Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1182: Darkness falls (14)

Jiang Rushuang could not provoke Ji Lin, and silently walked aside.

"Xiao Chu, teach me how to shoot." Jiang Rushuang asked Chu Zheng in a low voice.

Chuzheng didn't refuse, he told her a few key points, taught her how to load bullets, loaded her and aimed, and then carried her to the window.

There were no zombies on the street, Chuzheng asked her to see the zombies and fight again.

Free live target, don't waste it.

Ji Lin sat in the corner, wondering what he was wandering about.

He rolled up the sleeves of the camouflage uniform and pushed it over his arms, revealing his white wrists and forearms.

The forearm has smooth lines and is very powerful.

Ji Lin felt the darkness in front of him suddenly, and looked up slightly, and saw the clothes in Chu Zheng's hand.

Ji Lin raised his eyebrows and refused critically: "I don't wear what others wear."

Ji Lin thought that Chuzheng was looking for it here, but he didn't pick it up.

Chu Zheng threw it to him: "I love to change, not to change." There are many problems.

Ji Lin flipped through the clothes and found that there was a tag, he couldn't help being curious: "Where did you come from?"

She didn't go out just now.

When he came up, Jiang Rushuang carried a bag on his back, and all of it was to eat.

Where did she get the clothes?

Chu Zheng fiercely said: "Can you change it?"

Change clothes when you have them!

What the hell!

No matter how long you are!

Ji Lin was murdered and was not angry. He jumped off the table and asked with a smile but a smile: "Change, are you going with me?"

Ji Lin thought that Chuzheng would refuse as a girl, but Chuzheng nodded and took him to the bathroom.

Seeing that posture is not going to close...

Ji Lin felt that he had dug a hole for himself.

Why doesn't she follow the routine!

"How do you look at me to change?"

Chuzheng thought for a moment, and asked seriously: "May I help you?"

Ji Lingan bowed down: "Go out and close the door."

Chu Zheng glanced at the bathroom, and there was an anti-theft window outside the window: "One minute."

"Sister, what can I do in one minute? I can't take off my clothes enough." Ji Lin held the door.

"If you can't change in one minute, I'll come in and help you change." Chu Zheng closed the door very aggressively, and his voice came in through the door: "The countdown begins."

Ji Lin: "..."

Facts have proved that when someone forces you, one minute is fine.

Ji Lin stepped on the one-minute spot, changed his clothes and opened the door.

He found that Chuzheng had pinched a watch outside.



Ji Lin went out while tidying up his clothes.

A white T-shirt with long slacks on the lower body. Although it is very hot, in the end times, wearing long pants is more secure.

"Xiaochu, someone is here."

The first thing Jiang Rushuang saw was not the zombies, but three people.

Two men and one woman.

Looking around at the corner.

Chu Zheng went to the window to take a look, then turned to ask Ji Lin, "Which one is the person you are looking for?"

Ji Lin paced over, only glanced at it and concluded: "Neither."


Ji Lin said no, Chuzheng didn't intend to take care of it, but the three people suddenly rushed over here, seeming to see them upstairs.

Chu Zheng took the gun from Jiang Rushuang and fired a shot over there.

The gun equipped with a silencer did not make much noise, but the three people over there stopped at the same time, looking over here with lingering fears.

Ji Lin squinted slightly and looked at Chu Zheng's posture with the gun.

It's very casual, and it can even be said to be somewhat non-standard.

But the shot just hit one of the feet, and almost hit the opponent.

Coincidence, or did she aim so accurately?

The three people waved at them and raised their hands to show that they were not threatening.

"We came by seeing that banner."

Chu Zheng didn't put down his gun, but pointed at them, "Your name is Cheng Zuo?"

One of them replied: "No...not..."

Chu Zheng: "Why don't you come here?"

"We think that someone will come over if they see it, and if there are more people... it will be safer, so... they will come." The main reason is that they can use drones, and they think they are likely to be official.

It turns out that it is not what they think.

Soon people appeared one after another, and many people soon gathered below.

In this county, I did not expect that there are so many survivors.

Chu Zheng stood on a high place with a gun in his hand. They didn't know if there was anyone in the dark, so they didn't dare to move rashly for a while.

Ji Lin lay on the window: "Who do you know Cheng Zuo?"

They had seen the name Cheng Zuo on the banner.

But most of the people below shook their heads.

Among them was a girl in the uniform of No. 3 Middle School, raised her hand: "Cheng Zuo is my classmate."

"Oh?" Ji Lin smiled: "Then do you know where he is?"

"I don't know..." The girl shook her head and said anxiously: "When the end of the world broke out, Cheng Zuo asked for leave. I remember someone said that he seemed to be going... to the capital for a funeral."

Ji Lin: "..."

So people are not here.


There was a scream from the distant street.

The roar of the zombies, from far to near.

"Zombies are coming!"

The crowd changed their faces one after another and rushed towards the building of Chuzheng.

Chu Zheng first saw the group of zombies, the person being chased was not someone else, but the group of Captain Shan.

Chuzheng is holding on to the edge of the window sill, and Yuanjia has a narrow road!

Captain Mountain saw Ji Lin and followed the crowd upstairs.

There was an iron gate in the corridor, and Captain Mountain and his team closed the iron gate extremely fast, and the zombies rushed forward with a loud bang.

There was a door blocking, Captain Mountain and the survivors quickly cleared the batch of zombies.

Captain Mountain went upstairs and was surprised to see that Ji Lin was there.

"The drone did you get it?" Captain Shan asked Ji Lin.

Ji Lin shrugged, stepped on a chair, and sat directly on the table, with a handsome posture: "I don't have that great ability, here..."

He motioned to Chu Zheng.

Captain Shan looked at Chuzheng, who was looking at Jiang Rushuang. Jiang Rushuang was looking outside with a gun equipped with a silencer.


Jiang Rushuang exclaimed in a low voice.

"It's useless, it's useful to hit the head." Chu Zheng poured cold water in the next second.


Jiang Rushuang continued to compete with the zombie.

Chu Zheng turned around, and Captain Shan came over to talk to Chu Zheng.

Captain Mountain and the others were originally collecting supplies, but they were out of luck. They encountered zombies, damaged people, and lost their weapons.

Then they saw the banner hung by the drone.

They just came over here, who knew it was coming soon, and didn't know where a group of zombies came out chasing them.

They didn't deliberately lead the zombies over, the location at the time was just that way.

"Has the girl Chu Zheng found the person she was looking for?"

"Who said I'm looking for someone?"

Captain Mountain looks at Ji Lin.

Chu Zheng was silent and said, "No."

"Then what does Chuzheng girl plan to do next?"

"Not much." Chuzheng's tone is always cold. In such a sultry environment, one can feel a hint of coolness: "Those survivors give it to you."

Captain Mountain: "..."

How can it be for survivors!