Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1088: Sword End of the World (2)

It may be the onset of drug effects, and Mingxian soon fell into a lethargy.

He held his sword tightly in his arms, as if he was afraid that others would **** it.

There are many rumors about Mingxian.

It is said that he used to be a disciple of a certain sect.

Some people say that he became like this because of women.

There are many versions, and I don't know which is true and which is false.

After Mingxian came to the Brahma Sect, no one in the teaching knew his past, let alone what kind of person he was before.

I only know that he is very fierce. Every time he appears, he is either **** or murderous, so gloomy and numb.

The people of Brahma Sect are afraid of him.

——Those who joined later are not afraid, they respect him very much.

However, Ming Xian treats those people as little brothers who can be used, and doesn't care much about their life and death.

The bad things Mingxian did can't be said for three days and nights.

The Jianghu hated Mingxian, but Mingxian's swordsmanship was so good that most people couldn't hurt him at all.

If it hadn't been for the original owner to drug him this time, Ming Xian would not have been forced to this point.

The original owner is free.

The weak and helpless little poor-I'm out of luck.

Now to bear the consequences of her.

Chu Zheng sorted out the messy clues, and then leaned on the side to rest.


Anxi Town.

The clear stream runs through the entire town, with willow trees planted on both sides. It is now the season when the catkins are falling, and the wind blows like white snow.

A little girl recently arrived in Anxi Town, which became the focus of discussion among the townspeople.

Nothing else, just because the little girl is generous.

As soon as I came, I bought a house in the town that hadn't been sold for a long time. The house was expensive and the first thing was the haunted house.

But the little girl lived in for so many days, and nothing happened.

And the little girl constantly refreshed the people's understanding of money in Anxi Town.

"I heard that little girl lives in it alone."

"She would dare to live in that ghost house alone?"

"No, I saw it yesterday, that little girl looks pretty."

"I heard that she bought Telford House yesterday?"

"No, it seems she wanted to invite the chef of Telford House, but Telford House was unwilling, so she bought Telford House."


There was a faint breath from the talking crowd.

Anxi Town is not rich, but it is not poor either.

The townspeople here are still considered "well-off", but I have never seen anyone with such a wealthy man.

Just because I can't hire the chef, I have to buy someone else's restaurant.

At this time, the person they were talking about was passing by them and entered a snack shop next to them.

"What does the girl buy?"

Xiaoer from the shop greeted him immediately.

Chuzheng swept around the shop and pointed to a few snacks: "Each item is a little bit."

"Good." Xiaoer Dian gave Chuzheng a bag while looking at her: "The girl is looking at Miansheng. Isn't she from our town?"

Anxi Town has to travel from Anxi Town to many places because of its special geographical reasons, so there are many people from other places in the town.


Chu Zheng stood there, looked down at the things on the counter, and answered absently.

Mingxian is extremely difficult to serve, eat and use. If he doesn't follow his wishes, he won't lose his temper, but he just doesn't use it.

He would rather be too hungry to get out of bed than eat what he doesn't like.

Very personal.

...A hammer!

Had it not been for his injuries, he would have been **** to death.

A big man, so hypocritical!

"Girl, your snack."

Chuzheng draws out a golden leaf.

The shop Xiaoer sighed slightly: "Girl, it won't take so much..."

"Oh." Chu Zheng put down Jin Ye Zi, then left with a snack.

Shop two: "..."

The second queen in the shop remembered the rumor in town recently.

This is the stupid man with a lot of money?

As soon as Chuzheng stepped out of the store, a figure rushed over from the side. Chuzheng flashed fast and did not hit her, but ran into a girl in blue behind.

The blue-clothed girl was staggered and fell on the steps, her delicate skin and tender palms smashed on the steps, and blood beads went straight up.


The one who hit the person was also a girl, and she reached out to help the girl in blue.

The blue-clothed girl pulled away the girl's hand at once, and the maid behind helped her up: "Can you walk and run so fast to reincarnate?"

The girl in blue is domineering, probably because her palm hurts, making her even more angry.

"I didn't apologize to you." The girl who hit the person also had a temper.

"I rarely your apology?"

The girl in blue glared with beautiful eyes, and she stretched out her hand to push the girl who hit someone.

Probably I didn't expect the blue-clothed girl to perform this operation. The other party was stunned, pushed by the blue-clothed girl and staggered, and fell onto the nearby stall.

Next to it was the wonton stall. The girl's arm hit the tumbling hot pot directly, her face was above the tumbling soup, and the hot steam came over her face.


The girl who hit the person screamed and fell from the stall to the ground.

She clutched her scalded arm, her entire face changed with pain.

The blue-clothed girl wiped her hands with her kerchief, her delicate face showed a delicate smile: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Chuzheng: "..." Savage enough!

Chu Zheng turned slightly, ready to leave.

The moment she turned around, a voice rang from behind.

"Little Fu."

Chu Zheng had a meal.

This voice...

The original owner is very familiar.

It was the sweet talk, each other, the undercover who lied to her-Liang Xuan.

Chu Zheng turned his eyes slightly, a handsome man with a face hurried forward, stopped beside the woman who hit the person, and reached out to help her up, his face full of tension and concern.

It really was him.

Yuanjia has a narrow road!

"Brother." Zhao Fu cried out aggrievedly.

Liang Xuan comforted Zhao Fu, then turned his head and glared at the girl in blue.

"Hanqiqi, what do you bully Xiaofu for!"

When Zhao Fu heard the name Hanqiqi, his expression was a bit strange.

Originally she was still some distance away from Liang Xuan, but at this time she suddenly fell into Liang Xuan's arms as if she could not stand firmly.

Han Yuling raised her eyebrows: "Ah, she is your little junior girl. It's better to see it than to hear, she is really charming and beautiful, she is a beauty."

Liang Xuan scolded angrily: "Hanxian, you have met Xiaofu, why don't you pretend that you don't know? Did you deliberately?"

"Hey, Mr. Liang is so unreasonable." Hanqin's tone is sweet, but her expression is cold: "It's obviously your younger sister hit me first."

"I didn't mean it, I apologized to her." Zhao Fu grabbed Liang Xuan's sleeve and felt wronged.

"Xiaofu apologizes to you..."

"I apologize too." Hanqin interrupted him and turned to look around: "Everyone has seen it, right?"

At this look, I am so immortal, I just saw Chu Zheng.

Because she stood closest.

Liang Xuan happened to see him, his expression suddenly changed, shocked, guilty, and doubtful...

I don't seem to know how she is still alive.