Let Go Of That Primordial Man

Chapter 552: noble

At noon lunch, Mr. Niu took Xiaoya reporter and dealt directly with the cement factory.

Outside several large-scale work sheds, hundreds of people carried a wooden bowl in one hand, and grabbed a half-faced big-grain bun in the other hand; they squatted on the ground trying to eat and drink, and the same was true of Master Niu himself.

As for the tables and chairs for meals? For the indigenous people who feel that they are full of happiness, there is so much attention ...

As long as it is work time, a series of factories and mines and workshops run by the Blackstone tribe have free food; they are not as good in taste, but they are absolutely rich in oil and water and large in quantity.

Perhaps it is because today is unusual, it is the first big day in the factory to produce products.

Therefore, today's lunch has a lot of rich food; in addition to multi-grain buns and vegetable stew, there is also the Niu Bawang instant noodles that everyone has long been missing.

The instant noodles in bulk are simmered together with canned lunch meat; in the eyes of Master Niu, they are full of various flavors and flavors of condiments.

But this is the kind of thing that was robbed by a group of men, and in their words: "Today I finally ate something good!

The reason why this happens is that since the harvest of summer grain, the food Mr. Niu finally got is sufficient.

By this time, Mr. Niu had fulfilled the oath secretly, completely stopped these junk foods, and provided free supplies for all his men.

Let them use the original era plane, various high-quality and high-energy ingredients to gradually repair this period of time, because a large amount of junk food causes a deficit to the body.

For this, Master Niu is quite confident.

Before he crossed to the Thunder Mountain Range, during the long winter days, the primitive indigenous people here were extremely lack of food. After a winter, they were lucky to survive and become skinny. It is also very common.

In the new year, as long as they have enough food to supplement, they can hold two sacrifices again, and they can still recover their bodies.

Then, facing the new round of winter again, so repeatedly!

However, in this way, the only way to get these junk foods is to go to the large supermarket of the Blackstone tribe and spend valuable food tickets to purchase.

What Master Niu had never imagined was that even if he had already set a fairly high price for these junk foods.

However, since the implementation of this measure, supermarket reports in the past two months have shown that bulk instant noodles and canned luncheon meat still account for very good shipments.

In view of the soil goods under their hands, for these junk foods, that kind of fanaticism comes from the heart.

Master Niu had no choice but to make a decision: to distribute a small amount of quota to major factories, mines and workshops every month; in terms of quantity, they also barely allowed them to give a second tooth sacrifice ...

With a bite of steamed buns and a big bite of vegetable broth, Mr. Niu was quite happy. At this time, the head of the cement plant came over with a big bowl.

"Grandpa Niu! I know that the stink boys are not very sensible, so I specially reserved a copy for you." The director of the cement plant said.

While speaking, he brought a large bowl of instant noodles in his hand, and delivered it to Master Niu with full sincerity.

Just looking at the weight of this big bowl, and the large pieces of lunch meat that can be seen everywhere, Master Niu is also estimated. It can be said that it requires five pieces of pie and a whole pot of lunch meat to cook. Such a big bowl.

But, smelling this familiar flavor, and thinking of eating it all up, Master Niu's heart turned upside down.

Then, the goods took the wooden bowl in a serious way, picked it up and walked to the cauldron before pouring it into his brain.

With a straight face, he said: "Workers are the hardest. They eat and eat well before they can build our beautiful downsizing; as for me, just eat some bun broth ..."

After hearing the words, the crowd of workers who were squatting on the ground and drinking noodle soup was full of unspeakable touch.

And Xiaoya also put her hands down and chopped off a few buns, picked up the pen and drew it on a small book; she decided to broadcast the touching story of Master Niu to the thousands of families in the Luolei Mountains tonight .

Let everyone know that her master, Master Niu, is such a noble person, a person who is free from low-level fun.

In addition, there is a point about why she should use small books to draw pictures instead of writing?

That's because this little girl, even after several years of learning, learns very limited Chinese characters; letting her record with Chinese characters mixed with pinyin is not as fast as drawing a little mark.

After lunch, Master Niu did not return to Black Rock.

Instead, he walked to another part of the valley. In the deeper part of the valley, a hundred-mu area surrounded by a wall was the key unit of the Blackstone tribe and the steel factory of the Blackstone tribe.

In fact, rather than being a steel plant here, it is better to say that this is a large number of modern planes, old-fashioned ancient technology, coupled with a small amount of modern technology, a quirky iron-making workshop combined ...

There are many reasons for this situation, but the most important of them is mainly the following two things:

First, each of the modern steel factories is a large consumer of electricity.

In this way, even if Niu bought the equipment, there is simply no way to provide so much electricity to provide for consumption here.

Even in the upper stream of the valley, a small hydropower station is already under construction ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ But even after the small hydropower station is built, the amount of electricity generated is far from enough for the steel plant; more Needless to say, this industrial valley will have more than these two factories in the future.

Second, if you want to find some big waist and round coolies, that is how much! But there are none of the relevant high-end technicians.

Even Master Niu has already lowered the requirements again and again, and finally found helplessly:

Even in the modern plane period of the Republic of China, those old-fashioned simple steel-making techniques and equipment; after some research, Master Niu was very frustrated and found that it was not what these buns under his hands could play.

In the end, in the leather bag company of Niu Ye modern plane, after spending a very expensive sum.

A large number of related technical experts, referring to the ancient indigenous steel-making technology in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, designed a complete set of earth-foreign steelmaking technology for Mr. Niu.

In any case, it can be regarded as a primitive era and successfully achieved a zero breakthrough in steel production ...