they did not inquire even a little useful information from the mouths of these people.

Therefore, the only thing they can do is to cooperate with Master Niu as much as possible, and complete the things he arranged as much as possible ...

Every time a man falls and hurts on a stranger's road, it is the most effective means of motivation for him to quickly become mature and grow up.

For Master Niu, he is the same at the same time; this is also the fundamental reason why Master Niu has changed so much in the eyes of Kui and other people.

In the witch palace during the short period of time, it also made Master Niu very clearly aware of the difference in strength between the two sides.

Want to save Tu Mei, not only need the strength of his own strength, but also need his own men, must have a powerful force that can be trusted.

For this reason, after returning to the Luolei Mountains, Master Niu immediately shut himself into the office and set a high-speed development plan for the next few years for the Blackstone tribe and the tribe alliance ...

First of all, as the most important agricultural production, I do n’t have to bother to continue with Master Niu.

Because as early as his days in the witch palace, he directed Kui and others to properly settle the batch of refugees from last year according to his ideas.

The majority of these refugees have been organized into a large number of food production brigades; according to their specialty, the basic agriculture is cultivated and domesticated separately.

Has a modern plane, and the genetically modified seeds with amazing yields like BUG, ​​they can feed themselves within a year.

From the second year onwards, they will be able to gradually feed back a lot of food to the Blackstone tribe; after a few years of savings, he will have amazing food reserves in the hands of his old cow.

In the era of primitive planes, in this place where natural disasters and human disasters continue, only the food that can survive is the most effective hard currency.

With enough food, he can continue to absorb the plains outside the mountains, those primitive natives who ca n’t get through, and let them join their own.

In this way, he can pull more and more powerful troops from it.

Second, that is the industrial development of Luolei Mountain Range.

Master Niu's mind is actually quite clear. The population controlled by him and Wu Wudian, and the qualities of the population, are basically at two different levels.

Then the only way to reduce this huge disparity is on the one hand to continuously increase the number of people under your control and the population base under effective control ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ on the other hand, it is to continuously increase more The native tribes of the primitive people fought from the side of the witch palace.

Wu Temple can have such a powerful prestige in this plane; is it not only having strong strength, but also constantly researching new production skills and leading them to continue to develop!

For this, Mr. Niu, who has a modern plane as a backer, has enough confidence in his heart.

In a few years, he will build the Luolei Mountains here into a primitive era, a paradise on earth.

With this excellent template, there are far more materials than this era have smashed into the past. How to choose these tribes is naturally self-evident ...

As many thousands of years ago, the ancestors and witches of the Witch Palace kept this plane and drove those extraterrestrial demons back to their glorious merits; for the influence of this primitive native, Master Niu did not feel that there was much threat.

Xin Tian Zu Wu of Xing Tian Dian, isn't he a member of that year?

After understanding this, Master Niu became busy day and night.

Building the Blackstone Horde and building the entire Thunder Mountain Range is also a battle for him, which determines the key points of victory or defeat with the Nether War!

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