Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1142: Seeing the doctor in love (11)


You've heard quite a lot, but nowadays doctors are so insecure?

The blind date... should be the one I've seen before, like... Duan Ruihuan.

If the Duan family and the Yu family are family friends, if they are really together, then they are indeed good friends.

Dr. Hou felt that Chu Zheng's reaction was too flat, and it was not at all the reaction of a girl who heard a rival in love.

He couldn't help but feel anxious: "You are not chasing Doctor Yu, why are you not in a hurry?"

"What's the use of being anxious, I can make his parents not arrange a blind date?"

"...This is definitely not possible."

"So what am I anxious for?"


Dr. Hou was probably fainted. After Chu Zheng got on the elevator and the elevator door was closed, he came back.

She should be anxious that Doctor Yu fell in love with her blind date! !


Yu Jian took a day off, and when he came back, it was a high-intensity work. He didn't take much rest for several days.

Today, I finally had no other work arrangements and took a break in the office.



The door of the office was pushed open, and Yu Jian first saw that it was not a person, but a cluster of roses like a raging fire.

A face appeared behind the rose, and the voice was crisp and sweet: "Doctor Yu."

Yu Jian's eyes fell outside the office, and many nurses and patients in the corridor looked over here.

Yu Jian put the mask on her ears back: "Miss Duan, I am at work."

Duan Ruihuan held the flowers in: "I know, I wouldn't be able to find you unless you were at work. Did you black me out?"

Duan Ruihuan looked wronged at the man in front of him.

There are many men who are dedicated to her, rich and handsome, she has seen them, but when she saw this man, she was still tempted.

At first it was only his appearance, but then his indifferent attitude towards him made Duan Ruihuan a little challenged in his heart.

Even if other men take Joe, she can do it with a little thought.

But what about this man?

After returning, he blocked himself, no matter what she thought of, he ignored him.

What is not available is the best.

That's why Miss Duan came here.

In the past, others chased her, this was the first time she chased a man like this.

Yu Jian frowned, his mood was still not high, and he couldn't hear the joy and anger of seeing off the guests: "Ms. Duan has nothing to ask you to leave. I have to work."

Duan Ruihuan put the roses on the table: "Delay you for a little while, don't be so heartless."

"Miss Duan, I hope you can understand that I met you only because of family requirements, I don't have any thoughts of you."

"Not now, doesn't mean there will be none in the future." Duan Rui said with a smile: "We can get in touch with each other more, maybe you will like me?"

"will not."

When Yu Jian denied it, an inexplicable picture flashed in his mind. It was the street where the street light was not turned on. The girl sat alone on the lounge chair, and the darkness swallowed her. When he appeared, she looked at him calmly.

Yu Jian can always think of that scene recently, and sometimes even dream about it.

He has an illusion...

That gaze seemed to penetrate time.

There is a sense of familiarity.

Duan Ruihuan was rejected, the expression on her face was a bit uncontrollable, and she resisted the urge to turn her face: "Doctor Yu, don't say you are so absolute, I..."

"Doctor Yu."

Someone knocked on the door outside the office.

Yu Jian immediately got up: "The Dean."

The dean glanced at Duan Ruihuan, thinking it was a patient, and asked: "Are you free now?"


"Then you come with me."

The dean did not wait at the door, but stood on the aisle, Yu Jian walked around the table and walked outside.

"Doctor Yu, you don't like me so much?" Duan Ruihuan suddenly stopped him: "Do I hate you so much?"

"Miss Duan, please get out."

"You must answer me!" Duan Ruihuan refused: "Why don't you like me?"

Yu Jian was a little annoyed in her heart, and she spoke impolitely: "I don't like it anywhere."

Yu Jian passed by, Duan Ruihuan still wanted to stop, but Yu Jian was very fast, and soon walked to the door: "Miss Duan, remember to take your things."

Duan Ruihuan glanced at the flowers on the table, suddenly raised his hand to brush the flowers to the ground, and stepped on them twice.

She came out of the office aggressively, met those staring eyes, and her grievances rejected by Yu Jian vented out in anger: "What are you looking at? What's so beautiful!"

Everyone shrank their necks and avoided her.


When Yu Jian saw the person standing there, he breathed out silently.

What's wrong with him lately?

Just walked by Duan Ruihuan, another...

However, Yu Jian found that he was in the mood, and he was not as impatient when he saw Duan Ruihuan. He said that calmness is not counted, which is a bit strange...

Yu Jian wanted to pretend that he hadn't seen it, but who knew that the dean actually took him there.

"Miss Mi." The dean smiled and stepped forward: "I'm sorry, the meeting will be delayed for a while."

Yu Jian: "..."

"The things are in the car." Chu Zheng pointed to the large trucks behind her.

"I thank Miss Mi on behalf of the hospital, and also thank Miss Mi for her kindness on behalf of the patients." The dean looked grateful: "In this way, let's go inside and say."


The dean took the opportunity and said to Yu Jian: "Doctor Yu, you were asked to come, saying that you came to donate this batch of medical equipment. You take Miss Mi in first, and I'll come over right away."

Yu Jian: "..."

Medical equipment?

Did he come to donate?

What has he become!

"The Dean..."

The dean waved his hand and signaled that he had a problem later.

The dean went to talk to Chu Zheng, and asked Yu Jian to take Chu Zheng to visit the hospital first, and then to the conference room, where they talked.

As Yu Jian watched the dean leave, he turned his gaze, meeting Chu Zheng's unceasing gaze, and he suddenly stiffened.

Doctor Yu quickly showed his business status: "Miss Mi, please."

Chuzheng didn't want to visit any hospitals.

After all, she was not here to investigate, but according to the dean, there was such a process, and it was accompanied by Yu Jian, and was yelled at by the king, and Chu Zheng had to reluctantly agree.

Chuzheng followed him in. As a frequent visitor to the hospital, Chuzheng may not be familiar with this place, but he has a general understanding.

Yu Jian dutifully completed the dean's explanation, occasionally introducing a few sentences.

It may be because Yu Jian is highly recognizable in the hospital. Even if he wears a mask, nurses and doctors in different departments know him.

Seeing him with a girl, people can't help but gossip.

"Is that Doctor Yu?"

"It must be. With long legs and temperament, it must be our signature Doctor Yu."

"Who is that next to him?"


"Which patient can let Dr. Yu walk this way? Think of the hospital as a back garden?"

"Eh eh, did you know that a woman gave Dr. Yu flowers just now?"

"Who? Is it pretty?"

"Is it her?"

"It shouldn't be..."