Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1127: Ask the fairy Huangquan (3)

Xingqiao's eyes fell on the contract, and his reaction was different from that of normal children. He was not afraid or confused, but calmly asked, "What is this?"

Chu Zheng: "What did you see today?"

Xingqiao frowned, and after a while he said, "Something strange."

Most people were frightened when they suddenly saw those things.

Xingqiao's reaction far exceeded Chu Zheng's expectations.

But this is good, she doesn't want to coax the child.

"Sign the contract and you will know what those things are." Chu Zheng handed the contract forward.

She doesn't want to run to the next candidate, so her principle is-first deceive people to sign the contract.


The consequences of breaking the contract should be more serious.

Summary: cheat and then scare.

"who are you?"

Xingqiao just remembered to ask this question at this time.

Chu Zheng did not perfuse his question, but seriously answered: "Your guide-Chu Zheng."


Lead the way...

Are those weird things?

Xingqiao's eyes fell on the contract again.


Today, he signed a contract with the owner of Huangquan Road. If he violates the contract, he will dedicate his soul.

Contract period: seventy years

Contractor: Star Bridge

The content of the contract is no different from Hu Shuo's, except that it has an extra period.

There are no rules.

This contract is like a joke.

Xingqiao didn't know what he was thinking, and looked up at the strange girl in front of him: "How to sign?"

Chu Zheng motioned to Xingqiao to hold the contract.

She was standing upright with her somewhat random body slowly, but her clothes suddenly changed, and the white robe slowly appeared on her, simple and complicated, like the priestly sacrificial robe of the Western world, wide and elegant.

Xingqiao's little face was finally moved.

He looked back subconsciously.

The chat and laughter in the crowd remained unabated, and no one noticed her change.

The silver light spread out from under her feet, strands, tangled and stretched, and soon took shape.

And the rays of light extending from the periphery were quickly surging towards him.

Xingqiao took a step back subconsciously, the light speed was extremely fast, but in an instant it surrounded him, climbed up his ankle, and wrapped his arm.

Xingqiao only felt a slight pain in his finger, and the blood bead came out, was a little bit of silver light, quickly connected into a thin line, gathered in the silver light, and was carried by the silver light to the contract.

Patterns gradually appeared on the contract.

This pattern...

It is exactly the same as the pattern formed by the silver light on the ground.

"It's done."

Xingqiao returned to his senses, and when he looked up, he found that the girl who had just dressed like a saint of the temple changed back to the way he was before, as if he saw it as an illusion.

Xingqiao looked down at the contract in his hand.

There is a silver seal on the contract, with red light faintly flowing inside.

Not only that, there are several more rules in the contract.


Today, he signed a contract with the owner of Huangquan Road. If he violates the contract, he will dedicate his soul.

The guidelines are as follows:

1. Do not enter Huangquan Road without permission.

2. Unconditionally obey the command of the master of Huangquan Road.

3. During the extraordinary period, everything is important to protect the owner of Huangquan Road.

4. It is forbidden to disclose the QXianlu rules to anyone, and severe penalties for violations.

Contract period: seventy years

Contractor: Star Bridge

Contract time: May 20, 2289

Xingqiao glanced at the key and grasped the key: "What does the extraordinary period mean?" The master of Huangquan Road... should be the girl in front of him.

Chuzheng's answer was vague: "You'll know it in an extraordinary period."

Chuzheng took the contract from Xingqiao, and then handed him a thin card: "Wenxianlu Pass, welcome to join Wenxianlu."

The card is very simple, the front is the pattern on the contract.

On the back is a photo of him, and two rows of words:

Star Bridge·SU222

Wenxian Road 13

Star Bridge: "..."

It's like meeting a **** stick.

"...Are those things ghosts?" Xingqiao flipped through the card in his hand, trying to identify what material it was, but didn't see it for a long time.

Chuzheng rolled up the contract casually and put it directly into his pocket to educate the new recruits: "Now is the age of science, don't be feudal and superstition, but believe in science"

Star Bridge: "..."

What he saw just now seemed like feudal superstition.

Xingqiao didn't have many questions, unlike those people, who either shivered with fright or cried, or they just kept asking.

Xingqiao's performance may not be right in the eyes of ordinary people, but to Chuzheng, it is simply a well-behaved and sensible and worthy of praise.

"Follow me."

Xingqiao followed Chuzheng silently, and he found that there was nothing he had seen before.

Very clean...

Do not.

It's not very clean. For example, the boy next to his second aunt has something in his body that he can see.


It is very vague, as if it is hidden by something.

"His body."

"Sojourner." As a guide, Chuzheng had to explain even if he didn't want to explain: "Don't worry about the registered... these things, when you go back, someone will teach you how to distinguish between illegal sojourner and legal sojourner."


Also divided into illegal and legal?

Xingqiao didn't understand a word, he stared at the boy for a while, and followed Chu Zheng upstairs.

The doors upstairs all require a password, but Chu Zheng directly entered the password to open the door, and entered the room where Xing Jue was unobstructed.

Xingqiao immediately ran to the game cabin and lay on the translucent cabin door. When he went inside, his tight expression relaxed, the corners of his eyes were red, and tears rolled in his eyes.

Xingqiao at this time was like a child, leaving only grievances and sadness.

Xingqiao looked at it for a while, wiped away tears, and asked her in a tender voice: "Why can you come here?"

He can't come here casually.

Chu Zheng looked at the man in the game cabin with an unclear expression: "He is now my employer."


"You can understand it as protecting him."

Xingqiao is very smart, and he immediately thinks of the things he saw: "It's those...things that want to hurt him?"

Chu Zheng casually replied: "Forget it."

The child suddenly became excited: "Is my uncle hurt by those things?"


The child was stunned and dropped his head in disappointment. Mr. Hu said that the uncle was in a coma because of the game.

Chu Zheng looked away and asked casually: "You like him very much?"

The child lay on the game pod: "He is the best person to me."

Chu Zheng found a place to sit down: "What kind of person is he?"

Perhaps there is a familiar person lying in the game cabin, and Xingqiao’s defensiveness is much reduced: "Uncle is a very serious person, but also a twisted person. He has a small temper and sometimes is very childish."

Xingqiao suddenly asked: "Can he still wake up?"

Chuzheng rider on the game cabin: "You have to ask Mr. Hu, I am not responsible for this."