Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1222: Born Singer (14)

During the competition, Hua Huai wanted to repeat the same tricks, but it was a pity that Liu Daquan was bought by Chuzheng. As soon as Hua Huai gave an ‘order’, Liu Daquan turned around and sold him.

Hua Huai appeared second, and Chu Zheng walked around to watch the stage.

Hua Huai belongs to the singing and dancing genre. Hua Huai has worked hard in dancing, handsome and seductive in various poses.

If you don't listen to him singing from a professional point of view, you can actually watch it.

After all, that face is not white.

Chuzheng watched for a while, and when Hua Huai came to the end, her fingertips moved slightly, and only heard a thorn on the stage. Hua Huai's clothes seemed to be broken directly because of his excessive movements.

The top of the costume was light and loose. After this sound, the fabric of Hua Huai fell directly to the ground, exposing the upper body, Hua Huai's movements froze in place.

There was an uproar in the audience below.

The barrage also jumped like crazy.

[I X! Benefits? ]

[What kind of welfare, Hua Huai was so scared that he forgot the following actions, obviously an accident. ]

[This little brother is not very good! ]

[Half off, bad review! ]

[My grass! I saw it so amazing when I came in! ? Not afraid of being 404? ]

[He seems to have not finished singing...]

Hua Huai was stunned by the accident, and he didn't move a melody behind him. When he recovered, only the noise off the court was left.

Chuzheng took the silver thread back and left, hiding his merit and fame deeply.

Every day I work hard to be a good person!

This is what Hua Huai wants Liu Daquan to do, but his methods are much inferior, just destroying Shengyan and their costumes and affecting their performance.

She just gave him back what Hua Huai wanted to do.

Hua Huai was taken off the stage, and it happened that Sheng Yan and the others came on stage and passed Hua Huai.

Hua Huai stared at Sheng Yan gloomily, but until the end of the performance, Sheng Yan and the others had no accident.

How could this be!

What does Liu Daquan do?

Why did they have nothing wrong, but something happened to themselves?

Hua Huai went to call Liu Daquan where there was no one, but he was told that the other party was not in the service area.

He looked around the entire backstage, but did not find Liu Daquan.

Asked the other staff, they all said they didn't see it.

Liu Daquan disappeared at this time, Hua Huai still didn't understand what was going on... He went to the Shengyan Lounge in a rage, and he calmed down when he reached the door.

Hua Huai stood there for nearly a minute, and finally turned and left.


At the end of the first round, when the ranking came out, the barrage instantly exploded.

[No, just Hua Huai's performance just now can also get such a high score? ]

[I don't think Hua Huai sings very well... Is it my illusion? And in the end he hasn't finished singing, this is a bit outrageous! ]

[Shady! ]

[How could the score of fireworks be so low! ! ]

[What's going on with the voting now, have all been bought? ! ]

In the first round of rankings, Hua Huai did not sing the entire song completely, but ranked second, and the firework combination was ranked last.

The performance of the fireworks group just now is obvious to all, the performance is stable, the songs are also well selected, and they are still original songs.

You should never get this score.

Officially, this is blatantly engaging in shady.

The first place, everyone seemed to be worthy of his name, and basically didn't bring him rhythm, Hua Huai was the worst.

You can get such a high score if the performance is broken.

In the background, Sheng Yan's atmosphere was a bit silent, but at this time the camera was facing, and they did not show much emotion.

[Hanyan is really miserable, he sings so well, and he gets such a low score. ]

[Request the official to give an explanation! ]

[This result is not convincing at all. ]

[The shady is too obvious! ! ]

There was a lot of curses on the barrage, and some people even went to the official blog to curse.

It didn't take long for the hot search to be on.





The Voice of Heaven is not a hot show, it is only spread in a small area, but this time it accounts for so many hot searches at once, and the crowd ends in minutes.

The live broadcast is still going on, and there will be another round, but at this time the screen is almost flooded by barrage, and people are still visible.



"What's the matter with voting?"

The man who was on the phone stared at the girl who broke in suddenly, and then hung up: "Miss Meng, the audience and the judges are voting..."

Chuzheng stared at the man, and said coldly, "That number of votes, are you deceiving ghosts?"

Can Sheng Yan be the last one?

Chuzheng really doesn't care about ranking, but she won't bear it if someone makes a ghost behind her back.

"How the audience vote, we can't control it... It's not that there is still discussion about online voting, Miss Meng, I believe you can combine it."

The man said nothing.

"The number of votes is wrong. I ask the public to vote."

"Miss Meng, this is not up to the rules."

"You tell me the rules?"

When you manipulate the shady scene, you didn't expect the word rule!

Do you want to point your face! !

The man disagrees with public voting.

When the two were deadlocked, the door was pushed open.

"Miss Meng, long time no see."

Shao Liang leaned against the door arrogantly, looking at her with a complicated and gloomy look, almost writing ‘I’m here to find the difference’ on his face.

"Shao Liang." The man called, respectfully.

"It is you."

Chuzheng connected the whole thing all at once.

With Hua Huai's ability, how could he control such a big shady.

But this rich second generation named Liang can.

"Miss Meng, I missed you the last time I missed you so much, I don't know Miss Meng doesn't seem to miss me."

Chu Zheng's eyes were calm and his tone did not fluctuate: "Mr. Liang loves girls' bathrooms so much?"


Shao Liang's expression sank, entered the room, and closed the door smoothly.

"Meng Chuzheng, don't be shameless."

"Do you have a face?" Chu Zhengtong went back: "I thought Mr. Liang had no face."

"Meng Chuzheng!" Liang Shao was irritated for an instant, but he calmed down in the next second, with a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth: "Miss Meng, you are in the mood to talk back to me. Why don't you think about what you should do next? It’s a pity that it’s easy to get here and be brushed down like this."

Chu Zheng was silent.

Liang Shao looked magnanimous: "I don't hold grudges, as long as Miss Meng can promise me one condition, I won't intervene in this matter."

Chuzheng took out the phone, tapped it, and said, "I hold a grudge."

Shao Liang didn't stop her from calling, and said braggingly: "It's useless to call anyone. I invested in this show."

Chuzheng dialed a number without expression. After the beep sounded, she raised her head slightly: "It's a coincidence, I also invested."

Liang Shao: "???"

When the phone was connected, Liang Shao's familiar voice rang: "Miss Meng..."

"Pang Kai, you come to the backstage." Chu Zheng called his name directly.