Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1267: River God is on (25)

Xuanying's mood is complicated.

He became what he is now, and it was done by the people of the God Realm, so he has been thinking of a way to return to the God Realm and ask those people why he treated himself this way.

But now suddenly told him that the God Realm might have long ceased to exist.

Then what is the point of looking for the Temple of Tongtian for these years and wanting to go back to the God Realm?

Suddenly he became a joke.

Chuzheng photographed the back of Xuanying's hand: "No matter what, I am here."

Xuanying was taken aback for a while.

Those emotions surging in the bottom of my heart calmed down in all this.


Two months ago, Hanjiang City was flooded by floods without warning.

But the flood quickly receded.

Not only did the water recede, but even the girls they used as "sacrifices" in these years returned to Hanjiang City.

River God appeared with these girls and said that he wanted these girls only because the underwater was too lonely and wanted to be a little lively.

The girls obviously agreed with the words of the river god.

Not only do they live happily underwater, but they also live forever.

The girl who has been missing for more than ten years will come back as she was more than ten years ago.

The girl who thought she had died a long time ago came back suddenly, and the people of Hanjiang City were happy and afraid.

In order to alleviate the atmosphere, the river **** took the initiative to repair the houses that had been washed down by the flood and get rid of the messy monsters.

The people are still afraid of the river god, but there is more respect in their fear.

In order to relieve the people's fear, the river **** did a lot of good things in just two months to convince the people and admire him.

Now in Hanjiang City, who wouldn't say that a river **** is good.

And Yu Lian is now the celebrity next to River God, and when the River God does not show up, Yu Lian will act as his sole agent.

Together with Yu Mansion, things have gone up.

Chuzheng first set up Xuanying, and while wandering outside Hanjiang City, he met Langsha who was also wandering.

Lang Sha looked a little embarrassed, just like a beggar... No, he was just a beggar. He could apply for a beggar's job with only a broken bowl and a stick.

"Chu... Girl Chuzheng!"

Lang Sha looked at her in surprise and ran over.

"It's really you... the last time... the last time I ran to the river, you were gone. It's great that you are fine."

Chuzheng said ‘um’, neither salty nor indifferent.

Lang Sha had a very miserable two months. Hanjiang City was occupied by the River God. He wanted the people not to be deceived by him, but the people not only didn't believe it, they even made a small report with the River God.

Had he not run fast, he would have been fed fish now.

"This loach was in the river before, so how come you suddenly run into the city to dominate?" Is the river not enough for him to toss and start to occupy the land?

When the loach is ashore, can it still be a good loach?

"I don't know, but I don't think it's a good thing." Lang Sha said: "And the women who came back, I always feel a little weird."

As for the weirdness, Lang Sha couldn't tell.

Every time he enters the city, no matter how he dresses up, he will soon be discovered.

Now he has fallen to pretending to be a beggar.

It wasn't just as soon as I was about to go in, I met Chuzheng.

Chuzheng decided to go into the city and have a look. Lang Sha asked her how to get in, but Chuzheng was inexplicable: "Go in, I can't fly."

Lang Sha: "???"

Are you sure?

Chu Zheng was very sure, she just swaggered into the city, Lang Sha did not dare to follow her and stayed outside the city.

The people of Hanjiang City were very impressed with Chuzheng, even if they hadn't seen her for two months, they would recognize her at a glance.

"She...she's back?!"

"Go and report to Lord River God!"

"Go fast."

The people avoided her like a snake and scorpion. Chuzheng approached a shop blindly and bought a bunch of things while the owner was shaking.

Owner: "..."

I don't want to sell, but she is buying!

Chuzheng searched all the way, the people were really scared, but they didn't dare not sell...

The people are still a little confused when the real money is in hand.

What did she come back for?

Send money?

After Chu Zheng finished sweeping the street, he slowly returned to the drug store where she had lived.

The houses in Hanjiang City were all repaired by the river god, including her medicine shop that was smashed into pieces.

But at this time the door of the medicine shop was open, and there was a vague voice from inside.

Chuzheng exited to look at the gate, yes, it was here...

Does anyone open a shop for me?

Who is such a devil!

Chu Zheng opened the curtain and went in. There were many patients inside, as well as doctors and medicine boys who were grabbing medicine.

Chu Zheng entered the door, and the noisy medicine shop instantly calmed down.

"Who are you?" Chu Zheng stared at them coldly.

The patient who saw the doctor started to tremble involuntarily.

They all know Chuzheng's ‘notorious’, and some have seen it.

"She... why did she come back?"

"Didn't the river **** catch her everywhere?"

"Yes, she dare to come back."

"What are you afraid of, we now have the river **** backed up."

The people are whispering, saying that they are not afraid, but their bodies are clearly afraid.

At this moment, someone came out of the backyard of the drugstore. When he saw Chu Zheng, he suddenly became vigilant: "Chu Zheng, why are you here!"

There is this person in the memory of the original owner, Yu Lian's personal servant girl.

Chu Zheng encircled his chest: "This is my drugstore. Why do you think I am here."

The maid bit her lower lip and struck her neck: "What your shop, this medicine shop is now used by the Yu Mansion to treat the people for free."

Chu Zheng's brows and eyes were cold, and his tone seemed to hide ice scum: "The Yu Mansion is so powerful."

The robbery is so justified!

There is a river **** who can support it!

Seeing that Chuzheng didn't speak, the maid looked at so many people in the shop, somehow she was a lot more courageous: "Chuzheng, you white-eyed wolf, you are so ungrateful that Yu Mansion has raised you for so many years, now you dare to find fault, He Lord God will not spare you lightly!"

"Let him come." Chu Zheng squeezed his wrist: "But, now I invite you to go out."

Chuzheng didn't give the maid a chance to talk nonsense at all, so he swept these people out.

damn thing!

The grabbing grabbed my head.


It was not River God who came first, but Yu Lian.

Yu Lian wore a water-red skirt, walking swayingly, and the golden hairpin clinked and writhed.

The palm-sized face has red lips, white teeth, and beautiful eyebrows, which is much more beautiful than before.

The temperament is as gorgeous, and between his gestures, he is really a bit more immortal.

Yu Lian walked directly into the drug store, slightly raised her chin, swept the drug store around, and then focused on the person leaning on the counter.

"Do you dare to come back." Yu Lian sighed softly, "You're so brave."

"It's fine." Chu Zheng didn't even look at her.

Yu Lian frowned, a ray of hostility flashed under her eyes: "You didn't expect, I'm not dead!"

She was really desperate at the time, but she did not expect that not only did she not die, she became beautiful.

Now Hanjiang City, when she hears her name, who doesn't respect her?

Chuzheng said, "Oh," "Then you have to thank me."