Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1293: True and false daughter (11)

As the teacher in charge of the class, Mr. Guo did not educate her, but it was useless.

Some time ago, Mr. Guo, as the head teacher, knew everything about Du Xia. The Du family and his wife deliberately talked to him for a long time, which made him bother.

Now this matter...

Teacher Guo: "Du Xia, please tell me what is going on."

Du Xia: "I don't know. I didn't send this. How do I know what's going on."

Facing the sight of so many people, Du Xia's panic grew more like weeds, and she could only raise her own volume as a cover.

The dean of instruction said to Du Xia with earnest words: "Student Du Xia, it is illegal to slander others, do you know?"

Du Xia shook her heart, still bit her scalp and said: "I...I really don't know who sent it."

Du Xia did not shed tears without seeing the coffin, insisting that she did not send it by herself.

If Chuzheng really stole 200,000, Du Xia would probably admit it with confidence.

The key is that Chuzheng didn't take the two hundred thousand.

It was fabricated by her.

"Student Du Xia, can you show us your phone?"

In the face of the people from the relevant departments in uniforms, Du Xia was very weak, and lied a very unskilled lie: "I didn't bring..."

Not long after Du Xia finished speaking, the familiar cell phone ringtone exploded in her ears, and Du Xia was shocked and went to cover her back in a panic.

Chuzheng shook his phone in a friendly way: "You're welcome."

Du Xia: "..."

Du Xia gave Chuzheng a resentful look, touched the phone out, and handed it out slowly.

Tieba login is Du Xia, but the trumpet still has login records.

"Student Du Xia, is this number yours?"

Du Xia glanced at the phone, her expression was a bit alive.

She remembered...

She obviously deleted the trumpet.

Why is it still in the phone?

Did she remember wrong?

Is it not deleted?

In the past, this kind of deleted account suddenly appeared inexplicably.

Du Xia was so flustered that she turned her mind very quickly.

Between the sparks and flint, her eyes lit up and she had a plan.

"No, this is not mine. This is Qi Mei's. She used my mobile phone to log in."

Qi Mei is Du Xia's little attendant, and she throws the pot to her little attendant.

When the time comes, it is Qi Mei who listens to trouble, or is embarrassing for herself...

Du Xia thought about the follow-up.

She was not afraid that they would ask Qi Mei to ask, anyway, as long as Qi Mei came, she could just give Qi Mei a hint.

However, what Du Xia did not expect was that Qi Mei did not come to school today, so she could only call to ask.


Without face-to-face, Du Xia can't use her mobile phone, so where can she give Qi Mei hints, she will reveal her stuff when she asks.

The instructor's tone was serious: "Student Du Xia, please tell the truth."

Teacher Guo: "Wait a minute, this post says...200,000 yuan, should we figure this out first?"

"Just confirm this matter with Mr. Du and Mrs. Du."

Chuzheng is talking.

Teacher Guo looked at Chuzheng. This girl has been very calm since just now. Now when she mentions her parents who have raised herself for more than ten years, she also refers to Mr. Du and Mrs. Du politely and alienatedly...


The relevant department quickly confirmed with the Du family and his wife that there was nothing like this.

However, I also heard that something happened to my daughter, whom I had just admitted back. I hurried to school after putting down the phone.

Du Xia didn't have to run at the school, and the evidence in the phone was still there.

The Du's family denies the 200,000 incident, which proves that Du Xia is making up.

It was her who posted a post to slander Chu Zheng.

Du Xia clenched her fists, her nails stuck in her palms, but she didn't feel the pain.

There was only a burning anger in my heart.

Obviously she took her own things first.

What life has she had in the past ten years? What is her life!

The matter was clear, the dean of instruction asked the client: "Student Yan Chuzheng, how do you want to solve this matter?"

This matter is also very serious when you zoom in.

But it's not that serious if the big things are turned into small things.

It mainly depends on how Chuzheng wants to solve it.

Chuzheng said in a calm tone: "Delete the post and post a clarification post, but also clarify this matter in front of the entire school and apologize to me."

Du Xia's pupils shrank slightly, and she blurted out: "You asked me to apologize to you?"

Chuzheng blinked: "Otherwise we will go to the law? Don't worry, I can afford a lawyer."

Du Xia: "..."

"There is no need to apologize for the whole school." Teacher Guo thought of the Du family and said to help Du Xia: "It's fine to solve it in private, there is no need to make such a big mess."

Chu Zheng glanced at Teacher Guo coldly: "Mr. Guo, everyone in the school can see this post. Director, am I asking too much?"

Since everyone in the school saw it, then clarify and apologize in front of the school. What's the problem?

no problem!

Otherwise, some people say what if I steal 200,000 yuan!

"...Not too much." The dean of education said with a solemn face: "So slandering classmates and behaving badly, Du Xia remembered this time!"

Mr. Guo:"……"

Du Xia: "..."

"Deleted the post! Du Xia apologized to Yan Chuzheng at the regular meeting next Monday." The dean finally made the final decision.

"Since you have discussed it well, then we will leave first."

The dean immediately got up and sent the two comrades out. When the two left, the dean turned around and walked back with his hands.

Teacher Guo tried to discuss: "Director, this matter..."

"Okay, that's it." The dean waved impatiently, indicating that they could leave.

Nowadays students are really getting more and more difficult to manage.

Now this kind of thing can be done, don't you give a lesson, then in the future, you can't slander others, murder and set fire? !

Chu Zheng quickly slipped.

"Yan Chuzheng, stop for me."



Chu Zheng returned to the classroom in a moody mood, He Shan immediately rushed over: "Xiao Chu, are you okay?"

People from the school who came to the relevant departments have spread it.

They all said that they came for the post, and Chu Zheng was going to be caught.

He Shan was frightened. Seeing Chuzheng came back intact, his whole body was loose.

Chuzheng sat back in her position, looking around her, all eyes pricked up, wanting to hear first-hand gossip.

The main face of the gossip is cold and indifferent: "It's okay."

"Is it okay?"

"What do you think is wrong with me?"

He Shan: "..."

He Shan scratched her head and wanted to know what happened.

But Chuzheng puts on a high cold posture that no one will bother me. He Shan hasn't asked her a few times. She always feels that the lady at the table is a bit scary.

It must be because of the change of status...

When He Shan thought of this, he couldn't help showing sympathy.

If one day she was suddenly told that she was not the child of her parents, she would definitely not be able to accept it.

Care about Xiaochu from now on!

Chu Zheng, who was writing the word'review' on the paper, noticed that He Shan's eyes were not right, and she turned her eyes slightly: "Why are you looking at me like this?"