Let Go Of That Primordial Man

Chapter 666: Tianque City

Tianque City, under the name of such a tall, is actually the former Turkey City.

In Master Niu's plan, the city will be extensively repaired and expanded, and it will become another important city under his hands.

Based on this idea, the wall built by the Tuji tribe before, even if it was demolished, would take a considerable amount of effort, so Master Niu simply retained the same waste.

At that time, the area within the scope of the old city wall will be used as an inner city.

In the inner city, it will be the residence of some important institutions and important people; even some important materials will be stored here.

In case of any accident, you can have a good defense by closing the old gate.

As for the outer city, it will be ten times the area of ​​the local chicken city. In the estimation of Master Niu, this will be a large city that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

After completion, it will also be the outermost and peripheral area of ​​the entire plain, the largest cultural and trade center.

It will even function as the winter capital of the Thunder Empire; by the middle of the winter, the Black Rock City in the Thunder Mountain Range is already dripping into ice, but the winter capital here is warm weather around zero degrees.

When I move here to live for a few months, isn't it a pretty thing ...

In this way, it is obviously not suitable for the local chicken city to call it like this; it is very necessary to modify the name of the last pull.

Only after being sent to the situation several times in a row, in the mind of Master Niu, he has given up the local people to discuss the idea of ​​the new name of this winter capital.

With their amazing brain holes and unreliable proposals, it would be better to come up with a pat on his head.

So, Master Niu found the dictionary known as the most complete Chinese in the database of the watch on his hand; then, this product quietly searched for it.

Moreover, it is specially selected those beautiful words full of ancient charm to choose.

Eventually, after Master Niu's very careful consideration, the name Tianquecheng became Master Niu's final decision.

According to the dictionary, that long list of beautiful explanations:

Tianque represents the palace of the emperor, or the meaning of the capital and the capital; in this way, there is really no more suitable name than this.

After the decision was made, Master Niu immediately engraved the new name at the gate of the former Turkey Town.

At the same time, the two major channels of Radio Empire Radio broadcast this important news for three consecutive nights.

Under such operations, all the indigenous people under the actual control and influence of Master Niu.

I remembered this at the first time: the only city in the outskirts of the old plains, the chicken city, was completely a history of the past ...

At this time, on the side of Tianque's city gate.

I do n’t know how many foreign natives are yelling around here, and there is a cry of exhalation in the mouth.

The reason they were amazed was that Mr. Niu made a large 3D rendering near the city gate.

When returning to the modern plane to purchase materials, this old master Niu handed over the 3D renderings produced by the third-rate small advertising company. In the eyes of the indigenous people, it was almost lifelike.

Even the city of Tianque at this time just cleaned up all the rubble and **** from the city.

Standing at the gate of the city and looking at it, the scenes you can see are all simple wooden houses built temporarily.

However, there is still no hindrance. After seeing the renderings, these people exploded with the biggest sighs in their hearts for the wonderful prospects of Tianque City in the future:

God! Did Master Niu intend to move the palace of the gods and men to the ground?

Of course, in fact, according to the eyes of Master Niu, these two-storey red brick small houses in his plan. That was called a shabby man. .

Not to mention that compared to the modern plane, the high-rise buildings in the city today,

It is that they did not compare with the construction of the new countryside more than a hundred years ago; but it fell into the eyes of a lot of indigenous people.

After sighing for a long time, these talents recovered from the initial marvel.

At this time, they remembered the hurried rush to Tianque City. The main purpose was not to sigh Master Niu's generosity.

But it is far more important, and it is a big thing for their tribe's survival.

Similarly, they learned through the radio program on the radio that just today, a great event will happen:

The time is at noon today, quite auspicious time, within 12:28.

Master Niu will be in the city of Tianque and will begin to exhibit some amazing means to borrow a heavy rain to the sky to ease the current drought ...

At that time, once this news was broadcast, I did not know how many people were stupid.

But immediately, they wanted to understand a little bit. This is the magical radio, and the news broadcasted by the respectful little host in person, there is no possibility of falsehood.

In an instant, millions of indigenous people boiled.

In the next few days, this unprecedented news became the entire Thunder Mountain Range, plus the outer and peripheral areas of the plain, the most important and important thing for all indigenous people.

These people are also discussing related things in their mouths.

You should know that controlling the wind, rain, thunder and lightning in the sky, and controlling the earth's moving mountains and earth; in the eyes of the primitive natives, this is a divine power that only God-man can master.

Originally, Master Niu was just like the God-Man in the indigenous people.

After this incident, the image of Master Niu has become increasingly tall and unfathomable; Master Niu is comparable to the **** man ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ is simply a **** of the world.

In a short period of time, Tianque City has become the focus of millions of natives here.

Of course, the situation is far from that simple;

The major tribes in the outer area, one of their witch and leader, all want to feel and witness from a close distance. Master Niu is so magical.

More importantly, this time, Master Niu, in the end, can it ask for a heavy rain, but it is related to their tribe's future survival problems.

The first time they heard the news, they hurried to the place where the rain-seeking ceremony was held: Tianque City.

At the same time, even the masses of people living in the Black Rock City couldn't restrain their fiery thoughts to join in the lively scene. They tried their best to come to the city of Tianque and join in a rare lively scene.

Let Master Niu open the void channel and take them through the city of Tianque, they really can't speak to Master Niu.

But even so, it does not represent them, and there is no other way to come: they have squeezed 800 people out of the 90 flying trucks.

It took two days and one night to fly the big truck before flying all the way to Tianque City.

Even if it's all the way, most of these goods are severely motion sick, and they spit it out one by one.

However, when Master Niu looked at the group of people who got out of the car, the dirt with pale faces and sloppy footsteps was still full of excitement in his eyes.

In the end, Master Niu really didn't know what to say.

What a special! If these goods have such great perseverance on weekdays, the bombing of Ji forces can be expanded at least ten times more ...

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