Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1183: Darkness falls (15)

But Captain Mountain really couldn't refuse, it was his duty to find survivors.

Ji Lin didn't know when he stood at the door, staring at the crowd inexplicably.

Captain Mountain knows his ability: "Is there a problem?"


"Where's your gun?"

Ji Lin turned his head and tickled the corner of his mouth slightly: "I was robbed."

Captain Mountain: "..."

Who is so awesome, can grab the gun of this little bastard.

Although Ji Lin hadn't been trained yet, he didn't have to say about his skill. He just got down with the instructors of their troops.

Although it wasn't a serious way, most people couldn't handle him with that skill.

Ji Lin took the mountain team's gun and raised his hand at the crowd.

When the crowd discovered his movements, they were panicked.

Before he had time to call, Ji Lin had fired two shots in succession, and two people in the crowd fell.

Ji Lin turned his gun: "Give it to me."

The crowd suddenly became noisy and rushed toward them. Ji Lin retreated to the room, slammed the door, and Captain Shan was instantly overwhelmed by the crowd.

Captain Mountain: "..."

Even if you lose your gun, you can throw a mess on him!

Why is this little **** so bad!


After Captain Mountain settled the outside affairs, when Ji Lin appeared again, the survivors were obviously afraid of him.

Although they knew that Ji Lin shot because the two people were infected, they were still afraid, and Ji Lin shot them suddenly.

Ji Lin didn't care about it.

Captain Mountain took a rest and quickly worked out the next steps. During the period, two groups of people arrived, all of which saw the drone banner coming over.

For this reason, Captain Mountain postponed the action and decided to wait, maybe there will be survivors coming.

Until dark, only five people arrived, Captain Mountain could not delay any more, and immediately ordered them to set off.

There are advantages and disadvantages to driving at night.

The advantage is that the zombies will slow down at night, but the disadvantage is that they will be blocked.

When they arrived at the meeting point, most of them returned.

Captain Mountain clicked on someone: "Those few people haven't come back yet?"

Those few refer to those of Gu He.

"did not see it."

"We didn't see it either."

Captain Mountain frowned and asked everyone to wait.

But it was about to dawn, and there was no waiting for anyone, so Captain Shan had to send someone out: "You take a few people in and take a look, and act accordingly."


Because there are more survivors, their cars are not enough. Every car is full, and some even climb on the roof.

"Girl Chuzheng, can you still sit in the car?"


The answer is Ji Lin.

He sat in the co-pilot with his legs folded: "My car, don't let others sit."

The attitude is arrogant, but the tone is cold.

There are warnings and dislikes.

As if the mountain team dared to come over, he would immediately turn his face.

Captain Shan seemed to want to say something, but he whispered and left directly.

He was alone in an empty car in the previous season, and no one was allowed to get on it.

It is estimated that it was something that Ji Lin had done before, so that Captain Shan did not dare to force people into his car.

As Chu Zheng drove, Jiang Rushuang shrank behind. Ji Lin frowned and glanced at her, then turned to look at Chu Zheng who was wearing a seat belt, hummed, and touched a pack of snacks.

Ji Lin is probably a hamster attribute. He obviously didn't see how he moved, but the snacks disappeared unconsciously.

Chuzheng can only replenish snacks at any time so that he can get them easily.


The light of dawn leaped across the horizon, rendering the gray sky into a dazzling orange red.

The temperature rose gradually, and they saw the caravan parked not far away.

When Ji Lincong saw the motorcade, his whole body fell silent, and he stared at it intently.

Chuzheng looked over there. At this time, everyone should be up. With so many people, the team should be lively...

But the convoy over there was dead.

Chu Zheng stopped the car abruptly, Jiang Rushuang was awakened by the sound of the brakes, and she sat up: "What happened to Xiaochu?"

When Chuzheng stopped, the car of Captain Mountain in front also stopped. Someone looked towards the convoy with a telescope.

The convoy stretched on the road was empty.

problem occurs.

It’s quite far from the county seat, and there is an accident in the motorcade, which is not heard in the county seat.

The mountain team sent people to look at it first and made sure that the entire convoy was empty, no living people, and no zombies, but there were fresh blood stains on the ground.

The cars were also a little messy, some were even in the middle. Obviously they wanted to drive away, but didn't want to fail to get out.

Chuzheng remembered that when Captain Shan was leaving, the convoy parked well and the roads beside them were all set aside...

But now, there are some cars parked on the side left.

Chuzheng remembered that these cars were not in the team.

It may be that after they left, they caught up with their convoy and blocked the road.

Then I met a zombie...

Chuzheng stepped on the blood all over the ground and looked at the convoy calmly.

She glanced at the car she was in before. The car was empty and the couple was nowhere to be seen.

Chuzheng was about to look away, and suddenly saw a travel bag in the back seat of the car. The travel bag seemed to move just now...

Chu Zheng: "..."

Chuzheng looked around, walked over, and pulled away the travel bag.

The thin baby was lying in the travel bag, looking at her silently with his big eyes open.

The baby's parents, for some reason, kept him here.

Maybe at the time, they knew they could not run away...

"Xiaochu, Xiaochu..."

Chuzheng pulled up the travel bag.

Don't let the Virgin see it, or it's all over! She didn't want to bring a Virgin but also a child!

Chuzheng stood up calmly and blocked the car.

"Little Chu, what are you looking at?"

"It's nothing."

If Chuzheng walked away casually, Jiang Rushuang didn't doubt it, and said a little uneasy: "Captain Shan said that the convoy should be attacked. A part of the car in front drove away. I don't know how many people will escape."


When Chu Zheng walked back, she looked up and saw Jilin sitting on the roof of the car.

The light of dawn fell on him, and the whole person seemed to melt in the light, making people unable to move their eyes.

Jiang Rushuang and Chu Zheng said a few words and went to the other side to help.

When Jiang Rushuang came back, she found Chuzheng standing by the road with a baby.

In that way, it felt that it was not a child, but a little wolf pup.

Jiang Rushuang was so scared that his soul was gone: "Xiaochu, isn't this the eldest sister's child? You found it somewhere. He can't breathe anymore, let go!"

Chu Zheng glanced at the baby who was about to cry with a wrinkled face, and threw it directly to Jiang Rushuang.

Jiang Rushuang caught it in a hurry and checked the baby's state: "Why did his parents leave him?"

Where did Xiaochu find it?

"How do I know that I am not his parents." Chu Zheng was not angry: "Give him to Captain Shan."

The survivor returned to Captain Mountain, nothing wrong!

Completely OK!

I'm such a clever ghost.

"... Xiaochu, isn't it okay? Captain Shan and they are all men, how can they take care of babies?"

"You can?"

"...No." Jiang Rushuang is weak, she is a girl who can take care of babies.